B-Day UNIT 4 SYLLABUS Civil War & Reconstruction 1850-1877

Civil War & Reconstruction 1850-1877
AP U.S. HISTORY – K. DelliSanti
Class Activity
Friday, November 8
Causes of the Civil War
Document Analysis
Brinkley, pg. 302-312 (rest of Ch. 13)
Wenesday, November 13
Civil War & Reconstruction
Document Analysis
Brinkley, pg. 313-342 (Ch. 14)
Friday, November 15
Writer’s Workshop
Document Analysis
Brinkley, pg. 343-370 (Ch. 15)
Tuesday, November 19
Document Analysis Due
Document Analysis
Image Analysis
Thursday, November 21
FRQ Practice
In Class Test Review
Monday, November 25
Unit 4 Q Notes Due
Unit 4 Vocabulary Flashcards Due
Unit 4 Cornell Notes Due
Unit 4 Test
Advanced Placement United States History
Northwest Cabarrus High School
K. DelliSanti
Northwest Cabarrus High School
Advanced Placement United States History
Unit 4 Flashcards, Chapters 13-15
Define and highlight each of the following terms. Each card needs to be numbered in the top right corner.
Use the following example:
-Provided for you on my webpage
-You can summarize my definitions
________(draw a line/fold card in half)_________
Vocabulary Word
(highlighted using color-coded system)
Association Chain/Related Terms
-List 6 terms related to this vocabulary word (practice to get
Specific Factual Information-SFI)
-Ask yourself if there are any related People, Books, Laws,
Political Parties, Wars/Battles, and Other Important
Front (Blank Side)
Back (Lined Side)
*Even though you are not required to do flashcards for them, you are responsible for
knowing the rest of the terms on the website vocabulary list & highlighted terms/concepts
from the notes/text so that you are best prepared for class exams and APUSH Exam.*
People (Pink)
1.Denmark Vessey
2. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney (pronounced "Tawny")
3. Stephen A. Douglas
4. Robert E. Lee
5. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
6. Grant, McClellan, Sherman and Meade
7. Copperheads
8. Clara Barton
9. Radical Republicans
10. Andrew Johnson
11. Justice Samuel Chase
12. Scalawags
13. Carpetbaggers
14. Jefferson Davis, Alexander Stephens
15. Whiskey Ring
16.Secretary of War Stanton
Literature/Documents/Court Cases (Yellow)
17. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe
18. Prigg v. Pennsylvania
19. Dred Scott v Sanford 1857
20. Ex Parte Merryman-1861
21. Prigg v. Pennsylvania-1842
Advanced Placement United States History
Northwest Cabarrus High School
K. DelliSanti
Political Parties (Purple)
21.Election of 1856
22.Election of 1860-Forces South to secede
23.Election of 1864
24.Election of 1872
25.Election of 1876-Ends Reconstruction
26.Birth of the Republican Party
Laws/Policy (Green)
27.Kansas - Nebraska Act-1854
28.Compromise of 1850
29.Freeport Doctrine
30.Suspension of writ of Habeas Corpus
31.Republican legislation passed in Congress after Southerners left
32.Emancipation Proclamation September 22, 1862
33.Freedmen's Bureau
34.13th Amendment
35.14th Amendment
36.15th Amendment
37.Tenure of Office Act-1866
38.Purchase of Alaska
39.Compromise of 1877
42.Wilmont Proviso, 1846
Wars/Battles-Economics (Orange)
43.”Bleeding Kansas”
44.Pottawatomie Massacre
45.Border States
46.South's advantages in the Civil War
47.North's advantages in the Civil War
48.Battle of Gettysburg June 1-3, 1863 (Pennsylvania
49.Battle of Vicksburg December 1862-July 1863 (Mississippi)
50.Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) August, 1862 (Maryland)
51.Sherman’s March to the Sea-Late 1864
52.Anaconda Plan/Blockade
53.Conscription draft riots
54.Great Britain: Trent Affair, Alabama, Laird Rams, "Continuous Voyage"-
Other Important Vocabulary (Blue)
55.Necessary Evil
56.Lecompton Constitution
57.Crittenden Compromise proposal
58.Solid South
59.Sharecropping, Crop Lien System
60."Waving the bloody shirt"
61.State Suicide Theory
Advanced Placement United States History
Northwest Cabarrus High School
K. DelliSanti