10 stages of Genocide Template -Examples

Name: Somontha Prum
World History Honors
Block: 7
Date: 2/10/14
Template: Ten Stages of Genocide
Explanation in your Own Example from the Holocaust
How it can be
Cultural distinction to create
“Us and Them” differences
based on such things as
ethnicity, race, and religion. It
may create opinions that some
are better than others.
To promote common
grounds amongst all
members of a group such
as common language.
Search for Ways that
people are similar to
avoid genocide
April 11, 1933- Nazi issue a Decree defining a nonAryan as “anyone descended from non-Aryan,
especially Jewish, parents or grandparents. One parent
or grandparent classifies the descendant as nonAryan…especially if one parent or grandparent was of
the Jewish faith.”
November 8, 1937- ‘Eternal Jew’ travelling exhibition
opens in Munich.
Give name or symbols to the
identified group of people. They
do not necessarily lead to
genocide unless there is
November 23, 1939- Yellow stars required to be worn
To establish that symbols
by Polish Jews over age 10.
and names do not equal
people, a group of people
September 1, 1941- German Jews ordered to wear
should not be held by a
yellow stars.
stereotype. To look for
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h- ways that people are
different from one another
and recognization of this to
June 1, 1941- Jews in France, Holland, Belgium,
prevent a genocide.
Croatia, Slovakia, and Romania ordered to wear yellow
The dominant group uses laws,
customs, and political power to
not only exclude a classified
group(s) but to deny them their
basic rights. It is based on
nationality, ethnicity, race or
The dominant group denies the
humanity of the other group
(sees them as less than human,
or subhumans).
The organization of militias (be
it formal or informal) to make
plans for genocidal killings.
The groups are driven apart to
opposite ends (by extremists).
July 25, 1938- Jewish doctors prohibited by law from
practicing medicine.
November 9/10- Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken
Hate propaganada in print and on hate radios as well
as a lack of constitutional protection.
January 30, 1939- Hitler threatens Jews during
Reichstag speech.
February 10, 1936- The German Gestapo is placed
about the law.
In March- SS Deathshead division is established to
guard concentration camps.
Discrimination should be
outlawed and any sort of
hate crimes or atrocities
targeted against a group of
people should be properly
punished to prevent the
classified group of people
to face more
Any sort of hate crimes
should be punished to
establish that it is not
Arms embargoes should be
imposed on the
governements and citizens
of countries where there is
genocidal massacres and
commisions should be
created to investigate
these issues to prevent
another genocide from
September 15, 1935- Nuremberg Race Laws against
Human rights groups in
Jews decreed.
areas where there is
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h- genocide should be
assisted and assets of the
extremists should be
seized and their
The final solution against the
group deemed inferior would be
to kill them off in an “ethnic
In January of 1941- Quote from Nazi newspaper, Der
Stürmer, published by Julius Streicher – “Now
judgment has begun and it will reach its conclusion
only when knowledge of the Jews has been erased
from the earth.”
international travel visas
should be denied.
To prevent this, there
should be prosecution of
any extremists that are
inciting people to commit
Summer of 1941- Summer - Himmler summons
Auschwitz Kommandant Höss to Berlin and tells him,
"The Führer has ordered the Final Solution of the
Jewish question. We, the SS, have to carry out this
order...I have therefore chosen Auschwitz for this
September 17, 1941- Beginning of general deportation
of German Jews.
The group of victims deemed
To prevent this, the U.N.
subhuman will be separated
Security Council should be
because of their identity and the
getting involved to
death lists are made to soon
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h- intervene and assist the
exterminate these people.
victims. There should be
humanitarian assistance
organized and sent to take
in the refugees.
Mass killing begins because they December 8, 1941 - In occupied Poland, near Lodz,
Provide troops to
don’t believe the victims to be
Chelmno extermination camp becomes operational.
intervene directly and
Jews taken there are placed in mobile gas vans and
provide airlifts, equipment,
driven to a burial place while carbon monoxide from
and financial means to
the engine exhaust is fed into the sealed rear
help the victim group.
compartment, killing them. The first gassing victims
include 5,000 Gypsies who had been deported from
the Reich to Lodz.
The perpetrators will create
In January - Mass killings of Jews using Zyklon-B begin
There should be the
mass graves, burn bodies, and
cover up any evidence and
intimidate the witnesses into
staying quiet.
at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Bunker I (the red farmhouse)
in Birkenau with the bodies being buried in mass
graves in a nearby meadow.
intervention of stronger
nations to persecute and
arrest the people
responsible, bringing them
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h- to justice.
Use this website to help you with examples http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/timeline.html