Purple Hibiscus Creative Writing Assignment 50 points GENRE Fiction (if it’s not fiction, you don’t have to tell me) / narrative / story POINT OF VIEW Write your piece in third person, like through the perspective of a character younger. (Think about what you gain by character, her or his point of view on world?) Adichie did, and your own age or using a young the so-called adult CONFLICT For this story, there must be a conflict or obstacle faced by your protagonist (main character). What does your character want or fear the most? What is at stake for the character? Whatever it is, it must be significant for that character, meaning no matter how the story ends, something will change and the change will be of lasting consequence for the character. The conflict must be confronted and resolved, in some manner, by the end of the story. Remember: Only trouble is interesting in fiction. DRAMA Challenge yourself to show what the characters are thinking, feeling, and deciding through physical action rather than narrator commentary, interior monologue, or dialogue. This involves your readers directly in the action. Dialogue should always move the story forward, or show conflict. People often do not say what they mean. MINIMUM LENGTH 3 pages OPENING & CLOSING Begin with “Things started to fall apart…” End with “The new rains will come down soon.” EXTRA CREDIT o 10 for performing/reading your piece to the class o 10 for good eye contact, pacing, and volume