for Animal Science II Small Animals


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Essential Standard 1.00 Demonstrate leadership qualities through participation in the small animal care instructional program.

Objective 1.01 Discuss leadership qualities desired by the small animal care industry.

Leadership Qualities





















Components of the Program


Provides opportunities to explore interests, gain work experiences, and keep records


Studying and learning subject matter in the classroom.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Learning by demonstration and practice in shops, greenhouses, nurseries, and other settings.


The organization that develops leadership, citizenship skills, and student ability in parliamentary law.

-Includes ________________________________________________________

-Communication skills are developed through speaking and CDEs such as public speaking, creed, parliamentary procedure, agricultural sales, and oral reasons.

Other Agricultural Agencies


Educational agency of the USDA and part of the university system

-Sponsors 4-H clubs to enhance personal development and provide skill development for agricultural youth.

Objective 1.02 Use public speaking techniques to deliver a speech.

Types of Speeches







Methods of Presentations


The speech is written and learned.


Little or no formal preparation

Variables to consider...


Why are you giving the speech?


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


What group is hearing the speech?


What is the event?


What is the speech?


How is the speech written or organized?

Variables in Oral Delivery




Stage presence



Power of expression


Response to questions



General effect o _________________________________________ o _________________________________________ o _________________________________________ o _________________________________________ o _________________________________________

Speech Outline

Introduction o ________________________________________________________________ o o






Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Body o ________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________ o


Conclusion o ________________________________________________________________ o




Choosing a Topic

Should be of interest to the _________________________________________________


Takes into consideration the __________________ of the audience and the

_______________ the speech should be important to the audience.

Objective 1.03 Use Robert’s Rules of Order to conduct an orderly transaction of business .

What is Parliamentary Procedure?

Parliamentary procedure is _______________________________________________


Parliamentary procedure is governed by _____________________________________


Parliamentary Law

Robert’s Rule of Order

Rules for _______________________________________________________________

Assures that all sides are __________________________________________________


Main Objective:




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris



Methods of Voting


Aye (pronounced “I”) or No


Standing or show of hands


Often used for elections or nominations


Each member is asked to state vote


Single majority

___________________________________________ of the votes cast

Two-thirds majority

_______________________________________ must be for the motion

– usually used when the ____________________________________________________





Meaning of the taps

1 tap means ______________________________________________

2 taps means _____________________________________________

3 taps means _____________________________________________

Series of taps



Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Rank of Motions

Most motions are made when _______________________________________________

Motions must be higher ranking or arise out of a motion to be made when a motion is on the floor




Main Motion

Used to get group approval for a _____________________________________


Wording: ____ ___________________ NOT “I make a motion”







Used to _____________________________________

3 ways to amend: _____________________________________

Wording: “I move to amend the motion”







Used to _____________________________________

Wording: “I move to adjourn”




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris






Wording: “I appeal the decision of the chair”






Point of Order

Used when one believes a _____________________________________

Wording: “I rise to a point of order”






Division of the House


Wordin g: “I call for a division of the house.”






Lay on the table


Motion must be _____________________________________at the next meeting to be


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris discussed

Wording: “I move to lay this motion on the table”






Previous question

Used to _____________________________________

Wording: “I move to previous question”






Refer to committee

Used to ________________________________________________________

Wording: “I move to refer this motion to a committee to report at our next meeting.”






Essential Standard 2.00 Develop career objectives by implementing a Supervised Agricultural

Experience program.

Objective 2.01 Explore types of SAE programs.

Factors in selecting a career

Standard of living-________________________________________________________

Personal contacts-________________________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris



Location of employment

Your interest, likes, and dislikes


Working hours and time for leisure


Your health & happiness

Steps in selecting a career

Consider your ___________________________________________________________

Narrow the search

Study the _______________________________________________________________

Plan for an alternative occupation

Prepare a career plan

Be willing to pay the price for success o

Education o


Get work experience o

_________________________ o

_________________________ o


School-to-work Plan

For a school-to-work plan to be effective it must be ______________________________

Objective 2.02 Use an appropriate SAE record system to substantiate SAE activities.

Elements of a Financial (Net Worth) Statement

Current Assets o Items quickly converted to cash or that will be sold within 12 months


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris







Non-current Assets o Items that have a useful life or more than one year



Total assets=_____________________________+__________________________________

Current Liabilities o Accounts and notes payable, this year’s part of non-current liabilities

▪ ________________________________________________________________

▪ ________________________________________________________________

▪ ________________________________________________________________

Non-Current Liabilities o ________________________________________________________________________

Total liabilities=_______________________________+_______________________________

Net Worth or owner’s equity=_______________________________________________

_________________________________________=total assets/net worth o Used by banks and lending institutions to decide whether or not to lend money to specific people or businesses


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Essential Standard 3.00 Discuss the importance of the small animal industry.

Objective 3.01 Discuss careers and skills needed for employment in the small animal care industry.

Benefits of Small Animals


___________________________ to national economy

Companions to ____________________ of American Families

Children learn responsibility

Improves quality of life for elderly

Product testing





Pet therapy

Relieve ________________________________________________

Reduces _______________________________________________

Watch dogs, police dogs, seeing eye dogs


Low in cholesterol, sodium and fat

Fur and wool


Rabbits provide multiple benefits







Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Retail pet stores



Biomedical research

Supported by


___________________________________________________ small animals


6 million used for ___________________________________________

4 million small animals used in the LD50 test

Americans spending on pets


Veterinary expenses

_________________________________ annually

______________________________________________$9.3 billion

______________________________________________$2.7 billion

Dogs require twice as much for


Pet food manufacturers produce ______________________ in sales (2006).

General Pet Ownership

________________________more cats than dogs (___________________________)

Each owner averages ____________________________________________

More households have __________________________________________________

Fish, birds, and rabbits rank third, fourth, and fifth respectively.

Job Types in the Small Animal Industry

Care and management industry


Lab animals


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Zoo animals



Biological Sciences

Food and equipment supply

Pharmaceutical and biotechnology research



Diagnostic Labs

Private firms


Operates animals acts

● Carnivals

● Circus

● Fairs (Cleveland County Fair)

● Zoo

● Marine mammal displays

Care and Management Jobs

Pet care worker

Boarding kennels

Animal hospitals


Pet stores

Training schools

Pet grooming parlors

Kennel attendants




Animal groomers


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Bathes, brushes & trims hair and nails

Dog trainers

Teaches the dog to


Small Animal Breeders

Raises & markets



Usually specialized for one breed

Pet shop owners and managers


Sell lab animals

● Research

● education

Veterinarians (DVM)

● Control animal injuries and disease

Disease prevention

Inspection o ___________________________________________________



Establish diets

Prescribe medications

Vet. Technicians

Assist veterinarians and other staff

Skills needed:

Previous experience as a keeper

Part-time volunteer work

▪ Shelters

▪ Pet shops

▪ clinics

Objective 3.02 Discuss medical terminology used by those working in the veterinarian phase of the small animal care industry.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Medical Terminology

Components of medical terminology


● Beginning of the word indicating:



Time ●

● Status

Root words

● Word part that gives the fundamental meaning of a word


Word part at the end of a word indicating:

● Procedure

● Condition

● Disease

● Disorder

Medical Prefixes

• a-, an-


• anti-

Anemia- without blood


• bi-

Antiseptic- against infection


• dys-

Bilateral- two sides


• pre-

Dysentery- abnormal infection of the colon


● Preoperative- before surgery

• carp



Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


● carpel- pertaining to the wrist

• cardi



● cardiology- study of the heart

• dors



● dorsal- relating to the back

• dent, odont

● __________________________________________________________



● dentist- person who works with teeth



● gastronomy- surgical opening of the stomach


● __________________________________________________________


● gingivitis- inflammation of the gums

• phleb, ven

● __________________________________________________________


● phlebotomist- person who obtains blood from veins

Medical Suffixes

• algia

● __________________________________________________________


● arthralgia- painful joints

• centesis

● __________________________________________________________



Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

• itis


Cytocentesis- removing fluid from the bladder


• rrhea

_____ bronchitis


● diarrhea

Positional Terminology













Dorsal (frontal) plane



Transversal plane




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

General Terminology (Write a definition for each of the following terms.)
















Contact transmission












Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Infectious disease



Pocket pets



Preventative health care programs















Essential Standard 4.00 Explore social issues related to working with small animals.

Objective 4.01 Summarize animal rights and animal welfare.

Animal Rights

● Not the same as animal welfare.

● Media may wrongly use the two terms interchangeably.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Modern Animal Rights Movement

● _______________________________animal rights groups exist today.

● Came into prominence in the


● Initially made up of _______________________________________________, many of whom were ____________________________________.

Animal Rights Beliefs

● Animals have same rights as humans



● Use of animals for human purpose is wrong and suggests that



● Animals should not be used for:






● ____________________________________ is often used to prevent people from using animals.


● ________________________________________________________________


● Largest animal rights group in the world with over


● Since 1980, it has been dedicated to establishing and protecting rights of animals.

Animal Welfare

● Animal domestication dates back to



● Early U.S. used animals for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and horsepower.

Animal Welfare (Religious)

● ______________________________________ that God gave man dominion over animals including use and care


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

● Genesis 1:26

Various religions use animal sacrifice and detail how to humanely slaughter the animal.

Animal Welfare (Legal)

● Animal welfare influenced early laws

● Laws protecting animals were present before



Animal Welfare Beliefs

● Humane treatment of animals

● Proper


● Proper care for

_________________________________________________________ done in and treatment for injuries

● ______________________________________________________ should be a humane way

Objective 4.02 Demonstrate safe work habits and techniques used when working with small animals.


A disease that can be transmitted from



Example: Rabies


A viral disease

Affects the nervous system

Contracted by:




_______________________________________________________ is recommended when in doubt


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

93% of reported bites were from wild animals

Children five to nine receive the most animals bites

Most domestic animals are not infected if vaccinated regularly


Disease from Toxoplasma gondii parasite

Usually carried by cats

Infected by ingesting


Spread by:





Affects those with suppressed immune system

Concern for pregnant women








Disposable gloves when cleaning litter box

Thoroughly washing hands


Fungal disease

Skin lesion:

● __________________________________________________________


● __________________________________________________________


● __________________________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Spread by


Indirectly by equipment


● Iodine soap or antifungal drugs

Psittacosis (Parrot Fever)

Contracted by caged birds of the Psittacosis family

Transmitted through




Wear dust mask

Eliminating mites and lice

Spraying disinfectants

Cat-scratch fever


Cat bites and scratches




Treated with antibiotics

Affected area may be slow to heal


Caused by the Salmonella bacteria

Children and elderly most at risk

Symptoms appear 12-72hrs after infection:






Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris





Most likely to infect humans



Results in sore throat

Can be


Treated with penicillin

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever





Nausea & Vomiting

Skin rash

Death if not treated

Primarily passed by the American dog tick

6 other species can carry the disease

Lyme Disease

First case in 1969 in Wisconsin

Named in 1977

Lyme Connecticut

Children developed


Bacterial disease ( Borrelia burgdurferi )



Flu like symptoms


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Painful joints

Fatigue may last for months

Can damage internal organs without antibiotics used as treatment

Vaccines can be administered


Gain subsistence from a host organism

Can be ________________________ or _____________________________

Children are most at risk because





Seven species carry Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

Five species carry Lyme disease


Ascarids (Toxocara species) & Hookworms

Affect dogs and cats

May be passed to humans



______________________________________________________________ most effective preventative method


● Occasionally carried by dogs and cats

Alveolar Hydatid Disease (AHD)

● Rare

Potentially fatal (50-70%)



● May go unnoticed for years

Avoid hand to mouth contact


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Working with Animals Safely

Frequently wash hands and use protective clothing to

__________________________ ______________________________________.

Separate sick animals and treat in separate areas.

Do not eat, drink, or store food and drink in treatment areas.

Never wash lab coats and protective clothing with regular clothes.

Protective Clothing


____________________________________________________ should be worn when handling chemicals or applying pesticides.

Leather gloves help to protect from


______________________________________________________ offer some protection from bites and scratches.

________________________________________ should be worn when there is a danger of inhaling toxic dust and other substances.

Chemical Safety

Use chemicals according to label instructions

Store chemicals in the original container

Avoiding over-mixing and storing chemicals, but if they must be stored make sure they are in a locked location and clearly labeled.

Dispose of all chemicals and their containers according to label instructions.

Frequently wash hands and exposed area after using chemicals.

Proper Handling Techniques

Prevent injury to the animal and the handler.

Keep a first-aid kit available for workers who do suffer bites or scratches.

Briefly restrain animals when needed for examination or treatment.

To work around the head of a cat, wrap the animal in a blanket and place it into a

__________________________________________________ so the handler can grasp the back of the head and hold the head between the thumb and fingers.

Dogs are restrained by placing one arm under

________________________________ with the forearm holding the head while the


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris other arm is placed ____________________

______________________________________________ to pull it close to the handler.

Dog muzzles can be created by




Rabbits can be picked up by grabbing the

____________________________________ and placing a hand under the rump for support.

To hold them, simply move the hand from the



Rabbits seldom bite, but can cause injury by kicking with their back legs.

They may be injured if placed on a


Foot pads are covered with fur.

Can result in


Rats and mice that are used to being held may be picked up by grasping the tail close to the body and then using the other hand to grasp the loose skin in the neck and shoulder area.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Essential Standard 5.00 Discuss the role of major systems of small animals.

Objective 5.01 Discuss the role of major body systems of small animals.

Basic Anatomy Terminology





Elbow- upper joint of the


Flank- fleshy part of the side between


Foot pad- part that the animal walks on

Guard hair- longer course hair above the shorter under fur



Hock- tarsal joint halfway up the


Muzzle- projecting jaw


Nose pad o ________________________________________________________________ o Used for investigating food and unfamiliar objects o Called the _________________________________________________ in cats

Rump- upper rounded part of the hindquarter (a.k.a. croup)

Shoulder- above the elbow of


Stifle- joint above the


Thigh- area between the


Whiskers- long hairs growing near the mouth


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Basic Anatomy Terminology- Birds



Ear covert-feathers covering the ears



Orbital ring-ring around the eye

Basic Anatomy Terminology- Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles

Brille-transparent layer

_________________________________________________________ o Eyelid for snakes

Fins-Web of skin supported with

__________________________________________________ o Enables fish to move through water

Gills-Major organ of the respiratory system o Breath without lungs

Scales-Modified portion of the

___________________________________________________ o Provides protection o Fish and reptiles

Scutes-Epidermal scales found on


Skeletal System

Purpose-to protect vital body organs and give form or shape to the body o Skull protects brain o _____________________________________ protect lungs and internal organs o Spinal column or backbone protects the ________________________________ and provides _____________________________________________________

Axial skeleton o ____________________________________________________ o ____________________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris o ____________________________________________________ o ____________________________________________________

Pectoral limb o front limbs o ____________________________________________________ o scapula _____________________________________________ o humerus _____________________________________________ o radius and ulna _______________________________________ o carpals, metacarpals and phalanges _______________________

Pelvic limb o rear legs and pelvic bones o hooks o pin bones o femur _______________________________________________ o tibia and fibula ________________________________________ o Tarsals ______________________________________________ o Metatarsals ___________________________________________ o Phalanges ____________________________________________

Skeletal System-Birds

Have some unique bones unlike mammals

Most have a skull bone that



Some have a skull with an upper beak fused to it while other birds have hinges on both upper and lower mandibles giving it more flexibility

Internal Anatomy

Heart o major organ in the circulatory system o 3 muscle layers

▪ Circulatory System

▪ ________________________________________

● second layer muscle that makes up the thickness of the heart

▪ ________________________________________

● thin layer inside myocardium

▪ ________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

● thin cover over the myocardium o Other parts of the circulatory system are the arteries, capillaries, veins and blood o Circulatory System- Functions

▪ Transports

● _______________________________________________

● _______________________________________________

● _______________________________________________

▪ Protects against microbes and injury

Kidneys and Bladder o Part of the excretory system o rids the body of waste o Maintain chemical composition

▪ __________________________________________________________ o regulates tissue fluid

Stomach and Intestines o Major part of digestive system o breaks food down into smaller pieces to be used by the body o Nutrients are _____________________________________________________

Lungs o Part of the respiratory system o oxygen is taken in by the nose, passed on to the lungs and then _____________


Nervous System o Brains, spinal cord, and nerves o Coordinator of ____________________________________________________ o Regulates other systems o Controls _________________________________________________________

Reproductive system o Ovaries and testes

▪ ________________________________

▪ ________________________________ o Help produce new individuals of the same species

Muscular System o Muscles o Movement o Posture o Support


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris o Produces heat

Digestive System

Single-stomached o ________________________________________________________________ o includes all of the small animals

▪ Cats

▪ Dogs

▪ Rabbits

▪ Birds

Rabbits o Non-ruminant herbivores o Consumes large amounts of roughage o Large cecum and colon between the small and large intestines

▪ contains bacteria o Rabbits eat _______________________________________________________

▪ __________________________________________________________

▪ Usually occurs late night or early morning

▪ Makes use of undigested material so they can make full use of bacteria in cecum

Birds o ______________________________________________________ o Saliva is added to aid in swallowing o Very little breakdown in the mouth o Gizzard

▪ Largest digestive organ

▪ Grinds and crushes

Digestive Process of Non-Ruminants o Food is broken down in mouth (except birds) o Passes to the stomach o Small Intestine

▪ __________________________________________________________ o Large Intestine

▪ Absorption of Water

▪ Addition of mucus

Digestive Process o Food is broken down in the mouth (except birds), stomach (gizzard), and then


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris passed into the small intestine.

▪ Primary site for digestion

▪ Absorption of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

o Undigested food passes from the small intestine into the large intestine

▪ Absorption of water

▪ Addition of mucus to aid in waste passage

Fish Digestive System o Systems vary o Type of feed determines ____________________________________________

▪ Some fish swallow their prey whole while others chew it up

Reproduction in Small Animals o Sexual Reproduction is the union of egg and sperm to product a new animal.

o Two parents required:

▪ Male furnishes sperm

▪ Female supplies egg or ovum

Sexual Terminology o Conception-Creation of new life by ____________________________________

▪ Union of egg and sperm o Estrus-___________________________________________________________

▪ Female is receptive to breeding

▪ Stand for mating o Gestation-Period of ________________________________________________

▪ Begins at conception ends at parturition o Ovulation-Release of egg o Parturition-Process of ______________________________________________

Female Reproductive Anatomy o Ovary

▪ Primary reproductive organ

▪ Produces the female gamete __________________________________ o Gamete

▪ Sex cell that unites with other sex cells o Embryo

▪ Developing young

▪ Mammals

● Enters uterus after ____________________________________ o Uterus

▪ Place of embryo growth and development


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris o Cervix

▪ Part of uterus that ___________________________________________

▪ Cervical mucus

● ___________________________________________________ o Vagina

▪ Reproductive passageway

▪ Urine excretion o Vulva

▪ External opening of reproductive tract

Male Reproductive Anatomy o Testicle

▪ Primary organ

▪ Produces male gametes

▪ Externally held in scrotum

● ___________________________________________________ o Sheath

▪ Fold of skin

▪ Protective covering

Objective 12.02-Use principals of reproductive physiology to determine gestation characteristics in small animals

Gestation o Time from conception to parturition (birth) o Varies for each species

General Characteristics o Increase size of breast and abdomen and appetite o Restlessness

▪ __________________________________________________________

End of Gestation o Pocket pets and rabbits

▪ __________________________________________________________

▪ Wood shavings

▪ Straw

▪ Paper o Dogs and cats

▪ Birthing box


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris









Guinea Pig


▪ __________________________________________________________

▪ Helps them to get comfortable with the setting

Period (days)

Essential Standard 6.00-Examine the role of nutrition in the support of animal life.

Objective 6.01-Discuss the nutritional requirements of small animals including deficiency symptoms and functions.

Nutrition o Process by which animals receive a proper and balanced food and water ration so it can _________________________________________________________


Nutrients o Substance or feedstuff that is necessary for an organism to live and grow o Single group of foods of the same general chemical composition that supports animal life o There are six basic nutrients

▪ Water

● More important nutrient than any other nutrient

● makes up ___________________________ of an animal’s body

● Aides in ____________________________________________

● Dissolves and transports nutrients

● Regulates body ______________________________________

● Carries waste from the body

● Supports ____________________________________________

▪ Proteins

● Complex nutrients composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

● Develop and repairing body organs and tissues


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris o muscles, nerves, skin, hair, hooves, and feathers

● Production of ________________________________________

● Reproduction process of the developing fetus

● Developing the young

● Transmitting _________________________________________

▪ Carbohydrates

● Converting of ________________________________________

● Made up of chemical elements o ____________________________________________ o ____________________________________________ o ____________________________________________

● Supports breathing and digesting

● Production of heat for body warmth

● Stores fat

● Types of carbohydrates o _____________________________________________ o _____________________________________________ o _____________________________________________ o Fats

▪ Chemical elements of

● Carbon

● Hydrogen

● Oxygen

▪ Same elements as __________________________________________ but different combinations

▪ Fats contain _____________________________________ more energy

▪ Aid in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins

● ___________________________________________________

▪ Provides the essential fatty acids needed in an animal’s diet o Vitamins

▪ Organic substances needed for specific biochemical reactions

▪ A,B, C, D, E and K

▪ Needed in small amounts

▪ Regulation of body glands

● ___________________________________________________

● ___________________________________________________

● ___________________________________________________ o The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized. o Minerals

▪ Supply the material for building the skeleton and producing regulators such as enzymes and hormones

▪ Divided into 2 groups

● Macro

● Micro

▪ Macro vs. Micro

● Macro o Seven major minerals needed in largest quantity and most likely lacking in the ration

● Micro o Nine trace minerals needed in small amounts

▪ Macro-minerals

● ____________________________________________

● Calcium

● Potassium

● ____________________________________________

● Sulfur

● Magnesium

▪ Micro-minerals

● Iron

● ____________________________________________

● Copper

● Cobalt

● ____________________________________________

● Zinc

● Molybdenum

● ____________________________________________

● Fluorine

Nutrient Deficiencies o Slow growth

▪ __________________________________________________________ o Water deficiency

▪ Overheating

▪ slowdown in normal body functions occurs o Carbohydrates


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

▪ lack of energy

▪ Lack of ___________________________________________________

▪ loss of ____________________________________________________ o Proteins

▪ Normal growth development and repairing of body organs ex: muscles, nerves, skin, hair, hooves, and feathers suffers

▪ Protein deficiency may result

● Anorexia

● Anemia

● Edema

● Slow growth rate

● Low birth weight of young

● Lower milk production

● Decreased feed efficiency o Fats

▪ Provides energy

▪ aids in absorption of _________________________________________ o Vitamins

▪ various body functions will suffer when vitamins are lacking

▪ Depends on the vitamins in question o Mineral deficiency

▪ __________________________________________________________

▪ poor feed efficiency

▪ decreased _________________________________________________

▪ decrease in milk, meat, eggs, and wool production

Objective 6.02-Distinguish between feeding programs for small animals.

Nutrient Use o Maintenance

▪ keeping constant

▪ no gain or loss of weight

▪ usually high in ______________________________________________ o Growth

▪ increase in body size

▪ rations high in ______________________________________________ o Reproduction

▪ Failures are a major result from poor nutrition

▪ Contains a large amount of protein, minerals, and vitamins

▪ Improper nutrition can affect ___________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


▪ Babies that are underweight at birth, or which become an aborted fetus are often the result of improper nutrition to female during gestation o Lactation

▪ Time during which females are _________________________________

▪ Requires the proper nutrients to have large milk production

▪ Diet high in ________________________________________________


▪ The same nutrients contained in the milk are the same needed by a lactating female o Work and activity

▪ Increased amounts of fats and carbohydrates are needed in a working diet to supply the extra energy needed

▪ Hunting dogs need special diets because they require energy to chase after game

Feeding Terminology

Diet-Feed and water that an animal uses o Amount and type of feedstuff is based upon:

▪ Animal Needs

▪ Kind of and amounts of nutrients contained in feed

Palatability- digestible and appeals to the animal o A good nutritious feed is only good ____________________________________

Feed classifications o Roughages (or forages)

▪ __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ o Concentrates

▪ recommended for small animals as a regular part of their diet

▪ High ________________________________

● Corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, rye, oats

▪ High ________________________________

● Soybean meal, cottonseed oil meal, sunflower meal o Supplements

▪ contains a specific nutrient o Ration

▪ feed that contains the right amount and proportion of nutrients


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Specific Diets o Dogs and Cats

▪ Commercial feed is the best

▪ Puppies need diet higher in protein than adults and food intake is regulated by activity

▪ Cats need _________________________________________________

▪ 10% of their diet should be ____________________________________ o Rabbits

▪ Pellet type of commercial feed is best

▪ Avoid feeding too much ______________________________________

__________________________________________________________ o Pocket Pets

▪ Best to use pellet type commercial feed

▪ If mixing ration; should have a wide range of food

▪ Gerbils

● Need ______________________________________________ in diet

▪ Rats

● Can have __________________________________ substituted

▪ Ferrets

● Can eat ____________________________________________

▪ Mice

● Will not _____________________________________________

▪ Guinea pigs

● Need solid food to dull their teeth and a certain amount of

___________________________________________________ o Amphibians & Reptiles

▪ Prefer to eat animals if large enough

▪ Tadpoles

● eat pellets of rabbit, dog, or cat food

▪ Turtles

● Pieces of


● Strawberries and other fruits

▪ Snakes (in captivity)

● Full grown can learn to eat ______________________________

● Variety of insects

● Baby rodents


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

● Frogs and toads

▪ Lizards

● Most eat insects o Birds

▪ Diet mostly consists of seeds

▪ Including __________________________________________________

▪ Fruit and nectar birds

● Oranges

● Grapes

● Apple slices o Fish

▪ Diet is affected by ___________________________________________

▪ Higher temperature

● Increased food intake

▪ Variety of food should be given to _______________________________


▪ Amount fish is fed should be amount it can eat in a few minutes to avoid


▪ Smaller fish

● Flaked food

▪ Larger Fish

● ______________________________________

● ______________________________________

● ______________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Essential Standard 5.00 Discuss the role of major systems of small animals.

Objective 5.02 Discuss the ways that disease processes affect major body systems.

Infectious Diseases of Dogs

Group of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms

– Canine distemper

– Canine parvovirus infection

– Kennel cough

– Rabies

– Canine brucellosis

– Salmonellosis

Canine Distemper

Caused by the inhalation of the airborne virus.


– Early-


– Later-


Canine Parvovirus Infection

Caused by viral contact of materials contaminated with



Affects mostly



– Vomiting

– Bloody diarrhea

– Refusal to eat

Kennel Cough (Tracheobronchitis)

__________________________________________________ contracted in confinement (pet shops, dog shows, kennels, etc.)


– Cough


Viral disease that attacks the central nervous system.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

All _________________________________________________________ can transmit rabies.


--Occur 2 weeks to 3 months after bite. Severe can be within 10 days.

– Furious rabies-animal may act strange then wander off, attack and bite anything in its path, often frothing at the mouth

– Dumb rabies-no wandering, but paralysis of lower jaw followed by body paralysis and death

Canine Brucellosis

Bacterial disease spread through breeding


– __________________________________________________________


– __________________________________________________________



Enlargement of lymph nodes

Swelling of



Bacterial disease spread by ingestion of food contaminated by feces.

Basic Noninfectious Diseases of Dogs

Heart Disease

2 types

– ____________________________________________________

– ____________________________________________________


– Coughing at night during sleep

Coughing during exercise

Inability to exercise

Open mouth breathing at rest





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Can be hereditary or not

Can cause blindness

More often affects



Degenerative joint disease that causes



Large, old and obese dogs are more prone to the disease.

Basic Fungus Diseases of Dogs


Most common fungal disease.


– Broken hairs around the face, ears or feet.

Reddened skin and scaly skin develop.

Crusting and scaling in severe cases.


Inhaling infected spores of soil enriched with




– Coughing

Rapid breathing



Internal Parasites of Dogs

Ascarids or Roundworms

May grow to 8 inches in length when mature

Affect mainly puppies and deprive them of nutrients

Transmitted by



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Severe infestation causes pot-bellied appearance

Danger to



Blood-sucking parasites that attach to the small intestine, causing small spots of bleeding

Adult worms attach to the small intestine where they digest



Heavy infestations cause the animal to appear weak, listless, and anemic

Affects older dogs and puppies


Broad at one end and narrow at the other.

Use the narrow end to attach to the



Adults produce “shell” protected eggs that may live for years in the soil.

Produce watery feces and may result in dehydration and death.


Flat and segmented worms that live in the small intestine.

Shed terminal segments in feces.

Usually the largest worms affecting dogs reaching 1 foot or more in length

Most depend on a host such as a flea or wild rabbit to develop.

Not harmful for dogs, but may cause serious injury to humans.


Thin worms that live in the major artery carrying blood from the heart to the lungs.

Serious threat to dogs causing major injury to vital organs.

Transmitted by


Prevention is preferred to treatment which is only effective in early infestation.



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Frequent coughing

Labored breathing

Fainting in severe cases

Infectious Diseases of Cats

Feline Panleukopenia

Cat distemper caused by


Affects cats younger than



Spread by direct contact, infected food and water dishes, bedding, and litter boxes.


– Depression

Loss of appetite

High fever





Feline herpesvirus (FHV)

Respiratory infection caused by a DNA virus.

Shed in discharges from

_________________________________________________ and transmitted by direct contact.

Cats can become carriers, but



– Depression

Sneezing and coughing

Severe eye and nasal discharges

Increase in temperature

Mouth ulcers

Feline Enteric Coronavirus

Caused by ingestion of contaminated feces in kittens



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Spread by ingestion of contaminated feces.


– Low grade fever

– Vomiting

– Soft or watery diarrhea

– Blood in the feces

– Dehydration

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Disease caused by coronavirus that leads to


Coronavirus infections are more common, but few show signs.


– Fever

– Refusal to eat

– Depression

– Weight loss

Noninfectious Diseases of Cats

Feline Urologic Syndrome (FUS)

A.K.A. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

May range from mild inflammation to blockage of the



Causes of FUS

Improper diet (where cats are fed high levels of magnesium and phosphorus)

Low water intake that causes concentrations of



Possibly a virus

Wet Eye

Excessive tear production or blockage of drainage canals that drain tears to the nasal cavity causing tears to overflow at the corner of the eyes.

Internal Parasites of Cats


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Disease caused by infection with single-celled protozoan parasite Toxoplasm gondii.

Contracted from eating raw meat or contaminated feces.

Fever, jaundice, and difficulty moving may result.

No vaccination and humans can become infected through cat litter boxes.

Ascarids (Toxocara cati)

Ascarids from ingesting eggs passed in the feces of an infected animal or in the case of kittens from the milk of an infected mother cat.

Severe cases may cause pot-bellied appearance (distended abdomen) and an unthrifty cat.

Hookworm (Ancylostoma tubaeforme)

Infection occurs when larvae is ingested from contaminated food or water, or when larvae penetrates the skin.

May cause dark-colored feces and anemia from the loss of blood.

Tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum)

Require a cost other than the cat for development.

Dipylidium caninum must be hosted by fleas and Tania taeniaeformis may be hosted by rats and mice.

Neither type causes major harm.

External Parasites of Small Animals


Brown, blood-sucking insects of small size that move rapidly over the skin.

May develop from eggs to adult in as little as


May first be detected in the

_______________________________________________ area of the animal.

Cause irritation and extreme itching

May be controlled with powders, dips, shampoos, collars, oral insecticides, foggers and sprays.


Blood-sucking arthropods of the skin.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Two main families of ticks: hard and soft

Two types of hard ticks are a concern: brown dogs tick (can survive indoors) and

American dog tick (lives on grass and shrubs)

Main soft tick is the Spirose Ear Tick.

Larvae and nymph stage live in and cause irritation to the outer ear canal.


Wingless insects that may bite or suck blood from the host.

Not common on dogs.

If infestation occurs, the dog will experience hair loss from scratching and rubbing.

Two treatments 12 days apart with dips, dusts, or spray can control.




Five species cause the most problems

– Demodectic mites

– Two types of sarcoptic mites

– Ear mites

– Cheyletiella mites

Demodectic Mites

No not usually cause problems.

A severe infestation may result in hair loss, reddening of the skin, and encrusting in spots or over the entire body of the dog.

Sarcoptic Mites

Burrow within the outer layer of the skin.

Highly contagious.

_________________________________________________________ which case intense irritation and itching that may result in the dog injuring itself as it tries to scratch, chew or rub the skin.

Ear Mites

Highly contagious

Found in the outer ear canal and other areas of dogs, cats, and rabbits.

Common problem


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Infected animals may


Flea products are effective treatment, as well as, ear drops.

Cheyletiella Mites


Cause a condition known as


Severe scaling on the back may occur, but itching is not as severe as with other mite infestations.


Orange-red larvae stages of Trombicula mites that cause an itchy, red rash on the belly, face, feet and legs.

– Picked up from


– Remain on the skin for a short time and usually do not require treatment other than something to stop the itching.

Poisons Affecting Small Animals


May cause poisoning if ingested in sufficient amounts.

Organophosphates and carbamate compounds are the main source of insecticidal poisoning.

Boric acid from roach bait and arsenic from ant traps can also poison animals.



_____ contain insoluble calcium oxadate crystals that cause irritation to the mouth and intestinal tract.

Poinsettia, Japanese yew, azalea, and flower bulbs may cause mild intestinal upset.

Household Chemicals

Ammonia, bleach, borates, hydroxides, pine oil, and phenol can cause sickness if pets ingest them.


Strychnine and warfarin can cause internal bleeding and death if ingested in sufficient amounts.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Glyphosphate herbicides and arsenic-based weed killers can poison pets.


Common source of poisoning because it has a

________________________________ that animals like.

Animal may appear


Rabbit Diseases


Intestinal tract inflammation

Probably the most common cause


Causes include: stress, unsanitary conditions, and high energy feeds

Enteritis Symptoms



Animals will stop eating but drink lots of water



Almost 100% mortality rate

Enteritis Treatment

Prevention is best. Accomplished through proper environment, sanitary conditions, feeding rations that are high in fiber, low in energy, control of birds and rodents that carry the disease.

Treatment when applicable is through broad spectrum antibiotics.


Disease aggravated by stressful conditions such as poor sanitation, poor ventilation, changing temperatures, shipping, or show conditions.





Prevention: Reduce stress through proper environment.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Inflammation of


Also called caked breast

May cause nursing problems

Nursing baby rabbits may bite the nipples when they are unable to nurse

Nursing mothers may refuse to nurse the young.

Mastitis Prevention and Treatment

Remove concentrates from the diet for 72 hours.

Widespread cases, clean and disinfect all nesting boxes.

Wry Neck

Condition caused by inflammation of the inner neck.

Head tilted to the side is the most common symptom.

Often found where snuffles are also present.

Best prevented by controlling upper respiratory diseases.

Fur Chewing

Pulling of fur from itself or other rabbits caused by simple boredom, a nutrient deficiency, and a low-fiber diet.

Prevention and treatment: Best by feeding hay or straw to add fiber to the diet.

Adding magnesium oxide to the ration also helps.

Hutch Burn

● Chapped or burning condition of the external genital area of the doe. Caused by


● Prevention and treatment: keep bedding clean. Treatment is with antibiotic creams.

Sore Hocks

Ulcerated area on the bottom of the foot pads most often associated with rough wire cage floors and size of the foot pad not supporting the weight of the animal.

Large breed with long foot pads are most often affected.

Sore Hocks Prevention and Treatment

Get off wire and place on a solid surface

Apply astringents to the sore pads


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

– ___________________________________________________


– ___________________________________________________


– ___________________________________________________


Hamster Diseases

Wet Tail (Enteritis)

Most common disease of hamsters

Caused by poor sanitation, bacteria, viruses, and diet.

Wet Tail Symptoms

Wetness around the tail and rear of the animal caused by runny diarrhea.

High death rate occurs within 2 days of symptoms appearing.

Most often associated with poor sanitation caused by general neglect and poor care.

Wet Tail Prevention and Treatment

Change and disinfect spoiled bedding, cages, and equipment and isolate infected animals.

Keep temperature around 70 degrees to avoid estivation (sleep above 80 degrees) or hibernation (below 50 degrees). Avoid drafts.

Animals do not respond well to treatment.

Common Diarrhea

Caused by incorrect diet with overabundance of green leafy materials, vegetables, or fruits.

Should not be confused with serious infections.

Correct by removing green leafy vegetables and fruits and feeding dry grains and seeds.

Gerbil Diseases


Gerbils are hardy and seldom affected by disease, but colds are most common.


– Loss of appetite


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Constant sneezing

Runny eyes and nose

Cold Prevention and Treatment

Reduce stress caused by overcrowding (gerbils need more space than hamsters)

Avoid drafts, humidity and temperature fluctuations.

Red Nose

Commonly caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria.

Animal will recover without any medication.


– Hair loss

– Red, swollen areas of the skin around the nose and muzzle

Rat Diseases

Respiratory Disease

Common disease caused by Microplasma pulmonis


– Nasal discharge


Rattled breathing

Rubbing eyes and nose

Tilted head

Uncoordinated and circling

Mouse Diseases

Hardy animals with proper diet, housing, and exercise.

Respiratory disease can be caused by several organisms and result from changes in temperature, drafts, high humidity.

Symptoms: squeaking or rattling breath, runny nose, watery eyes and fur loss.

Salmonella and related bacteria are responsible for many of the serious infectious diseases.

Control with clean cages, clean water, clean feed, and parasite control.

Guinea Pig Diseases


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Very healthy under favorable conditions.

Avoid drafts and keep temperature and humidity constant to avoid problems.

Common cold and respiratory diseases can be a problem if environment is not good.

Colds in Guinea Pigs

Animals become lethargic, listless, have nasal discharge and sneezing


– Maintaining a good environment

– Immediate treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics

– Increase Vitamin C


Build-up of toxins in the blood that developed in late pregnancy.

Symptoms: females will be lethargic, go off feed, refuse to eat, and have difficulty breathing.

Prevention and Treatment: Feed a high quality diet to the pregnant female and add ½ teaspoon of sugar in the water bottle.

Chinchilla Illnesses

Chinchilla Environment

Need proper nutrition and a clean, dry, draft-free environment with low stress.

Provide adequate ventilation

Avoid temperatures above 80 degrees or cold drafts and high humidity

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Organism that causes infection in wounds, inflammation of eyes and ears, pneumonia, intestinal inflammation, uterine inflammation, and poisoning of the circulatory system.

Eye Inflammation (conjunctivitis)

Swelling and redness around the eyes, sensitivity to light, watering, and pus formation.

Treatment: Isolate infected animals, wash eyes gently with warm boric acid solution, and use ophthalmic medications. Clean cages and feed containers.

Inner Ear Infection (otitis)

Symptoms: Twisting and lowering of the head, hanging head to one side, running in a circle.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Prevention and Treatment: Avoid drafty, cool environmental conditions. Clean the ear with warm boric acid solution and treat with ear drops.


Symptoms: listlessness, failure to eat, breathing difficulty, swollen abdomen

Prevention and treatment: Eliminate cold drafty, and high humidity conditions and treat immediately with aureomycin, penicillin, or other antibiotics.


Lower digestive system becomes tightly packed with food material or feces. May then follow diarrhea.

Caused by poor quality feed, stress, and poor nutrition.

Animal is often humped with chin resting between its front feet.

Treatment for Impaction

Give a dropper full of mineral oil daily OR

Add up to three full droppers of grapefruit juice to the animal’s diet.

Ferret Illnesses

Canine distemper

A disease that also affects



Symptoms: discharge from the eyes and nose, breathing problems, diarrhea.

Canine Distemper Treatment

Vaccination is important.

Vaccinate at 12 weeks of age and give boosters annually to prevent canine and feline distemper.

Treatment is not effective.

Hemorrhagic enteritis

Bloody diarrhea is commonly seen

Symptoms: Go off feed, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, dehydration, possibly death

Prevention and treatment: Treat with antibiotics and sulfur material.


Caused by toxin produced by bacteria.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Symptoms: breathing difficulty and paralysis

Death can occur without symptoms.

Keep food supply fresh.

Disease Prevention and Treatment for Pocket Pets

Maintain Good Sanitation

Remove spoiled urine soaked bedding regularly

Remove urine and feces contaminated feed regularly

Keep fresh water available at all times

Provide a Good Environment

Keep animals free of drafts and eliminate any cool, damp drafts immediately

Maintain low humidity. Higher humidity contributes to respiratory diseases.

Maintain constant temperature that does not fluctuate to a great degree.

Provide adequate ventilation to remove stale air.

Feed an appropriate ration.

General Disease Treatment for Pocket Pets

First, isolate sick animals to prevent the spread of disease.

Remove and replace bedding from the cage of a sick animal.

Chemically disinfect and sanitize cage prior to installing new bedding.

Use medicated water routinely when disease is a constant threat.

Use proper treatments and antibiotics if recommended.

Dispose of dead animals properly (burn and bury in some cases)

Cull animals that do not show signs of improvement.

Improve environmental conditions that may be causing disease.

Avoid breeding animals that may have inherited diseases.

Use recommended pesticides to control pests.

Parasites of Birds

Internal Parasites

Rarely a problem with birds


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


– Diagnosis is by observing feces for long, thin, white worms.

– Contracted from ingesting worm eggs in contaminated feces, soil, or food.

– Symptoms: blockage of intestines, poor plummage, weight loss, diarrhea.

– Treatments are available


– Diagnosed by observing small rice-like segments in the feces

– Contracted from eating an intermediate host such as house flies, fleas, ticks, or earthworms.

– Proper cleaning and sanitation are the best prevention.

– Treatment with piprazine, nicotine sulfate and Kamal powder

External Parasites

Red Mites

– Appear as tiny red specks and feed on blood of infected birds at night, causing restlessness, scratching, and picking at their feathers.

– Spread through contact with infected birds.

– Adults may be dusted with pyrethium powder.

Clean and disinfect all cages and nest boxes.

Feather Mites

– Cause a bird to chew or pick its feathers.

Look for small, gray-colored moving specks

Feed on the bird during both day and night

Symptoms: restlessness, severe scratching, feather picking, skin irritation

– Cages and equipment should be treated with nicotine sulfate, Malathion, or coumaphos and birds should be sprayed with a mite spray.

Scaly Leg Mites

– _________________________________________________________ of budgerigars, lovebirds, and canaries.

– Live their entire life cycle on the bird.

– Symptoms: white scaly deposits that become thickened, enlarged, and encrusted

– Treatment: Use

_______________________________________________ to kill the mites and loosen deposits. This also suffocates the mites.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Bacterial Diseases in Birds

Parrot Fever

Chlamydiosis or psittacosis

Bacterial disease that affects the liver and spleen.

Contracted mainly through feces and contaminated food and water.

Symptoms: nasal discharges, listlessness, appetite loss, weight loss, greenishcolored diarrhea and labored breathing.



Treat birds with chlortetracycline-impregnated seed for at least 21 days.


A painful ailment associated with


Symptoms: feet and joints become hot and swollen with a thick, grayish white fluid and not walking or clasping onto perch.

Prevent by using suitable perches and sanitation.

Treatment is with antibiotics.

Viral Diseases in Birds

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease

A.K.A. French Molt

Viral disease that attacks the immune system.

Symptoms become evident at the first molt when new feathers do not emerge or are deformed and break off.

Nails may be soft, overgrown, and lose their pigment.

There is no cure for this disease.

Treatment is with vitamins, minerals, and control of secondary diseases through sanitation.

Newcastle Disease

Viral disease that has


Imported birds are the main source of possible infection.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Symptoms: Respiratory difficulty (wheezing) followed by tremors, wing droop, and a twisted neck.

Birds should be vaccinated to prevent the disease.

Nutritional Problems in Birds


Swelling of the ________________________________________________ in the neck and interference with breathing.

Major cause is iodine deficiency.

Especially a problem for budgerigars

Rickets (Osteomalacia)

Imbalance or deficient amount of calcium, phosphorus, or Vitamin D3 that causes deterioration or softening of the bones.

Symptoms: lameness, stiff-legged gait, constant resting in the squatting position, decreased growth.

Oyster shell or coarse limestone in the diet and Vitamin D3 supplementation is the best preventative.


Too much food, not enough activity or seeds high in fat.

Bird owners should avoid feeding too many sunflower seeds if obesity is a problem.

Other Aviary Problems

Overgrown Claws

Can result in injury if they become entangled in the cage.

May be clipped with pet nail clippers.

Avoid the pinkish streak in the center of the claw. It is a blood vessel.

Feather Plucking

Boredom, bad diet, needs mate, lack of bathing

Birds living indoors need regular bathing or spraying to encourage preening.

Preening is




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Symptoms of Problems with Birds

Sleeping on two legs may indicate that a bird is uncomfortable or ailing. Birds normally


A bird that fluffs its feathers out is usually chilled and trying to

___________________ ____________________________________.

If feces are runny, a digestive ailment may be the problem.

Not flying and lack of activity may indicate the bird is sick.

Eye discharges or continually closed eyes are an indication of cold, etc.

Wheezing, noisy, or irregular breathing may be a sign of a respiratory problem.

Not eating or very little eating indicates a loss of appetite that is often associated with sickness.

Prevention of Diseases and Ailments

Select a healthy bird

Place bird in a dry, warm, draft-free place

Subject the bird to little stress

No other animals should be around

Quarantine and observation period of at least 3-4 weeks before introducing to other birds.

Keep perches and cage clean

Sanitation is extremely important —should provide fresh food and water.

Bathing and spraying reduces feather dust and dirt and cuts down on mites

– Small birds prefer to bathe in a container which may be placed in the cage at regular intervals for 30 minute time periods.

– Large birds need to be sprayed with a fine mist from a plant sprayer.

Mist should be sprayed above the animal and allowed to filter down. Do not saturate, but gently spray 2-3 times per week.

At the First Sign of Illness


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Cage temperature should be maintained between 85-90 degrees F.

– Move the cage to a warmer location

– Adjust the temperature with a light bulb near the cage or a heating pad under the cage.

– Provide 2 or 3 perches so that the bird can find the most comfortable temperature

Partially cover the cage to prevent drafts

Provide quick energy fluids such as



Diseases of the Aquarium

Signs and Symptoms of Disease

Fish are behaving unusual/strange

Fish are floating to the surface, sinking to the bottom, or leaning to the side of the aquarium.

Fins are unusually lying flat against the body.

Rolled caudal fins

A fish is off by itself and not swimming with the school.

Fish appears to be in slow motion and not keeping up with the other fish.

Breathing seems unusually faster and deeper than normal.

Fish is at the surface gasping for air.

Rubbing/scratching against objects in the aquarium.

Not interested in eating.

Belly appears caved in or unusually thin.

Belly appears bloated or swollen.

Color of fish has changed or unusual.

Fin appears frayed.

Back and spinal column appear distorted.

Eyes are not clear, appear cloudy.

White spots are covering the body.

Scales that stick out from the body instead of lying flat.


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Protruding eyes

Anal discharge hanging from the fish.

Parasites of Fish

White Spot (Ich)

Caused by the parasitic organism Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and causes numerous white spots on the body and fins of a stressed fish.



Slime Disease

Parasites attack skin of fish causing a large amount of mucus. May cause death if it attacks the __________________________________


Organism Hexsamita live under skin in muscle tissue and make the tissue break down and skin opens up to make the fish


Velvet Disease

Organism Oodinium penetrates skin cells and feed on fish.

White Fungus Growth

White growth around mouth, fins, eye, and gills. A secondary infection is usually present already.


Worm-like parasite that attaches to the gills and body of the fish.

Anchor Worms

Adhere and burrow under scales to attack the muscles

Fish Lice

Attach to body of fish and pierce skin to


Bacterial Diseases Affecting Fish

Fin Rot

Where the edges of the fish’s fins start to appear frayed and ragged, lose their color and the tissue between the fins breaks down.

Mouth Fungus

Caused by bacteria with a white tufty material appearing around the mouth and white patches on the skin.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Neon Disease

Caused by parasite Plistophora hyphessobryconis. This organism is found in the fish’s body tissue where it causes the production of spores which are released when it dies.


Causes by bacteria that invades the organs and tissues of the body.

Pseudomonas and Aeromonas

Secondary infections in fish that are already sick. Fish have swollen bellies, lesions or ulcers.

Environmental Problems

Lack of oxygen and overabundance or carbon dioxide can be readily observed when almost all of the fish are swimming near the surface gulping for air.

Incorrect water pH-causes respiratory problems and excess mucus production.

Chemical filtration ability reduced and ammonia builds up —observed by cloudy, murky water

Gravel filtration system pollution buildup of iron sulphite can be observed by the black color on the gravel.


Use of chemicals in the water with the aquarium being thoroughly cleaned before the fish are returned.

Placement of fish in a hospital tank for treatment before returning to normal tank.

Most treatments can be found at the local pet store.

Amphibians and Reptiles


Bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans.

Affects the digestive tract and causes watery, green foul-smelling diarrhea.

Mouth Rot

Fungal disease associated with sores or open wounds in the mouth.

Mites and Ticks

External parasites that attack amphibians and reptiles.

Mites usually go undetected until there is a heavy infestation.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Symptoms: anemia, anorexia, depression, stress, listlessness, lack of appetite, possible death.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


13.00 Use information specific to each breed to select to select the best dog for a given trait

Seven Major Groups of Dogs









■ Parson Russell Terrier according to the AKC


Twenty-four breeds make up the sporting group


■ Dogs developed about 200 years ago from England

■ Named from the stance they take when finding game

___________________________________________________ in

■ combination with white or solid color

Irish Setter

Less coat care due to ____________________________





Noted for its ________________________________________________


Mahogany or rich chestnut red with no trace of black in the coat color

__________________________________________ than English setters

Used for all types of game, but train slower than some other breeds

Ideal show dog, but _________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

American Cocker Spaniels

■ Smallest members of the sporting dog family

Sandy color with elegant appearance and cheerful disposition

■ Soft-hearted dog that makes an ________________________________


Labrador Retrievers

■ Active water dog that was _____________________________________


■ ________________________________________________________________


■ Very dependable

● One of the best used breeds for guide dogs or for _____________



● Colors of _____________________________________________

Usually not as tall as pointers

The Hounds

Hunts by scent or by sight

The greyhound and Alghan hound hunt by sight, while most others hunt by smell

Basset hound

■ __________________________________________________________

■ __________________________________________________________ than any other breed for its size

Gentle, devoted dogs that are good with children, but may be


Usually ____________________________________________________

Not exceeding _________________ in height

■ Weighs ______________________on average


■ Noted for their ______________________________________________

Make great pets and companions

Weight and Height



Colors range from a blue with __________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris



■ One of the most docile of all breeds

Can ______________________________________________________


Affectionate, but somewhat shy

Non aggressive

Excellent pets for children


Colors range from tawny to black and tan or red and tan

■ __________________________________________________________


■ Perfected in the _____________________________________________


● Dachshunds are ____________________________________________

Long bodied muscular dogs

__________________ pounds

__________________ at the shoulder

● Lively and courageous

● A barker that makes a good watchdog

● Good with children

● Used mainly as a _______________________________________



Greyhounds are good at hunting all types of game

Because of its speed, they were used in packs to __________________


Used in the United States for______________________________

Valuable as a _________________________

Need lots of exercise

Not suited for apartment dwelling

Not recommended as a companion dog for children

The Terrier Group

Developed to hunt ________________________________

Its name is derived from the Latin word _______________________________

Two subgroups:


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

■ _____________________________________

■ _____________________________________

Bull Terriers

Cross of the _______________________________________________

____________________________________ that were used for dogfights

Loving and affectionate

Will readily fight to protect themselves or their master

White or colored:

White (may have some black markings about the head)

Colored bull terriers are any color but white, with ___________________


Fox Terrier

Either smooth or wired, depending on ____________________________


● _____________________________should be the dominant color

One of the Best known and most widely distributed purebred dogs

● Noted for their courage in hunting animals that _______________


● Fox terriers are easy to train


Good companion dogs

Working Dogs

Perform a service to humans

■ _____________________________________________



■ _____________________________________________

Great Dane

■ One of two largest breeds of dogs

Friendly companion or watchdog.


_________________________ for females

_________________________ for males

Height at the shoulder

____________ for females

____________ for males


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Saint Bernards

■ __________________________________________________________

Excellent sense of smell

Coat made it suitable to perform rescue in extreme mountain climate conditions

Peaceful, quiet, and gentle dog

● ____________________________________________________

● Makes a good companion dog

■ Color

Siberian Husky

Red with white markings or white with red markings


Endurance sled dog

Found its home in ____________________

● Began to win the ______________________________________ in the early 1900’s

Friendly and gentle dog

● May be stubborn and ill around children

Not aggressiveness or protective

● ____________________________________________________


● Pure white to all other colors including black

Herding Dogs

Developed to assist the ___________________________________________


Shetland sheepdog

■ __________________________________________________________

Excellent family pets and companion dogs


Devoted dog



Black, blue merle, and sable with markings of white and/or tan




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Most often used as house pets and companions


■ Named for the state of ________________________________________

Smallest breed of dog in the world


Noted as a _________________________________________________

Does not like other breeds of dogs

■ Courageous, energetic, lively, alert, and intelligent


■ ______________________________________

Extremely affectionate with its owner

Make good watchdogs or lapdogs for apartment dwellers

Will show great courage


Require _____________________________________ to prevent decay ■


Needs frequent coat care to keep its long, fine hair well groomed

Very old breed

Noted for its __________________________________________; short, square muzzle; deep wrinkled forehead; and large, massive head

■ Intelligent

■ Affectionate

Enjoy lots of attention

Love children

■ Easily trained

Shih Tzu

■ Chinese breed with a _________________________________________

Requires constant care to prevent matting and knotting


Eyes and nose are rim black with any coat color

Looks like a ________________________________________________

Has an aristocratic, arrogant carriage


Miscellaneous breeds


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Used mainly for companion dogs


■ Calm, quiet dog

● Intelligent

Has been used as a trail hound for ______________________________


Most notably used as a _______________________________________


Will follow their master if at all possible regardless of the mode of the master’s travel


Thrives on human companionship

Natural as guardians

Love children

White with black spots or white with liver brown spots


Very intelligent

● ____________________________________________________

Known as the national dog of __________________________________

● Used as a ____________________________________________


● Used today as companion and show dogs

All colors with an even and solid coat color at the skin


● Standards average ________________ pounds for females and

__________________ pounds for males

● Miniature varieties average ______________ pounds for females and

______________ pounds for males

● Toy Poodles average ________________ pounds for females and

__________________ pounds for males

Height at the shoulder

● Standards are __________________

● Miniature varieties average ___________________

● Toy Poodles are _________________


Breeds not included in the seven major Groups

The Jack Russell Terrier


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

● Developed around 200 years ago in England by a clergyman,


● Known for its _______________________________________________

● The dog may have a smooth or wirehaired coat


● White with black or tan markings or a combination of the three colors


● ____________________ pounds


● At the shoulder _____________________

Breed Considerations


■ Large or small based on space requirements both for the dog and for what you have available

Will it be inside or outside?




■ Weighs _______________________and are best suited for



■ Active or quiet breed

Fox terrier

■ _______________________________________________

Labrador and a Sheepdog

■ _______________________________________________

Hair Coat

■ Type of hair coat determines grooming requirements

Longhaired or wirehaired

■ More grooming

■ Prone to skin disease

Short haired

■ Brings less dirt inside

Purpose of dog

■ Is the dog for sporting, hunting, service, companion,show, guard, or racing?

Price of dog


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

■ Depends on demand

More common breeds are typically less expensive

Less common breeds can be more expensive



■ buys from local breeders


■ purebreds and mixed breeds


■ if wanting a purebred


■ works for a companion or family dog




Affects all other considerations


Mixed breed less expensive than a purebred pedigreed animal


Very important for show or hunting


Will it be spayed or neutered?

Used for breeding?





May get bigger in size than expected


You know the size it is

Already trained


■ General structure


Make-up of animal


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

■ important for show to meet breed requirements will it be able to swim

■ run after game if for hunting or sporting

Family history?

■ ____________________________________

■ ____________________________________

Personal preference?

■ What color you like

■ What markings do you like



Daily brushing recommended

■ To________________________________________________________


Check for mats in long hair

■ Tease with comb ______________________________________


Cut burrs by ____________________________________


Terriers and wirehaired breeds

■ Need plucking

A stripping knife is used to _________________________


_____________________________________is used with the stripping knife to pluck hair

Cleaning the Ears

Clean once a month

Use cotton swab or soft cloth _________________________________


Only ear parts that can be seen should be cleaned

Use a finger, never a sharp or pointed object

Check for _________________________________________________

Cleaning the Eyes


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Use _____________________________________________________ to remove any irritating substance

Check for any _____________________________________________

Cleaning the Teeth

Clean regularly to prevent ____________________________________

Use small toothbrush with soft bristles

Use a mix of ______________________________________________


Clean from the gum line to the tips of teeth

_________________________________________________________ help maintain healthy teeth

Clean 1 to 2 times per week

Nail Care

Trimmed occasionally

______________________________________________ when cutting

Avoid cutting the nail bed which will cause bleeding

■ ____________________________________

Stops bleeding

Use clippers not scissors

Health concerns for dogs

Dog diseases

Infectious diseases

■ Caused by _________________________________________________

Kennel Cough (tracheobronchitis)


Contracted in confinement

■ pet shops

■ dog shows

■ kennels

Symptom: cough



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Viral disease

■ Attacks the central nervous system



■ Occur 2 weeks to 3 months after bite

■ Severe can be within 10 days


■ act strange then wander off

■ attack and bite anything

■ frothing at the mouth


■ no wandering but paralysis of lower jaw

■ followed by paralysis of body and death

Canine Brucellosis

■ _____________________________________________

Causes ______________________________________

■ Failure to whelp

Enlargement of the lymph nodes

Swelling of the ______________________________________________ ■


■ bacterial disease ingestion of ________________________________________________

Noninfectious Dog Diseases


__________________________________________________________ can be hereditary or not

■ can cause blindness found mostly _______________________________________________

Fungal diseases


■ __________________________________________________________

■ Symptoms

● begin as __________________________________ around the face ears, or feet


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


● crusting and scaling in severe cases

Internal Parasites


■ __________________________________________________________

Affect mainly puppies

● deprive them of nutrients

Severe infestation will cause a ___________________________


Transmitted by female dogs to puppies

Danger to ___________________________

External Parasites



● move rapidly over the skin

Develop from eggs to adult in as little as 16 days

● first detected in the ____________________________________ area

● cause irritation and extreme itching

Controlled with ______________________________________________




Two main families


Brown dog tick can survive indoors

American dog tick lives in grass and on shrubs


Spirose Ear tick larvae and nymph stage live in and cause irritation to the outer ear canal




Dieffenbachia (Dumbcane)


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris




● contain insoluble calcium oxadate crystals


Household chemicals and cleaners

■ Can cause sickness if ingested







■ Used for rodent control

Strychnine & warfarin

■ _______________________________________________

■ _______________________________________________


Common source






Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


15.00 Use information specific to each breed to choose the best cat for a given use.

Cat Breeds

Differ in ___________________________________________________



For our discussions we will focus on the two major types of hair:

Shorthaired Breeds

Longhaired Breeds

Shorthair Breeds





Medium sized

Muscular cat

______________________ shaped eyes

Very active

Fond of water

Can be taught to __________________________

American Shorthair

(Domestic Shorthair)

Came to __________________________________________________

34 recognized color patterns

_______________________________ is the most common color

Medium to large sized


– makes great lap cat

Bombay (1958)

Relatively new breed resulting from _____________________________


Medium sized cat

Jet black


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__________________________________________ colored eyes


Graceful, charming, and get along well with others, even strangers


Originated in _______________________________________________


Cross between _____________________________________________


Sable-brown in color with gold eyes

Good disposition, enjoy being held

Can become bossy, stubborn, and angry

Cornish Rex

Small to medium size


Must be kept _______________________________________________

– lacks ________________________________________ to protect it from the elements

Devon Rex

Resulted from ______________________________________________


Medium sized cat with wavy hair coat

Large, wide-based ears are set low and distinctive to this breed


Highly prized, ______________________________________________

Protective of family members, and reserved with strangers

Medium-sized cat

Silver blue fur tipped with silver

Produces a ________________________________________________


Among earliest European breeds

– result of a genetic mutation


– affectionate cat

– tends to be better in one-to-one relationships



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– others have a short tail __________________________________

– some have a long tail ___________________________________


Known for one-on-one devotion to one person

Eye color is always __________________________________________

Head forms an _____________________________________________


Very little pigmentation in color pattern

Pigmentation is darker at the points

Color is restricted to the points: ___________________________



– very long and refined

Siamese cats are very unpredictable; however, they are described as


Fearless cats of extraordinary intelligence.

Siamese cats are particularly sensitive to vaccinations and anesthetics


Small breed

Known for its’ quiet, shy disposition

Males weigh at most _________________________________

Females usually weigh less than ________________________

Snowshoe Breed

Medium to large size

– Similar to American Shorthair


– Bright blue eyes are large, oval

Ears are large and broad at base

Wedge shaped head

The mask, tail, ears, and legs are usually defined seal or blue with the masking colors covering the entire face, except for inverted white V-shaped pattern over mouth and nose



Known for its _______________________________________________


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Indoor cat

– cannot survive outdoors depends upon people for survival

Constantly _________________

Adores body contact and is very affectionate

Normal body temperature is 4°F higher than most other breeds

– unable to store body fat

– must eat more frequently to maintain its body temperature

Longhair Breeds


Sturdy cat of medium to large size

Long, silky coat that does not mat

– requires little care

Very sociable

– needs the company of others


Eyes are round

Ears are medium with rounded tips

Maine Coon

Oldest natural breed in _______________________________________

– native American origin


– reaches 12 -18 pounds

_______________________________________ is the best known color

Lovable and friendly

– has a tiny voice that ____________________________________



Medium to large size

– short, compact body

– large head

– small rounded ears

Well mannered easy going quiet cats


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Make good apartment cats and excellent companions


Requires regular bathing

– removes ___________________________________from the coat


Originated in the ____________________________________________

Exceptionally large

Heavy breed

Blue eyes

Docile, quiet, and composed

– named because _______________________________________


– take a ____________________________________when handled

Selecting a Pet Cat

The Cat vs. The Dog

Requires less care

– independent nature

Lower feeding cost

– smaller

Initial purchase price is less

Qualities to consider

Adult cats are better for elderly or busy owners

Kittens adapt quickly

Females reach sexual maturity at ______________________________

– estrus cycle __________________________________________

Friendly affectionate pets

– “they don’t usually kill or injure small children”

Pedigree animals have certain characteristics

– most cats are mixed breeds

Long haired breeds require frequent grooming

– require air conditioned facilities

Mixed breeds are cheaper to purchase.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Choosing a healthy cat

1. Look for signs of health



Nose should be _______________________________________

Clean glossy coat

Free of mats

2. Look for signs of illness

Discharge from the eyes or nose

Buildup of wax in the ears


External Parasites


Internal Parasites

Potbellied cats may indicate ________________________


Grooming Cats

Removes old and dead hair

Provides opportunity to check for:


Skin disorders

Eye problems

Ear problems

Longhaired Cats

Need daily care to keep free of _________________________________


– Combs

Blunt end scissors

Nail clippers

Grooming brush

Grooming powder

Procedures for longhair cats

1st-Use a wide tooth comb for animal

2nd- Use a small toothed comb


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Once all tangles are out, brush hair in opposite direction of growth occasionally and sprinkle grooming powder



Check for ____________________________________________


Grooming Tools

Comb with two sizes of teeth (fine toothed and a flea comb).

Nail Clippers

Grooming brush natural bristles ________________________________


Grooming powder such as ____________________________________


Shorthair Grooming

Rubber grooming brush

Fine-toothed/ flea comb

Soft chamois, silk, nylon pad

Rubber grooming brush

Avoid removing good hair

Bathing Cats

Start bathing as early as ______________________________________

Avoid splashing or running water when cat is present

Use __________________________inches of warm water

Gently lower cat into the water until the entire cat is wet

Keep water our of eyes and ears

Apply a baby shampoo to the wet coat, lather and rinse

Medicated shampoo for fleas

Towel dry __________________________________________________

Other Grooming

Check teeth and gums


Check for ear mites


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

________________________________________indicates mites

Use ear drops to treat

Used special clippers to trim claws

Do not cut into pink area of claw, __________________________

Scratching post helps to reduce claw trimming

Health concerns for cats



Cat Distemper (FPV)

Feline herpes virus (FHV)

Feline calicivirus (FCV)

Feline Rhinotracheitis (FVR)

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Feline Leukemia (FeLV)

Feline Enteric Corona virus (FECV)


Feline Panleukopenia (FPV)

Feline distemper

– caused by a __________________________________________

Abnormally low white blood cell count

Affects young cats


Spread by direct contact but also from food and water, bedding, litter boxes, etc.


Depression loss of appetite high fever lethargy vomiting diarrhea dehydration

Feline herpes virus (FHV)

Caused by respiratory virus infection


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris



– transmitted through ____________________________________

Can ______________________________________________________


– depression sneezing coughing severe eye and nasal discharges increase in temperature

Feline Enteris Corona virus (FECV)



Symptoms: low grade fever, vomiting, soft or watery diarrhea, blood in the feces and dehydration.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis virus (FIP)


Affect those with weak immune systems



– fever loss of appetite depression weight loss


Feline Urological syndrome (fus)


Wet eye

Wet Eye

__________________________________________________________ blockage of drainage canal causing the tears to overflow at the inner corner of the eyes


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Feline Urologic syndrome (fus)

A feline urinary tract disease also referred to as FLUTD

May range from mild inflammation to blockage of the urethra


Internal Parasites

____________________________- prtozoan parasite Toxoplasm gondii infection

____________________________-Toxocara cati

____________________________-Ancylostoma tubaeforme

____________________________-Dipylidium caninum

External Parasites

____________________________- Felicola subrostratus

____________________________-denidex cati

____________________________-Notoedres cati

______________________________-ear mites, walking dandruff mites, chiggers, fleas and ticks.

Fungal Diseases and Poisonings

Cats and dogs share the same concerns for fungal diseases and poisonings



Household cleaners




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


17.00 Summarize the use of Rabbits, Ferrets, and Pocket Pets


Developed into forty-five recognized breeds

Divided into five weight categories

❑ ______________________________________





Dwarf or Miniature Breeds

■ Britannia Petite

Netherland Dwarf



One of the oldest and widest distributions

Young rabbits are ___________________________________________

Matures rabbits become ________________________________


Small Breeds



Florida White


Originated in Holland and developed in England

Unique color markings

❑ colored patches on each side of the head that _______________


❑ rear half is also colored the same as _______________________

Florida White

Developed in Florida

❑ Crossed with _________________________________________


Short and compact

❑ well-rounded hips and hindquarters

Bred for a _________________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Medium Breeds

English Spot

Standard Chinchilla

English Angora

Belgian Hare



English Spot

Introduced to US from England

A unique chair of markings, the size of a pea, run from the ___________


English Angora

Has a short, compact body and the head, ears, feet, and body are


Large Breeds




English Lop

New Zealand

Silver Fox

English Lop


Body is medium length with well arched back and low head carriage

New Zealand

Leading choice for __________________________________________

White is preferred because ___________________________________



Giant Angora


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

French Lop

Flemish Giant

Giant Angora

Developed for maximum amount of _____________________________

Has the body structure of a commercial animal with a unique coat structure

French Lop

Ears are shorter than the English Lop and ________________________

________________________ shape from the crown approximately 1 ½ inches or more below the muzzle

Flemish Giant

Originated in Belgium

This is the _________________________________________________


Pocket Pets

Not defined by breeds

Grouped by ________________________________________________

Golden Hamster

■ Adults reach _________________ long

❑ weigh about ___________________

■ Rich mahogany or orange color on the back with a white or creamy colored underside

❑ ________________________________ is usually present along the side of the cheeks

Long-haired or ______________________ hamsters have long, silky fur ■


Adult gerbils reach ______________ long nose to tail

Weigh ____________________

Mongolian Gerbil

❑ reddish brown to dark brown


■ Black

❑ tail is ________________________________________________ ears are about half as long as the head color is usually black or dark gray with a brown or gray-white underside

■ Brown


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

_____________________________________________________ tail is always shorter than the head and body thicker and more robust short and more rounded ears

❑ fur is ______________________________________ on the back with

____________________________________ on the underside


■ Self colors

❑ ___________________________

■ Tans

❑ any color with _______________________

■ Piebald or pied marked mice

❑ ____________________________________________________

■ Satins

❑ any color or markings with _______________________________

Guinea Pig

■ Adults guinea pigs

❑ reach ____________________________________

❑ weigh from _______________________________

■ Guinea pigs have very sensitive hearing and can __________________


■ Self-defense for guinea pigs is to _______________________________


■ Types:

❑ Abyssinian

■ rough, wiry hair coat the hair is made up of swirls or cowlicks

❑ called_____________________


■ hair is short, very glossy and fine in texture


■ longhaired variety that may reach _____________in length since guinea pigs do not have a tail it is difficult to distinguish the

❑ front from the back of the Peruvian. _______



■ coat is fine, dense, and soft


■ Adults range in length from ________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


❑ _________________________________ that is most popular

White tail of ___________________ weigh ___________________

❑ _____________________________________________________


❑ _____________________________________________________


❑ has a black undercoat, very narrow ________________________



Common Sable

❑ ranges from light to dark, depending on the shade of both the


❑ the underfur ranges from ________________________________


❑ red-eyed is referred to as ________________________________ there are a few black-eyed white

Sliver Mitt

❑ underfur of _________________with _______________________ of

■ black and white

❑ gives a ______________________________________________

Sterling Silver

❑ similar to Silver Mitt but with ______________________________



❑ underfur is same as sable but the guard hairs, mask, and hood colorings are ___________________________________________


❑ underfur is white or off-white and guard hairs that are __________


Uses of rabbits, ferrets, and pocket pets



High in ___________________________

Low in ______________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Very _____________________________

Research and laboratory

❑ Florida White

■ Developed as a __________________________________


Used to produce disease fighting antibodies

Study _______________________________________________

Research ____________________________________________

Skin irritation tests

■ test the reaction of ________________________________


Have been used in tests for cosmetics

❑ do not have __________________________________________ cannot shed tears to dilute chemicals put into their eyes

Most companies do not use this test anymore

Fur/wool-divided into four types

❑ Normal

■ regular rabbit

❑ Rex

Angora short

■ like wool

❑ Satin

■ mutation fur smaller in diameter

■ transparent outer shell

Compared to sheep’s wool, rabbit’s wool is _______________________


Does not cause irritation to skin

Not as scratchy

■ Used in the manufacturing

❑ Clothing






❑ With diversity in size they can fit into different home situations


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Trainable to use __________________________________

Require little special care

Clean, gentle, and lovable pets


Used in ___________________________________________________

Found that they could be _____________________________________


■ Golden hamster

❑ most abundant hamster used for research and pets

■ Dwarf/small desert hamsters

❑ make good pets

❑ Children have more problem handling them due to ____________



Japanese scientists were the first to _____________________________

❑ easy to work with

❑ gentle

❑ active during the day

❑ have no special food or housing requirements

■ ___________________________________________________


■ popular pets


White albino rats

❑ Have been of major importance in _________________________


■ used in developing drugs

❑ studies

■ studying diseases, nutrition, aging, and other topics

Intelligent and have the ability to learn so have been used in behavioral


❑ especially have been accepted as pets


Used for medical and biological research


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

❑ especially with hereditary studies

Pet mice are _______________________________________________

When handled frequently, show little tendency to __________________


Guinea pigs

Bred originally for ___________________________________________

Still used by the native people of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia as a


Used for research on pathology, nutrition, genetics, toxicology, and serum development

Used by Louis Pasteur in his research on ___________________

Used also as a pet


Used as a source of fur for thousands of years

Brought to ___________________________________________ to breed for their fur

Many furs are sold as a group

■ Requires _______________________________________


Used as pets since the __________________


Recently been found to be wonderful pets

❑ have a musky smell and need to be ________________________

❑ males also need to be __________________________________

Used in the 1800s for ________________________________________

❑ run into holds and run the rodents out

■ leave a scent behind that would trigger fear

Help ___________________________________ in hard to reach places

Used in scientific research

❑ catch the _____________________________________________

Diseases of rabbits, ferrets, and pocket pets

General Disease Prevention

1. Maintain good sanitation

❑ Remove spoiled urine soaked bedding regularly


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Remove urine and feces contaminated feed regularly

Keep fresh water available at all times

2. Provide a good environment that:

❑ Is free of drafts

❑ Has low humidity

■ higher humidity contributes to _______________________


Maintains a constant temperature

Adequate ventilation

■ This helps prevent respiratory diseases

Feed and appropriate ration

General Disease Treatment

■ Isolate sick animals from others

Remove and replace bedding, etc. from the cage of a sick animal

Chemically disinfect and sanitize cage prior to installing new bedding

■ Use _______________________________________________ routinely when disease is a constant threat

Use proper treatments and antibiotics if recommended

Dispose of dead animals properly _______________________________


■ _____________________animals that do not show signs of improvement

Improve environmental conditions that may be causing disease

Avoid breeding animals that may have inherited diseases

Use recommended pesticides to control pest

Rabbit Diseases


Intestinal tract inflammation

Probably the most common cause of ____________________________


❑ __________________________________________________________

____________________________________ all contribute to the disease.

❑ Symptoms

■ diarrhea stained with blood

Off Feed, but drink lots of water and grind their teeth


■ Prevention

❑ best accomplished through proper environment, sanitary


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

■ conditions, feeding rations that are high in fiber and lower in energy, and control of rodents and birds that may carry the disease

Treatment using broad spectrum antibiotics


■ Aggravated by stressful conditions such as _______________________



■ Symptoms:

❑ persistent _____________________________

❑ ____________________________________________________

■ Prevention and treatment:

❑ Reduce stress through proper environment


Inflammation of mammary tissue; also called ______________________

❑ May cause ___________________________________________

❑ Nursing baby rabbits may bite the nipples when they are unable to nurse, and nursing mothers may refuse to nurse the young

Treat by removing concentrates from the diet for 72 hours

When widespread cases in the rabbitry exist, clean and disinfect all nesting boxes

Hamster Diseases

Wet tail – also called _______________________________

■ Description: The most important disease of hamsters. Enteritis is caused by


❑ wetness around the tail and rear of the animal, caused by a


❑ high death rate occurs within ___________________ of symptoms appearing

❑ most often associated with poor sanitation caused by


Prevention and treatment:

❑ Change and disinfect spoiled bedding, cages and equipment and isolate infected animals

Keep temperatures around 70°F

■ avoid estivation (____________________________________________) when temperatures go above 80°F or hibernation when temperatures go below 50°F

❑ Keep cage at constant temperature and avoid drafts


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

❑ Animals often do not respond well to treatment

Gerbil Diseases

■ Gerbils are hardy and seldom affected by disease, but ___________


■ Symptoms:

❑ loss of appetite, constant sneezing, and runny eyes and nose

Avoid changing the temperature, drafts, damp condition, and overcrowding

■ Prevention and treatment:

❑ Best treatment is to reduce stress caused by overcrowding


__________________________________________), avoid drafts, humidity, and temperature fluctuations

Rat Diseases

■ Respiratory disease caused by Microplasma pulmonis is a common disease

■ Symptoms:

❑ _____________________________________________________

❑ rubbing the eyes and nose


Prevent with proper ventilation and good sanitation

❑ remove contaminated feed provide clean bedding maintain a draft free, constant temperature with low humidity

■ Treat with antibiotics added to water

❑ Isolate and eliminate affected animals if antibiotics added to the drinking water are ineffective

External parasites

■ Description: Polyplax spinulosa is a type of _______________________


❑ Mites also cause hair loss, skin irritation, and may result in



■ Prevention and treatment:

❑ Treat lice and mites with flea powder every three to four days

❑ allow dust to stay on the animal for about ___________________ at the time


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Mice Diseases

Mice are hardy with the proper diet, housing, and exercise

■ Respiratory disease is caused by several organisms and result from environmental conditions such as changes in _______________________


❑ Symptoms:

■ squeaking or rattling breath, runny nose, watery eyes, and fur

❑ loss

It is best to prevent infestation by eliminating environmental causes

■ ______________________________________________________ are responsible for many of the serious infectious diseases

Mites –

Control with clean cages, clean water, clean feed, and parasite control.

❑ commonly infected with several mites that cause skin irritation and inflammation due to _____________________________________

Control with insecticide.

Guinea Pig Diseases

Guinea pigs are very healthy under favorable environmental conditions

Avoid drafts and keep temperature and humidity constant to avoid problems

Description: Common cold and respiratory diseases can be a major problem and result in animals that are ____________________________


■ Prevention and treatment:

❑ Maintain a good environment and immediate treatment with broadspectrum antibiotics accompanied with increased ______________

Chinchilla Diseases

Eye inflammation ____________________________

■ Symptoms:

❑ swelling and redness around the eyes, sensitivity to light, watering, and pus formation

■ Isolate infected animals

❑ wash eyes gently with warm boric acid solution

❑ use ophthalmic medications

❑ Clean and disinfect cages and feed containers

Ferret Diseases


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Canine distemper – a disease that also affects dogs

■ Description: _______________________________________________


■ Symptoms include

❑ Discharge from the eyes and nose, breathing problems, and diarrhea

Prevention and treatment:

Vaccinate at twelve weeks of age give boosters annually to prevent canine and feline distemper

Treatment is not effective

Housing and Feeding

Rabbit Housing and Equipment

Hutch size depends on the size of the animal

❑ small rabbits need cages 24“ wide x 24" long x 14" high

❑ large rabbits (over 12 pounds) needing 24" x 48"x 18" high

_________________________________________ is an active breed that needs even more space

■ Solid wood floors are needed for large breeds (over 12 pounds) to


❑ Absorbent materials for solid floors should be replaced weekly, but cages

■ should be cleaned daily

Wire floors are easier to keep clean because ______________________


❑ Cages for small rabbits will need to be cleaned once or twice a week

Control urine odor with _______________________________________ sprinkled in the corners of the collection tray

❑ replace absorbent material on a regular basis

Raise rabbits outside year-round

❑ protect from winter wind provide air movement in hot we ather if temperature goes above 90°F

A ________________________________________________________ can help keep the rabbit cool in hot weather

■ Ventilation is a must

❑ avoid cool, damp, drafts

___________________ of daylight or artificial lighting promotes breeding

______________________________________________ that clip on the outside of the cage allow quick feeding and help eliminate waste

❑ Bowls take up cage space and are subject to be tipped over

■ Rabbits need a lot of water


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

___________________________________________ is minimum

32 ounce bottle is better

Vaccum-type water bottles

■ clip on the outside of the cage

■ best for eliminating wet dewlaps and spills that can spoil bedding and result in lack of water for the pet

Feeding Rabbits

■ Best to use ________________________________________________ formulated to meet daily nutritional needs

❑ use fruits, vegetables, and leafy green foods in moderation to avoid gastrointestinal problems

❑ Grass hay, oats, corn, oatmeal, wheat germ, pieces of carrot, carrot tops, slices of apples and bananas, pineapple, and green beans are all acceptable

■ Young rabbits

❑ should not be fed leafy green vegetables

❑ high water content results in _____________________________________________

Gerbil Housing and Equipment

Same as hamsters, but gerbils are more active and need more space

A breeding pair need 150 square inches of floor space

Multiple gerbils need 36 square inches of floor space

❑ Overcrowding can lead to cannabilism.

Gerbils can jump, so a ________________________________________


■ Avoid cotton and wool for bedding

❑ can cause blockage in the digestive system

__________________________________________________________ towels make excellent temporary tunnels and gerbils enjoy chewing them up

■ Only use solid plastic exercise wheels

❑ __________________________________________________________


Feeding Gerbils

■ Easiest to use commercially prepared hard pellets

❑ Mixed rations should contain seed, corn, oats, wheat, and barley


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Avoid sudden changes in the diet

Don’t overfeed greens (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, turnips, and beets)

■ may cause diarrhea


❑ adds variety to their diet feeding oilseed like sunflower may lead to ___________________

Gerbils do not drink much water, an 8 ounce drip-type water bottle is best


19.00 Summarize the use of birds as pets.

Parrot Family

Contains some of the smartest birds.

Many species can be taught to talk, are affectionate, and make excellent pets.

Members of the parrot family are known for their __________________

______________, especially the ________________________________

Includes Cockatoos, Cockatiels, Conures, Macaws, Parrots, Parakeets,

Lovebirds, Hanging Parakeets


_________________ or tuft of feathers on the top of the head

Ability to mimic words and sounds


Range in length from 1330”

Popular birds that make excellent pets

Tame easily


One of the most popular pet birds

About 12” long (the size of a small cockatoo)

Commonly found in pet stores at a reasonable price

________________________________________ are mostly available.

Ideal for beginners and youngsters

Easy to raise and affectionate

Blue and Gold Macaw

Up to 30” long

Most alert and intelligent of all macaws


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Very curious and mischievous

Prices usually range from _____________________________________

This species is one of the more ________________________________ and most ___________________________________________________

African Gray Parrot

13” long

Primary color is __________________________

Very alert, intelligent and affectionate

Considered to be the ________________________________________

Voice closely resembles a ____________________________________


Most popular _____________________________________ in the world

Australian bird that gets its name, which means ___________________

____________________________, from the _______________________

About 7” long with a primary color of ____________________________

Can be taught to talk with proper training

Easy to care for, inexpensive pet

Eats food from _____________________________________________

Perching Birds


Largest family of birds

Almost ___________________ of all birds (5,100 of 9,000 bird species)

Good singers known as ______________________________________

Very important pet

Some are bred for their color

Others are bred for their ______________________________________

Some are bred to have a crested top ____________________________


Care and maintenance of pet birds


For large parrot-type birds must be made of heavy-gauge metal

Size ranges from 26” long x 20” wide x 20” high for a single cockatiel to

6’ x 3’ x 3’ for a mynah bird

Cockatoos, Conures, Macaws, and Parrots need larger cages


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Size and style depend on the bird

Most store bought cages come with _____________________________

________________________ which may be uncomfortable for birds.

If birds refuse to perch, replace plastic perches with ___________

______________________ that are more natural for birds.

Larger birds like larger perches, smaller birds like smaller perches

Finches/canaries- ½” round perch

Budgerigars- ½” oval perch

Parrots- 1’ square perch

The perch for large parrot-type birds must be replaced as these birds destroy wood perches. However, the bird _________________________

____________________________ and stays busy in the process.

_______________________________________ make natural perches, but care must be taken to insure they are free of mold and pesticide residue.

Tapered perches work well because they give the bird a choice of most of the comfortable perching spot.

Water and Feed Containers

Water containers need to be hard and easy to clean materials like glass, ceramic, or stainless steel

_________________________________________ that hang outside the cage with a metal spout/tube extending into the cage work excellent.

Feed containers may be plastic for smaller birds, but parrot-type birds need the same kind of material used for watering containers


Finches need a rectangular cage to allow ________________________

_______________________________________________ to imitate their natural flight and reduce stress from circular flight.

Finches need a larger cage than canaries and budgies.

Prevent _______________________________________

Large parrot-type birds need __________________________________


Smaller birds like canaries and finches can have __________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Cage Location

Location of cage must be out of direct sunlight, free from drafts, in a place of constant temperature, and protected from hazards like



Most birds eat one of three things —_____________________________



The vast majority of birds have a diet of seed

Cereal seeds —higher content of carbohydrates compared to oil



Oil seeds —higher in fat content than cereal seed and lower in carbohydrates



Handling and Training

Allow birds to adjust to new locations for 2 to 3 days before any handling is attempted.

Offer a treat at regular intervals until it will take the treat through an open door cage

Press a stick perch up against the bird’s chest above the legs to encourage the bird to step up on it

Once the bird is comfortable one may substitute a finger or hand for the bird to perch on

Leather gloves may be needed for larger birds that _________________


Clipping Wings

Wings can be clipped to restrict their ability to _____________________




Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Primary and secondary flight feathers are cut just above ____________


Cutting into the feather shaft will result in _________________________


The two outer primary flight feathers are left for ____________________


Teaching to Talk

Budgerigars, cockatiels, parrots, macaws and cockatoos can be taught to talk

__________________________________ are usually the best learners and easiest to teach

Remove distractions such as mirrors, toys, and feed during lessons

The same person needs to work with a bird on a regular basis. Usually

____________________________________________ are better trainers.

Lessons should be given at the same time everyday.

Limit the length to about ______________________________ each day

Use short phrases and words and slowly repeat them

Bird Health

Internal Parasites

Rarely a problem with birds, however some are possible




Contracted from ingesting worm eggs in _________________________


Diagnosis is by observing feces for _____________________________


Symptoms: blockage of the intestines, poor plumage, weight loss, diarrhea

Several treatments are available


Contracted by eating an intermediate host such as _________________


Diagnosed by observing small, ________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

_________________________ in the feces

Proper cleaning and sanitation practices are best prevention

Treatment is with piprazine, nicotine sulfate and kamal powder

External Parasites

Red Mites

Feather Mites

Scaly leg mites

Scaly Leg Mites

Mites that tunnel under the scales on the legs of budgies, lovebirds, and canaries.

Have their _________________________________________________

Symptoms: White scaly deposits that become ____________________



Use _________________________________________________ to kill the mites and loosen the deposits

This also plugs the air holes used by the mites and causes them to suffocate

Additional treatment is by cleaning cages, perches, and equipment

Bacterial Diseases


A painful ailment associated with staphylococcal infections

Symptoms: feet and joints become hot and swollen with a thick, grayish white fluid, and not walking or clasping onto the perch

Prevention: _______________________________________________

Treatment: Antibiotics

Viral Diseases


Respiratory difficulty (wheezing) is one of the first symptoms, followed by tremors, wing droop, and a twisted neck.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

____________________________________________ are the main source of possible infections

Spreads rapidly with a high mortality rate

Should be vaccinated to prevent the disease


Swelling of the thyroid glands in the neck and interference with breathing

Major cause is _____________________________________________

Seems to be a special problem for Budgerigars

Nutritional Problems

Feather Plucking

Due to boredom, bad diet, lack of bathing, or bird is in need of a mate

Birds living indoors need regular bathing or spraying to encourage preening and avoid feather plucking.

_________________________________ is the process that a bird goes through in cleaning and trimming its feathers with its beak.


Regular bathing and spraying reduces feather dust and dirt and cuts down on mites

Small birds (budgerigars, canaries, finches, mynah birds, lories, cockatiels) prefer _____________________________________________

A container may be placed in the cage at regular intervals for ________


Larger birds need to be sprayed with a __________________________


The mist should be allowed to filter down onto the bird rather than being sprayed directly on the animal.

The bird does not need to be saturated, but gently sprayed __________


Symptoms of Problems

Sleeping on two legs may indicate the bird is uncomfortable or ailing.


A bird who fluffs its feathers out is usually ________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


If feces is runny, a __________________________________________ may be the problem.

Not flying around and lack of activity may indicate sickness.

Eye discharges or continually closed eyes are an indication of cold, etc.

Wheezing, noisy, or irregular breathing may be a sign of a respiratory problem.

Not eating or very little eating indicates a loss of appetite that is often associated with illness.

At the First Signs of Illness

Cage temperature should be maintained between _________________


Move the cage to a warmer location if needed

Adjust the temperature of the cage with a light bulb near the cage or a heating pad under the cage

Provide 2 to 3 perches so that the bird can find the most comfortable temperature

Partially cover the cage to ____________________________________

Provide quick energy fluids like ________________________________



Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


21.00 Summarize the use of fish, amphibians, and retiles for pets.

Species/Breeds of Fish

Egg laying fish







Chinese Algae Eater



Very popular first fish for many children

Hardy and easy to keep freshwater fish that prefers pools or cold water aquariums

Prefer a temperature range of 3268˚F

Can live in various types of water as long as ______________________



Freshwater fish that are ______________________________________

Frequently kept alone as a specimen fish in a species-only aquarium

_________________________ must never be put in the same aquarium

One or two females may be put in a community aquarium but it may affect their


Prefer a temperature range of 80˚F ± 3˚

Livebearing fish



Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Live in shoals or groups of five or more






Most popular

Varieties only differ in shapes of their fins and tails

Prefer water temperatures 6875˚F

May average giving birth to ___________________________________



Known for its long ___________________________________________

Like environment similar to guppies

Average 34 ¾” long

Prefer water temperatures 6870˚F


Most species are black and differ only in the size of their fins

Prefer water temperatures 7282˚F

Dwell in large groups or schools

Have problems with large fins _________________________________


Saltwater Breeds

Live in saltwater and require the addition of sodium chloride (salt) to create a marine environment

Most of these ornamental fish lay eggs


Butterfly fish


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Clown fish

Sergeant Major


Some can live in freshwater

Delicate in appearance, but are very hardy

Eggs are __________________________________________________ and placed either in foliage or sand as part of the incubation process

Prefer water temperature of 7786˚F

Clown Fish

Orange in color with _________________________________________


Each white band & fins are edged in black

Known for their ability to live around the tentacles of the sea anemone in a mutually beneficial relationship known as symbiosis

Breeds of Amphibians





Newts and Salamanders

Range in size from a few inches to 5’ or more

Usually have four legs and long tails

Frogs and Toads

Differ in that frogs ___________________________________________

___________________________________________________________while toads


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris have a rough skin and dry appearance

True frogs include the American Bullfrog and may grow to 14” long

_____________________________________ is the common toad in the eastern

United States

Green Tree Frog is actually a yellow-green toad with a yellow stripe running from its lower jaw back along its sides

Species of Reptiles

Boa constrictors

Garter snakes

Green anole


Savannah Monitor


Boa Constrictors

Popular pets because they adjust well to captivity and tame quickly

May grow 18’ long

Like to feed on small animals, birds, fish, and eggs

Savannah Monitor

A lizard that can be used as a pet

May reach sizes up to ________________________________________


Common Chameleon

A true chameleon that reaches about 10” in length

__________________________________________________________ to adapt to their surroundings

Physiology of fish, amphibians, and reptiles


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris


Ornamental fish-

Kept for their appearance ________________________________


Personal appeal to people

Not usually used for food

Tropical fish

Popular fish for aquariums that come from the _______________


Marine fish

Fish that are kept in salt water aquariums

Often more colorful than freshwater varieties

Freshwater fish

Fish that are kept in a freshwater tank

Often _______________________________________________

Community fish

Fish that do well in an aquarium with other fish species

Examples include: _____________________________________


Species fish



Examples: Blind Cave Fish, Piranhas, RedTailed Shark, Schomburgk’s

Leaf Fish, Spiny eels, Killifish (one pair alone in an aquarium), Betas (alone in an aquarium)

Live bearer

Fish that give birth to ___________________________________

Examples: guppies, Mollies, Platys, and Swordtails

Egg layers

Fish that _____________________________________________



Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Examples: tetras, barbs, catfish, goldfish


The reproduction ritual where eggs are deposited and fertilized by egg laying species of fish

Water/Salt Requirements

Fish must maintain proper levels of salt and water in their bodies.

Water flows from areas of weak salt solution to areas of strong salt solution by


Freshwater fish do not need to drink water because their body concentration is higher than the water

Saltwater fish have a lower concentration of salt in their bodies than in the water.

Therefore, they must drink water to keep from dehydrating.

Feeding Habits

Bottom feeders (dwellers) are fish that inhabit the lower level of the aquarium and


Their mouth may be _________________________________________ and they may have barbs to help them locate food.

Example: barbs

Middle feeders (middle-water fish) primarily occupy the middle layer of the aquarium and usually have small mouths that are straight forward because they are eating feed that is straight in front of them.

Top feeders usually eat from the surface and occupy the upper levels of the aquarium.

Often, their mouths will be turned ____________________and they will have

_______________________________________________ designed for rapid movement to help them catch insects.

Some fish, like ___________________________, do not show a preference for the level of the aquarium.

Physiology of Respiration

Fish use organs called____________________ to breathe.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Water is drawn through the mouth by constant opening and closing of the mouth.

This forces water into the pharynx and out through gills.

_________________________________ in water is taken into the blood and

________________________is released into the water from the gills.

A few species of fish come to the surface and gulp air into their mouth. They are able to use atmospheric oxygen because part of their intestines allow for intake of oxygen. The air is then swallowed into the digestive system and taken into the blood.

Physiology of Movement

__________________-a moveable structure that allow the fish to swim and maintain balance.

Most bony fish have rayed fins that consist of ________________


Rays can be sharp, soft, or spiny.

Fins are very flexible.

Most fish have at least one fin along their back (dorsal), one underside near the tail (anal), and one tail fin (caudal).

Some have a small fleshy fin located between the dorsal and caudal called an ________________________________________

Fish also have a pair of fins located behind the head called the

_____________________________________________________ located behind them.

Physiology of Amphibians

Cold blooded animals that have thin, moist skin that allows them to breathe through the skin by _____________________________________

Amphibians usually live in moist environments, but location usually depends on their _____________________________________________

Amphibians do not have scales.

Amphibians crush their prey and swallow it whole because they do not have teeth.

They also live part of their life in water. Adult amphibians spend part or all of


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris their life on land.

Physiology of Reptiles

Reptiles are cold blooded vertebrates that have ___________________


Reptiles have bony __________________________________________ that cover their body.

Reptiles include crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, etc.

Some give birth by laying eggs ________________________________, others retain the eggs in their body until they hatch and give birth to young

________________________________, and in others their young develop in a placental sac and are born live _______________________.

Establishing a Healthy Environment

Signs of Disease-Fish

Strange or unusual behavior.

Floating to the surface, sinking to the bottom, or leaning to the side of the aquarium.

Fins are ___________________________________________________ against the body.


A fish is off by itself and not swimming with the school.

Appears to be in slow motion and not keeping up with the other fish.

Breathing seems faster and deeper than normal.

Fish is at the surface gasping for air.

Rubbing or scratching against objects in the aquarium.

Not interested in eating.

___________________________________________ or unusually thin.

Belly appears ______________________________________________

Color of fish has changed or is unusual.

Fins appear ________________________________________________


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Back and spinal column appear distorted.

Eyes are not clear, appear cloudy.

Scales are sticking out instead of flat against the body.

White spots covering body.

Protruding eyes.

________________________________________ hanging from the fish.

Parasites in Fish

White spot (Ich)

Caused by the parasitic organism _________________________

_________________________ and causes numerous __________


One of the most common diseases found in aquarium fish.

Slime disease

Parasites attack skin of fish causing a large amount of


May cause death if it attacks the gills.

Bacterial Diseases-Fish


Where the edges of the fish’s fins start to appear _____________


Fish lose their color

Tissue between the fins breaks down

Treatment of Diseases

Use of chemicals in the water with the aquarium being thoroughly cleaned before fish are returned.

Some need to be placed in a __________________________________ and treated before returning to normal tank.

Most treatments can be found at the local pet store.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

Diseases-Amphibians and Reptiles

__________________________________is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans. It affects the digestive tract and causes


Mites and ticks are external parasites that attack amphibians and reptiles.

Mites usually go undetected until there is a heavy infestation.

Symptoms include: anemia, anorexia, depression, stress, listlessness, lack of appetite, and possible death.

Habitat Requirements

Purchasing an Aquarium

Decide on tank type (glass or plastic)

_____________________ is cheaper, but ___________________ is easier to clean.

__________________________________ are more expensive than all glass and offer more support to the glass.

Tank size

Size depends on the amount you want to invest and the type (species) of fish.

Ranges from a simple Beta or goldfish bowl with a 1 gallon capacity to

10, 30, 50, or 100+ gallons.

Thickness of glass ranges from ___________________________

____________________________________ for larger aquariums.

Stocking Rate for Aquariums

1 inch of fish requires a MINIMUM of:

For example:

An aquarium that is 24” long by 10” wide has ________________ of surface area.


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris

The tank would hold _______ of tropical fish, _______ of cold water fish, or _______ of marine fish.

One could have eight swordtails 3” long in a tropical aquarium, two goldfish 4” long in a coldwater aquarium, or two Brasslets 2.5” long in a marine aquarium.

Aquarium Equipment

Power filter with an electric motor

Filtration systems remove _____________________________________



Types of Filtration Systems


Removal of waste by using various kinds of filtration devices

Modern systems use an _________________________________


Removal of dissolved material by using a chemical process

The use of _________________________________________ to soak up dissolved minerals and chemicals is the most common chemical removal process.

Activated charcoal is often part of the filter system and must be changed at regular intervals.


Use bacteria to feed on toxic substances such as

_______________________________excreted from fish during respiration or as a result of decaying waste and food material.

Waste is changed from a harmful substance to a harmless one (nitrogen)

__________________________________________ in the water is also replenished.

Air Pumps for aeration

Water is circulated from the bottom of the tank to __________________


Compressed air (oxygen) is pumped through ______________________ (fused,


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris porous glass) to break the airflow into minute bubbles.

As the compressed air goes into the water, it disperses ______________


Air bubbles rising from the bottom aid in equalizing the water temperature throughout and circulating the water to the top where


Aquarium Maintenance

Remove temporary hardness of water by _________________________


Eliminate chlorine by aerating it for _________________________ prior to use or allowing it to sit for _______hours so the chlorine will evaporate.

Daily Maintenance

Check heater, temperature, aeration, and filtration

Remove dead fish

Observe for any unusual behavior

Weekly Maintenance

Check ___________________________________ and add water and chemicals as appropriate

Monthly Maintenance

_____________________________________ of the water needs to be changed every three to four weeks to provide fish a stress free environment and prolong the life of the filters

Siphon off any dead material from bottom of the aquarium.

Tend to ______________________________________________

Factors that contribute to increased ammonia and nitrates in the tank

Increase in waste material and uneaten food on the bottom (Don’t overfeed)

_______________________ and failure to change water monthly

Overpopulation of fish

Feeding Fish

Vary feed to prevent boredom —fish really like live food, but freeze-dried and


Animal Science II-Small Animal – K. Harris frozen food is a good alternative

Feed fish _________________________________ per day

Feed only enough for the fish to eat in ___________________________

Live foods like ______________________________________________

_____________________________________________ are treats to fish.

Commercially prepared flake foods are ideal for small fish up to 45” long.

___________________________________________________ are provided in amounts needed by the fish.

Commercially prepared pellets work well for larger fish. The type depends on the eating habit of the fish being kept.

Reptile and Amphibian Habitats

Vast differences between species, but the goal should always be to

__________________________________________________ of the pet.

Aquariums usually make the best containers.

Semi-aquatic aquariums may be made by using plexi-glass to partition the aquarium in half

_______________________________ should be designed to give the reptile an environment close to its actual habitat.

Reptiles are _________________________ They do not generate body heat and must rely completely on the temperature of their environement.

Reptiles need ultraviolet (UV) rays for ___________________________


Reptiles need ____________________________

Fluorescent lights will provide ________________________ as long as there is not glass between the light and the reptile. Glass filters the UV rays out.

