Intensification of maize-legume based systems in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania to increase farm productivity and improve farming natural resource base Kimaro, A, Swai, E., Ganga Rao, NVRP and Okori, P Project Site Kiteto district is found in the Manyara region with an estimated population of 152,757 Kongwa District is found in Dodoma Region. We are working in Mlali ward with a population of about 28,000 people Partners • Extension Government department Frontline development agencies • Nafaka (production and productivity) • Tuboreshe Chakula (nutrition outcomes) CGs-ICRISAT, ICRAF, IITA, NARS-ARI Hombolo, Naliendele, Salien PRC & SUA • Develop and or validate technologies Context of the Interventions Challenges to increased production/productivity 1. Fragile farming environments • Erosion prone farms • Degraded land scapes • Low soils fertility 2. Degradative farming (crop/livestock) pracices • Overgrazing • Limited integration 3. Low production potential varieties grown 4. Local demand for legumes (consumption) is low Context of the Interventions The Opportunities 1. Access to markets (Kibaigwa) local and outside of the region 2. Under good management potential for high production 3. Livestock is available (poultry, livestock) for food and manure 4. Contribute to nutrition and crop productivity outcomes (leaverage other FTF programes TUBoreshe Chakula, NaFaka) 5. Management and yield enhancing technlogies exist PM Mizengo Pinda Africa RISING Principles 1. Research designed to test hypotheses that are linked to outputs and developmental outcomes identified by the Africa RISING programme. 2. Problem-focused and demand driven research activities influenced by market demand, evolving policy environments, and changing social structures the needs of farmers. Ensuring that research outputs are targeted effectively to development needs and are feasible for target farm households to implement. Implemented at several levels with – Core research outputs that are likely to be common across the programme; – Diverse research activities as guided by the individual projects; – Flexible methods and tools to fit individual research activities and the context. Scaling will be at a pilot level and beyond through the development of investment plans with development agencies. 3. 4. 5. Problem identification and targeting Participatory technology evaluation Adaptation Scaling up and or out. Project Theory of Change Outputs and activities Outcomes Outcome 1 Increased crop yields in maize-legume farming systems by up to 100% for cereals and 80% for legumes. Outcome 2 Improved land productivity in robust agro-ecologies and productive farming and crop systems Preconditions amongst in action site Opportunities for improved access to seed and innovations support intensification Farmer organisations are functional & supportive of the project Existing land tenure systems allows for farm to landscape level interventions Government policy is supportive of investments in agriculture Sphere of interest Africa Rising outcomes Sphere of influence Smallholder farm households especially women and children move out of poverty, food and nutritional insecurity while maintaining and/or improving ecosystem stability Project outputs Output 1 Introduce, & evaluate improved varieties of maize and grain legumes Output 2 Deploy ISFT to improve plant nutrition, yields and agro-ecosystem resilience Output 3 Validate & promote land management options for sustainable intensification Output 4 Post-harvest processing utilization and food safety improved nutrition outcomes Preconditions among project partners Novel & multidisciplinary approaches used to improve agricultural innovation Strengthened M&E and learning in place for team High quality staff motivated to work for project success Team operations is at optimum and well supported Sphere of influence Impacts ICRISAT Impact The Partners Including policy institutions, infrastructure, human and natural resources Agriculture development environment NARES, IARCs and institutions Ultimate beneficiaries, the farmers Farmers and their organizations R&D stakeholders, and their communities including NGOs Intensification Model 1. High yielding and nutrient rich crop varieties Increased productivity 2. ISFM land & water management 3. Improved crop management Improved agricultural productivity and nutrition outcomes Experimental approach • • • RO1 to inform investment options (Alt: Experiment with options to underpin scaling up and out). Increased productivity (new varieties- at scale), land use for livestock and poultry Increase land productivity (nutrient use, decrease degradation) Address house nutrition and food security Scaling up and out Increasing resilience and productivity • Scaling-up Validation Experimenta tion Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Summary of Progress • Benchmarking: – Identifying options for piloting and up-scaling into our intensification model are being done. • New varieties, • Seed systems for up-and out-scaling • Investigations into production environments • Strategic partnership: • All direct implementers (contracted partners), and associate partners (critical partners non contractual partners) as well as community leadership are on board. WP 1: On-farm evaluation of improved legume & cereals varieties Work Package Deliverables WP 1 1. Adaptability of new materials • Yield performance & PVS 2. Technology dissemination • Community based seed production systems • Groundnuts QDS • Pigeon Pea QDS • Maize –especially QPM (OPV & Hybrids) • Knowledge dissemination • Testing and using most appropriate media 3. Integrating cereals and legumes in production systems • Evaluating suitability for intercrop, cover crop Intercrop Kogwa & PVS at Moleti Kiteto WP 2: Integrated soil fertility management Work Package Deliverables WP 2 • Major limiting soil nutrients for crop production identified • Improved in-organic fertilizer usage by farmers • Strategies for use of intercropping to improve soils fertility and yield of introduced varieties developed • Cost benefits analysis for various soil nutrient replenishment WP 3: Land and water management (soil and water conservation) Work Package Deliverables WP 3 • Best bet soil water conservation and erosion control technologies validated for up-scaling. • Strategies to improve soils and water management developed. • Cost benefits for soils and water management done Farmers examine a maize crop produced under improved managed WP 4: Post harvest processing, utilization and nutrition and safety Work Packag e WP 4 Deliverables Effect of technologies on aflatoxin contamination levels in ground nuts (ppb) • Competitiveness of Pigeon pea as alternative protein crop studied. • Aflatoxin on maize Groundnuts, Pigeon pea, Bean bambara nuts & sorghum studied. • Awareness raising among partner on aflatoxin • Profile value chain for contamination points 65 57 5 5 5 69 WP 4: Post harvest processing, utilization and nutrition and safety Work Package Issues for improvement WP 4 Activities year 2 1. Develop diagnostic platform at ARI Hombolo for the target area. (working with Selian RI) 2. Build capacity of ARI Hombolo and Selian to ID aflatoxins 3. Promotional activities for diagnostic platforms 4. Validate efficiency of techniques together with TFDA WP 5: Crop-livestock & poultry integration for productivity enhancement Work Package Issues for improvement WP 5 Activities year 1 1. R&D to support adequate supply of quality feeds • Characterize existing species (Year 1) • Propagation studies for best bet species (Year 2&3) • Studies on management option for semi arid areas (Year 3) 1. R&D to support improvement in management of stock and minimize land degradation WP 5: Crop-livestock & poultry integration for productivity enhancement Work Package Issues for improvement WP 5 Activities year 1 2. R&D to support improvement in management of stock and minimize land degradation • Characterize current management systems & links to degradation & feeds supply • Determine suitable livestock management systems for land degradation • Links to WP 2 and 3 • Carrying capacity of land • Build capacity to manage best bet tech for poultry • Recycling poultry to fertility WP 6: Characterization of sites Work Package Issues for improvement WP 6 Activities year 1 1. Baseline report highlight soil conditions and major constraints to SI in targeted areas 1. Initial site condition of field sites targeted for on-farm trials evaluated and documented for M&E and impacts assessments Lessons learnt • R4D innovation platform: – Convergence & complementarity: Complement of partners is fluid. Convergence of thrusts takes time and largely influence by extraneous factors – Benchmanks are critical: R&D investment typologies are needed to implementation. (Helps to isolate Research from development issues) – Partnerships. Intensification involves complex institutional and operational relationships. Limited understanding of what works and does not is critical for scaling up and design of appropriate interventions. – Champions for change: Champions at community level are essential. This may compound design of evaluations because such people are usually targeted by others Thank you! ICRISAT is a member of the CGIAR Consortium