Oct 11 unit 2 test review

either your independent SEM-R novel
or your Literature book
October 11 2011 - Unit 2 test review
Study for unit 2 test - check my wiki page if needed.
Bring in your copy of Touching Spirit Bear.
Lesson Essential Questions:
What concept(s) do I need to focus on during my review tonight?
Warm Up:
Take out your freedom haiku and symbol.
Go back through your notes, starting on September 21st.
Make a bulleted list of concepts that you will need to be
familiar with for tomorrow's unit 2 test.
Unit 2 test concepts
1. point of view
2. characterization
3. dialogue
4. dialect
5. tone
6. speaker
7. author's perspective
8. symbolism
September 21 - point of view
an author's choice of narrator (who tells the
1st person
3rd person
the narrator is a character in the story
uses I, me, my, we, us
does not know other character's thoughts
outside voice
uses names, he, she, they
can reveal multiple characters'
thoughts and feelings
September 22 - characterization
the techniques an author uses to reveal a character
1. physical description
2. what the character says, thinks and does (dialogue,
thoughts and actions)
3. other characters' reactions
4. direct comments from the narrator
September 29 and 30 - dialogue and dialect
dialogue - what a character says / conversation between
dialect - a way of speaking that is common in a particular region or
expressions / words / phrases
October 3 - tone
the writer's attitude toward his / her subject
October 4 - speaker
the "voice" in a poem that talks to the reader
a fictional character
the poet
October 10 - author's perspective
the combination of ideas, values, beliefs and feelings that
shapes the way an author looks at a topic.
direct statements by the author
words used by the author to describe
things, events, people, etc.
October 10 - symbol
a person, place or thing that stands for
something else
things the author mentions over and over
objects that seem to have great
importance to the author
Turn in your Literature
book to pg. 308
day you will be reading two
an excerpt from Phoenix Farm
an excerpt from Ruby Holler
Complete this review in your notes.
You will answer questions # 1-10 on pgs. 310-311.
To the left of each question, put the concept that the question
is asking you about.
Put your answer to the question in capital letters.
Put a justification of some sort explaining your answer choice
- pull text!
no justifications needed for questions 2 OR 5
Study for unit 2 test - check my wiki page if needed.
Bring in your copy of Touching Spirit Bear.