Statement on Avian Influenza - United Nations System of



Standing Committee on Nutrition

Working Group on Household Food Security

Statement on Avian Influenza

The Working Group on Household Food Security recognizes the specter of Avian Influenza (AI) pandemic has captured the international agenda. However, the potential direct and indirect impacts of AI on livelihoods, food security, nutrition and thus health and survival has received scant attention. Already reports of AI outbreaks in domestic poultry held by smallholders in developing countries suggest direct impacts on dietary diversity and incomes.

Given the significant contribution of poultry to the diets and livelihoods of the vulnerable, especially women and children, the group recommends that the SCN encourage the relevant UN and partner agencies to commit resources to the following urgent actions:

1. Determine the food security/livelihood/nutrition impacts of AI among small holders in developing countries using existing household level data and reports as well as the potential impact of government and UN programs of containment and response.

2. Monitor and support interagency and intersectoral efforts to monitor at the program level the control mitigation efforts in response to poultry to poultry transmission especially among smallholders.

3. Actively engage the food security and livelihood communities in designing strategies including advocacy to mitigate the impact on diet, household food security and nutritional status of

AI including but not limited to: complimentary or alternative income earning strategies, access to credit for restocking, locally-sensitive culling and human health responses, safe food handling including the disposal and consumption of dead animals, appropriate dietary modification including behavior change approaches, animal husbandry and targeted safety nets.

SCN 33




March 2006
