The Skeletal System

The Skeletal System
Unit-Anatomy and Physiology Part I
What you will Learn!
The functions of the skeleton
Describe the general structure of a bone and list the
functions of its parts
List and define the major kinds of bones in the human
Name and describe the general types of fractures
Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons
and name the major parts of each
Locate and identify the bones and the major features of
the bones that comprise the skull, arms, legs, pectoral
and pelvic girdles
What Does Your Skeleton Do?
Five Functions:
Protects your internal organs
Supports-provides a framework so that we can
stand up and move
Movement-many of the body muscles attach to the
skeleton and joints and produce movement
Stores minerals such as calcium, potassium,
phosphorus, and sodium so that our body can
function properly
Produces blood cells
The Skeletal System
• The
Skeletal System is made up of
206 different bones.
• There
are 4 basic shapes of bones.
4 Basic Shapes
1. Long bonesAre longer than
they are wide and
are found in the
upper limbs such as
the humerus (arm)
and lower limbs
such as the femur
4 Basic Shapes
2. Short bonesSuch as those
found in the wrist
and ankle bones.
4 Basic Shapes
3. Flat bonesSuch as the
scapula, ribs and
sternum, and the
thin bones that
form the roof of
the skull.
4 Basic Shapes
4. Irregular
bones- Such as
the vertebrae,
pelvic girdle (hip
bones), and parts
of the skull bones
such as your ear
2 Types of Bone Tissue
Compact Bone-
Cancellous Bone-
Both Compact and
Cancellous bone
tissue contain living
cells which help
make repairs if a
bone is injured or
Structure of the Bone
1.Diaphysis-the bone shaft
Composed of compact bone
tissue-tightly packed together
tissue that is solid, strong and will
not bend.
Inside the bone shaft is a cavity
called the Medullary Cavity (also
called yellow marrow) that stores
fat, produces blood cells and
plays an important part in our
immune system.
Structure of the Bone
2. Epiphysis-the two ends of the
Spongy bone-contains the red
marrow that functions in the
formation of red blood cells,
certain white blood cells and
platelets. It is red because of
the red, oxygen-carrying
pigment called hemoglobin.
3. Periosteum-a tough, vascular
covering of fibrous tissue that
covers the bone.
The Skeletal System
Part II
The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
Unit-Anatomy and Physiology Part II
2 Divisions of the Skeletal System
The Appendicular Skeleton
Has 126 bones
Contains upper
Hips (Pelvic
Upper Extremities and Shoulder
Upper Extremities (Arms):
humerus-the bone that
extends from the scapula
to the elbow
radius—the bone that
extends from the elbow
to the wrist
ulna-the bone that
overlaps the end of the
humerus posteriorly
Shoulder girdle:
Scapula-shoulder blade
Clavicles-collar bone
The Hands
27 bones
carpal bones-8 on each arm
make up the wrist
metacarpal bones-5 on each
hand make of the palm
phalanges-3 in each finger,
2 in the thumb, a total of
14 in each hand
Lower Extremities and Hips
Lower Extremities-(Legs)
femur- thigh bone
patella- kneecap
fibula-lateral side of the tibia
Hips (Pelvic Girdle)-protect
the bladder, the reproductive
organs, lower colon and
os coxa--2 bones that make
up the hip
ilium--largest and uppermost
ischium-lowest portion and is
L-shaped; supports ones
weight when seated
pubis--the anterior portion
The Foot
• 26
bones and 33 joints
• tarsals--7
bones in each foot; make up
the ankle that includes the calcaneus
(heel bone) which is the largest of the
ankle bones
• metatarsals--5
• phalanges—3
bones on each foot
bones in each toe,
except the big toe which has only 2
• 7+5+12+2=26
The Axial Skeleton
• Has
80 bones
Consist of:
• Bones
of the Skull
• Hyoid
Bone (neck bone)
• The
vertebral column
• The
thorax (cage)
Bones of the Skull-Cranial Bones
Cranial Bones:
A. Frontal Bone--forms the
anterior portion of the skull
above the eyes
B. Parietal Bone--2 bones on each
side of the skull just posterior to
the frontal bone
C. Occipital Bone--back of the
skull and base of the cranium
D. Temporal Bone—2 bones on
each side of the skull
E. Sphenoid Bone--anterior to
F. Ethmoid Bone--located in front
of the sphenoid
Cranial Sutures-lines that join
two bones
Skull-Ear Bones
Middle ear bonesossicles
• malleus-hammer
• stapes-stirrup
(smallest bone in the
• incus-anvil
Skull –Facial Bones
13 immovable ones and 1 immovable lower jawbones
maxilla--2 bones of upper jaw
palatine--2 bones behind the maxilla; make up posterior portion of the hard
zygomatic--2 bones that make up the cheeks
lacrimal--2 bones in the medial wall of each orbit
nasal--2 bones that fuse to form the bridge of the nose
vomer--a single bone in the middle of the nasal cavity
inferior nasal concha--2 fragile, scroll-shaped bones attached to the nasal
mandible--1 lower jawbone (only part that moves when you eat and talk)
Hyoid Bone
• Hyoid
bone--located in the neck between
the lower jaw and the larynx
• serves
as an attachment for muscles that
help move the tongue and for swallowing
The Vertebral Column
• Supports the body's frame, keeping it
standing upright.
• It connects the head to the rest of the
• Serves as protection for the spinal cord
• cervical--7 bones
• thoracic--12 bones
• lumbar--5 bones
• sacrum--1 bone; composed of 5 fused
• coccyx--1 bone; tailbone
composed of 4 fused vertebrae
The Thorax
Thoracic Cage-protects the heart and
1. ribs--12 pair (24 ribs)
a. true ribs--first 7 pair; directly join
the sternum
b. false ribs--remaining 5 pair because
their cartilage does not reach the
sternum directly
c. floating ribs--last 2 pair of the 5
pair of false ribs; called floating
because they have no attachments
2. sternum--1 breastbone
The End!