Module 2 Creating and Implementing MarketOriented Strategic Planning Kotler’s Chapter 3 and 22 Chapter 3: Winning Markets: Market-Oriented Strategic Planning • Learning Objectives – 1. Describe what is strategic planning on the corporate level and the eight major steps involved in business strategic planning. – 2. Discuss the business portfolio techniques utilized in assigning resources to SBUs. – 3. Describe the strategic options available in planning new businesses and downsizing older businesses. – 4. Describe the value delivery sequence. – 5. Describe what is involved in creating a mkting plan. Chapter 3/Objective 1: Describe what is strategic planning on the corporate level. • Market-Oriented Strategic Planning - the managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization’s objectives, skills, and resources and its’ changing market opportunities. The aim is to shape the company’s businesses so they yield target profits/growths. • Corporate and Division Strategic Planning – – – – Defining the corporate mission Establishing strategic business units (SBUs) Assigning resources to each SBU (Obj 2) Planning new businesses, downsizing older businesses (Obj 3) Chp 3/Obj 1: Describe what is strategic planning on the corporate level cont. • Defining the corporate mission – Ask some fundamental questions as to what is the business, why does it exist, whose needs is firm trying to serve, what does firm value? – Need to convey a shared sense of purpose and direction to all stakeholders. – Need to define competitive scope: industry, product/applications, competence, marketsegment, vertical, and/or geographical scope. Chp 3/Obj 1: The Eight Major Steps in Business Strategic Planning • 1. Business Mission - define specific mission • 2. SWOT Analysis (2 steps) – a.External Environment Analysis - Opportunity/Threats • Marketing opportunity is an area of buyer need in which a company can perform profitably (look at in terms of attractiveness and success probability). • Environmental threat is a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that would lead in the absence of defensive marketing action to deterioration in sales/profits (look at in terms of seriousness and probability of occurrence). – b.Internal Environment Analysis-Strengths/Weaknesses Chp 3/Obj 1: The Eight Major Steps in Business Strategic Planning Cont. • 3. Goal Formulation – Goals state qualitative direction (ex. Increase Profits) while Objectives are needed to quantify this direction by stating the performance dimension from the goal, a measure for evaluating progress, a benchmark and target level, and a time frame (ex. Increase profits from $1 million this year to $1.5 million at the end of next year). Need both goals + objectives. – These need to be arranged hierarchically (most important first), be realistic, and consistent/compatible with each other. Chp 3/Obj 1: The Eight Major Steps in Business Strategic Planning Cont. • 4. Strategic Formulation - Game plan to meet goals/objectives – Porter’s 3 types: cost leadership, differentiation, focus/customer intimacy. • 5. Program Formulation - Create action plans that detail tactics that must be done for strategy. • 6. Implementation - carry out plan • 7. Feedback and Control - measure if plan worked/objectives met, consider/track environment, and if any changes to plan is needed. Chp 3/Obj 2: Discuss the business portfolio techniques in assigning resources to SBUs. • Boston Consulting Group – Looks at market growth rate and relative market share – Categorizes SBUs as Stars, ?, Cash Cows, and Dogs – Determine whether to build, hold, harvest, or divest • General Electric Model – Looks at market attractiveness and business strength in terms of both quantitative and qualitative measures. – Uses weightings and ratings to evaluate factors of each dimension. Chp 3/Obj 3: Describe the strategic options in planning new or downsizing older businesses. • Intensive Growth – Market Penetration, Marketing Development, and Product Development • Integrative Growth – Backward, Forward, or Horizontal integration • Diversification Growth – Concentric, horizontal, and conglomerate • Downsizing Older Businesses – Prune, harvest, or divest tired old businesses to release needed resources and reduce costs. Chp 3/Obj 4: Describe the value delivery sequence • Traditional Physical Process Sequence – Make the product and sell the product • Value Creation and Delivery Sequence – Choose the Value - strategic marketing with segmentation, market selection, positioning. – Provide the Value - tactical marketing of product, price, and place. – Communicate the Value - tactical marketing with the promotional mix. Chp 3/Obj 5: Describe what is involved in creating a marketing plan. • • • • • • • • • Executive Summary and Table of Contents Current Marketing Situation (Situation Analysis) Opportunity and Issue Analysis (SWOT) Objectives (Outcomes) Marketing Strategy Action Programs (Plans/Tactics) Projected P/L Statement (Financials) Controls Also could include References and Exhibits. See tutorial. Chapter 22: Managing the Total Marketing Effort • Learning Objectives – 1. Describe the six stage evolution of the marketing department. – 2. Describe the trends in organizing the marketing department in the firm. – 3. Describe the options in evaluating and controlling marketing efforts. Chp 22/Obj 1: Six Stage Evolution of Marketing Department • Simple Sales Department - outsiders do marketing • Sales Department with Ancillary Marketing Functions Marketing director reports to Sales • Separate Marketing Department - Marketing Department separate from Sales Department • Modern Marketing Department - Marketing Department responsible for all marketing and sales efforts • Effective Marketing Company-All depts focus on customer • Process and Outcome-Based Company-cross disciplinary teams focus on key process such as new products Chp 22/Obj 2: Describe the trends in organizing the MKTG department in the firm • Functional - functional specialists • Geographic - regional managers • Product or Brand Management - manager responsible for a variety of tasks for a product • Market-Management - manager responsible for a specific market (customer group) • Product-Management/Market-Management (Matrix Organization) - managers responsible for each discrete market and managers responsible for each product • Corporate-Divisional - balancing corporate versus divisional marketing responsibilities Chp 22/Obj 2: Describe trends in organizing the MKTG department in the firm cont. • Need to address Marketing relations with other departments; balance politics/views - perspective. • Marketing needs to effectively work with R&D, Engineering, Manufacturing, Operations, Finance, Accounting, Credit, etc… • Managers need to develop systems that make a market orientation possible (i.e. carrying out the marketing concept) and reinforce/reward those who make those systems work. Chp 22/Obj 3: Describe the options in evaluating/controlling marketing efforts • Marketers need to continuously monitor and control marketing activities. • 1. Annual/Plan Control - mgmt by objectives – Sales Analysis - sales variance and microsales analysis – Market-Share Analysis - take with a grain of salt – Marketing Expense-to-Sales Analysis - how much bang for the buck is one getting from marketing efforts – Financial Analysis - ratios – Market-Based Scorecard Analysis - track customer stats Chp 22/Obj 3: Describe the options in evaluating/controlling mktg efforts cont. • Profitability Control – Marketing-Profitability Analysis but need to address how to assign indirect/common costs, correct problems. • Efficiency Control – Sales force, Advertising, Sales-Promotion, and Distribution Efficiency (are these efforts working). • Strategic Control – Marketing-effectiveness review (measure if carrying out marketing concept) – Comprehensive marketing audit (done by an outsider). Module 2 • Creating and implementing marketoriented strategic planning. • Chapters 3 and 22 • Any questions?