
Some Fundamentals of Stability
Aaron Greenfield
Introduction + Motivation
Techniques for Lyapunov Function
Basic Notion of Stability
An important property of dynamic systems
Stability. . .
An “insensitivity” to small perturbations
Perturbations are modeling errors of system, environment, noise
F=0. OK
Basic Notions of Stability
An important property of dynamic systems
Stability. . .
An “insensitivity” to small perturbations
Perturbations are modeling errors of system, environment
F=0. OK
Basic Notions of Stability
An important property of dynamic systems
Stability. . .
An “insensitivity” to small perturbations
Perturbations are modeling errors of system, environment
F=0. OK
Basic Notions of Stability
An important property of dynamic systems
Stability. . .
An “insensitivity” to small perturbations
Perturbations are modeling errors of system, environment, unmodeled
F=0. OK
Basic Notions of Stability
Why might someone in robotics study stability?
(1) To ensure acceptable performance of the robot under perturbation
  Mq  Cq  g
Configuration space trajectory
with constraints
Some Notation
p(t ; x0 , t0 )
|| x ||
An isolated equilibrium of an ODE
A solution curve to first-order ODE system
with initial conditions listed
Standard Euclidean Vector Norm
MANY definitions for related stability concepts
Restrict attention to following classes of differential equations
x  f (x)
Autonomous ODE
x  f ( x, t )
Non-Autonomous ODE
x  f ( x, u, t )
Reduces to above under action of a control
Stabilizability Question
Definitions Summary Slide
Lyapunov Stability
x  f (x)
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn1.1: Stability of autonomous ODE, isolated equilibrium
The equilibrium point (or motion) is called stable in the sense
of Lyapunov if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
such that
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   t  t0
whenever ||
x0 ||   ( )
p(t; x0 , t0 )
Hahn 1967
Slotine, Li
Lyapunov Stability
x  f (x)
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn1.1: Stability of autonomous ODE, isolated equilibrium
The equilibrium point (or motion) is called stable in the sense
of Lyapunov if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   t  t0
whenever ||
x0 ||   ( )
such that
1    1 (Local Concept)
(2) There can be a  max but no  min
(1) If
(Unbounded Solutions)
Lagrange Stability
x  f (x)
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn1.1: Stability of autonomous ODE, isolated equilibrium
The equilibrium point (or motion) is called stable in the sense
of Lyapunov if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   ( ) t  t0
|| x0 ||  
such that
Lagrange Stability
x  f (x)
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn1.1: Stability of autonomous ODE, isolated equilibrium
The equilibrium point (or motion) is called stable in the sense
of Lyapunov if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
such that
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   ( ) t  t0
|| x0 ||  
Lagrange Stable
Lagrange Stability
x  f (x)
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn1.1: Stability of autonomous ODE, isolated equilibrium
The system is Lagrange stable if:
For all 
 0there exists   0
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   ( ) t  t0
whenever || x0 ||  
such that
(1) Bounded Solutions
(2) Independent Concept
a) Lyapunov, Lagrange
b) Not Lyapunov, Lagrange
c) Lyapunov, Not Lagrange
d) Not Lyapunov, Not Lagrange
x  f (x) With Isolated equilibrium at xe  0
Defn 1.2: Attractivity of autonomous ODE,isolated equilibrium
The equilibrium point (or motion) is called attractive if:
There exists an   0
lim p (t ; x0 , t0 )  xe
t 
such that
x 0 :|| x0 ||  
(1) Asymptotic concept, no transient notion
(2) Stability completely separate concept
a) Stable, Attractive
b) Unstable, Unattractive
c) Stable, Unattractive
d) Unstable, Attractive
(3) Unstable yet attractive, Vinograd
Attractivity Example
x  f (x) With Isolated equilibrium at xe  0
Defn 1.2: Attractivity of autonomous ODE,isolated equilibrium
x 2 ( y  x)  y 5
x  2
( x  y 2 )(1  ( x 2  y 2 ) 2 )
x  0 if x  0; y  0
y 2 ( y  2 x)
y  2
( x  y 2 )(1  ( x 2  y 2 ) 2 )
y  0 if x  0; y  0
Denominator always positive
y Switches on
y  2x
Asymptotic Stability
x  f (x)
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn 1.3: Asymptotic stability of autonomous ODE,
isolated equilibrium
Asymptotically stable equals both stable and attractive
Defn 1.4: Global Asymptotic stability of autonomous ODE,
isolated equilibrium
Global Asymptotic Stability is both stable and attractive for 
Set Stability
Now consider stability of objects other than isolated equilibrium point
Defn 1.5: Stability of an invariant set M,
autonomous ODE
The set M is called stable in the sense of Lyapunov if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
such that
ρ(p(t), M)  ε t  t0
whenever ρ(x 0 , M)  δ
Invariant-Not entered or exited
(1) Attractivity, Asymptotic Stability
are comparably redefined
(2) Use on limit cycles, for example
 ( x, M )  inf || x  y ||, y  M
Motion Stability
Now consider stability of objects other than isolated equilibrium point
Defn 1.6: Stability of a motion (trajectory),
autonomous ODE
The motion
p(t; x0 , t0 ) is stable if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
such that
|| p(t; x0 , t0 )  p(t; x1 , t0 ) ||   t  t0
|| x1 - x0 ||  
(1) Just redefined distance again
(2) Error Coordinate Transform
Uniform Stability
x  f ( x, t )
With Isolated equilibrium at
xe  0
Defn2.1: Stability of non-autonomous ODE,
isolated equilibrium
The equilibrium point (or motion) is called stable (Lyapunov) if:
For all   0 there exists
 0
such that
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   t  t0
|| x0 ||   ( , t0 )
Defn 2.2: Uniform Stability of non-autonomous ODE,
isolated equilibrium
|| x0 ||   ( , t0 )
 || x0 ||   ( )
x  f ( x, t )
With Isolated equilibirum at
xe  0
Defn2.1: Stability of non-autonomous ODE,
isolated equilibrium
Stable, not uniformly stable system
x  (t sin t  cos t  2) x
x(t )  x0 exp t0 (2  cos t0 )* exp  t (2  cos t )
Definitions-Wrap Up Slide
Autonomous ODE
Stability of Equilibrium
Lagrange Stability
Asymptotic Stability
Stability of Set
Stability of Motion
Not Covered:
Non-Autonomous ODE
Uniform Stability
Exponential Stability
Input-Output Stability BIBO-BIBS
Stochastic Stability Notions
Stabilizability, Instability, Total
How do we show a specific system has a stability property?
MANY theorems exist which can be used to prove some stability property
Restrict attention again to autonomous, non-autonomous ODE
These theorems typically relate existence of a particular function
(Lyapunov) function to a particular stability property
there exists a Lyapunov function,
some stability property
Lyapunov Functions
Lyapunov Functions
Defn 3.1 Lyapunov function for an autonomous system
V (x )
V ( x) 
 f 0
Positive Definite around origin
x  f (x)
V ( x)  0  x  0
V ( x)  0
For some neighborhood of origin
Defn 3.2 Lyapunov function for an non-autonomous system
V ( x, t )  V2 ( x)t
V ( x, t ) 
x  f ( x, t )
Dominates Positive Definite Fn
For some neighborhood of origin
V is continuous in x,t
V is also
[Slotine, Li]
Stability Theorem
Thm 1.1: Stability of Isolated Equilibrium of Autonomous ODE
An isolated equilibrium of x 
for this system
is stable if there exists a Lyapunov Function
Proof Sketch 1.1
(1) Pick Arbitrary Epsilon, Construct Delta
V ( x), V ( x)  0 exists
(2) Consider min of V(x) on || x ||  Vbound
Extreme Value Theorem
For all   0 there exists 
|| p(t; x0 , t0 ) ||   t  t0
f (x)
x  f (x)
|| x0 ||  
(3) Define function
f ( )  max V ( x) :|| x || 
(4) If
f ( )
continuous, then by IVT
  (0,  ) : f ( )  vbound
(5) Since V ( x)  0
|| x0 ||  || x(t ) || 
Stability proof example
Thm 1.1: Stability of Isolated Equilibrium of Autonomous ODE
An isolated equilibrium of x 
for this system
f (x)
is stable if there exists a Lyapunov Function
Example- Undamped pendulum
     
  sin   0       sin  
  
(1) Propose
V ( ,  )  1  cos     2
(Kinetic + Potential)
(2) Derivative
x  f (x)
V ( ,  )  sin  *    0
Asymptotic stability theorem
Thm 1.2: Asymptotic Stability of Isolated Equilibrium of Autonomous ODE
An isolated equilibrium of x  f (x) is asymptotically stable if there exists
a Lyapunov Function for this system with strictly negative time derivative.
Small Proof Sketch 1.2
(1) Stability from prev, Need Attractivity
V ( x)
(2) EVT with
 :|| p(t; x0 ) ||  t
V ( x)
“Ball” not entered
(3) Construct a sequence of Epsilon balls
V ( x)  0 locally
V ( x)  0 globally
V ( x)  , || x || 
Radial Unbounded, Barbashin Extension
Lasalle Theorem
Thm 1.3: Stability of Invariant Set of Autonomous ODE
(Lasalle’s Theorem)
x  f (x)
Use: V ( x)  0 and Limit Cycle Stability
Let there be a region Gl be defined by: x : V ( x)  l
Let V ( x)  0 on G
E : V 1 (0);
M is largest invariant
Let there be two more regions E and M:
M  E  Gl set
 ( p (t ), M )  0
Then M is attractive, that is lim
t 
Small Proof Sketch 1.3
(1) Define Positive Limit Set
( x0 )  { p : {tn } and p(tn ; xo )  p as tn  }
Invariant, Non-Empty, ATTRACTIVE!!
(2) Show ( x0 )  V 1 (0)  E
[Lasalle 1975]
Lasalle Theorem example
Lasalle’s Theorem Example
Example- Damped pendulum
     sin   b 
   
  b  sin   0     
(1) Propose
(2) Derivative
V ( ,  )  1  cos     2
V ( ,  )  sin  *  
 b 2  0
E  V 1 (0)  {( ,   0)}
M : (  0,   0)
Asymptotic Stability of Origin
Uniform Stability Theorem
Theorems for Non-Autonomous ODE
x  f ( x, t )
Stability and Asymptotic Stability remain the same
V ( x, t )  0  Stability
V ( x, t )  0  Asymptotic Stability
Thm 1.4: Uniform (Stability) Asymptotic Stability of Non-Autonomous ODE,
Isolated Equilibrium point
The equilibrium is uniformly (Stable) asymptotically stable if there exists
A Lyapunov function with (V ( x, t )  0) V ( x, t )  0 and there exists
a function such that:
V ( x, t )  V1 ( x)
Small Proof Sketch 1.4
 (|| x ||)  V ( x, t )   (|| x ||)
Positive Definite and Decrescent
 ( )   ( )  V ( x, t )   (|| x(t ) ||)
 ( )   (|| x(t ) ||)
Barbalet’s Lemma
Thm 1.5: Barbalet’s Lemma as used in Stability
(Used for Non-Autonomous ODE) x
f ( x, t )
If there exists a scalar function V ( x, t ) such that:
(1) V has a lower bound
(2) V  0
(3) V ( x, t ) is uniformly continuous in time
Then lim V ( x, t )  0
t 
V ( ,  )  sin  *  
 b 2  0
 lim  (t )  0
t 
Theorems-Wrap Up Slide
Autonomous ODE
Non-Autonomous ODE
Lyapunov implies stability Same
Lyapunov implies a.s
Uniform Stability
Lasalle’s Theorem for sets Barbalet’s Lemma
Not Covered:
Instability Theorems
Converse Theorems
Kalman-Yacobovich, other Frequency
Techniques for Lyapunov Construction
Theorems relate function existence with stability
How then to show a Lyapunov function exists? Construct it
In general, Lyapunov function construction is an art.
Special Cases
Linear Time Invariant Systems
Mechanical Systems
Construction for Linear System
Construction for a Linear System
x  Ax
V ( x)  xT Px
(1) Propose
(2) Time Derivative
P is symmetric
P is positive definite
V ( x)  V  Ax  2 xT PAx
 xT ( PA  AT P) x
If we choose
and solve algebraically for P:
PA  AT P  Q
As long as A is stable, a solution is known to exist.
Also an explicit representation of the solution exists:
P   e Qe At dt
AT t
Construction for a Mechanical System
Construction for a Mechanical System
V (q, q ) 
  M (q)q  Cq  g (q)
1 T
q M (q)q  q T K p q
Kinetic Energy
(1) Propose
(or similar)
Potential Energy
V (q, q )  q T M (q )q  q T M (q )q  q T K p q
(2) Time Derivative
If we use PD-controller with gravity compensation
  K p q  K d q  g
V (q, q )  q T K D q
Asymptotically stable with Lasalle
General Construction Techniques
Construction methods for an Arbitrary System
x  f (x)
V ( x)  f T Pf
A quadratic form (ellipsoid) of system velocity
V ( x)  f Pf  f Pf  f (
*P  P* ) f
*P  P*  Q  0
Variable Gradient
V ( x)   Vdx
Assume a form for the gradient, i.e Vi 
Solve for negative semi-definite gradient
Integrate and hope for positive definite V
a x
j 1
[Slotine, Li]
Construction Wrap-Up Slide
(1) Linear System -> Explicity Solve Lyapunov Equation
(2) Mechanical System -> Try a variant of mechanical energy
(3) Krasovskii’s Method
Variable Gradient
Problem specific trial and error
Motivated why stability is an important
Looked at a variety of definitions of various
forms of stability
Looked at theorems relating Lyapunov
functions to these notions of stability
Looked at some methods to construct
Lyapunov functions for particular problems