Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology
Spring 2013 Final Exam
In the circulatory system, oxygen-rich blood enters the ______________________of
the heart.
a) Right atrium
d) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
e) Vena Cava
c) Right ventricle
Blood moves from the left atrium through the bicuspid valve to the
a) Right atrium
d) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
e) Vena cava
c) Right ventricle
Oxygen-rich blood is pumped to the body through the
a) Vena cava
d) Pulmonary artery
b) Aorta
e) Mitral valve
c) Pulmonary veins
Oxygen is exchanged for ________________________ in the organs and tissues of the
a) Carbon dioxide
d) Carbon monoxide
b) Oxygen
e) Carbonate
c) Sodium
5) An individual who is hyperglycemic has ____________ than normal blood glucose concentrations.
a) Higher
b) Lower
6) A feedback control system that amplifies or reinforces a change in the internal environment is said to
be a __________________________ feedback system.
a) Negative
b) Positive
7) The ____________________ is located in the brain, and controls the release of the sex hormones
Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone.
a) Anterior pituitary
d) Thymus
b) Hypothalamus
e) Ovary
c) Pineal
8) The ______________ gland is responsible for many metabolic functions. It is located in front of the
trachea, and is shaped like a bow-tie.
a) Anterior pituitary
d) Pineal
b) Pancreas
e) Thymus
c) Thyroid
9) The hormone Cortisol is released from the _____________________ gland.
a) Anterior pituitary
c) Ovary
b) Thyroid
d) Adrenal
e) Thymus
10) The hormone, _____________________, is released from the anterior pituitary, and stimulates the
thyroid gland.
a) Growth hormone
d) Thyroid stimulating hormone
b) Luteinizing hormone
e) Thyroxine
c) Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
11) The pineal gland releases the hormone, ________________________, which helps to regulate sleep.
a) Melatonin
d) Thyroxine
b) Luteinizing hormone
e) Regulatonin
c) Seratonin
12) The ____________________ is the female organ of copulation (sex).
a) Vagina
d) Uterus
b) Oviduct
e) Ovary
c) Cervix
13) The human sperm has ________ chromosomes.
a) 46
b) 92
c) 10
d) 23
e) 68
14) The hormone __________________________ is an adrenal hormone that regulates blood volume.
a) Aldosterone
d) Angiotensin
b) Renin
e) Anti-diuretic hormone
c) Resin
15) The ______________ secretes important metabolic hormones like insulin and glucagon.
a) Anterior pituitary
d) Pancreas
b) Liver
e) Thymus
c) Thyroid
16) The pancreatic hormone, ___________________, mobilizes stores of glucose from the liver.
a) Insulin
d) Glucosamine
b) Glucagon
e) Glucose mobilizer
c) Chondroitin
17) The liver responds to stimulation by Growth Hormone by releasing ______________________.
a) Insulin
d) Estrogen
b) Insulin-like growth factor I
e) Growth hormone response hormone
c) Glucagon
18) The ___________________ is the gland that initiates the growth, stress and sex hormone cascades.
a) Anterior pituitary
d) Pineal
b) Liver
e) Thymus
c) Hypothalamus
19) What are the odds a child will have type o blood, if his mother and father are both type o blood?
a) 1:4
c) 3:4
b) 2:4
d) 4:4
e) 0:4
20) The disease known as Herpes is caused by a ____________.
a) Protozoan
b) Toxin
c) Prion
d) Bacteria
e) Virus
21) The testes secrete the steroid hormone, __________________.
a) Amylase
d) Testosterone
b) Thyroxine
e) Inhibin
c) Adrenaline
22) The ovaries produce eggs, and also secrete the hormone _________________________.
a) Amylase
d) Estrogen
b) Thyroxine
e) Insulin
c) Triiodothyronine
23) A lack of the protein hormone, _________________, can result in pituitary dwarfism.
a) Growth hormone
d) Thyroid stimulating hormone
b) Luteinizing hormone
e) Thyroxine
c) Melatonin
24) A pituitary tumor can cause __________________, due to an over-production of growth hormone.
a) Acromegaly
d) Pituitary dwarfism
b) Hashimoto disease
e) Addison’s disease
c) Hypothyroidism
25) The hormone, ______________, is responsible for storing the sugars (glucose) we consume.
a) Insulin
d) Glucagon
b) Glucose
e) Growth hormone response hormone
c) Insulin-like growth factor I
26) One example of a sexually transmitted disease is _____________________.
a) Hashimoto’s disease
d) Gonorrhea
b) Acromegaly
e) Infertility
c) Alzheimer’s
27) The best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is to use ________________________.
a) Condoms
d) Withdrawal
b) Birth control pills
e) Abstinence
c) The counting method
28) The disease, ______________, results when the body cannot produce insulin.
a) Acromegaly
d) Hypothyroidism
b) Hashimoto disease
e) Diabetes
c) Addison’s Disease
Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 through 35:
29) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Left ventricle
b) Vena cava
c) Right ventricle
d) Right Atrium
e) Aorta
30) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
c) Right ventricle
d) Right Atrium
e) Aorta
31) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Left ventricle
b) Vena cava
c) Right ventricle
d) Right Atrium
e) Aorta
32) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
c) Right ventricle
d) Right Atrium
e) Aorta
33) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
c) Right ventricle
d) Right Atrium
e) Aorta
34) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Vena cava
b) Pulmonary Veins
c) Pulmonary Artery
d) Right Atrium
e) Left Ventricle
35) The structure identified by this number is the:
a) Vena cava
b) Pulmonary Veins
c) Pulmonary Artery
d) Right Atrium
e) Aorta
36) Fluctuations in blood sugar can best be minimized by consuming more ___________________.
a) Starch
d) Sugar
b) Fiber
e) Glucose
c) Protein
37) The ____________ secretes pepsin, and churns food to help with its initial break-down.
a) Esophagus
d) Stomach
b) Liver
e) Large intestine
c) Colon
38) Food leaves the digestive system through the _______________.
a) Liver
d) Small Intestine
b) Stomach
e) Colon
c) Pancreas
39) The ____________________ is important for absorbing excess water from the feces.
a) Liver
d) Small Intestine
b) Pancreas
e) Large Intestine
c) Stomach
40) The bulk of the nutrients from the food we consume are absorbed in the ______________.
a) Liver
d) Small Intestine
b) Stomach
e) Colon
c) Large Intestine
41) The urine leaves the body through the _______________.
a) Urethra
d) Renal drain
b) Kidney
e) Renal Pyramid
c) Renal Tubule
42) The primary purpose of the kidney is to function in regulating __________.
a) Digestion
b) Body temperature
c) Urination
d) Blood Volume
e) Heart Rate
43) The kidney reabsorbs water by reabsorbing _________________.
a) Blood
d) Fats
b) Salts
e) Proteins
c) Sugars
44) The liver helps with the digestive process by secreting _____________.
a) Bile
d) Toxins
b) Fats
e) Blood
c) Glucose
45) One example of a lethal STD would be:
a) HIV
b) Syphilis
c) Chlamydia
d) Herpes
e) Gonorrhea
46) An example of a disease caused by a bacteria would be:
a) HIV
b) Gonorrhea
c) Pubic Lice
d) Herpes
e) Warts
47) White blood cells are an important part of our _____________ system.
a) Digestive
d) Reproductive
b) Immune
e) Nervous
c) Integumentary
48) The process known as ___________ results in the production of human sex cells with 23 chromosomes.
a) Mitosis
d) Arohisis
b) Meiosis
e) Cirrhosis
c) Ketosis
49) The __________ gland is a donut-shaped structure surrounding the urethra in the male.
a) Bulbourethral
d) Vesicular
b) Cowpers
e) Ampullary
c) Prostate
50) The “normal” length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is ___________ days.
a) 54
d) 38
b) 35
e) 40
c) 28
51) Ovulation occurs approximately on day ___________ of the menstrual cycle.
a) 10
d) 30
b) 14
e) 28
c) 21
52) A _______________ is a type of white blood cell.
a) Oocyte
b) Lymphocyte
c) Spermatocyte
d) Gametophyte
e) Glomerocyte
53) Blood typing works because ____ made by a person’s body identify certain antigens found in blood.
a) Antibodies
d) Clotting Factors
b) Antigens
e) White Blood Cells
c) Anticoagulants
Use the following blood types to answer the questions that follow:
I. Type A
III. Type AB
II. Type B
IV. Type O
54) A person with type O blood can accept donations from people with type ________ blood.
a) I
d) IV
b) II
e) I, II and III
c) III
55) A person with type AB blood can donate blood to people with ________ type blood.
a) I
d) IV
b) II
e) I, II and III
c) III
56) A person with type AB blood can accept blood from people with _____ type blood.
a) I
d) I, II, III and IV
b) II
e) None of the above
c) III
57) A person with type A blood makes antibodies against type ________ blood.
a) I
d) IV
b) II
e) II and III
c) III
Oxygen-poor blood is carried back to the heart by the
a) Vena cava
d) Pulmonary artery
b) Aorta
e) Mitral valve
c) Pulmonary veins
The oxygen-poor blood enters the ____________________________ of the heart.
a) Right atrium
d) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
e) Aorta
c) Right ventricle
Oxygen-poor blood flows from the right atrium to the ___________through the
tricuspid valve.
a) Right atrium
d) Left ventricle
b) Left atrium
e) Vena cava
c) Right ventricle
The oxygen-poor blood is pumped to the lungs through the
a) Vena cava
d) Pulmonary artery
b) Aorta
e) Bicuspid valve
c) Pulmonary veins
In the lungs, carbon dioxide is exchanged for ____________________________.
a) Carbon dioxide
d) Carbon monoxide
b) Oxygen
e) Carbonate
c) Sodium
Oxygen-rich blood leaves the lungs and returns to the heart via the
a) Vena cava
d) Pulmonary artery
b) Aorta
e) Bicuspid valve
c) Pulmonary veins
64) The proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs sodium and glucose, causing _________________ to
be reabsorbed through osmosis.
a) Sodium
d) Water
b) Chloride
e) Potassium
c) Urea
65) Water follows salts via a process called _________________.
a) Diffusion
d) Active Transport
b) Osmosis
e) Passive Transport
c) Inactive Transport
66) Active transport is different from passive transport because it requires ______ in order to occur.
a) Energy
d) Hydroxide
b) Oxygen
e) Carbon Dioxide
c) Water
67) One hormone that works in regulating blood volume is ________________.
a) Cortisol
d) Luteinizing Hormone
b) Epinephrine
e) Aldosterone
c) Testosterone
68) The kidneys affect blood volume by controlling the amount of ________ reabsorbed into the
a) Hemoglobin
d) Fluid
b) Oxygen
e) Carbon Dioxide
c) Ions
69) It is the job of _________________ to carry oxygen to the tissues of the body.
a) Xantroglobin
d) Myoglobin
b) Antiglobin
e) Xenoglobin
c) Hemoglobin
70) Red blood cells function in gas exchange, whereas ________ blood cells function in immunity.
a) Purple
d) Pink
b) Green
e) Yellow
c) White
71) The element that is found at the center of the hemoglobin molecule is ________________.
a) Carbon
d) Nitrogen
b) Iron
e) Lead
c) Plutonium
72) In the lungs, oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the ____________ so it can go to the body.
a) Muscles
d) Bone
b) Blood
e) Digestive tract
c) White blood cells
73) A feedback control system that reduces or reverses a change in the internal environment is said to be a
__________________________ feedback system.
a) Negative
b) Positive
74) The _____________________ gland, which produces adrenaline, is located just above the kidneys.
a) Adrenal
d) Renal
b) Exocrine
e) Thymus
c) Thyroid
75) The ______________________ gland, which secretes Growth Hormone, is located in the brain.
a) Anterior pituitary
d) Thymus
b) Hypothalamus
e) Thyroid
c) Pineal
76) The __________________ sex glands contribute the bulk of the volume of the ejaculate.
a) Accessory
d) Rudimentary
b) Adrenal
e) Adenine
c) Ampullary
77) The gestation period in humans is approximately:
a) 9 months
b) 12 months
c) 6 months
d) 3 monthe
e) 10 months
78) The ________________ is a muscular organ which houses the unborn fetus during development.
a) Vagina
d) Oviduct
b) Cervix
e) Ovary
c) Uterus
79) The sperm only accounts for about _____% of the total seminal volume.
a) 90%
d) 50%
b) 70%
e) 10%
c) 60%
80) The egg travels to the uterus through the _______________________.
a) Vagina
d) Uterus
b) Cervix
e) Oviduct
c) Myometrium
81) The seminal vesicles produce a(n) __________ fluid to neutralize the acidity in the urethra and vagina.
a) Alkaline
d) Neutral
b) Dark
e) Nucleic
c) Acidic
82) Nasal and respiratory mucosa lines the respiratory tract. When debris gets stuck in the nasal
mucosa of the nose, _______________ form.
a) Scabs
d) Antibodies
b) Boogers
e) Antigens
c) Carbon Dioxide Gases
83) The ____________________ plays an important role in helping the sperm mature.
a) Seminiferous tubules
d) Epididymis
b) Endometrium
e) Penis
c) Vas deferens
84) The _________________ are an example of an accessory sex gland.
a) Seminiferous tubules
d) Epididymis
b) Vas deferens
e) Seminal vesicles
c) Ovary
85) The ________________ is the copulatory (external sex) organ of the male anatomy.
a) Seminiferous tubules
d) Epididymis
b) Vas deferens
e) Penis
c) Scrotum
86) The ____________________ is the tube that takes urine to the outside of the body.
a) Seminiferous tubules
d) Epididymis
b) Vas deferens
e) Urethra
c) Scrotum
87) The _____________________ transport sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
a) Seminiferous tubules
d) Epididymis
b) Renal tubules
e) Ureters
c) Vas deferens
88) A diploid cell has 46 chromosomes, whereas a ________ cell has only 23 chromosomes.
a) Haploid
d) Septiod
b) Tetroid
e) Octoid
c) Quatroid
One example of a blood-borne illness is:
a) HIV
b) Strep Throat
c) Asthma
d) Herpes
e) Conjunctivitis
An example of an STD, as opposed to an STI would be:
a) Syphillis
d) Herpes
b) Gonorrhea
e) Yeast Infection
c) Chlamydia
Label the structures on the diagram below:
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Ovary
b) Uterus
c) Cervix
d) Vagina
e) Oviduct
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Ovary
b) Uterus
c) Cervix
d) Vagina
e) Oviduct
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Ovary
b) Uterus
c) Cervix
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
d) Vagina
e) Oviduct
a) Ovary
b) Uterus
c) Cervix
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Ovary
b) Uterus
c) Cervix
d) Vagina
e) Oviduct
d) Vagina
e) Oviduct
Label the structures on the diagram below:
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Testis
b) Penis
c) Epididymis
d) Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
e) Prostate Gland
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Testis
b) Penis
c) Epididymis
d) Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
e) Prostate Gland
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Testis
b) Penis
c) Epididymis
d) Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
e) Prostate Gland
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Testis
b) Penis
c) Epididymis
The structure corresponding to this number is the:
a) Testis
b) Penis
c) Epididymis
d) Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
e) Prostate Gland
d) Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
e) Prostate Gland
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