APUSH Vocabulary Chapters 16-19

Key Terms for Unit 5 (Ch 16-19)
Students are to identify (Who is this? What is this?) AND briefly detail the significance (Why is this
important?) for the following key terms. Trust me when I say 1 or 2 sentences will not do justice to most these
terms and will adversely impact your grade. Terms must be hand written on notebook paper. Each term
MUST be numbered. Given the number of key terms, students are strongly encouraged to begin working on
these key terms ASAP. This assignment is due on the day of the test, but random spot-checks will be made
during the 6-weeks. This will be recorded in the grade book as a test grade.
Chapter 16
1. Buffalo (economic importance
and destruction)
2. Californios
3. Chief Joseph
4. Chinatowns
5. Chinese Exclusion Act
6. Chisholm Trail
7. Commercial Agriculture
8. “Concentration” Policy
9. Coolies
10. Cowboy
11. Dawes Severalty Act
12. Frederick Jackson Turner
13. Frederic Remington
14. Genizaros
15. George A. Custer
16. Geronimo
17. Ghost Dance Movement
18. Homestead Act
19. Little Bighorn
20. Long Drive
21. Mark Twain
22. Mestizos
23. Mining
24. Mulatto
25. Plains Indians
26. Sand Creek Massacre
27. Taos Indian Rebellion
28. Transcontinental Railroad
29. Turner Thesis
30. Western Tribes
31. Wounded Knee
Chapter 17
32. Adam Smith
33. American Federation of Labor
34. Adrew Carnegie
35. Edward Bellamy
36. Eugene V. Debs
37. Frederick Winslow Taylor
38. Gospel of Wealth
39. Grotesque Luxury (Conspicuous
40. Haymarket Bombing
41. Henry Clay Frick
42. Henry Ford
43. Henry George
44. Holding Companies
45. Homestead Strike
46. Horatio Alger
47. Horizontal Integration
48. John D. Rockefeller
49. John Peter Altgeld
50. J.P. Morgan
51. Knights of Labor
52. Limited Liability
53. Moly Maguires
54. National Labor Union
55. Pullman Strike
56. Samuel Gompers
57. Scientific Management
58. Social Darwinism
59. Trusts
60. Vertical Integration
61. Wilber and Orville Wright
62. Women’s Trade Union League
Chapter 18
63. Alice Hamilton
64. Armory Show
65. Ashcan School
66. Assimilation
67. Boss Rule
68. “City Beautiful” Movement
69. Darwinism
70. D.W. Griffith
71. Edward Hopper
72. Henry James
73. Jacob Riis
74. Kate Chopin
75. Mass Transit
76. Modernism
77. National Consumers League
78. Newspaper Chains
79. Social Realism
80. Stephen Crane
81. Tammany Hall
82. Tenements
83. Theodore Dreiser
84. Upton Sinclair
85. William James
86. William M. Tweed
87. Women’s Colleges
88. Yellow Journalism
89. Yiddish Theater
Chapter 19
90. Alfred Thayer Mahan
91. Anti-Imperialist League
92. Boxer Rebellion
93. Emilio Aguinaldo
94. Farmers’ Alliances
95. Foraker Act
96. “Free Silver”
97. Half-Breeds
98. Interstate Commerce Act
99. Jacob Coxey
100. Mary E. Lease
101. The Maine
102. “Open Door” Policy
103. Platt Amendment
104. Panic of 1893
105. Pendleton Act
106. Populism
107. Sherman Antitrust Act
108. Spanish-American War
109. The Grange
110. William Jennings Bryan
111. William McKinley
112. Yellow Journalism