1.5 – Assess quality credentials of operators and their products

TT07 Tourism Products
SIT50112 Diploma of Travel and Tourism
C or NYC
Assessments Workbook
Units of Competency:
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Learner Workbook
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations,
demonstrations and via completion of activities throughout this workbook. For all of your answers, be sure
that you provide clear and detailed explanations and give examples where it is required.
All activities for the Portfolio of Evidence can be completed in class as part of the lessons with your
trainer/instructors support and can be made more detailed before final submission to your trainer on the
due date set by your trainer/instructor.
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1.1 – Identify product objectives in consultation with appropriate colleagues and
Activity 1
To provide you with an applied understanding of how identifying product
objectives can assist in delivering customer satisfaction.
List the characteristics and/or particular travel needs of the following groups.
Activity 1
Explain how you would specifically use your understanding of their needs in selling
tourism products and services to them.
1) Business people
2) Football supporters travelling interstate to a football final
3) Families with young children
4) Adventure/ nature loving backpackers
5) A small group of Australian Moslems undertaking a pilgrimage to Mecca
(1 Mark)
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Activity 2
Activity 2
To demonstrate an understanding of colleagues and customers to consult when
identifying product objectives
In the context of Travel and Tourism, give examples of specific colleagues and customers
(internal and external) that you would consult when seeking to accurately identify product
(1 Mark)
1.2 – Determine customer or market destination and product preferences and
Activity 3
Activity 3
To be able to determine customer or market destinations and product preferences and
Having effectively identifying a customer’s product objectives, in your own words, how would
you define ‘customer satisfaction’? Is customer satisfaction enough or do you need to aspire
to more?
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When we talk about ‘customer satisfaction’ give examples of the following types of customers
& stakeholders:
(1 Mark)
External Customers
Internal Customers
Other Key
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Activity 4
To be able to understand the difference between features and benefits of a travel
Activity 4
1) As a travel agent, please answer the following questions:
What research can be undertaken to source information to meet specific
customer needs?
What is meant by the term 'preferred product arrangements'?
What is a feature?
What is a benefit?
How do features and benefits differ?
Why is it important to turn features into benefits?
How can you create a mental image for the customer of what they are about to
(2 Marks)
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2) Consider the different needs of clients booking accommodation.
Peter simply needs to have a restful holiday.
Carol needs accommodation for a weekend for herself and 2 children, 3 months
and 3 years old.
Leigh may need to impress clients.
Annie may needs company. What type of accommodation would you
recommend for advice each client?
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Activity 5
Activity 5
To apply an understanding of providing a service to specific product preferences and
You are a travel consultant needing to provide advice to an Australian couple in their early
50s wanting to go to the United States for Christmas. They would also like to do a short trip
to Mexico as part of their travels.
Using relevant sources of information, what advice would you provide them with respect to:
Type of clothing
Passport/Health & Visa requirements
Check-in and re-confirmation details
Advice on tipping
Is it safe?
Areas to avoid (if any)
Journey times and time zone differences
(2 Marks)
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What special needs might the following 2 groups have for a one-week holiday on the Gold
Coast? Select the appropriate special needs from the list below for each of the following
Jill and John, a couple in their sixties.
Smith family -2 adults, 2 children (2 & 5years)
Edwards family:2 adults, 2 children (14 & 16 years)
Baby-sitting service
Swimming Pool
Full meal service
Close to night life
Excursion booking service
Teenage club
Tennis court
Self-catering facilities
Early suppers
Kids Club
Safe Areas to beach
Car hire Service
Video Hire
Cheap room service
Food Court
Kids pool
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1.3 – Identify and research potential destinations and component products and services
Activity 6
1) To provide you with a knowledge of when to identify and research potential
destinations and component products and services
2) To provide you with an opportunity to comprehend and interpret an online
timetable for Rail Australia (previously known as Countrylink)
Go to the current online timetable for Rail Australia and answer the following
Can I travel from Adelaide to Alice Springs on a Saturday?
If I wanted to travel from Melbourne to Adelaide on The Overland, what time
would the train depart Melbourne?
What time would the train arrive into Adelaide?
What is the name of the train that operates from Brisbane to Rockhampton?
When travelling from the Gold Coast to Sydney, at which town do I need to
change from a Road Coach to the XPT?
If a passenger boarded the train in Grafton at 6.45am, what time would they
arrive in Wauchope?
Could a passenger travel from Grafton and set down in Gosford?
(4 Marks)
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Activity 7
To research some Computer Reservation Systems as online information systems
Activity 7
(1 Mark)
Name two computer reservation systems operating in Australia?
What are they used for?
What kinds of information can they provide?
Activity 8
Activity 8
To provide you with the skills to select appropriate search methods for particular
information sought by customers?
In a Federal High Court case "Nagle v Rottnest Island Authority"(1993) the defendant – the
Rottnest Island Authority - was held liable for failing to warn the plaintiff of the very real
dangers of diving in an area where there were a number of submerged and not readily
visible rocks. The Authority had actively promoted the area to tourists and locals for
recreational purposes.
What are some steps the Authority should have taken as a necessary precaution?
What are responsibilities and duties of the travel agent in this circumstance?
(2 Marks)
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Activity 9
To practice interviewing techniques that can enable you to identify customer needs
Activity 9
As providing advice is a practical skill, why not practice your skills with the use of a roleplay? Have someone (a class colleague) take on the role of your customer.
Through questioning techniques identify your customer's needs and then research and
provide the necessary product advice and information.
(2 Marks)
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Activity 10
Activity 10
To research and critically observe how effectively a tourism agency seeks to identify the
needs of the client.
Visit or contact a Visitor Information Centre, a Travel Agency or other Tourism Office and
consider how destination and the product information was presented. You may observe a
consultant working with a client or you may choose to be a client yourself.
Ensure that you discuss the following, to write a 500 word summary of the customer
consultation and follow up you received. In particular, please focus on:
1) What techniques were used to identify the needs of the client?
2) Was the advice or information provided efficiently during the consultation?
3) Was the advice accurate and up to date?
4) If further information was required, within what timeframe was it expected?
5) Did the client appear satisfied?
6) Was written information provided if so indicate the format and style used (If so,
please provide sample copies).
Include a description of the business you contacted, and any other information about the
(4 Marks)
consultation, which may have influenced your observations.
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1.4 – Assess destination and product details for market suitability and consider
innovative options when appropriate
Activity 11
As a travel operator, to consider how program components can be marketed to create
maximum value and saleability
Activity 11
Now read the following online article and answer the questions below:
‘Tourism and the Marketing Mix’ on the FreeNomads website
1) In addition to the traditional 4 Ps’ what are the ‘3 additional Ps of tourism’?
2) If you are a tourist travel agency, where would you place your website (within the 7
(4 Marks)
3) Under “Process’ what are the sequence of 4 steps?
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Activity 12
Activity 12
To apply your understanding of when specific forms of marketing and social media
have the greatest impact or influence?
You have just taken over managing an Ecological and Wellness Retreat in the unspoiled
South Coast town of Narooma of NSW that has struggled to break even. The retreat
offers guests 30 themed rooms, 2 Conference Rooms, a health food restaurant and
state-of-the-art wellness and day spa and health club including detox retreat,
surrounded by bush on one side and facing the ocean. You have around $200,000 to as
a working budget for marketing and promotions to relaunch the venue.
1. Conduct a very brief (200 words) top level marketing and promotional plan for how
you would apply the 7P’s in marketing your new retreat.
(4 marks)
How can the following forms of social media be used as a viable and effective way
to promote your tourism product or area?
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Activity 13
To test your international product knowledge.
Activity 13
1) Which is the world's southernmost landmass?
(2 marks)
2) In which continent would you find the Caribbean region?
3) In which mountain range would you find the world's highest mountain?
4) Which is the largest ocean? Describe what is meant by the Trade Winds.
5) What countries comprise South America
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Activity 14
To understand key phrases and terms commonly used in Travel and Tourism
Read the following online article:
Activity 14
This is a useful way to comprehend and understand various adjectives that are commonly
used in Travel and Tourism.
What do you understand the following adjectives to mean?
(1 Mark)
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Activity 15
To provide accurate information to a defined scope and purpose
Activity 15
We are very lucky to live in a country that has almost every type of holiday one can
Researching online, what type of holidays and customer groups do the following
travel sites aim for:
(2 Marks)
AAT Kings www.guidedtours.aatkings.com/au
Evergreen Tours www.evergreentours.com.au
Air Adventure Australia Pty Ltd www.airadventure.com.au
Auswalk www.auswalk.com.au
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Activity 16
To access product information to a defined customer purpose
Activity 16
You work for a convention and events company. You are organising a business
conference for 100 people flying to Cairns from Sydney. They will require air flights /
accommodation / a venue / catering.
1) What major sources of product information do you think you would need to
(2 Marks)
2) On no more than one page, devise a topline Action Plan for what you would need
to do as a travel organiser.
Activity 17
To demonstrate an applied understanding of internet search engines, online
directories and social media in effectively promoting your tourism business?
Activity 17
Read the following online tutorial:
1. You are a high quality Bed n Breakfast along the Great Ocean Road. What are
some phrases to use that would optimise your search engine results?
A website is ‘search engine optimal’ when it is ready to be crawled by search
engines. What steps should you take to make your website ‘search engine
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(2 Marks)
Give an example of a popular vs. long tail keyword for the iconic Beach Road Hotel
in Byron Bay
How can quintura.com assist you in relation to your search query?
Links are ‘the online version of word of mouth’. What is a useful tip for avoiding
malicious online directories or damaging links?
What are ‘editorial links’ and ‘acquired links’?
What are the advantages of ‘editorial links’ to your tourism business?
How can you tell if a directory is dubious?
What is the advantage of a blog in building your travel and tourism business?
10. What are some useful guidelines for an interesting and engaging blog?
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1.5 – Assess quality credentials of operators and their products
Activity 18
To know how to assess quality credentials of operators and their products
Activity 18
Detail some practical steps you would take to assess the quality of tour and travel
operators and their products
(1 Mark)
1.6 – Select destinations and products based on research
Activity 19
To provide you with an opportunity to find specific information online to a required
scope and purpose
Activity 19
Brief 1
Visit the Warner Brothers Movie World website (www.movieworld.com.au) and
answer the questions below :
1) Marie and George are visiting the Gold Coast and want to know some
information about Warner Brothers Movie World. State the cost for adults, and
opening times and three of the attractions.
2) They would like to stay in a 5 star hotel in Surfers Paradise. Choose one that is
fairly close to the centre of the town so they can walk to the main shopping
area. State the cost for one night.
3) They would then like to travel up to Cairns and take a tour that would include
white water rafting and a visit to the Reef. They have about 5 days to visit the
area. Recommend a tour and state the cost per person.
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Brief 2
Visit the following website and answer the question below : STA Travel http://www.sta-travel.com/
1) The Ingrid and Fritz university students from Germany and are interested in
buying an Aussie Airpass to travel around Australia. Inform them of the cost of a
5-coupon pass, how long it is valid and any other special conditions.
Brief 3
1) Audrey wants to attend a big sporting event in either Melbourne or Sydney. She
has some time off this coming winter and enjoys most sports, especially soccer,
rugby union and Australian Rules. Find an event that will suit her needs. Inform
her of the costs.
2) She is from Sale so find her some accommodation that is at a youth hostel.
Inform her of the costs per night.
(4 Marks)
(List the Internet sites used).
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Brief 4
Yuka and Kentaro are Melbourne University students from Japan and want to go
diving on the Great Barrier Reef. They have heard that there are good resorts on the
Barrier Reef. They also want to know when the best time to visit is.
1) Name two island resorts, state the price for a week and explain the best time to
2) You have heard that a helicopter ride is offered of the reef. What is the price for
this service?
3) They are also interested in travelling to Kangaroo Island, Barossa Valley, and the
Flinders Ranges. From your online research, name a domestic tour operator that
specialises in travel to Kangaroo Island, Barossa Valley, and the Flinders Ranges?
4) Time permitting, they would like a theme park experience. Count the number
of Theme Parks we have in Australia and name two that are not in Queensland.
(List the Internet sites you used)
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Activity 20
To demonstrate a sound product knowledge
Activity 20
Visit or contact a Visitor Information Centre, a Travel Agency or other Tourism Office and
consider how destination and the product information was presented. You may observe a
consultant working with a client or you may choose to be a client yourself.
Ensure that you discuss the following, to write a 500 word summary of the customer
consultation and follow up you received. In particular, please focus on:
1) What techniques were used to identify the needs of the client?
2) Was the advice or information provided efficiently during the consultation?
3) Was the advice accurate and up to date?
4) If further information was required, within what timeframe was it expected?
5) Did the client appear satisfied?
6) Was written information provided if so indicate the format and style used (If so,
(4 Marks)
please provide sample copies).
Include a description of the business you contacted, and any other information about the
consultation, which may have influenced your observations.
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Activity 21
To provide you with a knowledge of when to use certain search methods for the type of
information required
What sort of information is available on the following sites:
Activity 21
NSW Tourism: www.visitnsw.com
Tourism Research Australia: www.tra.australia.com
Destination NSW: www.destinationnsw.com.au
Decipher: www.decipher.biz
Australian Regional Tourism Network: www.regionaltourism.com.au
(2 Marks)
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2.1 – Develop packaged products or programs to meet requirements of specific customers or
Activity 22
To provide you with an opportunity to find specific information to meet the specific
requirements of customers
Activity 22
Background on Japan
Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world and extremely clean. However,
because of the language and the culture, a first time visitor to the country is probably better
off also taking a package tour. Travellers that have been to Japan more than once and have
some knowledge of the language will find the Japan Rail Pass easy to use. These travellers
will also enjoy staying in typical Japanese inns - the Ryokan. To convert the following
exercises into Australian dollars you can use the currency Internet site:
Activity questions
Visit the following website and answer the questions below : Japan Rail Pass http://www.jreast.co.jp/jrp/index.htm
1. Who is eligible to use the Japan Rail Pass?
2. Where can an Australian buy a pass in Sydney?
Joseph and Cindy want to travel around Japan for 2 weeks in ordinary class. How
much will each of their passes cost? (State price in Japanese yen and then in
Australian dollars.)
4. Visit the following website and answer the questions below : Tokyo Disneyland http://www.tokyodisneyland.co.jp/index_e.html
Do they speak English in the attractions?
b) Cost of a day ticket
Cost of a multi-day pass
5. Tony, a backpacker, wants to climb Mt. Fuji but he doesn't speak Japanese and was
wondering if there were any tours that he could join. He doesn't mind if the tour is just for
a few days or a week.
Find a tour on the Internet that would suit his needs and answers the following questions:
The Operator is
b) The length of the tour is
(2 Marks)
Cost is (in Australian dollars)
d) When is the best time to climb Mt. Fuji?
e) List your sources of information
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6. Niche travel to Japan
Find a brochure of Japan that caters for the wealthy retired couples. Quote the cost of a
tour that lasts 10 days to 2 weeks and includes visits to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Nikko.
a) Name the tour operator and the cost of the tour.
b) Find a similar tour on the Internet. Name the tour operator and the cost.
Activity 23
Objective To To provide you with an opportunity to find specific information to meet the specific
requirements of customers
Activity 23
Background – Pacific islands
Most of the Pacific destinations are islands so the main travel products to this area would be
centred around cruises and/or staying at resorts on the beach. (To convert the following
exercises into Australian dollars you can use the currency Internet site:
1) The Michalski family want to travel to Fiji for a holiday. Their son Daniel is only 5
months old. Recommend a resort on the Coral Coast with a golf course that will cater
for the baby. They just want a room without any tours.
a. Name the operator of the company
b. State a cost of a room for one night
(2 Marks)
2) You need to contact a shipping (cruise) company in Fiji to check out tours around the
islands there. Name a company there and state their website and contact details.
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2.2 – Combine and integrate program components to create maximum value and
saleability within constraints
Activity 24
As a travel operator, to undertake the exploratory activity below to consider your
motivations and drivers behind running a travel business
Activity 24
Consider the reasons why you would like to develop a new tourism service.
What is your motivation for undertaking this often difficult and frustrating task?
What are some of your personal characteristics you believe will help you successfully
develop a new tourism service? What are some of the characteristics you believe you
might need to attain in the course of developing a new service?
After you have considered these questions please contact your Marketing Mentor to be
allocated a time to participate in the 'Motivation and Character' Bulletin Board discussion.
Begin your discussion by detailing the reasons why you would like to develop a new
Following this, discuss what you believe are the skills and character traits required of a
new service developer.
(4 Marks)
Conclude your discussion by considering the rewards you stand to gain from a new service
Present your findings of the above to your class
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2.3 – Make agreements with suppliers according to organisation profit and other
requirements and confirm in writing
Activity 25
To consider the types of preferred supplier arrangements that travel agents would take –
and the contractual and written documents between companies that have a preferred
supplier arrangement
Activity 25
(2 Marks)
Research a travel and tourism provider that has made a preferred supplier agreement
with another complementary company.
How this is preferred supplier agreement communicated on the site?
In your opinion, is this a complementary business that aligns well with the other
company’s services?
In the travel and tourism sector, name 5 preferred supplier arrangements that a travel
agent would need to form?
What type of contractual and written confirmation is needed to put in place a preferred
supplier arrangement between 2 travel and tourism companies?
2.4 – Check and incorporate legal requirements
Activity 26
To review the implications of intellectual property rights on a controversial recent tourism
campaign run by Tourism Australia.
Activity 26
Read the online article below: Tourism Australia wants you – and your intellectual property
rights, Crikey.com.au, Apr 15 2010
What are the implications of copyright and intellectual property laws on this
innovative ‘There’s nothing like Australia’ campaign where Australians are invited to
send in their favourite photos for an online mosaic of up to 15,000 photos.
Do you agree with this policy? Explain why / why not?
(2 Marks)
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2.5 – Cost programs to ensure profitability and consideration of key financial factors
Activity 27
To consider a range of cost and projections in preparation for the commercialisation of
your travel and tourism business.
Industry Scenario
Activity 27
Market testing should provide you with enough information to make the final decision
about whether to launch a new travel and tourism service into the marketplace. Making a
new service available to the market is called commercialisation. If you decide to
commercialise you will enter one of the most exciting and difficult phases of the new
service development process.
Commercialisation is most successful when approached methodically. This involves:
Listing the tasks need to be done prior commercialisation
Deciding when to commercialise
Deciding on how you will monitor the performance of your service following
Deciding on what you will monitor
(4 Marks)
In consideration of launching a new travel and tourism business, list in chronological order
the tasks that need to be completed to commercialise your service. Estimate how long it
will take you to complete each task and the overall time it will take to commercialise.
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2.6 – Clearly document and present product or program and pricing structures, including details
of inclusions, exclusions and add-ons
Activity 28
To understand the different approaches to pricing
Activity 28
1) In your own words, distinguish between:
(2 Marks)
Cost based pricing
Psychological pricing
Promotional pricing
Competitor based pricing
2) What is meant by the term 'add on'?
3) Are you aware of the different types of add-ons?
4) What is meant by an agreed time frame?
5) Why is it important to honour an agreed time frame?
6) What is meant by the term 'enterprise procedures'?
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Activity 29
To program and price a customer brief, with a range of inclusions and add-ons
Activity 29
1) Name three (3) companies that specialise in tours to China
2) Jerry & Ben are planning to go on the famed Silk Road trip. They are wondering how
long the tour will take, the cost of the tour (including meals) and why the tour is rated
as ‘challenging’. Also they want to know the name of three towns/cities they will be
travelling through on the way to Kashgar.
3) Compare the 3 companies’ prices to go to Kashgar – which one do you recommend?
4) Once you recommend your preferred tour. Jerry & Ben would like to know the costs
of the following add-ons:
(2 Marks)
Transfers from airport to hotel;
Car hire;
Theatre/show tickets;
Sightseeing tours;
Meal packages.
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August 2014
Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
2.7 - Review and adjust products or programs and pricing structures in response to
feedback from customers or colleagues.
Activity 30
To adjust a service in response to a customer feedback
You work are working as a consultant for a retail travel agency and have
received the following email:
To the Manager, Jarvis Travel Agency
Hi, I had a great time on my last trip that you arranged and now I am
thinking of visiting some relatives in Cyprus for a week next July. As I have
four weeks annual leave due to me, can you suggest some interesting
places I could visit nearby?
I am still single and will be travelling alone this time. I have decided that I
would prefer not to stay at backpacker hostels this time so please find me
some moderate hotel accommodation.
I have never been to that part of the world before and I am looking
forward to seeing the sights of the Mediterranean.
I need your suggestions and some idea of the costs involved before I make
a definite decision.
One small item of feedback – I noticed you don’t have information on your
website and Facebook page about the tours and services that you
specialise in.
I have always enjoyed a good experience from your travel agents in person
but I did notice that my favourite travel agent, Margaret, no longer works
for you.
(2 Marks)
As she is slightly older, I did notice that your team is now mainly very
young people. Are you looking to recruit a more senior aged consultant in
the near future? As a person who is slightly older, I would appreciate this.
(2 )
Other than that, keep up the good work and I look forward to your
response at the earliest convenience.
Please fax your reply to ...............Betty
As the manager of Jarvis Travel Agency, please prepare your reply to this
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
August 2014
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2.8 - Present final product or program details for approval within required
Major Activity - Activity 31
To be able to present final product or program details to customer specifications within
required timeframes
You are a travel agent in Sydney and you have just returned to work after a two week
vacation. Your General Manager, Fred King, has been very stressed in your absence
handling a growing workload. He has waited for your return before he passes on the
following customer briefs that he says are ‘all urgent’. He has asked for all of the
following briefs to be completed by the end of the working week.
You have a look at what he has given you and notice there are 10 briefs that need your
careful attention.
Complete the following customer briefs in written form, and address them to your
General Manager.
To convert the following exercises into Australian dollars you can use the currency Internet site:
Brief 1 - Vietnam
1) Isabella and Thomas are planning to travel to Vietnam in November 2014 but want to avoid
a tour. They want to know some details about The Reunification Express train. Give a brief
description and state between which towns the train travels.
2) They would like to see as much as they can in 3 weeks arriving at Ho Chi Minh City in the
south and coming home from Hanoi in the north. They have asked for:
 A 3 week itinerary starting 2nd November to 23rd November inclusive.
 A quotation of all costs including airfare, transfers and 4 star quality accommodation
3) Your boss has received a recent request that Isabella and Thomas love to cycle so are
interested if some of the trip could be through a cycle tour. State the distance, the length of
the tour, the cost and towns through which they would travel. Incorporate this late request
into your itinerary you are planning.
4) They have also asked for advice on seeing either a major sporting event, show or cultural
event during the time they are in Vietnam.
Your first thought is to visit Intrepid, who your agency have a preferred supplier arrangement
with: http://www.intrepidtravel.com.au
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
August 2014
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Brief 2 – Luxury Train ride from Singapore to Malaysia
Larry & Kathy, a retired couple, wish to take a luxury train from Singapore through Malaysia in
October 2014. Please provide them with the following information:
1) The final destination
2) The cost of the trip
3) The length of the trip and the itinerary
4) Some features of the recommended train
5) Your reason for selecting this recommended train versus its competition
6) The name of the train
7) The operator of the train
8) The Internet site(s) and source information you used
Brief 3 – Trip Home to Thailand
Joseph is a Thai man who has been living and working in Sydney. He wishes to return
home to Thailand for Christmas 2014. He is a budget conscious person and has asked for
the cheapest possible flight for him and his family. He also has a wife and a 4 year old
Provide a quotation and brief itinerary for Joseph and his family returning to Thailand
for Christmas. They live in a village not far from Phuket, so require transpiration from
Sydney to Phuket.
Brief 4 – Morgan and Frank in Israel
Morgan and Frank are Christians and even though they only have time for a short trip
this year, they want to visit Israel and see the Christian historical sites around August
1) State the shortest tour you can find, and name five of the sites they will be able to see.
2) Provide an indicative cost.
Brief 5 – Jacob and Sharon in Israel
The day after Morgan and Frank came into the agency, Jacob and Sharon come in with a
similar but quite different request. Jacob and Sharon are Jewish and want to visit Israel
to see the sacred sites of their religion. They want to travel for 2 weeks in July.
Find a tour for them by searching the Internet using the terms "Israel Tours". State the
Internet site, name the tour and cost. Name five of the sights they will see.
Brief 6 – Ross in Egypt
Ross is in his early 40’s and travels on his own. He is very keen to go to Egypt in
December 2014 to see the Great Pyramids of Giza and other iconic ancient sites. He is
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
August 2014
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asking if it’s currently safe to travel in Egypt as an Australian. Secondly, he would like to
go in a small group of people of a similar age group.
Provide some recommendations for Ross. He is keen to book his trip as early as possible
after he receives your recommendations.
Brief 7 – Trevor in South Island, New Zealand
Your client Trevor intends to spend 2 weeks in New Zealand in coming weeks. He wants
to take the Arthurs Pass Day Excursion ex Christchurch.
1) State what time the Trans Alpine train leaves Christchurch; where it stops and what time
he/she will return?
2) State the cost for an adult.
3) He has asked you to come up with an itinerary covering other attractions on the South
Brief 8 – Emily in New Zealand
State the cost and recommend a particular pass for another client of the agency, Emily, a
young, single lady in her late 20s who loves adventure and outdoor pursuits. She has
provided her preferences and requests in travelling in both the North and South Island.
She wants to travel round 8 days of 21 days and during this time she wants to take
several coach trips, the Trans Scenic Rail and a flight from Christchurch to Auckland.
She asks you for an itinerary for her 21 day holiday.
Brief 9 – Donna and Tim in New Zealand
Donna and Tim are a young trendy professional couple that would like to ski at the "in"
spot in New Zealand. They want to ski during the day and go to discos at night. They
would like an all-inclusive tour so they can relax and enjoy themselves instead of
worrying about travel details.
Recommend a tour that lasts 7 to 10 days and answer the following questions:
1) What is the name of the operator?
2) Name and length of the tour?
3) Where is the tour located?
4) Cost of the tour?
5) What is included?
6) What is not included?
Brief 10 – Young Singles in South Island
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Two new customers have requested online whether you have any suitable coach tours
for young singles that visits the South Island for 10 days. They are after value for money
and an enjoyable ‘party time’ with people like them
State the cost of the tour and explain your reasons for why you have selected the
particular provider.
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
August 2014
Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
TT07 Tourism Products Assessment MARKING GUIDE
Student Name :
Student ID Number:
Assessor Name:
Unit of competency (Title & Code):
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
Due date of Assessment:
The student demonstrated the following knowledge and skill as
evidenced in the written portfolio of evidence:
Learner Workbook Activities
/ 100
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Activity 9
Activity 10
Activity 11
Activity 12
Activity 13
Activity 14
Activity 15
Activity 16
Activity 17
Activity 18
Activity 19
Activity 20
Activity 21
Activity 22
Activity 23
Activity 24
Activity 25
Activity 26
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
August 2014
Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
Activity 27
Activity 28
Activity 29
Activity 30
Assessment Tasks
Major Activity
Activity 31
/ 30
The student’s performance was:
/ 100
 Satisfactory
 Not Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Student signature:
Assessor signature:
SITTPPD401 Package tourism products
August 2014