A-Day UNIT 5 SYLLABUS The West & The Gilded Age 1865-1900

The West & The Gilded Age 1865-1900
AP U.S. HISTORY – K. DelliSanti
Class Activity
Tuesday, December 3
The West
Problems in Society: Populist Movement
Problems in Society: Jim Crow Era
Brinkley, pg. 417-443 (Ch. 18)
Thursday, December 5
Problems in Society: Industry & Labor
Brinkley, pg. 444-458 (part of Ch.
Monday, December 9
Problems in Society: Immigration &
Problems in Society: Cities & Politics
Wednesday, December 11
Document Analysis Due
Image Analysis
Assign Take-Home DBQ
Take-Home DBQ-Due
Thursday, January 2
Friday, December 13
Unit 4 Test Corrections Due
Unit 5 Q Notes Due
Unit 5 Cornell Notes Due
Unit 5 Flashcards Due
Brinkley, pg. 476-507 (Ch. 20)
Tuesday, November 26
Advanced Placement United States History
Unit 4 Test
Brinkley, pg. 371-394 (Ch. 16)
Brinkley, pg.395-416 (Ch. 17)
Northwest Cabarrus High School
K. DelliSanti
Northwest Cabarrus High School
Advanced Placement United States History
Unit 5 Flashcards, Chapters 16-18; 19 (pg.444-458)
Define and highlight each of the following terms. Each card needs to be numbered in the top right corner.
Use the following example:
Vocabulary Word
(highlighted using color-coded system)
-Provided for you on my webpage
-You can summarize my definitions
________(draw a line/fold card in half)_________
Association Chain/Related Terms
-List 6 terms related to this vocabulary word (practice to get
Specific Factual Information-SFI)
-Ask yourself if there are any related People, Books, Laws,
Political Parties, Wars/Battles, and Other Important
Front (Blank Side)
Back (Lined Side)
*Even though you are not required to do flashcards for them, you are responsible for
knowing the rest of the terms on the website vocabulary list & highlighted terms/concepts
from the notes/text so that you are best prepared for class exams and APUSH Exam.*
People (Pink)
1.Chief Joseph
2.Role of Women on the Frontier
3.Roles of Chines & Irish Immigrants on the Railroad
4.William Jennings Bryan
5.Boss Tweed
6.Thomas Nast
7.Andrew Carnegie
8.John D Rockefeller
9.Cornelius “Commedore” Vanderbilt
13.JP Morgan
14.Knights of Labor: Uriah Stephens, Terence Powderly
15.American Federation of Labor
16.American Railway Union
17.International Workers of the World (Wobblies)
19.Jane Addams
20.Ashcan School
21.Booker T Washington
22.WEB Du Bois
23.Stephen Crane
24.Mark Twain
25.Coxey’s Army
Advanced Placement United States History
Northwest Cabarrus High School
K. DelliSanti
Literature/Documents/Court Cases (Yellow)
26.Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth
27.Plessy v. Ferguson, "Separate but equal", 1896
28.Munn v. Illinois, 1877
29.Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois, 1886
30.E. C. Knight Company case-1895
31.Frederick Jackson Turner, Frontier Thesis
32.Edward Bellamy, Looking Backwards,
33.Henry George, Progress and Poverty
Political Parties (Purple)
34.Farmer’s Alliance
35.Populists (People’s Party)
36.Omaha Platform
37.Tammany Hall
38.Election of 1896
Laws/Policy (Green)
39.Homestead Act-1862
40.Morril Act-1862
41.Dawes Severalty Act, 1887
42.Interstate Commerce Act, Interstate Commerce Commission
43.Sherman Antitrust Act-1890
44.Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
45.Pendleton Civil Service Act-1883
46.Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad
47."Credit Mobilier" Scandal
49.Jim Crow Era
50.McKinley Tariff
Wars/Battles-Economics (Orange)
51.Sand Creek Massacre/Chivington Massacre-November 28, 1861
52.Wounded Knee Massacre December 29, 1890
53.Battle of the Little Big Horn-1876
54.Horizontal Integration/consolidation
55.Vertical Integration/ consolidation
56.Other ways of creating monopolies and getting around Anti-Monopoly Laws(besides Vertical & Horizontal Integration)
58.Organized Labor Tactics (Labor Unions)
59.Ways to combat Organized Labor
60.Collective bargaining
Other Important Vocabulary (Blue)
61.Bessemer process
62.Important Strikes
63."New Immigration"64.Social gospel
65."Gilded Age"
66.De Facto, De Jure segregation
Advanced Placement United States History
Northwest Cabarrus High School
K. DelliSanti