Edison Department of Health and Human Services Internship Booklet Expectations and Policies Edison Department of Health and Human Services Antonia Ricigliano, Mayor ♦ Edison Township Council Jay P. Elliot, BS, Director ♦ Lisa A. Gulla, MPH, Health Officer Updated 4/12 Department Mission: To respond to the diversified needs of the community through assessment, education and assistance in order to promote the health and well being of our residents. Department Structure: The Edison Department of Health and Human Services consists of a wide variety of services and program areas. The Department consists of 3 Divisions: the Division of Health, the Division of Human Services and the Division of Senior Citizen Services. The Division of Health consists of the following sections: Environmental Housing, the Municipal Animal Shelter, Health Education, Public Health Nursing and the Bureau of Vital Statistics. The Division of Human Services contains the Edison Municipal Alliance/Youth Services Commission. The Division of Senior Citizen Services is separated into three sections: Transportation Services, Outreach Services and Geriatric Services. Office Locations: The Department of Health and Human Services operates within four locations: 1. Edison Municipal Building, 1st Floor, 100 Municipal Boulevard, Edison, NJ 08817 2. Edison Municipal Animal Shelter, 125 Municipal Boulevard, Edison, NJ 08817 3. Dr. William Toth Memorial Health Center, 80 Idlewild Road, Edison, NJ 08817 4. Edison Senior Center, 2963 Woodbridge Avenue, Edison, NJ 08837 Your primary internship location will be determined based on your internship supervisor and topic area of your project. All interns will be exposed to as many divisions and services as possible during their time working with the Department. Goal of Internship Experience: Many of the staff members within the Edison Department of Health and Human Services completed some sort of internship or practical experience during their own time as a student. The department understands the value of a good internship experience, where the student can learn about the diverse areas within a Public Health Department. We strive to give you a positive, meaningful experience that can help you better determine you future career path. It is important that you share your interests and career aspirations as well as give feedback throughout your time working with the Department so you can get the most meaningful experience possible. Types of Internships Available: The Department of Health and Human Services has hosted interns from a number of schools including: Rutgers University, The College of New Jersey, The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Montclair University, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and Walden University. Both Undergraduate and Master’s candidates can be accommodated. Intern project topic areas can vary based on available programs at the Department of Health and Human Services, intern personal interest areas and the requirements of the school. Please note, only internships without compensation are available at this time. Updated 4/12 Before You Start: All potential internship candidates are required to complete an interview prior to drafting a working contract. If an appropriate agreement can be reached to meet the terms of your schools requirements, a contract must be signed and completed prior to the start of measureable hours. Determining the schools specific requirements, including the number of hours that must be completed, the specific project requirements and/or what the needs to be included in the final paper or presentation, is the responsibility of the potential intern. Although your internship site supervisor can guide/assist you through any paperwork you may have, researching requirements and filling out of all paperwork is the responsibility of the potential intern. Intern Expectations: 1. This is a professional workplace. You are expected to conduct yourself with a professional demeanor where you show respect for fellow interns, departmental staff and any members of the public you encounter. 2. You are expected to be on-time and be present for all scheduled work days. 3. Due to the nature of programming in a Public Health Department, some evening or weekend hours may be required. Depending on the nature of your project, you may be required to work outside of normal business hours. Please consider other school and/or work schedules when determining your internship project. 4. On an occasion you will not be in the office, whether sick or for another situation, you must get advanced approval or call your internship supervisor the day you will be absent. An email is not appropriate notification that you are not coming in on a previously scheduled day. 5. You should follow your pre-determined schedule unless otherwise discussed with your site supervisor. 6. Each day you will work in the office, you are required to sign in and sign out so all hours can be easily calculated. 7. Interns are expected to dress in a professional manner. Updated 4/12 Intern Agreement: I have received and read the internship expectation booklet. I understand that I am to follow the protocols in this guide if I decide to complete my internship or practicum experience with the Department of Health and Human Services. Should I have questions at any time during my internship planning or project, I will contact my Site Supervisor directly. _______________________________________________ Name (please print) _______________________________________________ Signature ______________ Date Updated 4/12