Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] KFS Technical Specification Document TS_GL_0049_Create Trial Balance in KFS Michigan State University Date Created: 02/09/2010 Date Last Updated: Disposition: Draft Priority : TBD Page 1 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] Table of Contents 1 2 Purpose.................................................................................................................................... 3 Design Description.................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Detailed design description: ............................................................................................. 3 2.2 Class Diagram (Optional): ............................................................................................... 9 2.3 Sequence Diagram (Optional): ......................................................................................... 9 2.4 Collaboration Diagram (Optional): .................................................................................. 9 3 Data Model.............................................................................................................................. 9 3.1 ER Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 New/Affected Data Entities (Field names are required) .................................................. 9 4 Unit Testing ............................................................................................................................ 9 5 Implementation/Deployment Notes ...................................................................................... 10 6 Interface Implementation Details (Required if this is an interface realization otherwise optional): ....................................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 Interface Implementation Characteristics....................................................................... 10 6.1.1 Source System (s) ................................................................................................... 10 6.1.2 Frequency................................................................................................................ 10 6.1.3 Timing ..................................................................................................................... 10 6.1.4 Sizing ...................................................................................................................... 10 6.1.5 Format ..................................................................................................................... 10 6.1.6 Security ................................................................................................................... 10 6.1.7 Other ....................................................................................................................... 11 6.2 System Outputs .............................................................................................................. 11 6.3 Operational Notes ........................................................................................................... 11 7 Performance Considerations ................................................................................................. 11 8 Reports .................................................................................................................................. 11 9 Functional Specification References..................................................................................... 11 10 Related Issues........................................................................................................................ 11 11 Final Sign Off ....................................................................................................................... 11 Page 2 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] Introduction The purpose of this document is to describe the technical implementation of the functional requirement outlined in ‘RQ_GL_0049_Create Trial Balance in KFS.docx’. Please refer to Section 6 for functional details. 1 Purpose The purpose of this AER is to generate Trial Balance report with year to date amount directly from Kuali Financial System. We provide a link called “Trial Balance” from ‘Main menu’ -> report. The role of KFSSYS user is granted with the permission of accessing this link and generating the report. The trial balance report lookup screen not only has the KFS lookup functionality. It also provides an extra button called “generate print file”. Using this button, the user can download and print PDF format of trial balance report. At the same time, the PDF report is also saved in the GL report staging folder which can be reviewed by the user at the later time. The saved trial balance PDF report can be accessed using the “Batch File” link from Administration -> System. 2 2.1 Design Description Detailed design description: 1. Creating a business object class serving for trial balance lookup. The new Business object (BO) is added to the package: edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.businessobject.TrialBalanceReport Since trial balance lookup is based on GL balance table. We can extend Balance BO to Trial Balance BO. The class diagram is showed below. delivered org.kuali.kfs.gl.businessobject. Balance -... MSU new BO: edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.businessobject. -beginningFiscalYear -debitAmount -creditAmount -finChartOfAccountDescription 2. Creating the xml file representing the TrialBalanceReport BO. In this xml file, besides setting up the property attribute, we should also set up ‘lookupFields” and “resultFields” as the desired format in FDS. Page 3 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] The new xml file can be found at the path: edu/msu/ebsp/kfs/gl/businessobject/datadictionary/TrialBalanceReport.xml 3. Added action class, form class and jsp file for web display Trial balance report main functional screen is a lookup-style screen. Also, this screen should support generating pdf report functionality. The current RICE lookup framework has extension limitation to support this extra button for pdf generating. The solution is to provide the suite of web code include action class, form class and customized jsp file. The action class extends from KualiLookupAction class and mainly implement three methods search(), print(),viewResults(). search() is responsible for handing search action on the Trial Balance Lookup screen. print() is taking care of generating the pdf file, saving it to the stating folder and sending back as the response to the client browser. viewResults() helps to display multiple pages of search results. Added the web display related code to the package: edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportAction edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportForm kfs/work/web-root/jsp/gl/TrialBalanceReportLookup.jsp Then, we need to update the report.tag file locating at the ‘WEBINF/tags/portal/channel/main/reports.tag’ to update the link for ‘trial balance’ report. Also, we should update WEB-INF/struts-config.xml to include this new form and complete the action mapping. <form-bean name="TrialBalanceReportForm" type="edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportForm" /> … <action-mappings> <action path="/glTrialBalance" name="TrialBalanceReportForm" type="edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportAction" scope="request" parameter="methodToCall" validate="false" attribute="KualiForm" > <forward name="basic" path="/jsp/gl/TrialBalanceReportLookup.jsp" /> </action> </action-mappings> The class diagram is showed below. Page 4 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action.KualiLookupAction -... +...() edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportAction -addlChgAcctsService +search() +viewResults() +print() #generatePdfOutStream() TrialBalanceReportAction org.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.form.LookupForm -... edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportForm -message TrialBalanceReportForm 4. Creating Jasper report template xml file iReport is a visual reporting tool for JasperReports. It relies on the jasper report compiler. When we using it to generate jasper report template xml, we should use the same version of Jasper compiler in KFS. Currently, KFS Jasper compiler version is 2.0.4. We could install iReport 2.0.4 and generate the Jasper report xml. The report xml is designed in accordance with MSU EBSP report template. The MSU and EBP logo are inserted into the generated PDF file. When it runs without compilation error, we can move it to the application folder and use to generate trial balance report. The xml file is added to the folder at: src/edu/msu/ebsp/kfs/gl/report/TrialBalanceReport.jrxml 5. Configuring the report information To help to generate the PDF report, KFS framework provides the Jasper wrapper class called ReportGenerationService and a information holder class called ReportInfoHolder to collect the general report information, like report title, the name and directory for reports etc. We need to set up the bean and its property value in the spring xml msu/edu/ebsp/kfs/gl/msu-spring-gl.xml. Page 5 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] <bean id="glTrialBalanceReportInfo" class="org.kuali.kfs.sys.report.ReportInfoHolder" > <property name="reportTitle" value="Trial Balance Report" /> <property name="reportFileName" value="gl_trial_balance_report" /> <property name="reportsDirectory" value="${reports.directory}/gl/" /> <property name="resourceBundleBaseName" value="edu/msu/ebsp/kfs/gl/report/messages" /> <property name="reportTemplateClassPath" value="edu/msu/ebsp/kfs/gl/report/" /> <property name="reportTemplateName" value="TrialBalanceReport" /> <property name="subReportTemplateClassPath" value="org/kuali/kfs/module/ec/report/" /> <property name="subReports"> <map> </map> </property> </bean> 6. Creating TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceImpl for generating the search results (getSearchResults()), search result inquiry url (getInquiryUrl()), validate user input of search criteria(validateSearchParameters()). Added TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceImpl to the package: edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.businessobject.lookup. TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceImpl Also, we need to update the spring xml to include this service: msu/edu/ebsp/kfs/gl/msu-spring-gl.xml <bean id="glTrialBalanceLookupableHelperService" class="edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.businessobject.lookup.TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServ iceImpl" scope="prototype"> <property name="trialBalanceService" ref="trialBalanceService" /> </bean> <bean id="glTrialBalanceReportLookupable" class="org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.KualiLookupableImpl" scope="prototype"> <property name="lookupableHelperService"> <ref bean="glTrialBalanceLookupableHelperService" /> </property> </bean> Below is the class diagram for TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceImpl Page 6 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.KualiLookupableHelperServiceImpl +validateSearchParameters() +getInquiryUrl() +getSearchResults() edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.businessobject.lookup. TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceImpl -additionalChargeAccountsService +getInquiryUrl() +getSearchResults() +validateSearchParameters() #buildBalanceCollection() #updateReportListWithTotalAmount() 7. Service and DAO (1) We provide a service class to help generate pdf file using jasper and get the search results from the balance table. Added the interface class and its implementation at: edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.service.TrialBalanceService edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.service.impl.TrialBalanceServiceImpl The class diagram is showed as below. «interface» edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.service.TrialBalanceService +findTrialBalance() +generateReportForExtractProcess() edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.service.impl.TrialBalanceServiceImpl +findTrialBalance() +generateReportForExtractProcess() (2) For database access, we created a DAO file and DAOJdbc file to get the data from database. The reason we select JDBC over OJB is due to the performance consideration for this ad-hoc report. OJB will take much longer time and more memory space for each proxy object, which is not a good selection for ad-hoc report generating. Added the DAO interface and the JDBC code at: edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.dataaccess.TrialBalanceDao edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.dataaccess.impl.TrialBalanceDaoJdbc Page 7 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] The class diagram is showed as below. «interface» edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.dataaccess.TrialBalanceDao +findBalanceByFields() edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.dataaccess.impl.TrialBalanceDaoJdbc +findBalanceByFields() (3) Update the spring xml file for the above service and DAO class Updated the file at ‘msu/edu/ebsp/kfs/gl/msu-spring-gl.xml’ with the following lines. <bean id="trialBalanceDao" parent="platformAwareDaoJdbc" class="edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.dataaccess.impl.TrialBalanceDaoJdbc"> </bean> <bean id="trialBalanceService" class="edu.msu.ebsp.kfs.gl.service.impl.TrialBalanceServiceImpl"> <property name="trialBalanceDao" ref="trialBalanceDao" /> <property name="glTrialBalanceReportInfo" ref="glTrialBalanceReportInfo" /> <property name="reportGenerationService" ref="reportGenerationService" /> <property name="dateTimeService" ref="dateTimeService" /> <property name="ebsLogoPath" value="${externalizable.images.url}/ebslogo.jpg" /> <property name="msuLogoPath" value="${externalizable.images.url}/msulogo.jpg" /> </bean> … 8. Adding KIM configuration for allowing KFS-SYS user to access “Trial Balance” link. The sql file in charge of the KIM configuration was committed with the name 98_main.sql Page 8 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] -- ASR-1212: added the permission for accessing trial balance report screen. configure 'KFS-SYS user'(role_id=54) with the permission insert into krim_perm_t(perm_id,ver_nbr,perm_tmpl_id, nmspc_cd, nm, desc_txt, actv_ind) values(KRIM_PERM_ID_S.NEXTVAL,1,29,'KFS-GL','Use Screen','Allows users to access Trial Balance Report screen. ','Y') / insert into krim_perm_attr_data_t(attr_data_id,ver_nbr,perm_id, kim_typ_id, kim_attr_defn_id, attr_val) values(KRIM_ATTR_DATA_ID_S.nextval,1,KRIM_PERM_ID_S.CURRVAL,12,2,'edu.msu.ebsp.kf s.gl.web.struts.TrialBalanceReportAction') / insert into krim_role_perm_t(role_perm_id,role_id,perm_id) values(krim_role_perm_id_s.NEXTVAL,54,KRIM_PERM_ID_S.CURRVAL) / 2.2 Class Diagram (Optional): 2.3 Sequence Diagram (Optional): Sequence diagram for class interaction related to current realization. 2.4 Collaboration Diagram (Optional): Collaboration diagram for class interaction related to current realization. 3 Data Model 3.1 ER Diagram 3.2 New/Affected Data Entities (Field names are required) The SQL files involved in this ASR include: 98_main.sql and the tables being updated include: krim_perm_t, krim_perm_attr_data_t, krim_role_perm_t New/Affected Data Entities (Field names are required) 4 Unit Testing 1. Test cases added TrialBalanceServiceTest#testFindTrialBalance_IncreaseAmt TrialBalanceServiceTest#testFindTrialBalance_DecreaseAmt TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceTest#testGetSearchResults TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceTest#testGetInquiryUrl_notEmpty Page 9 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceTest#testGetInquiryUrl_empty TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceTest#testValidateSearchParameters_validFiscalYear TrialBalanceLookupableHelperServiceTest#testValidateSearchParameters_invalidFY 5 Implementation/Deployment Notes Describe any specific implementation information related to this functionality. Describe any special deployment options that relate to this functionality such as clustering, load balancing, application server versions etc. 6 Interface Implementation Details (Required if this is an interface realization otherwise optional): 6.1 Interface Implementation Characteristics 6.1.1 Source System (s) [A high level description of the source system(s) that access this interface. Also indicate the type if possible - Relational Database, Positional Flat File, Delimited Flat File, Java API, C API, XML File, Other (Indicate the type)] 6.1.2 Frequency [Indicate how often this interface is accessed, e.g., once a week, 500 times a day, etc. If it is accessed by multiple systems list them all.] 6.1.3 Timing [Does this interface need to be run at a certain time, or between certain time periods?] 6.1.4 Sizing Transfer Rates [Indicate expected transfer rates, e.g., must be able to load X records per minute] Number of records/transfer [Indicate number of records per transfer] Estimated size of a record [Indicate estimated size of record (e.g. 100 bytes, 10K, etc.)] 6.1.5 Format [Reference the interface definition document] 6.1.6 Security [List known security issues, e.g., login required, firewalls, etc] Page 10 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1 Enterprise Business Systems Projects [Technical-Specification-Template] 6.1.7 Other [Indicate any other “good things to know.] 6.2 System Outputs [Indicate output and/or error return codes when this interface is executed. Also list any reports created and their location. ] 6.3 Operational Notes [Important notes for operations e.g. Log file locations to check, steps to perform for specific return codes e.g. rerun the batch script etc.] 7 Performance Considerations Describe any performance considerations that relate to this functionality such as database, application server, web server, and/or batch process parameters that may need to be set. This section will also include caching mechanisms that were utilized or indexes that were created to achieve better performance. 8 Reports Describe any reports that have been created as part of realizing this functionality. 9 Functional Specification References The functional specification document can be found in the Global Finalized Document folder in the Finance Team’s Document Library. The name of the document is: “RQ_GL_0049_CreateTrialBalanceinKFS_Enhancement” 10 Related Issues Include ASRs that were resolved while realizing this functionality. Issue List: Reference to Closed Issue Number ASR-1212 Description of Issue Resolution RQ_GL_0049_Create Trial Balance in KFS 11 Final Sign Off Stakeholders will record their team/individual names to indicate sign off on this document. This section must be completed when the functionality has been implemented and tested successfully. Page 11 of 11 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University. All rights reserved. ebsp.msu.edu Last edited: [12/31/2008] Filename: Document1