Science Fiction Flowers for Algernon

Science Fiction
Flowers for Algernon
Drill 1 11/7
• Homework: Final paper due 11/12
• Objective: Students will with some guidance and support
from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as
needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience
have been addressed.
• Category A
• Drill: Evaluate your goal for quarter 1. Did you accomplish
your goal? Develop an new goal for quarter 2. Use the pink
goal sheet from quarter 1.
• When finished take out your “Scarlet Ibis” draft and proof
read for conventions. Pay special attention to verb tense.
Drill 2 11/8
• Homework: Final paper due 11/12.
• Objective: Students will engage effectively in a range
of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on
grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
• Category B
• Drill: With your team develop a definition of science
fiction and of fantasy.
• Only one person needs to write this down.
• Leaders be prepared to share.
Drill 3 11/9
• Homework: Final paper due 11/12
• Objective: Students will cite the textual
evidence that most strongly supports an
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill: Review the definitions of fantasy and
science fiction from yesterday.
Drill 4
• Homework: What is intelligence BCR due 11/13
• Objective: Students will analyze in detail the
structure of a specific paragraph in a text,
including the role of particular sentences in
developing and refining a key concept in order to
determine main idea.
• Drill: Take out your final draft. Make sure the
two compound sentences are underlined.
• Complete the first question on the reflection
• Staple it all together with the rubric on top.
Drill 5 11/13
• Take out the What is intelligence? BCR.
• Homework: Parent signature and book for project due
11/16. Media center visit on Thursday 11/15.
• Study vocabulary
• Objective: Students will pose questions that connect
the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’
questions and comments with relevant evidence,
observations, and ideas in order to understand the
Drill: Highlight all verbs in your BCR. Revise all verbs for
present tense. Underline your answer.
Drill 5 11/14
• Homework: Parent Signature and book 11/16
• Objective: Students will cite the textual
evidence that most strongly supports an
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill: Read the passage about Howard
Gardner. With your table decide what the
main idea of the article is and identify three
supporting details.
Drill 6 11/15
• Homework: Parent Signature and novel 11/16.
• Main idea Quiz 11/19-20
• Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence
that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text.
• Drill: Prepare to go to the media center. After
you check out a project book (science fiction or
fantasy) or tell me what book you actually have
you will be allowed to preview the book fair.
Drill 7 11/16
• Homework: Read project book
• Main Idea Quiz 11/19 or 20
• Objective: Students will analyze how particular lines of
dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the
action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a
• Category A
• Drill: Describe Charlie. Use characterization
techniques. What does he say? Think? Do? What do
others say and think about him?
• (Three to four sentences.)
Drill 11/26
• Homework: Note cards for reading project due
Tuesday 11/27
• Objective: Students will reflect on their writing in
order to. produce clear and coherent writing in
which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
• Drill: Who is the main character of your project
book and what is the conflict he or she faces?
Drill 11/27
• Take out your note cards. Make sure your
name is on the back of all three cards.
Homework: Outline due 12/3. Read
• Objective: Students will cite the textual
evidence that most strongly supports an
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill With your table create a list of steps
needed when making an inference.
Drill 11/28
• Homework: Outline due 12/3 Inference/ Quiz
• Objective: Students will cite the textual
evidence that most strongly supports an
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.
• Category A
• Drill: Read the progress report for April 28, on
page 233.
Drill 11/29
• Homework: Outline due 12/3 Inference/ Quiz
• Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence
that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text.
• Category A
• Drill: Complete the identifying inferences
• This will be collected.
Drill 11/30
• Homework: Outline due 12/3 Inference/ Quiz
• Objective: Students will cite the textual
evidence that most strongly supports an
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill: Take out your book, note cards, and
thumb drive.
Drill 12/3
• Take out the outline.
• Homework: Paper draft due 12/10
Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every
Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to
make inferences based on prior knowledge and
the text.
Drill: Review for the inference quiz.
We are going to the media center for book check
Drill 12/4
• Homework: Paper draft due 12/10
Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes
every night.
• Objective: Students will determine a theme of
a text and analyze its relationship to the
characters, setting, and plot in order to
provide an objective summary of the text.
• Drill: Reread Progress Report 11 pages
• Focus on the dinner incident.
Drill 12/4 Period 6
• Homework: Paper draft due 12/10
Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes
every night.
• Objective: Students will determine a theme of
a text and analyze its relationship to the
characters, setting, and plot in order to
provide an objective summary of the text.
• Drill: Take out your questions and make sure
all answers are complete through number. If
finished with that pick up reading where you
left off.
Drill 12/5
• Homework: Paper draft due 12/10
Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes
every night.
• Objective: Students will determine a theme of
a text and analyze its relationship to the
characters, setting, and plot in order to
provide an objective summary of the text.
• Drill: Take out your questions and make sure
all answers are complete through number. If
finished with that pick up reading where you
left off.
Drill 12/6
• Homework: Paper draft due 12/10
Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes every
• Objective: Students will determine a theme of a
text and analyze its relationship to the
characters, setting, and plot in order to provide
an objective summary of the text.
• Drill: Pick two vocabulary words and use them in
a sentence.
• Make the four column study guide when finished.
Drill 12/7
• Homework: Paper draft due 12/10
Vocabulary Quiz on 12/7 Study a few minutes
every night.
• Objective: Students will determine a theme of
a text and analyze its relationship to the
characters, setting, and plot in order to
provide an objective summary of the text.
• Drill: Review for the vocabulary quiz.
• Make the four column study guide or quiz
each other.
Drill 12/10
• Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18
“Flowers for Algernon” Final 12/13
• Objective: Students will cite evidence from the
text that most strongly supports an analysis of
inferences drawn from the text in order to
determine tone.
• Drill: What is the emotion the speaker is
• “Fine, I’ll take out the trash.”
Drill 12/11
• Homework: Papers and Presentations due
• “flowers for Algernon” Final 12/13
• Objective: Students will analyze word choice
in order to write narratives about an imagined
experience using effective techniques to
establish tone.
• Drill: As a group decide on how a speaker
would say the word on your card.
• “Okay?”
• “Okay!”
• “Okay.”
Drill 12/12
• Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18
• “Flowers for Algernon” final test 12/13
• Objective: Students will acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general words in order to further
analyze the literature.
• Drill: Write the following words down in your planner.
Invention Pre-Write
• You will have 5 minutes to respond to the
following statement. You may start by creating a
list of possible advances either medical or
technical. Please conclude by writing sentences
to describe what life might be like in 2075.
• In 2075, humans will…
• Think about how technology has changed
society. Think about medical advances. What are
the implications of possible new inventions?
Drill 12/13
• Homework: : Papers and Presentations due 12/18
• Objective: Objective: Students will acquire and
use accurately grade-appropriate general words
in order to further analyze the literature.
• Drill: Review the following terms for the quiz.
Drill 12/14
• Homework: Papers and presentations due 12/18
• Objective: Students will write narratives to
develop real or imagined experiences using
relevant descriptive details in order to engage the
reader by establishing a context and point of
• Drill: Create a Venn diagram for Charlie and
• What do they have in common? What are their
Drill 12/10
• Take out your essay drafts.
• Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18
“Flowers for Algernon” Final 12/13
• Objective: Students will cite evidence from the
text that most strongly supports an analysis of
inferences drawn from the text in order to
determine tone.
• Drill: What is the emotion the speaker is
• “Fine, I’ll take out the trash.”
Drill 12/11
• Homework: Papers and Presentations due
• “flowers for Algernon” Final 12/13
• Objective: Students will analyze word choice
in order to write narratives about an imagined
experience using effective techniques to
establish tone.
• Drill: As a group decide on how a speaker
would say the word on your card.
• “Okay?”
• “Okay!”
• “Okay.”
Drill 12/12
• Homework: Papers and Presentations due 12/18
• “Flowers for Algernon” final test 12/13
• Objective: Students will acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general words in order to further
analyze the literature.
• Drill: Write the following words down in your planner.
Invention Pre-Write
• You will have 5 minutes to respond to the
following statement. You may start by creating a
list of possible advances either medical or
technical. Please conclude by writing sentences
to describe what life might be like in 2075.
• In 2075, humans will…
• Think about how technology has changed
society. Think about medical advances. What are
the implications of possible new inventions?
Drill 12/13
• Homework: : Papers and Presentations due 12/18
• Objective: Objective: Students will acquire and
use accurately grade-appropriate general words
in order to further analyze the literature.
• Drill: Review the following terms for the quiz.
Drill 12/14
• Homework: Papers and presentations due
• Objective: Students will write narratives to
develop real or imagined experiences using
relevant descriptive details in order to engage
the reader by establishing a context and point
of view.
• Drill: Create a Venn diagram for Charlie and
• What do they have in common? What are
Drill 12/18
• Take out your paper and all parts of the paper.
• Homework: Finish Presentations
• Objective: Students will present findings,
emphasizing important points in a coherent
manner use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
• Drill: Complete question one on the reflection
Paper turn in directions
• Please staple your paper together in the
following order.
– Rubric
– Final
– Draft
– Organizer/Outline
– Note Cards
– Reflection Sheet.
• Please make sure your name is on the rubric.
Drill 12/19
• Homework: Turn in any late or missing work.
No late work will be accepted after the holiday
• Objective: Students will present findings,
emphasizing important points in a coherent
manner use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
• Drill: If you are presenting today take out your
note cards and visual aid. Practice your
• If you have already presented please clear
Drill 12/20
• Homework: Turn in any late or missing work.
No late work will be accepted after the holiday
• Objective: Students will analyze the extent to
which a filmed production of a story is faithful
to or departs from the text in order to
evaluate the choices made by the director or
• Drill: Generally speaking do you find written or
filmed versions of stories more interesting?
Drill 12/21
• Homework: Read something interesting over
the break. Mrs. Demos is rereading The
• Objective: Students will analyze the extent to
which a filmed production of a story is faithful
to or departs from the text in order to
evaluate the choices made by the director or
• Drill: Name all of Santa’s reindeer.
• Write in a complete sentence. What comma
Santa’s reindeer are Dasher, Dancer,
Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner,
The rule is use commas when writing two
or more items in a list or series.
Happy Holidays from
Mrs. Demos and Ms McCordic
Drill 1/2/2013
• Homework: Complete Movie BCR if not
completed in class. Due ¼. Children’s book due
• Objective: Students will write routinely for
reflection of their writing in order to identify
strengths and weaknesses.
• Drill: What is the biggest difference between the
movie and short story, “Flowers for Algernon?”
Does the difference make a difference to you
concerning theme?
Drill 1/3/2013
Period 4
• Homework: Finish Movie BCR ¼. Complete
outline if not done in class. Due ¼. Children’s
book due 1/7.
• Drill: Students will draw evidence from literary
or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
• Drill: Read and highlight the Times article.
Identify the main idea and summarize the
Drill 1/3/2013
Period 5,6
• Homework: Finish Movie BCR ¼. Children’s
book due 1/7.
• Drill:Students will cite the textual evidence
that most strongly supports an analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill: Answer the four pre-reading questions in
the packet.
Drill 1/4/2013
Period 4
• Take out Movie BCR if not turned in already.
• Homework: Complete draft if not done in class.
Due 1/7. Children’s book due 1/7.
• Drill: Students will use technology to produce and
publish writing and present the relationships
between information and ideas efficiently as well
as to interact and collaborate with others.
• Drill: Sign on to a computer. Begin working on
the draft of your paper. Remember to format
your paper correctly.
Drill 1/4/2013
Period 5,6
• Take out Movie BCR.
• Homework: Children’s book due 1/7.
• Drill: Students will cite the textual evidence
that most strongly supports an analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill: Take out the “Harrison Bergeron”
packet. Make sure the pre-reading questions
and the vocabulary sections are complete.
Drill 1/7/2013
Period 4
• Homework: Complete final if not done in class.
Due 1/10.
• Drill: Students will use technology to produce and
publish writing and present the relationships
between information and ideas efficiently as well
as to interact and collaborate with others.
• Drill: Sign on to a computer. Begin working on
the final of your paper. Remember to format
your paper correctly.
Drill 1/7/2013
Period 5,6
Homework: Complete “Harrison Bergeron”
Packet if not done in class.
• Drill: Students will cite the textual evidence
that most strongly supports an analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
• Drill: Take out the “Harrison Bergeron”
packet. Either finish reading the story
independently or finish working on the packet.