APUSH UNIT 5 – Manifest Destiny, War, and Reconstruction (1848


APUSH UNIT 5 – Manifest Destiny, War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877) – Assignments due with test on Friday, 1/8 (A) or Monday, 1/11 (B)

Unit 5 Terms

- For each of the terms below, you must provide on Black Codes, Freedman’s Bureau, Sharecropping, Slaughter-House one side of an index card the definition of the term, including its historic significance. On the reverse of the card, classify the term

Cases, Compromise of 1877, Munn v. Illinois, Homestead Act,

Morrill Act, Long Drive, Exodusters, Blanche Bruce and Hiram into one of the 7 AP themes, and include an explanation of why the term is best associated with that concept.– TERMS QUIZ IN CLASS

Revels, 1860 Election, Commodore Matthew Perry, Secession

ON 1/6(A) and 1/7 (B)

Manifest Destiny, Mexican War, Wilmot Proviso, Free-soil

Period 5 Document Analysis Sections

American Voices: The Mexican War, 1-4, p. 422-423 movement, Compromise of 1850, Ostend Manifesto, Kansas-

Nebraska Act, Personal-liberty laws, American Party (Know-

Nothings), Dred Scott Case, Crittenden Compromise, Robert E. Lee,

Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Habeas corpus, NYC Draft Riots,

Thinking Like a Historian: Military Deaths – and Lives Saved –

During the Civil War, 1-4, p. 458 - 459

American Voices: Freedom, 1-3, p. 488-489

Thinking Like a Historian: The South’s “Lost Cause,” 1-4, p. 502-

Greenbacks, Emancipation Proclamation, March to the Sea,

Reconstruction Amendments (13 th , 14 th , 15 th ), Civil Rights Act of

1866, Reconstruction Act of 1867, Tenure of Office Act, KKK Act,


American Voices: Women’s Rights in the West, 1-3, p. 522-523

Reading Notes - Respond to the questions below using ideas from the reading below. All responses must be handwritten.

In order to receive credit for the questions, you must write each question, and have 5-7 bullet pointed phrases as a response. In order to receive credit for the notes, you must categorize your notes into the subheadings listed below. Notes must include summaries, key terms, and big ideas from the text.

Chapter 12 Homework – Quiz Monday, December 7 and Tuesday, December 8 ( All students must complete questions)

1. Describe the expansion of the domestic slave trade and the extent of its impact on African American families. (12.1)

2. What factors characterized the evolution of the planter elite class between 1800 and 1860? (12.2)

3. Create a detailed social pyramid to reflect the classes within Southern society, including statistical data and facts about the lifestyles of each social group. (10 points) (12.2)

4. In what ways did the cotton economy influence politics and society in the Southern states? (12.3)

5. What evidence supports the creation of unique cultural practices within African American communities? (12.4)

6. Compare the extent of control that slaves and free blacks held with regard to their respective lifestyles in the North and South. (12.4)

Chapter 13 Part I - p. 410-430 - Quiz Wednesday, December 9 and Thursday, December 10.

1. Assess the impact of manifest destiny on the relationships of the US with international powers, and with Native Americans. (13.1)

2. How did Polk's expansionist program ignite political and sectional controversies? (13.1)

3. Why could the Mexican War be considered divisive? (13.2)

4. In what ways did the rapid settlement of California impact social and political relationships within the US? (13.2)

Note Topics : 13.1 – Manifest Destiny’s Impact on Lives in the West / Political Issues of the 1844 Election, 13.2 – Controversies Surrounding the

Mexican War, Fallout from the California Gold Rush

Chapter 13 Part II, Chapter 14 Part I (p. 430-452) - Quiz Friday, December 11 and Monday, December 14.

1. How did the debate over the extension of slavery impact the 2 nd Party System? (13.3)

2. What factors allowed Buchanan’s presidency to be termed “failed?” (13.3)

3. In what ways was Lincoln's election a result of the collapse of the Second Party System? (13.4)

4. Why could it be said that Southern secession was a gradual rather than immediate process? (14.1)

5. Compare and contrast the political and military strategies of the Union and Confederacy during the early period of the Civil War. (14.1)

Note Topics : 13.3 – Slavery Debate and the 2 nd Party System / Buchanan’s Failed Presidency, 13.4 – Lincoln’s Rise to Victory in 1860, 14.1 – The

Secession Movement / Contrasting War Objectives and Strategies

Chapter 14 Part II – (p. 452 – 475) – Quiz Tuesday, December 15 and Wednesday, December 16.


How effective were Union and Confederate strategies to mobilize their populations for the war effort? (14.2)


In what ways did the wartime economic policies of the North and South create a financial legacy for the post-war era? (14.2)


Why could it be stated that the Emancipation Proclamation was both the result and cause of future efforts to end slavery? (14.3)


How did the Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg lead to major transitions that impacted the remainder of the war? (14.3)


In what ways did the 1864 Election and Union victories in the South shape the last years of the war? (14.4)

Note Topics: 14.2 – Mobilizing People and Resources / Wartime Financial Policies, 14.3 – Emancipation / Military Turning Points, 14.4 – The 8164

Election and the Collapse of the Confederacy

Chapter 16 Part I, (p. 508-525) – Quiz Thursday, December 17 and Friday, December 18


How did Republican policies embrace international affairs? (16.1)


In what ways did Republican economic policies create a national industrial economy? (16.1)


To what extent did the government support efforts to create an economically independent American West? (16.2)


Describe the ways in which the western environment was both ravaged and protected by American expansion. (16.2)

Note Topics: 16.1 – Republican Foreign Policy / Creating an Industrial Economy, 16.2 – Western Settlers / Environmental Impact of Western


Chapter 15 – Quiz Monday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 5.


In what ways were Congressional Reconstruction policies a product of Johnson’s approach to Reconstruction? (15.1)


Describe the controversies surrounding the extension of suffrage during Reconstruction, especially, but not limited to the idea of suffrage for women. (15.1)


To what extent did former slaves obtain economic autonomy during Reconstruction? (15.2)


How did Republican governments in the South help to institute social, political, and cultural changes? (15.2)


Describe how the Panic of 1873 and the counterrevolution in the South limited the effectiveness of Reconstruction.


Describe five key events that signified the ending of Reconstruction. (15.3)


What was the legacy of Reconstruction? (15.3)

Note Topics: 15.1 – Plans for Reconstruction / Suffrage in the Reconstruction Era, 15.2 – Economic Freedom for Former Slaves / Southern

Republican Governments, 15.3 – The Undoing of Reconstruction / Reconstruction’s Legacy
