Applied Business - Sherborne Qatar


Sherborne Qatar

Sixth Form Courses

2014 – 2016


The Sixth Form represents the beginning of a new and exciting journey which takes pupils from school to University and the world of work. It allows pupils to focus on four subjects of their choice in the Lower Sixth, reducing to three subjects in the Upper Sixth. All A Level pupils sit public exams at the end of Lower Sixth (AS exams) which make up 50% of the final A Level. The other 50% is made up from the final examinations at the end of Upper

Sixth (A2 exams).

A Levels allow pupils to specialise in one area, such as Sciences or Humanities. However, it is also possible to keep subject choice relatively broad. A Level choices are critical in determining access to university courses and careful thought and research should go into making the right A Level choice.

When thinking about A Levels, subjects chosen should reflect pupils’ abilities, strengths and interests. If pupils know which university course they would like to follow they should check the entry requirements and grades required. For pupils who are not sure which subjects they wish to take, the best advice would be to try to keep options open and choose at least two ‘facilitating’ subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Geography, History,

Languages, Maths and Further Maths). If pupils wish to study a new subject, such as

Economics, some background research should be carried out before choosing it to understand what it involves and whether it is the right subject for them.

AS and A Levels are very demanding and once the academic year has started, every minute of study time is essential and therefore it is imperative that time is used well. There is more emphasis on independent learning and many courses demand significant reading and a much deeper and broader knowledge than at (I)GCSE. It goes without saying that good results in (I)GCSE subjects are very important as they are an important foundation to the academic nature of the A Level courses. Success is highly dependent on good preparation, hard work and maintaining the correct attitude.

UK universities generally require full A Levels, other countries such, as the USA, do accept

AS Levels, However completion of the full A Level is recommended and this is likely to give credits within university courses.




Academic Studies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Choosing the right A Level course…………………………………………………………………………………….5

The Extended Project Qualification.…………………………………………………………………………………5

Study in the Sixth Form…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Higher Education and Careers…………………………………………………………………………………………6




Options Groups………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Applied Business Studies………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

Applied ICT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10


Art, Craft and Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………….12




English Literature………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16

Extended Project Qualification……………………………………………………………………………………….17






Physical Education…………………………………………………………………………………………………………23






As a general rule, a minimum of 5 (I)GCSE passes at grade C or above is required including

English Language and Mathematics.

Pupils should achieve a minimum of a grade B in the subjects chosen for AS Level. (I)GCSE results are a good indicator of likely success at A Level.

Please note that the transition from AS Level to A2 Level courses is not automatic, pupils must achieve a D grade pass grade or above in order to continue to Upper Sixth.

All applications are reviewed individually and so should include;

 Mock (I)GCSE examination results,

 The latest full school report available,

 Evidence of extra-curricular involvement (e.g. International Award)

Preferred option choices and

A reference from the current school.

Admission Dates

Current pupils need to follow the application guidelines given at school

Sunday 31 st August: Closing date for all external applications

Thursday 4 th September: 10am Sixth Form Induction Day

This event is compulsory for all pupils entering the Sixth Form. It is the day when pupils will finalise decisions about their option choices with the Head of Sixth Form, Heads of

Department and other senior staff.


Academic Studies

Pupils normally study 4 subjects at AS Level in Lower Sixth and then continue with 3 full A

Levels in Upper Sixth. It is very important to make informed choices when choosing A Level subjects because it will impact what you are able to study at University. If you have any questions, having read through this booklet, please direct them to the relevant Head of

Department, Head of Sixth Form or our Higher Education and Careers Adviser.

Choosing the right A Level course

If you know what you want to study at University, research the universities’ preferred A

Level subjects listed in the entry requirements of courses. If you are not sure what you want to study, try to keep your options open and choose at least 2 facilitating subjects

(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Geography, History, Languages, Maths and Further

Maths). (I)GCSE subjects are important and choosing subjects that you have done well in and enjoyed can also be a good idea. Go for a good balance of subjects and make sure that your choices reflect your abilities, strengths and interests. If you are thinking of taking a new subject, make sure you understand what it involves and why you want to take it. It is not enough to simply say that it is interesting.

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

The Extended Project supports transition from school to higher education. It is an exciting opportunity which will enrich intellectual experience through the preparation of a substantial piece of independent work in a self-selected subject. The project forms a standalone qualification which can take the form of a dissertation, an investigation, a performance or an artefact. It is highly regarded by universities, carrying up to 70 UCAS points for an A*, and is the ideal way to prove your commitment to your chosen university subject, and that you can work independently.

Study in the Sixth Form

Independence and personal responsibility are really important in the Sixth Form and we encourage our pupils to take a more mature approach to life. Pupils will have some study periods in which they are able to direct their own learning, whilst at other times their study will be supervised. It is essential that this time is used wisely. A Levels are academically demanding and we would expect an extra hour of personal study for every hour taught in the classroom. We also encourage pupils to read widely, including newspaper and current affairs magazines, it broadens the mind and helps to develops engaged citizens of the world.


All our Sixth Form pupils are role models and we would expect exceptional behaviour and attitude to study at all times. There will also be many opportunities for positions of responsibility within the school.

Higher Education and Careers

We want to inspire and motivate our pupils to be the best that they can be and to achieve their personal goals and aspirations. We will have visiting speakers from universities and companies across the world to help our pupils make informed decisions about their future studies and careers. We also encourage pupils to read our monthly newsletter which contains information on university application processes, work shadowing opportunities, university preparation programmes and upcoming events in and around Qatar. The Head of

Sixth Form and Higher Education and Careers Adviser are always available to provide guidance and answer questions about University and careers.


We want our pupils to enjoy their sixth form experience which is not just about the classroom. Learning extends beyond the academic programme with a range of activities available in, for example, drama, music, art, and debating. We strongly believe in the health and wellbeing of our pupils and also encourage participation in our varied sports programmes.

We are also pleased to be able to offer the opportunity to participate in the Bronze, Silver and Gold International Award programmes. The Gold Award is the highest level available and it requires a weekly commitment in three areas; volunteering, physical, skills, as well as an expedition and residential experience. This is a great way for pupils to prove themselves to be responsible and successful young adults with valuable skills in leadership and challenge, as well as being a really enjoyable and memorable shared experience.


There will be a Sixth Form and Higher Education Centre where there will be silent study rooms, a common room and a HE office and library. We will also have use of the Conference

Room and Auditorium for visiting speakers and guests.

S I X T H F OR M U NI F O R M L I S T 2014 – 2015

Items marked * must be purchased from Zaks , the school’s preferred uniform supplier. The shop is on Salwa Road (opposite the Mercedes Benz showroom) and is open Saturday – Thursday,


10.00am – 7.00pm, telephone (+974) 4450 6940. Items marked ** must be purchased from the school.

All other items can be purchased from any outlet.

Years 12 and 13


Plain white shirt; short or long sleeves

Except for girls who wear a hijab, all shirts must be tucked in at all times

Single-coloured dark suit

**School tie (Sixth Form)


Matching single-coloured dark jacket and kneelength loose-fitting skirt or trousers

**School scarf (Sixth Form)

Short plain navy blue or black socks Short white or black socks or plain black tights

Plain, flat, black school shoes, not trainers

*Sky blue PE polo shirt, *navy blue PE shorts, *PE bag

**House colour PE shirt

White socks, predominantly white trainers

Appropriate dark coloured school bag

Boys’ hair should be off the collar, over the ears, not sculpted and a natural colour. Girls’ hair should be a natural colour, and if below the shoulder tied back using a dark tieback or hairband.

Boys are not allowed to wear jewellery; girls may wear only single stud earrings. Natural looking make up is allowed for the Sixth Form.

Option Groupings

Pupils choose one option from each group. Study will normally comprise 4 AS Levels and the Extended Project Qualification. Careful consideration should go into choosing which AS

Levels to study. We understand that this may also depend on (I)GCSE results and therefore


final revisions regarding option choices may be made on 4th September during the Sixth

Form Induction Day.

We strongly advise against subject changes once the term is underway as it becomes extremely difficult to catch up with missed class work and independent study at this academic level.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4




Applied Business


Applied Business






English Literature


Applied ICT



Art Mathematics

*Please note that the examination boards and course codes listed in this booklet may be subject to change

*Further Maths is available and will be offered outside the options groups

*Please note that text books and stationery are at the pupils’ own expense.

*For those for whom English is not their first language, there is a requirement to follow and pass at a specific level an IELTs course. This can be done in place of the Extended Project

Qualification or in addition to it.


Applied Business

Course Code: Edexcel AS (8721) A2 (9721)

Skills you will learn:

The vocational focus of this Edexcel qualification encourages pupils to develop an understanding of how business works in the real world. They discover the problems and opportunities faced by local, national and international businesses and have the opportunity to organise an enterprise activity. Because emphasis is placed on realistic business contexts throughout, pupils develop an understanding of how various business functions such as marketing, finance, human and physical resources work together, as part of a cohesive business.

Practical skills:

 personal organisation and time management

ICT skills presentational skills: producing a business report; making an oral presentation

 personal skills: initiative; creativity; perseverance; willingness to learn and progress

 interpersonal skills: working in teams; discussing problems or issues; leading a team

 cognitive skills: investigative and research skills; problem solving; decision making; using theory to analyse a real organisation; planning a project

Syllabus Summary:

Advanced Subsidiary Level

Unit 1: Investigating People at Work

Unit 2: Investigating Business

Unit 3: Investigating Marketing

Advanced Level

Unit 8: Business Development

Unit 9: Managing and Developing People

Unit 10: Marketing Decisions


To be confirmed

Useful Websites:


Applied ICT

Course Code: Edexcel AS (8751) A2 (9751)

Skills that you will learn:

Applied ICT is designed to give pupils broad skills, knowledge and understanding of the

ICT sector. In particular, they will encourage learners to develop:

 a broad range of ICT skills and knowledge of the uses of ICT in a practical context, as a basis for progression into further learning in ICT-related fields, including progression from AS to A2

 knowledge and understanding of the components, functions and applications of information systems within a range of organisations

 an understanding of the main principles of solving problems using ICT and development of the skills necessary to apply this understanding

In addition, pupils are encouraged to:

 apply their knowledge and understanding of ICT and use skills (e.g. planning, research, evaluation, problem solving)

 develop an understanding of the impact of information systems on organisations’ personnel, policies and practices

 develop project management skills and an understanding of the need to work with others

Each unit has either an end-user or a practitioner focus. This is reflected in the type of evidence that pupils are required to produce. Practitioner-focused units require learners to demonstrate their ability to work with clients and end-users and produce products or services for someone else to use.

Syllabus Summary:

Unit 1: The Information Age; Unit 2: The Digital Economy; Unit 3: The Knowledge

Worker; Unit 7: Using Database Software; Unit 8: Managing ICT Projects and one of either, Unit 10: Using Multimedia Software or, Unit 11: Using Spreadsheet Software

Assessment details:

All Units are internally assessed through coursework, except for Unit 3 and Unit 7 which are assessed through examinations

Unit 3: The Knowledge Worker (2hr 30 mins)

Unit 7: Using Database Software: externally assessed 10 hour Controlled Assessment, problem solving tasks on Database


GCE in Applied ICT: AS Student's Book and CD, ISBN: 9781903133804

GCE in Applied ICT: A2 Student's Book and CD, ISBN: 9781903133781

Useful Website:



Course Code: Edexcel AS Level (6AR01) A2 (6AR02)

Skills that you will learn:

 Learn to recognise and use Arabic language in a variety of contexts

Develop translating skills (from English to Arabic and Arabic to English)

 Expand on Arabic grammar and lexis rules

 Retrieve and convey information from a series of different language texts

 Demonstrate an ability to manipulate Arabic language in continuous writing

Research a greater knowledge and understanding of Arabic culture and society

Syllabus summary:

A Level Arabic is assessed by two papers where candidates are tested on reading, translation and essay writing. Candidates wishing to achieve the Edexcel AS Level qualification (syllabus code 6AR01) take Paper 1 only, which is the same for both qualifications. The topics for general study are:

AS Level

Youth culture and concerns; Lifestyle: health and fitness; The world around us: travel, tourism, environmental issues and the Arabic speaking world; Education and employment.

A2 Level

Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and Religion; National and International events: past, present and future; Literature and the Arts.


The Arabic season

The grammar and writing guide A Level Arabic

Useful Website:


Art, Craft & Design

Course Code: Edexcel (unendorsed) AS (8AD01) (8AD02) A2 (9AD03) (9AD04)

Skills that you will learn:

 Recording observations in visual form; undertaking research

Exploring relevant different materials, techniques (printmaking, sculpture, painting and drawing, textiles, design)

 Analysing, evaluating, reflecting and discussing the work of others; reviewing artists and designers

 Using knowledge and understanding to extend thinking; investigating historical and contemporary artistic movements; exploring cultures and traditions

 Developing designs in a variety of new and exciting mediums in 2D and 3D

Organising, selecting and communicating ideas, solutions and responses through a body of work, journals and final outcomes

Syllabus Summary:

AS Unit 1 (8AD01) Coursework

Pupils work on a unit of coursework per year which includes experimenting with a range of disciplines: Printmaking; Textiles; Painting and Drawing; Sculpture; Mixed-Media and

Photography. The coursework will include a portfolio of work and final outcomes with an exhibition at the end of the year.

AS Unit 2 (8AD02) Externally Set Assignment

This is set by Edexcel. Pupils must produce a personal response to a given theme.

Preparatory work accompanies the final outcome in a medium of the pupil’s choosing which is completed within an allocated exam time of 8 hours.

A2 Unit 3 (9AD01) Coursework

Pupils pursue a personal project following in-depth research and investigations whilst referring to a variety of different cultures and traditions. They critically evaluate the work of other designers and artists both historical and contemporary, and visit exhibitions.

Alongside the practical work, they produce journals and a supporting study of 3000 words.

A2 Unit 4 (9AD02) Externally Set Assignment

This is set by Edexcel. An in-depth body of work is produced, consisting of preparatory studies to accompany the final outcome in a specialism of the pupil’s choice which is completed within an allocated exam time of 12 hours.


Pupils will have access to a wide range of books.

Useful Websites:



Course Code: CIE 9700

Skills that you will learn:

 acquire an in-depth subject knowledge

 develop independent thinking skills

 apply knowledge and understanding to new and familiar situations

 handle and evaluate different types of information sources

 think logically and present ordered and coherent arguments

 make judgements, recommendations and decisions

 present reasoned explanations, understand implications and communicate them clearly and logically

 work and communicate in English

Syllabus Summary:

Topics studied at AS level include: Cell Structure; Biological Molecules; Enzymes; Cell

Membranes and Transport; Cell and Nuclear Division; Genetic Control; Transport; Gas

Exchange; Infectious Disease; Immunity; and Ecology.

Pupils who, having received AS certification, wish to continue their studies to the full A

Level qualification may carry their AS marks forward and take Papers 4 and 5 in the examination series in which they require certification.

Topics studied at A2 Level include: Energy and Respiration; Photosynthesis; Regulation and

Control; Inherited Change; Selection and Evolution; Biodiversity and Conservation; Gene

Technology; Biotechnology; Crop Plants; and Aspects of Human Reproduction.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Course book with CD-ROM (Cambridge

International Examinations)

Useful Websites:



Course Code: CIE 9701

Skills that you will learn:

 become confident citizens in a technological world, able to take or develop an informed interest in scientific matters

 recognise the usefulness, and limitations, of scientific method and appreciate its applicability in other disciplines and in everyday life

 be suitably prepared for employment or further studies beyond A Level.

Additionally, the course is designed to develop abilities and skills that:

 are relevant to the study and practice of science

 are useful in everyday life

 encourage efficient and safe practice of the apparatus

 encourage the presentation of information and ideas appropriate for different audiences and purposes

 develop self-motivation and the ability to work in a sustained fashion

Syllabus Summary:

Physical (atomic structure), Inorganic (metals and their complexes), and Organic (sugars, fuels and drugs) are all studied and tested across the three papers for AS and two papers for


For AS certification, pupils take Papers 1, 2 and 3 (either Advanced Practical Skills 1) in a single examination series.

Topics studied at AS Level include: Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry; Atomic structure;

Chemical bonding; States of matter; Chemical energetic; Electrochemistry; Equilibria;

Reaction kinetics; The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity; Group II; Group VII; Nitrogen and sulfur; and Organic Chemistry.

Pupils who, having received AS certification, wish to continue their studies to the full A

Level qualification may carry their AS marks forward and take Papers 4 and 5 in the examination series in which they require certification.

Topics studied at A2 level include: Chemical energetic; Electrochemistry; Equilibria;

Reaction kinetics; Group IV; An introduction to the chemistry of transition elements;

Benzene and Aromatic Chemistry; Applications of analytical chemistry; Design and materials.


Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Course book with CD-ROM, by Roger

Norris, Lawrie Ryan, David Caster

Useful Websites:



Course Code: Edexcel AS (8EC01) A2 (9EC01)

Skills that you will learn:

 to develop an interest in and enthusiasm for the study of the subject

 to appreciate the contribution of economics to the understanding of the wider economic and social environment

 to develop an understanding of a range of concepts and an ability to use these concepts in a variety of different contexts

 to help pupils to use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of economics and an ability to think as an economist

 to develop in pupils the skills, qualities and attitudes which will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life

Syllabus summary:

Unit 1: Competitive Markets: How They Work and Why They Fail

This unit provides an introduction to the nature of economics and examines how the price mechanism allocates resources in markets.

Assessment: Examination of 1 hour 30 minutes, multiple-choice questions and data response.

AS Unit 2: Managing the Economy

This unit introduces the key measures of economic performance and the main objectives and instruments of economic policy.

Assessment: Examination of 1 hour 30 minutes, data response.

A2 Unit 3: Business Economics and Economic Efficiency

This unit develops the content of Unit 1 and examines how the pricing and nature of competition between firms is affected by the number and size of market participants.

Assessment: Examination of 1 hour 30 minutes, multiple-choice questions and data response.

A2 Unit 4: The Global Economy

This unit develops the knowledge and skills gained in Unit 2 so that they can be applied in a global context. An awareness of trends and developments in the global economy over the last 10 years is required.

Assessment: Examination of 2 hours, essay question and data response.


Selected texts from the syllabus

Useful Website:


English Literature

Course Code: CIE 9695

Skills that you will learn:

Pupils will develop an understanding and enjoyment of literary texts. Additionally, they will be able to demonstrate:

The ability to respond to texts in the three main forms (Prose, Poetry and Drama) of different types and from different cultures

An understanding of the ways in which writers’ choices of form, structure and language shape meanings

The ability to produce informed independent opinions and judgements on literary texts

The ability to communicate clearly the knowledge, understanding and insight appropriate for literary study

The ability to appreciate and discuss varying opinions of literary works

Syllabus Summary:

Assessment (Examinations)

AS Paper 3; AS Paper 4; each examination is two hours long

A2 Paper 3; A2 Paper 4; A2 Paper 5; A2 Paper 6; each examination is two hours long

Course Content:

AS and A2 Paper 3 – Poetry and Prose

An essay question and a passage-based question are set on each text

AS & A2 Paper 4 – Drama

An essay question and a passage-based question are set on each text

A2 Paper 5: Section A: Shakespeare; Section B: Other pre-20th Century Texts

Two questions on each text, one essay question and one passage-based question

A2 Paper 6: Twentieth Century Writing

Two questions on each text, one essay question and one passage-based question


Selected drama, prose and poetry set texts from syllabus

Useful Websites:


Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Course Code: Edexcel AS (6FR01) (6FR02) A2 (6FR03) (6FR04)

Recognise and use French language in a variety of contexts

Develop interpretation skills from English to French, and French to English

Develop translating skills from English to French, and French to English

Research a greater knowledge and understanding of French culture and society

Expand on French grammar and lexis rules

Retrieve and convey information from a series of different language texts

Demonstrate an ability to manipulate French language in continuous writing

Throughout their in-depth study, pupils will develop and apply skills creatively, resulting in

Section A: Pupils respond to four Edexcel-set questions on a stimulus related to the one of the four following project outcomes: pupil’s chosen general topic area.

This type of project is a university-style dissertation on any topic which can be researched and argued about; for example, a controversial biological, historical, ethical, philosophical, psychological, economic or environmental issue. The dissertation uses secondary research sources to provide a reasoned defence of a point of view, with consideration of counterarguments. and then retrieve and convey information given in the recording by responding to a range of French language questions. example a study of erosion, a study of pollution or a statistical survey of attitudes concerning a social issue. The Investigation/Field Study uses primary sources of data, such

A Performance (P303)

 stance towards the issue. They then defend and justify their opinions. two further unpredictable areas of discussions will be covered. performance of music, drama or sport. It can take the form of a response to a brief or

A2 Unit 4 Research, Understanding and Written Response in French (2 hour 30 minute paper)

An Artefact (P304)

Section B: A French language essay in response to a choice of seven questions.

Section C: A research-based essay in French (240-270 words) artefact project include creating a painting or sculpture, designing a piece of furniture or a



Course Code: Edexcel AS (8GE01) A2 (9GE01)

Skills that you will learn:

AS and A Level Geography help develop a full range of key skills, including communication, problem solving, decision making, analysis and ICT. Geography is valued for developing these transferable skills, as much as for its subject content.

Syllabus Summary:

During the AS course we look at the challenges faced by people in an ever-changing world with increased globalisation, a rapidly growing population, unsustainable pressure on resources, greater movement of migrants and refugees, a changing climate, extreme weather and thirstation. The breadth of topics is exciting and relevant to today’s world. We seek to understand the forces that shape our environment and society and discuss management solutions for the future.

At A Level, options for study include tropical, coastal and hazardous environments. In addition to these, we investigate issues connected to environmental management, globalisation, health, pollution and regional development.

There is no coursework requirement, but a research essay must be completed under examination conditions.

Pupils will sit two units for AS Level. These examine both physical and human geography topics. Unit 2 focuses on research and fieldwork techniques.

At A Level, pupils will be entered for two more units. These assess both human and physical option topics relevant in today’s society.

All papers give equal weighting to physical / human aspects of the course. All papers include short, data-response style questions as well as extended essays.


AS or A2 Geography for Edexcel Course book

Individual research and wider reading is encouraged and supported by an array of subject specific online journals, DVDs, CD ROMs, GIS software and Internet use.

Each pupil is expected to participate in at least one field excursion. These day trips, plus one optional residential stay provide an invaluable opportunity to develop essential techniques and promote each individual’s enjoyment and understanding of the subject.

Useful Websites:



Course Code: Edexcel AS (8HI01) A2 (9HI01)

Skills that you will learn:

Through the study of History AS and A level you will

 gain a deep insight into 20 th century world history

 acquire an understanding of different identities within society

 improve as an effective and independent learner

 develop as a critical and reflective thinker

 be able to argue a case and reach substantiated judgements

 be able to assess the significance of developments and ideas in History

Syllabus Summary:

AS Unit 1: Historical Themes in Breadth

Written examination 1hr 20 minutes

From Second Reich to Third Reich, Germany 1918-45

Germany Divided and Reunited 1945-1991

AS Unit: 2 British History Depth Study

Written examination 1hr 20 minutes

Mass media, popular culture and social change in Britain 1945

A2 Unit 3: Depth Studies & Associated Historical Controversies

Written examination 2 hours

War and Peace: Twentieth Century International Relations

A2 Unit 4: Historical Enquiry

Coursework: 2 Essays of 2000 words each

The Making of Modern China 1900-2000


Access to History: Germany Divided and Reunited 1945-1991

Access to History: China – From Empire to Peoples’ Republic 1900-1945

Access to History: The Peoples’ Republic of China 1949-1976

From Second Reich to Third Reich: Germany 1918

Mass Media, Popular Culture and Social Change in Britain since 1945

A World Divided: Superpower Relations 1944-1990

Useful Websites:


Course Code: CIE AS (8053) A2 (9013)


Skills that you will learn:

Through the study of Islamic studies at AS and A Level you will:

 gain a good understanding of Pre-Islamic Arabia and its social and economic conditions and beliefs and customs

 learn about the major themes of the Qur’an and be able to explain passages set for special study

 be able to analyse how laws and rulings are made in Islamic law in a modern day context

 gain an insight into the early dynasties of Islam

 understand how religious thought has developed in Islam and how this has affected how it is practised in the world today

Syllabus Summary:

A Level Islamic Studies is assessed by two papers, each lasting three hours. Both papers must be taken in the same examination series. Candidates wishing to achieve the

Cambridge International AS Level qualification (8053) take Paper 1 only, which is the same for both qualifications. The topics for general study are:

AS Level

Pre-Islamic Arabia, The life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), The four rightly guided

Caliphs, Themes of the Holy Qur’an, The five pillars of Islam, Festivals and religious observances, Articles of faith and The bases of Islamic law.

A2 Level

The early dynasties of Islam (Umayyad and Abbasid), Religious thought in Islam, Islamic philosophy and its relationship to religious thinking, The place of women in Islam, Muslims living as minorities and their part in the wider community and adherence to Islamic principles.


Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman

Muslims: Their religious beliefs and practices

The pious Caliphs

The study of Hadith literature

Useful Websites:



(and Further Mathematics)

Course Code: Mathematics Edexcel (8371) Further Maths Edexcel (8372)

Please note that Further Mathematics can only be taken in parallel with Mathematics and pupils need to have achieved IGCSE grade A* to be eligible to study the course.

Skills that you will learn:

 develop an ability to reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning, to generalise and construct mathematical proofs

 recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and understand the relationship between ‘real-world’ problems and other mathematical models and how these can be refined and improved

 use mathematics as an effective means of communication

 read and comprehend mathematical arguments and articles concerning applications of mathematics

 acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively, recognise when such use may be inappropriate and be aware of limitations

 develop an awareness of the relevance of mathematics to other fields of study, to the world of work and to society in general

 analyse data and decide when significant results, such as the effectiveness of a new drug, have been established

 take increasing responsibility for your own learning and the evaluation of your own mathematical development

Syllabus Summary:

Pure Mathematics 1 – (C1) Mechanics 1 - (M1)

Pure Mathematics 2 – (C2) Mechanics 2 - (M2)

Pure Mathematics 3 – (C3) Mechanics 3 - (M3)

Pure Mathematics 4 – (C4) Statistics 1 - (S1)

Further Mathematics 1 – (FP1) Decision Mathematics - (D1)

Further Mathematics 2 – (FP2) Statistics 2 - (S2)

The choices of modular combinations are:

AS Level Mathematics in Year 12: C1 C2 S1

A Level Mathematics in Year 13: C3 C4 (M1 or D1 or S2)

A Level Further Mathematics: FP1, FP2, FP3, M1, S1, S2, D1


Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics

Useful Websites:


Physical Education

Course Code: Edexcel AS (8PE01) A2 (9PE01)

Skills that you will learn:

Practical Performance



Research methodology


Skill acquisition and analysing

Syllabus Summary:

AS Unit 1: Participation in Sport and Recreation

The first section will develop knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils will investigate how the body responds and adapts to exercise, the components of physical and skill fitness and different methods of fitness training.

The second section encourages the pupil to develop their knowledge and understanding of how competitive sport has developed over time.

Assessment is a written examination (90 minutes)

AS Unit 2: Critical Sport Performer

Pupils will have the chance to offer two performances from a choice of three roles

(player/participant, leader and official) recording their performance over a period of time.

They will then undertake a study into the provision for all three roles at a local level, followed by a study of the provision for one role at the national level. Lastly, they will produce an analysis of their performance relating to at least one of the activities offered in the first task.

Assessment: Coursework

A2 Unit 3: Preparation for Optimum Performance

Pupils will develop a knowledge and understanding of the short- and long-term physiological and psychological preparations made by elite athletes.

Assessment: Written Exam 120 minutes (Long answers)

A2 Unit 4:The Developing Sports Performer

Pupils specialise in one practical performance role and progress this to performance.

Assessment: Coursework



Course Code: CIE 9702

Skills that you will learn:

The course is designed to give a thorough introduction to the study of physics and scientific methods and to develop skills and abilities that are relevant to the safe practice of science and to everyday life:

 a concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, the skills of enquiry, initiative and inventiveness

 an emphasis on the understanding and application of scientific concepts and principles, rather than the recall of factual material

Additionally, the course aims:

 to enable pupils to become confident citizens in a technological world and to take an informed interest in matters of scientific importance

 to promote the use of IT as an aid to experiments and as a tool for the interpretation of experimental and theoretical results

Syllabus Summary:

For AS certification, pupils will take Papers 1, 2 and 3 (either Advanced Practical Skills 1) in a single examination series.

At AS Level, topics include: General Physics; Newtonian mechanics; Matter; Oscillations and waves; Electricity and magnetism; Modern Physics touching upon Nuclear Physics

Having received AS certification, pupils who wish to continue their studies to the full

Advanced Level qualification may carry their AS marks forward and take just Papers 4 and 5 in the examination series in which they require certification.

At A2 Level, topics include: Gathering and communicating information, including Direct and Remote sensing; Charged particles; Quantum Physics and further study into Nuclear

Physics; Capacitance; Electromagnetic Induction and Direct Current circuits; Oscillations;

Gravitational fields and movement in circles


Cambridge International AS Level and A Level Physics Coursebook with CD-ROM by David

Sang, Graham Jones, Richard Woodside, Gurinder Chadha

Useful Websites:



Course Code: Edexcel AS (8PS01) A2 (9PS01)

Skills that you will learn:

Pupils study five approaches (Social, Cognitive, Psychodynamic, Biological and Learning) at

Advanced Subsidiary level to gain a foundation in psychology. At A2, pupils are then able to develop their understanding through selection of a choice of applications including

Criminology, Child, Health and Sport psychology. Finally, pupils develop a holistic understanding of psychology, from considering conflicting and complementary explanations of clinical issues and major debates.

Syllabus summary:

AS Unit 1: Social and Cognitive Psychology

This unit is designed to introduce the social and cognitive approaches to psychology through the development of key content areas.


Examination paper of 1 hour 20 minutes duration, consisting of a section of objective test items, a section of short-answer questions and a section of extended writing.

AS Unit 2: Understanding the Individual

This unit is designed to introduce three approaches in psychology; the Psychodynamic

Approach, the Biological Approach and the Learning Approach.


Examination paper of 1 hour 40 minutes duration, consisting of a section of objective test items, a section of short-answer questions and a section of extended writing.

A2 Unit 3: Applications of Psychology

The aim of this unit is to enable pupils to study how psychology can be applied to the real world.


Examination paper of 1 hour 30 minutes duration, divided into four options, of which pupils must select two.

A2 Unit 4: How Psychology Works

This unit focuses on the debates between approaches within contemporary psychology.

In the clinical psychology section of the unit, students study aspects of clinical psychology, which include how different approaches in psychology explain and treat mental health issues.


Examination paper of 2 hours duration, divided into two sections, one focusing on clinical psychology, one on issues and debates.

Useful Website:



Course Code: Edexcel AS (6SP01) (6SP01) A2 (6SP03) (6SP04)

Skills that you will learn:

Recognise and use Spanish language in a variety of contexts

Develop interpretation skills from English to Spanish, and Spanish to English

Develop translating skills from English to Spanish, and Spanish to English

Research a greater knowledge and understanding of Spanish culture and society

Expand on Spanish grammar and lexis rules

 Retrieve and convey information from a series of different language texts

 Demonstrate an ability to manipulate Spanish language in continuous writing

Syllabus Summary:

AS Unit 1 Spoken expression and written response (8 – 10 minute assessment)

Section A: Pupils respond to four Edexcel-set questions on a stimulus related to the pupil’s chosen general topic area.

Section B: requires the teacher/examiner to engage the pupil in a discussion relating to the same general topic area

AS Unit 2 Understanding and Written Response in Spanish (2 hour 30 minute paper)

Section A: Pupils listen to a range of authentic recorded Spanish language material and then respond to a range of Spanish language questions.

 Section B: Pupils read authentic printed Spanish language material and respond to a range of mainly Spanish language test types.

 Section C: Pupils write 200-220 words in the form of a letter, report or article in


A2 Unit 3 Understanding and Spoken Response in Spanish (11 – 13 minute assessment)

Section A: Pupils outline a chosen issue for about one minute, adopting a definite stance towards the issue. They then defend and justify their opinions for up to four minutes.

Section B: The examiner initiates a spontaneous discussion in which a minimum of two further unpredictable areas of discussions will be covered.

A2 Unit 4 Research, Understanding and Written Response in Spanish (2 hour 30 minutes paper)

Section A: A short written translation exercise.

Section B: A Spanish language essay in response to a choice of seven questions.

Section C: A research based essay in Spanish (240-270 words)


Edexcel Spanish AS

Edexcel Spanish A2

