Parkside Philosophy
Vision & Mission (Philosophy) ............................................................................. 5
“Our Pledge to Our Students” .............................................................................. 6
Who’s Who? (Classroom, Office, and Extension List) ........................................ 7
Roles and Responsibilities
Administrative Roles & Responsibilities ............................................................ 13
Observation Chart by Administrator .................................................................. 20
Main Office Assignments and Duties ................................................................ 21
Department Chair Duties and Expectations ...................................................... 22
Parkside Shared Leadership Team Expectations .............................................. 25
Teacher Expectations and Responsibilities ....................................................... 26
Vital Information
Survival Guide to PKMS (formerly our A-Z) ...................................................... 28
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................... 44
PWCS Regulations ........................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Student/Parent Handbook ................................................................................. 50
Important Dates
Professional Development Dates ........................................................................ 51
Interim/Report Card Schedule ........................................................................... 53
PWCS Annual School Calendar .......................................................................... 54
Team/Grade Level and Department Meeting Schedule ................................... 56
Parkside Middle Cambridge International School Testing Schedule ............... 59
PKMS Athletics Schedule .................................................................................... 60
Bell Schedules ...................................................................................................... 62
Copy Request Information and Procedures ....................................................... 63
Copy Request Sample Form ............................................................................... 64
Guidance Procedures and Sample Request Form.............................................. 65
Faculty Dress Code ............................................................................................. 66
Main Office Procedures ...................................................................................... 69
Grading Policy: A-B-C-PIP ................................................................................. 70
Homework Policy ................................................................................................ 73
Retake Form ........................................................................................................ 74
Professional Learning Time (PLT) .................................................................... 75
Duties (before, lunch, after school, bus, and evening/athletic events) ............. 78
Lunch Schedule (including Lunch Duty Personnel) ......................................... 79
Walk Through Observation Form ...................................................................... 80
Parkside Middle School Group and Meeting Norms ......................................... 81
Attendance Tid-bits ............................................................................................ 82
Hall Passes and Student Pass Log ...................................................................... 85
ESOL Requirements for General Education Teachers ..................................... 86
Special Education Requirements for General Education Teachers .................. 88
Process for Compiling Teacher Education Reports .......................................... 89
NEW Referral Form (Minor and Administrative) ............... Ошибка! Закладка не
Positive Referral Form ..................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Anecdotal Record Form ................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Inappropriate Behavior and Corrective Action Chart ......... Ошибка! Закладка не
Behavior Management Flow Chart .................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
TIER 1 Pre-Intervention Checklist .................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Weekly Behavior Chart ..................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Behavior Contract ............................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Crisis Management
Crisis Management Team ................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Crisis Management Plan and Procedures .......................................................... 90
Arial Maps of School ........................................................................................... 94
School Map/Tornado Safe Zones ....................................................................... 95
Extra-Curricular Activities
PKMS Staff Committees ...................................................................................... 95
Athletics Offered at Parkside Middle Cambridge International School .......... 100
Clubs Offered at Parkside Middle Cambridge International School............... 101
Cambridge, Baldrige, and World Langage
Cambridge Unit Plan ........................................................................................ 102
Cambridge Pledge ............................................................................................. 103
Baldrige Classroom Setup ................................................................................. 104
World Language Specialty Program ................................................................. 107
Student Progress Monitoring
Student Progress Monitoring Forms ................................................................ 108
August 25, 2014
Dear Parkside Middle Faculty and Staff:
This employee handbook is your reference manual that outlines official policies and procedures of the school as well as the Prince William County Public School System and has been compiled as a reference for the successful operation of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School. Please read it carefully and keep this so that it is available for reference, as everyone is expected to adhere to the policies contained in this guide.
Young adolescents in the Parkside Middle School reflect the variety of family backgrounds and community influences that exist without our society. They represent diverse economic backgrounds, differing family circumstances and unique social/emotional conditions. As responsive middle school teachers and professional adults, you make an effort to recognize and meet the distinctive needs of each of your students. Always be aware that the relationship you have with you students may be critical to each child’s life, now and later.
This handbook is designed not only as a reference as stated above, but also a resource to assist you with the many duties you encounter daily. Being an educator is an awesome responsibility and a true joy.
I am looking forward to a great year with my Parkside family. Good luck Panthers!
Yours truly,
Mary Jane Boynton, Ph.D.
Principal boyntomj@pwcs.edu
Mission Statements:
The mission of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, a culturally and technologically rich learning community, is to inspire and empower all students in a student-focused environment to excel both academically and socially and prepare them to be productive citizens and future leaders.
Vision Statements:
The vision of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, a culturally and technologically rich learning community, is for all stakeholders to be committed to encouraging and challenging the whole child by providing a safe and respectful student-focused environment that fosters a rigorous academic and technological curriculum that will prepare students to become productive citizens and future leaders.
• A nurturing, safe, and orderly student-centered school environment promotes optimum achievement.
• Students' learning is the shared responsibility of all stakeholders: the administration, the teachers, the parents, the student, and the community.
• Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process within the classroom and in extra-curricular activities.
• Instruction that is student centered, taking into account students’ diverse social, emotional and physical needs, increases student success.
• Our stakeholders’ commitment to continuous improvement and recognition of achievement is imperative to ensure that our students become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
• A caring relationship between staff and students fosters mutual respect and an appreciation of the differences in one another.
• A variety of assessment tools is essential to accurately evaluate student performance and create effective and meaningful instruction.
The Cambridge approach supports schools to develop learners who are:
Confident in working with information and ideas – their own and those of others
Responsible for themselves, responsible to and respectful of others
Reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn
Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges
Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference.
At Parkside, we are vested in the success of each and every student in our care. Therefore, our faculty and staff understand and agree that the following expectations, duties and procedures are an integral and sacrosanct commitment to who we are as a community of learners.
As an important member of the Parkside staff, I pledge to:
Taking attendance (it is a legal requirement);
Classroom webpages set up and maintained once a week by all teachers (it is a county requirement);
Min. of two grades every six full classes posted in the grade book for parent to view in parent portal;
Hallway coverage provided by all faculty and staff during all class changes;
10/10 rule;
Hallway passes (passes have been printed for each grade level and encore, plus administration);
Technology – everyone must follow the county policies for overall acceptable usage and the
BYOD initiative;
Opening activity for every class (bell ringer);
Closing activity/exit ticket for every class;
Clear agenda, to include date, standard, language objective, and activities posted and visible for all students to follow for the duration of the class period;
Student-centered lessons (the expectation is that we should not be seeing teachers sitting at their computers for any length of time during the instructional day);
Teacher data collections (this will be done through our own data collection tool);
Student data folders (to be updated by students weekly);
Tardy policies will be followed by all teachers;
Dress code for all students, faculty, & staff will be monitored and followed;
Communication to parents will be regular and consistent. No student will receive an interim or report card grade below a C without having documented parent notification.
This is a “living document” and will frequently be updated. Please refer to the OneDrive for the most up to date information. Room numbers, extensions, and grade levels, and subjects listed in the first table. Additional roles and responsibilities listed in the second table.
Staff Room # Ext. Grade Level Subject
Ali Sheikh, Faduma
Baker, Amy
Bergman, Kristan
Berkebile, Rob
Bivins, Crystal
Boynton, Dr. Mary Jane
Bricker, James
Brickman, Kayleigh
Brotsch, Leslie
Bulick, Debbie
Burgess, Joey
Burke, Gina
Burnette, Ashleigh
Butler, Paulette
Caldwell, Richard
Caple, Teri
Cheng, Jill
Colgan, Sandra
Cotter, Tom
Coulter, Katrina
Cox, Betty
Curry, Denise
DiMisa, Shannon
Drake, Trinette
Dronet, Leanne
Dunn, Jason
Durrant, Erin
Eicher, Olga
Evers, Dan
Farmer, Susan
Fell, Craig
Ferrufino, Rachel
Gariano, Patrick
Garner, Paulette
8 Science
SPED - Self Contained Autism
School Resource Officer
SPED - Severe ID
All; 7 Administration; Principal
ENCORE Physical Education/Health
8 Social Studies
ENCORE Technology Education
All SPED - Mild ID
All; 6
Physical Education/Health
Language Arts
Administration; Assistant Principal
Social Studies
Language Arts
Social Studies
SPED - Severe ID
Registrar and Guidance Secretary
Language Arts
Library Media Assistant; Sub
Science - Physical Science / STEM
Science - Life Science
Science - Physical Science
Interdisciplinary Language Arts /
Good, Patty
Gorham, Clifton
Grimaldi, Caitlyn
Hamilton, Janine
Harigan, Ashley
Harrup, Mark
Hayes, Linda
Heath, Melodie
Heim, Rick
Henke, Anna
Hixson, Scott
Howerton, Katrice
Izzo, Jessica
Jones, Abbey
Kidwell, Tara
Kim, Yung Hae
Knowlton, Michelle
Knowlton, Paige
Knudson, Rick
Kubler, Emily
Labenow, Wendy
Lampkin, Sarah
LaRochelle, Marc
Lauper, Tammy
Lawrence, Myriam
Lindner, Eric
Livingston, Joellen
Lopez, Nancy
Maibeth, Erica
Martin, Elizabeth (Lisa)
Mattia, Cyndy
Mattson, Christina
Merritt, Patricia (Trish)
Migli, Rachel
Montgomery, Amber
Morales, Lorraine
Morse, Meghan
Naylor, Sheila
Ng, Monica
Nicholas, John
Paphitis, Kristen
Pierce, Bernadette
Pierce, Carol
Pino, John
Pisano, Carla
Main Office
Front Foyer
Main Office
7 / All
Social Studies
Guidance Director
Language Arts
ENCORE Business
ENCORE Orchestra / Guitar
7 / 8
All; 8
SPED - Autism TA
Physical Education/Health
Instructional Technology Coach
Social Studies
Social Studies
Administration; Assistant Principal
Social Worker
Cambridge & Specialty
Coordinator; Lead Mentor;
Language Arts
Office Staff
Social Studies
6 / 7
Language Arts
Language Arts
Office Staff Help Desk
ENCORE Band; Drumline
ESOL; French
SPED - Autism TA
Executive Secretary
Language Arts
Office Staff Secretary
ESOL; Spanish
6 ESOL; Language Arts
ENCORE Physical Education/Health
8 Mathematics
Pogue, William
Polak, Adele
Pollard, Estelle
Powell, Katy
Praul, Michelle
Reaves, LaSonya
Reynolds, Linda
Robertson, Ann
Roy, Amy-Beth
Rupert, Amy
Schlecte, Debbie
Schmidt, Heather
Shain, Kay
Sharpe, Graham
Shirey, Scott
Sunshine, Miss
Teufert, Chirelle
Turnquist, Jamie
Vanjani, Preeti
Watson, Janaye
Wilson, Tami
Young, Caroline
Young, Melody
Zilka, Lisa
7 / 8
SPED - Moderate ID
Read 180
Language Arts
Social Studies
All Librarian
7 / 8
SPED - Mild ID
Reading; Read 180
Math Support
7 / 8
SPED - Autism
ESOL; Language Arts
SPED - Moderate ID TA
ESOL; Mathematics
Social Studies
Language Arts
Ali Sheikh, Faduma
Baker, Amy
Additional Responsibilities
Cheerleading Coach
Bergman, Kristan
Berkebile, Rob
Bivins, Crystal
PSLT; Grade Level Representative; Assistant Volleyball Coach
Boynton, Dr. Mary Jane
Bricker, James Boys Track; Wrestling; Football
Brickman, Kayleigh
Brotsch, Leslie
Bulick, Debbie
Robotics Club; Girls Track
Burgess, Joey
Burke, Gina
Burnette, Ashleigh
Butler, Paulette
Caldwell, Richard
Caple, Teri
Boys and Girls Basketball; Girls Soccer
Battle of the Books
PSLT; FBI Mentor Coordinator; DATA Leadership Team
Cheng, Jill
Colgan, Sandra
Cotter, Tom
Coulter, Katrina
Cox, Betty
Curry, Denise
DiMisa, Shannon
Drake, Trinette
Dronet, Leanne
Dunn, Jason
Durrant, Erin
Eicher, Olga
Evers, Dan
Farmer, Susan
Fell, Craig
Ferrufino, Rachel
Gariano, Patrick
Garner, Paulette
Good, Patty
Gorham, Clifton
Hamilton, Janine
Harigan, Ashley
Harrup, Mark
Hayes, Linda
Heath, Melodie
Heim, Rick
Henke, Anna
Hixson, Scott
Howerton, Katrice
Izzo, Jessica
Jones, Abbey
Kidwell, Tara
Kim, Yung Hae
Knowlton, Michelle
Knowlton, Paige
Knudson, Rick
Kubler, Emily
Labenow, Wendy
Lampkin, Sarah
Panthers on the Prowl Teacher; DATA Leadership Team
PSLT: Journalism; Yearbook; Parkside Press; DATA
Leadership Team Committee
PSLT; DATA Leadership Team Committee; Mathematics
Night Committee
Substitute Coordinator; Inventory
Interpreter (Spanish)
PSLT; Science Department Chair; Panthers on the Prowl,
CanLead; DATA Leadership Team Committee
Sunshine Committee
PSLT; Athletic Director; DATA Leadership Team Committee:
Fund Raising Committee; Technology Committee;
Cambridge PE/Health
PSLT; Technology Committee
Volleyball Coach; Softball Coach
PSLT; Musical; DATA Leadership Team Committee
PSLT; Grade Level Representative;
PSLT; Special Education Department Chair
Cambridge and Specialty Coordinator; Testing Coordinator;
Technology Committee; PSLT; Lead Mentor; DATA
Leadership Team Committee
PSLT; Panthers on the Prowl Teacher; School-Wide Student
Service Initiative Committee
Interpreter (Spanish)
PSLT; Panthers on the Prowl Teacher; DATA Leadership
Team Committee
LaRochelle, Marc
Lauper, Tammy
Lawrence, Myriam
Lindner, Eric
Livingston, Joellen
Lopez, Nancy
Maibeth, Erica
Martin, Elizabeth (Lisa)
Mattia, Cyndy
Mattson, Christina
Merritt, Patricia (Trish)
Migli, Rachel
Montgomery, Amber
Morales, Lorraine
Morse, Meghan
Naylor, Sheila
Ng, Monica
Nicholas, John
Paphitis, Kristen
Pierce, Bernadette
Pierce, Carol
Pino, John
Pisano, Carla
Pogue, William
Polak, Adele
Pollard, Estelle
Powell, Katy
Praul, Michelle
Reaves, LaSonya
Reynolds, Linda
Robertson, Ann
Roy, Amy-Beth
Rupert, Amy
Schlecte, Debbie
Schmidt, Heather
Shain, Kay
Sharpe, Graham
Shirey, Scott
Sunshine, Miss
Teufert, Chirelle
Turnquist, Jamie
Vanjani, Preeti
Wrestling Coach
Interpreter (Spanish)
PSLT; Musical; PWEA; Encore Department Chair: School
Advisory Council
Interpreter (Spanish); Hospitality Committee
Quilting Club; STEM; NJHS: Hopitality Committee
Cheerleading Coach
PSLT; Interpreter (Spanish)
PSLT; Language Arts Department Chair; Panthers on the
Prowl Teacher
Interpreter (Spanish)
PSLT; ESOL Department Chair
PSLT; Physical Education Department Chair; Special
Olympics Committee: Wellness Committee
Football Coach
PSLT; Social Studies Department Chair; Panthers on the
Prowl Coordinator; DATA Leadership Team Committee
PSLT; Panthers on the Prowl Teacher; Mathematics
Department Chair; Mathematics Night Committee
PSLT; CanLead; Inventory; School Website; Battle of the
Books; Research Class; Geek Squad
Track Coach
EL Professional Development
Watson, Janaye
Wilson, Tami
Young, Caroline
Young, Melody
Zilka, Lisa
PSLT; Child Intervention Coordinator
The Principal and Assistant Principals shall:
Establish and promote high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behavior.
Lead the School Advisory Committee, the Parkside Leadership Team and staff in overseeing the implementation of the school’s planning of supplemental programs to support reform, developing the school-based budget, building parental and community support, and other requirements as identified by the Virginia Department of Education and Prince William County Public Schools.
Included in the whole school plan and supplemental programs to be implemented are the following elements:
Improved student performance;
Research based program of curriculum and instruction supported by and integrated with an appropriate array of research proven supplemental strategies.
School based leadership and decision making to ensure a comprehensive plan with annual student achievement targets, supported by parents, staff, and community members;
Integration and alignment of school functions aimed at student achievement of the States
Standards of Learning and the Cambridge Standards:
Infusion of educational technology;
Professional development for all staff focused on the achievement of the Standards of
Learning Curriculum as well as Cambridge Curriculum Standards;
Safe school environment conducive to learning, including a school security program;
Coordination of resources for comprehensive student and family health and social services;
Accountability system with rewards and sanctions related to the achievement of the States
Standards of Learning.
General Administrative Duties
In addition, the Principal and Assistant Principals shall collaborate, contribute, implement, model, support, direct, document, facilitate, oversee, as well as supervise when appropriate the following:
Administrative Meetings (daily, weekly, monthly, and as needed)
Baldrige and Cambridge philosophies and best practices
Classroom data walls & data discussions in all grade level and encore department PLCs.
PILOT Digital Portfolio Initiative – for students and staff
Division and School Initiatives
Participation in Grant Writing endeavors when appropriate
PLC’s meetings
After-school and athletic events
Classroom use of student data folders
School Advisory Council (STC) and Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meetings
School Fusion (Admin & Teacher Website/Pages) plus the website in general
School Improvement (Strategic) Plan Development
Teacher and Staff Recognition
Weekly Staff Newsletter (Contribute) and Quarterly School Newsletter (Contribute)
Individual Administrative Responsibilities
Principal: Dr. Mary Jane Boynton
Responsible for the overall supervision of all school personnel
For the purpose of the PPP process, Dr. Boynton will supervise the following Grade Level, departments and individual school personnel:
7 th Grade
Special Education
Assistant Principals
Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator
Athletic Coordinator
Department Heads & Lead Teachers
Security Specialist
School Resource Officer
Guidance Director
School Nurse
School Psychologist
School Social Worker
School Speech Pathologist
Teacher Assistants
Additionally, the principal is specifically responsible and accountable for the overall leadership, management and development of the school within statewide guidelines and PWCS policies. The core and daily accountabilities are as follows:
Academic Assessment Programs (VA, PWC)
Administrative Duty Schedule
Administrative Time Study Coordinator
Adequate Measureable Objectives (AMO’s)
Clubs & Activities Sponsor Selections
Discipline as Referred/Parent Appeals
Discipline for 7 th Grade
Employee Workmen’s Compensation Claims
ED PLAN point of contact
EL Professional Development Coordinator & Trainer
EL Documentation (DOJ)
Executive Officer of the School Advisory Council
Finance (SAF and SBM Budgets)
Fund Raising Approval
Grade Level/Team Meetings (7 th Grade)
Leave (Professional, Sick, & Personal)
Master Schedule & Student Scheduling (specifically EL & Sp. Ed.)
Monitor and track at-risk 7 th grade students
P.E.P. (Parents as Educational Partners) Program
P.T.O. Liaison
Site Base Management
Student Transfer Requests
Assistant Principals: Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette & Mrs. Tara Kidwell
The assistant principals directly report to the principal.
For the purpose of the PPP process, Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette will supervise the following Grade
Level, departments and individual school personnel:
6 th Grade
Social Studies
6 th Grade Guidance Counselor
Custodians & Building Engineers
Mrs. Tara Kidwell will supervise the following Grade Level, departments and individual school personnel:
8 th Grade
Language Arts
World Language
Interdisciplinary LA, Art, CTE, Business Ed, & FACS
8 th Grade Guidance Counselor
Each Assistant Principal will also have core and daily accountabilities they will be responsible for.
Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette will be accountable for:
At-Risk Students (RTI) – Identification, monitoring and facilitating the appropriate remediation and provide frequent
follow-ups – this will be conducted through grade level department PLC’s and our Data & Progress Monitoring Meetings
Baldrige Professional Development Coordinator & Trainer (in collaboration with the Cambridge & Specialty
Building Maintenance
Building Rental Approvals (in collaboration w/School Specialty Coordinator, Bookkeeper, & Principal)
DATA Leadership Committee Chairperson
Includes taking the lead on all Data & Progress Monitoring Meetings
Discipline for 6 th Grade
Family Life Education (w/Carol Pierce & Athletic Coordinator)
Feeder School Relations (in collaboration with the Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator)
Furniture Requests
Inventory (Over and under $500 – including department inventories)
Monitor & track at-risk students information for 6 th grade
Parent/Student Conference Coordinator (w/guidance)
School Improvement Plan – Uploading of information into SkoVision (in collaboration w/Principal)
Textbooks (inventory & supervision)
Teacher duties (schedule & monitor) – am, pm, and hall
Translators (when needed, collaborate w/executive secretary with the appropriate documentation for DOJ)
Transportation – Daily buses, Activity buses, Field trips (in collaboration w/Athletic Coordinator,
Executive Secretary & Bookkeeper)
Work Orders
Performs other duties as assigned
Mrs. Tara Kidwell will be accountable for:
Alternative School Contact
Coordinate & Liaise w/Parks & Recreation Programs (in collaboration w/Athletic Coordinator)
Discipline for 8 th Grade
Emergency/Fire Drill, Lock Down, & Tornado (w/Security Specialist)
Fundraising School Relations (Organization, Planning, & Implementation w/Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator and Athletic Coordinator)
IMPACT Aid Coordinator
Monitor & track at-risk students in 8 th grade
PBVIS & OLWEUS (Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluations) – This includes student & parent handbook plus supporting Rachel’s Challenge
SMS Discipline (Monitor & Evaluate)
Student Handbook/Planner – Selection, coordination, and contents
Student Government Association (SGA formally known as SCA)
Student-Led Conference (NEW INITATIVE for the second year – this needs to be started FY2015)
SWIS Facilitator for Parkside Middle School – are we going to go with this program or not?
Technology Committee Chairperson
Technology Resources (including Labs) for students/teachers
Performs other duties as assigned
Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator: Mrs. Michelle Knowlton
The Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator reports directly to the Principal.
The Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator will also have core and daily accountabilities they will be responsible for.
Mrs. Michelle Knowlton will be accountable for:
Cambridge Program Coordinator & Trainer
Community Outreach and Public Relations (sub-committee of the Communication Committee)
Data Analysis & Data Management & Reporting (in collaboration w/Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette)
Digital Portfolios PILOT program (work with Librarian, ITRT & Michelle Praul to get this initiative set up and
rolling for this school year)
Fundraising Initiatives – GOAL is $10,000 for staff and $20,000 for students (Organization, Planning &
Implementation – w/Athletic Coordinator & Mrs. Tara Kidwell)
Instructional Support and Coach for all teachers and teacher assistants
Master Calendar – Monthly School-wide Calendar (update & post on website, quarterly parents newsletter, schooldude, weekly staff newsletter – oversee w/executive secretary, Athletic Coordinator, and Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette)
New Student Orientation & Welcome package (w/guidance)
Special Education Designee
Student Data Folders (w/Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette & Michelle Praul)
Teacher mentor Program (lead teacher)
Testing Coordinator (w/administration and technology committee) – testing schedules, SOL, Cambridge
Checkpoints, World Language, Benchmarks, NAEP, ARDT, and other site-based approved assessments or surveys
Perform other duties as assigned
Athletic Coordinator: Mrs. Ashley Harigan
The Athletic Coordinator reports directly to the Principal
The Athletic Coordinator will also have core and daily accountabilities they will be responsible for.
Mrs. Ashley Harigan will be accountable for:
Coordinate all Sports events & practices
Coordinate all Coaches and Club Sponsors
Coordinate & Liaise w/Parks & Recreation Programs (w/Mrs. Tara Kidwell)
Coordinate & Monitor all After-School Instructional (non-athletic) activities – clubs & remediation initiatives
(excluding Panthers on the Prowl – coordinate this with Mrs. Michelle Praul and Mr. Scott Hixson)
Family Life Education (w/Carol Pierce and Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette)
Maintains School Calendar (through School-Dude) (w/Cambridge & Specialty Coordinator, Assistant Principal over
transportation, Executive Secretary & Bookkeeper)
School Fusion Monitoring (all sports teams, clubs and after-school activities must have a school fusion webpage that is
kept updated)
School Pictures (w/executive secretary)
Special Education Designee
Supervise and Coordinate all After-School Practices, Games & Events (assures all events are appropriately supported by Parkside staff)
Wellness Committee and Initiatives (w/Carol Pierce)
Perform other duties as assign
Guidance Director: Mr. Clifton Gorham
The Guidance Director reports directly to the Principal
The Guidance Director will also have core and daily accountabilities they will be responsible for.
They are as follows:
Mr. Clifton Gorham and his guidance staff will be accountable for:
Assist with benchmark/SOL testing
Attend grade level PLC meetings on a monthly basis
Attend grade level data and progress monitoring meetings on a monthly basis
At-Risk Students (RTI) – Identification, monitoring and facilitating the appropriate remediation and provide frequent follow-ups in collaboration and communication with Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette, members of the guidance department, and
Parkside staff
Career Investigations
Child Intervention Team – this will be chaired by Ms. Caroline Young who will work with Sp. Ed.
Department Chair to facilitate all meetings and follow ups
Coordinate graduation & honor nights, student recognition events
Coordinate and oversee all school & student activities (within the school day) – with each respective grade levels
Develop & Facilitate w/Guidance Department Support Groups & Classes for ALL students at Parkside
Elementary Feeder School Contact (Young)
High School Orientation (Dimisa)
Homebound coordinator (Gorham), and monitor and support all homebound students
Honor Roll (post & distribution)
Guidance Handbook
Ineligible List (post & distribution)
Lunch duty with assigned grade level
Master schedule – placement of data with SMS including Master schedule framework and student schedules – this includes distribution
Mediation Program for Students
Member of the Leadership Team
Member of the PBVIS Committee
Member of the School Advisory Committee (SAC)
Monitory & support attendance issues for all grade levels
Monitor and track identified At-Risk students in all grade levels.
New Student Orientation & Welcome Package
OLWEUS Program and Rachel’s Challenge (Gorham)
Parent Conferences
Report Card Management
SMS Administer & Coordinator
Special Projects
Student Advisory/Mentor Program – NEW INITIATIVE
Support Groups and Classes
Performs other duties as assigned
School Security Specialist: Mr. Daniel Evers
The School Security Specialist reports directly to the Principal
The school security specialist will also have core and daily accountabilities they will be responsible for. They are as follows:
Mr. Daniel Evers will be accountable for:
Assists school administrators in maintaining security at athletic and other events when requested
Bus Evacuation (Fall/Spring)
Cafeteria Duty Support
Camera System
Conducts required investigation of incidents/accidents and provides written reports
Crisis Management Plan
Detains trespassers without the use of force when necessary
Detentions (Lunch & After-School) – Monitor & Evaluate
Fire Drills/emergency drills
Identifies trespassers and records for future reference
Lends support to police unit for internal searches of building
Lockers & Keys – Distribution, Maintenance, and Data Base (w/registrar for lockers)
Member of the Leadership Team
Patrols school entryways and hallways, questioning any suspecting individuals prior to entry on school property
Patrols school property to assure that buildings and grounds are safe and secure during regular school days
Patrols school parking lots to keep unauthorized individuals off school property
Sends out No Trespassing Notices as necessary
Supervise Athletic Events
Works flexible hours, when necessary to provide security coverage for events, i.e., dances and after-school programs
Performs other duties as assigned
MJ Boynton
Ms. Christina Mattson
Mrs. Denise Curry
Ms. Cyndy Mattia
Mrs. LaSonya Reaves
Mrs. Rachel Fuerrufino
Mrs. Rachel Migli
Mr. Patrick Gariano
Mrs. Susan Farmer
Mrs. Faduma Ali
Sp. Ed World
Tara Kidwell
Mrs. Kay Shain
Mrs. Teri Caple
Ms. Emily Kubler
Mrs. Kathleen Powell
Mrs. Trinette Drake
Ms. Gina Burke
Ms. Caitlyn Grimaldi
Mrs. Sarah Lampkin
Mrs. Meghan Morse
Mrs. Lisa Zilka
Mrs. Wendy Labenow
Ms. Abbey Jones
Mrs. Erica Maibeth (0.8)
Mrs. Nancy Lopez (0.2)
Mr. William Pogue
Mrs. Janine Hamilton
Mr. Eric Lindner
Mrs. Amy-Beth Roy
Mrs. Chirelle Teufeul
Ms. Amy Baker
Ms. Katrina Coulter
Mrs. Heather Schmidt
Mr. Marc LaRochelle
Ms. Katrice Howerton
Ms. Paulette Butler
Mrs. Teri Caple (0.6)
Mrs. Adele Polak
Mrs. Bernadett Pierce
Mrs. Nancy Lopez (0.8)
Ms. Jessica Izzo
Mrs. Tami Wilson
Ms. Kristen Paphitis
Mrs. Jamie Turnquist
Mrs. Erica Maibeth (0.2)
Mrs. Debbie Schlechte
Mrs. Joellen Livingston
Mrs. Anna Henke
Mr. Clifton Gorham
Mrs. Michelle Knowlton
Mrs. Amy Rupert
Ms. Sandy Colgan
Mrs. Melodie Heath
Mrs. Myriam Lawrence
Mr. John Pino
Mrs. Paulette Garner
Mrs. Ashley Harigan
Ms. Leslie Brotsch
Mrs. Loraine Corbin-
Guidance Ms. Shannon Dimisa
TOTAL 21.5
P. E. Mrs. Carol Pierce
Ms. Linda Hayes
Mr. Joey Burgess
Mr. James Bricker
Guidance Ms. Caroline Young
Gifted Mr. John Nicholas
Ashleigh Burnette
Ms. Leanne Dronet
Mrs. Olga Eicher
Ms. Kristen Bergman
Mrs. Ann Robertson
Mrs. Jill Cheng
Mrs. Preeti Vanjani
Mr. Scott Shirey
Mrs. Carla Pisano
Mr. Jason Dunn
Mr. Craig Fell
Mr. Graham Sharpe
Mr. Rick Knudson
Mrs. Michelle Praul
Mrs. Melody Young
Mrs. Patty Good
Mr. Tom Cotter
Mr. Rich Caldwell
Mr. Rick Heim
Ms. Kaitlaigh Brickman
Mr. Scott Hixson
Document Forthcoming
The Parkside Middle School Department Chairpersons play an important part in the day-to-day operations of each perspective department. Department Chairs are the first level of assistance to the teachers in that department. Many times Department Chairs assist the Principal and/or Assistant
Principals with building issues. There are several other areas that Department Chairs assist in. They are:
Department Budget Activity
Assist in budget development a.
Assist individual teachers developing needs list b.
Present needs list by priority to the principal c.
Ensure that the department stays within its budget
Assist in the preparation and submission of purchase orders a.
Assist individual teachers and grade level departments to prepare supply estimates b.
Review, revise and approve all department purchase orders c.
Complete requisitions/purchase orders for the department and submit to bookkeeper for principal approval
Maintenance of updated inventories
Assist individual teachers in filling out classroom inventories
Chairperson updates, revises and maintains the department inventory (including classroom inventories) and submits to principal twice a year. a.
REVISED INVENTORY DUE TO Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette, Assistant
Principal – SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 b.
END OF YEAR INVENTORY DUE TO Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette,
Assistant Principal – JUNE 19, 2015
Attend district department chair meetings
Organize and facilitate a school-based monthly meeting with all department members and dispense information to the teachers. (These meetings have
already been placed on the Master Calendar).
Provide the principal and department administrator with an agenda of department meetings.
Set SMART goals for department as created and agreed upon as a department.
Assure that the Parkside Meeting and Group Meeting Norms are followed for department meetings as created and agreed upon as a department.
Provide guidance and leadership to department members regarding standards and general accountability
Act as liaison with site and district department administrators
Report equipment repair needs to principal and department administrator
Present information, when applicable, at School Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings
(Monthly department updates to SAC), sixth grade orientation, back to school night, open houses etc
Assist department members with general organization and preparations for special events
(i.e., back to school night, etc).
Attend Parkside Shared Leadership Team meetings (monthly) and meet with the admin when necessary.
Provide input on master schedule and student placement decisions, when necessary.
Update curriculum pacing guides in order to meet the instructional calendar at Parkside MS
Monitoring of common assessment administration and collection of common assessment data;
Assist individual teachers on interpreting their data and planning for appropriate instruction based on individual student and class data results
Collect and submit to principal and department administrator all common assessment data (including Cambridge Benchmark)
Assist in organizing administration and scoring of common assessments, SOL, benchmarks, etc. in collaboration with Parkside’s Testing Coordinator
Work in collaboration with individual teachers to analyze & interpret student data and appropriately plan for assuring individual student progress occurs over the course of each school year
Monitor that common assessment has been created as audio files and are available for students on the I: Drive who require this accommodation (ESOL or
Sp. Ed)
Communicate with Special Education, ESOL and Gifted staff regarding individual needs and progress of Special Education, ESOL and Gifted students.
Reassess curriculum/course offerings for changes to be submitted to the SAC
Write/Update course descriptions specific to Parkside
Coordinate the examination and selection of textbooks for individual course per county regulations
Consult the principal and department administrator relative to department activities
Schedule planning with the principal
Discuss issues (positive/negative) within the department
Assist administration with interviews and provide input into staffing decisions made by site administration
Conduct, in collaboration with our Specialty and Cambridge Coordinator (Mrs. Knowlton)
& Dr. Pam Robbins peer observations on a monthly basis
Actively participate in on-site professional development w/Dr. Pam Robbins and
Mrs. Knowlton
Conduct monthly peer observations of department members (coverage for one day will be provided monthly)
Provide constructive feedback and coaching & mentoring to all members of department
Oversee the submission of field trips specific to departments
Ensure all field trip requests are between the months of September to April,
2013 (No field trips will be approved for May and/or during the SOL & World
Language EOY testing window)
Review and ensure that all department field trips truly align to the content curriculum and that there are ample learning opportunities pre-, during, and post- field trip
Collect and submit reflections, completed by all staff members involved in the field trip, to determine what, if any changes need to be made for the next time
Establish and maintain cooperative relations with others
Perform other related duties as assigned
By signing you are accepting the responsibility of Parkside ___________________ Department
Chair, and understand the responsibilities that are bestowed upon this position. By signing you are willingly and without duress, accepting each of the above responsibilities, and willingly agree to conduct them all, in collaboration with your peers, to the best of your abilities. Please do not agree to undertake this position and responsibilities if you do not believe you will be able to follow through on any one or all of the responsibilities outlined above.
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Principal: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Be a visible role model for other Parkside staff members
Communicate effectively, professionally, respectfully, and accurately with appropriate follow through
Attend events in support of the Parkside community
Recognize a need to help within the Parkside community by offering assistance and/or resources
Have a willingness to accept additional leadership responsibilities
Celebrate students and staff
Be a connection between all stakeholders
Disseminate minutes from PSLT meetings to the staff and community in a timely manner
Participate in decision making and problem solving with the needs of the entire Parkside
Community in mind
Play a key role in the implementation of the PKMS School Improvement Plan
Remain student-focused at all times
Follow procedures completely and correctly including Gradebook, attendance, Field Trips, etc.
Be on time for school, events, meetings, duties, etc.
Communicate concerns for meetings in a timely manner and to the appropriate person
Be willing to go the extra mile for our students and staff
Be professional, respectful, and a role model to students, staff, parents, and community members
Submit requests a minimum of 2 weeks in advance; For example: purchase orders, personal leave, etc.
Submit field trip requests and information by the end of September
Attend appropriate meetings, including monthly department meetings
Volunteer as the general educator for SPED meetings when possible
Complete TeacherEd reports in a timely manner
Provide office staff with your Emergency Sub Plans at the beginning of the year (update if necessary)
Provide detailed sub plans to our Substitute Coordinator
Have an inviting/engaging/organized room
Post the following information daily: date, bell-ringer, agenda, standard, exit (DBASE), learning objective, language objectives.
Be respectful of other teachers’ instructional time
Ensure that students are dismissed to their next class in a timely manner, notify the appropriate teachers/staff members of any potential disruptions or distractions when necessary
Document all parent contact
Document when students are leaving the room and where they are going
Respond to parents, teachers, and administrators within 48 hours
Communicate with Principal, Sub Coordinator, and Grade Level Administrator in regards to issues/concerns
Update School Website/Class Webpage weekly
Attend daytime and after-school activities when possible
Use the master calendar to communicate any events and changes to the normal schedule
Complete attendance for each class within 10 minutes, as required by law
Communicate any changes to the normal routine to the office staff and cafeteria staff as necessary, in advance of changes
Be responsible for obtaining information if you miss any meetings
Follow and implement IEP and ELL modifications/accommodations, as required by law
Continue to update and keep organized the student DATA folders with the students on a weekly basis
Make sure that DATA folders are present at all meetings concerning the student
Communicate with parents in the language that has been requested as noted in SMS
Keep homework to a maximum of 60-80 minutes per evening for all classes combined
Enter only 2 homework grades per 9 weeks (1/interim). Teachers may fulfill this requirement by averaging multiple homework assignments
Ensure that there are two grades entered into GradeBook every 6 class meetings
Arrival/ Dismissal
Teacher’s duty day is 7:40 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Please report to school on time. In the event of an emergency and an unavoidable late arrival, please call the school and Dr. Boynton at 571-383-7575, so that coverage can be secured until you arrive. The student’s will be doing their morning walk on a daily basis. Morning walk will commence and students will be dismissed to their lockers at 7:55 am.
Breakfast is served from 7:40 – last bus. Students are to go directly to breakfast upon coming into the building. Then report to class with their breakfast.
Breakfast – $1.40
Reduced – $.30
Adults – $1.95
Our first student/bus should arrive by 7:40 a.m. All teachers are expected to stand at their classroom entrance to provide hallway monitoring and welcome their students to class / school. This initial daily contact allows you to “connect” with every child every day. In addition, your visibility should minimize potential discipline problems in the halls.
Students are dismissed by bus lane beginning at 2:50 pm.
At 8:10 a.m. we will begin the announcements. We will begin the day with the moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance; we will also recite the Cambridge Pledge, complete a character education tip and will follow with the daily announcements.
Morning announcements will be handled by the Panther Communication’s Team. Please e-mail your announcements to Amber Montgomery and Michelle Knowlton and the main office secretaries, by 2:00 pm the day PRIOR to when you want the announcement to be read. The instructional day will begin after the morning announcements are complete at 8:15 am.
In order to maintain time on task and to minimize interruptions of instruction, no announcements will be made during the instructional day unless Dr. Boynton approves them.
The Main Office will handle dismissal announcements. If you have an announcement (emergency cancellations or information ONLY) please e-mail the Main Office with your announcement no later than
2:15 pm. If announcements arrive after 2:15 pm there is no guaranteeing that they will be read.
See One Minutes of Silence Regulation 050-1
Attendance – Teacher’s Responsibility
During advisory, attendance will be taken promptly at 8:10am. All attendance entries must be completed and entered into SMS ten minutes after each period begins so that parents and the administration can be notified in a timely manner. Taking attendance is NOT optional; the timeline on the procedure is critical.
Administration tracks the attendance taken and not taken during the day. If procedures are not followed this can result in a reflection within yearly evaluations.
Parents of all absentees are telephoned to verify and clarify absence. The reason for the absence is put on the attendance record. Please let the Attendance Secretary (Mrs. Sheila Naylor) knows if a parent sends a note or informs you of any absences (family emergency, doctor’s appointments, illnesses, etc.) Please send the attendance related notes to the office, as soon as you receive them, because they are needed for information and documentation. A telephone call or a note from a parent may or may not excuse an absence.
If a student has five unexcused absences, the truancy officer will be notified, a letter will be sent home and the student will be referred to guidance. The Main Office tracks the overall attendance for more than 1,200 students. Please make sure that you keep the lines of communication open with the Main Office regarding all attendance concerns.
Teachers are responsible for entering and documenting ALL tardies into SMS. If a student comes to you late you are required to enter the unexcused or excused tardy into the student’s attendance. The Main Office and the Help Desk WILL NOT enter this attendance. The student MUST have a color coded pass or they will not be considered excused. If the student comes with no pass please send them back to the location whence they came and require them to return to your classroom with a pass. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure every student has a pass. If they do not have a pass they are considered out of bounds and the appropriate documentation must be written. (Please refer to the PBISV documents for clarification regarding our Tardy
Policy and Procedures). Do NOT send students to the Help Desk for a pass if they are late to your class.
Instead, document their tardy and admit them to class.
Animals are not supposed to be in the school. Please read the regulation for further clarification. There are a few circumstances that may allow animals (i.e. fish, insects, etc) in the classroom. Please see Dr. Boynton before any are used in the classrooms.
See Animals in School Regulation 271-1
Assembly Behavior
When we have assemblies, your class/grade level will be expected at the times stated in the assembly e-mails.
Students and teachers should attend immediately! Audience approval is shown by applauding...no whistling, booing, or shouting will be tolerated! During dismissal from an assembly, students will remain quiet and seated until their class is called. Teacher support is needed. We do not grade papers or work on projects during assemblies. We are models for appropriate behavior and attentive listening.
Assigned Duties
Teachers are responsible for their assigned duties which includes, being on time and being responsible for coverage. If a duty cannot be performed the teacher is responsible for notifying their supervisor or Athletic
Coordinator (depending on coverage/duty) and for finding coverage. Once coverage is found, notification to the supervisor or Athletic Coordinator must be made a day in advance.
Audio/Visual Equipment
Educational television is an effective means of enriching the curriculum. The classroom teacher is responsible for determining whether or not the viewing is appropriate. Programs with a Parent Advisory Rating may not be viewed.
Movies of an entertainment nature may not be shown during instructional time. All videos should be reflected in lesson plans, previewed by the teacher, and approved by the administrator prior to student viewing. Only “General Audience “rated movies will be considered without parent permission. All requests to watch a video in class must first be approved by Dr. Boynton. You can obtain a video request sheet from the main office or online under Staff Resources. Please complete the form at least two weeks prior to the date you would like to watch your video in class.
Bulletin Boards
Hallway displays of student learning should be current and SOL related. Bulletin boards will be assigned to departments. All displays need to have
The related curriculum essential question printed and posted above or below the board.
Products should be student produced
Bus Riders
Although the transportation office will maintain a list of students and the proper bus numbers, it is encouraged for teachers to also keep a copy of this information. This can also be located on SMS.
Bus Changes
If a student needs to ride on a different bus, he/she must have a note from home signed by a parent with a phone number. A bus change note must be sent to the main office prior to 10:00 am or the note will not be honored. A bus pass will be issued for the student to ride a different bus after we confirm with the student’s parent or guardian.
Bus and Hall Duty
Staff assigned to bus duty will be given specific information from Administration. All Staff are required to monitor hallways during class changes and at the beginning and end of the day.
The “Master Calendar” for our school is located currently through GROUPWISE and _______________.
If you would like to add or delete a date/event, please give the information to Amber Montgomery, Michelle
Knowlton, and Amy Rupert for consideration. Testing schedules, meeting, work load, etc are important elements of the coordination process. The teacher is responsible for checking the school calendar prior to creating an event. All School information will be placed on the school calendar to include: concerts, field trips, sporting events etc. If your event conflicts with another school event, it will not be scheduled, make sure that you check the calendar at all times. County calendars and testing calendars are on the PWC intranet.
Child Abuse / Neglect
By law you are required to report every incident of suspected abuse and neglect within 24 hours. If you suspect or observe any indication that a student may have been abused/neglected, immediately report to Dr.
Boynton, Mrs. Burnette, Mrs. Kidwell, Mr. Gorham, or another Guidance Counselor. We will follow the necessary procedures.
Child Abuse and Child Abuse Reporting Procedures
Teachers and other certified staff are required by section § 22.1-298.1 of the Virginia Code to complete child abuse and neglect training as part of the licensure process.
I. Abused or Neglected Child
Virginia Code § 63.2-100 defines an abused or neglected child as any child under the age of 18 whose parent or other person responsible for the child’s care:
A. Causes or threatens to cause a non-accidental physical or mental injury.
B. Neglects or refuses to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, emotional nurturing or health care.
C. Abandons the child.
D. Commits, or allows to be committed, any illegal sexual act upon a child including incest, rape, fondling, indecent exposure, prostitution, or allows a child to be used in any sexually explicit visual material.
E. Fails to provide adequate supervision in relation to the child’s age and level of development.
F. Has their child present either during the manufacture or attempted manufacture of a schedule I or schedule II controlled substance, or during the unlawful sale of such substance.
II. Mandated Reporter
A. Virginia Code § 63.2-1509 – Section A.5 defines a mandated reporter and their responsibilities as a person, who in their professional or official capacity have reason to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child.
B. Mandated reporters include any teacher or other person employed in a public or private school…
See Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect Regulation 771-2
Classroom Management
Each teacher is responsible for developing and maintaining a classroom behavioral management program that is appropriate for his/her students. The plan should be aligned with the Cambridge Pledge, support the philosophy of PBISV, and be posted.
Please refer the PBISV handbook for additional information
Classroom Webpages
Classroom webpages are expected of all teachers. It is expected that your classroom webpage is updated on a weekly basis. For additional information, or any questions, please see Amy Rupert.
When sending a sick/ill student to the clinic, exercise the buddy system. The student must have a pass from the teacher and be accompanied by a classmate.
Please see our School Nurse, Lisa Martin for any additional details.
Clubs and Activities
Clubs provide opportunities for students to enrich and enjoy specific areas of interest. Instructions for sponsoring a club will be sent out by the Activities Coordinator in the beginning of September. There are responsibilities that go along with being a club sponsor. These will be reviewed with you when the proper paperwork is filled out. You are also required to read the Financial Guidelines Manual and the regulations surrounding club sponsorship.
Refer to Financial Guidelines Manual pages 9 – 14
Refer to School-Sponsored Student Clubs, Teams, and Organizations 646-1
Code of Conduct
Schools board policies and notices require a high level of professionalism.
All employees must refrain from using abusive language or profanity in the workplace.
All employees shall be professionally dressed per the PKMS dress code policy.
The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and illegal substances in the workplace is prohibited.
Teachers must follow all PWCS regulations regarding gratuities.
Employee interactions must be courteous and professional at all times.
See Code of Conduct Regulation 503.02-2
The copiers will be located in the copier center and work room in the Main office. An individual is assigned to handle all the school’s copying needs. If you have a document that needs to be copied, place it along with the Copy Request Form in the Copy Center’s mailbox at least 72 hours PRIOR to when you need it. It is
first come, first serve and your copying will be done in the order in which it was received. Your copies will be placed in your school mailbox when they are complete.
Discipline Referrals
Refer to PBISV Handbook for more information.
Mrs. Burnette– 6 th Grade
Dr. Boynton – 7 th Grade
Mrs. Kidwell – 8 th Grade
Proper attire helps the public and our students form and maintain a professional opinion of our school.
Please dress professionally and follow the PKMS Dress Code Policy at all times. You may wear our school’s spirit wear and dress jeans on Fridays. School colors (royal blue and white) are an option for spirit wear. Jeans or shorts to the knee are acceptable on workdays, field days and end of the year picnics. When in doubt, see your administration for clarification. Spirit wear orders will be made available throughout the school year.
Refer to the PKMS Dress Code Policy for Students and Faculty
Early Dismissal
Parents must come in the building to get their child for early dismissal and they must show ID. Students that bring in notes for early dismissal need to get an appropriate colored hall pass from Mrs. Lauper with their dismissal note. No student will be dismissed from class after 2:20 pm.
Emergency cards
Emergency cards come printed from the county office. All students will take these pre-printed cards home for their parent/guardian to verify that all the information is correct on them and to make corrections.
Students must return corrected and completed emergency cards. Please ensure that the student and the parent have signed the back of the student emergency card. Emergency contact names/numbers are a must. We will need a 100% completion and return on the cards. Please provide an incentive to students for prompt return of the cards. Parents will be able to update the emergency information online via School Fusion. Please keep the main office informed of any changes to emergency contacts, telephone numbers, etc. that you may receive from a parent.
Emergency Cards are part of the Required Documents Packet given to the students on the first day. This packet is due to the Main Office by Monday, September 8 th . You are strongly encouraged to keep your own record of phone numbers and addresses for each student or utilize the SMS system. Just a reminder- this information should NOT be released to anyone without administrative approval.
Emergency Drills
Fire - During the month of September, we will have weekly fire drills, followed by monthly fire drills
October to June. All teachers need to review the fire evacuation procedures.
Please be sure to take your emergency pack (provided by Main Office) that contains the Crises Management
Plan, a small amount of first aid supplies, teacher name sign, and the Fire Evacuation Attendance Report with you. Make sure to keep updated class rosters in your emergency pack. Silent, single file lines are expected
when both exiting and re-entering the building. ALL individuals are required to evacuate.
We will time the evacuations process and students will receive immediate feedback about their timelines, selfcontrol, and orderliness at the conclusion of the drill. Teacher praises/reminders are encouraged.
See Fire Procedures Regulation 408.02 1-M
Lockdown / Shelter in Place
Review your crises management quick reference or emergency flip chart in your classroom.
After-School Drills
See Crises Management Readiness regulation 401.01-2
See Parkside Middle School Crises Management Plan
Evacuation Signs
A floor plan of the building is posted inside your room and it illustrates the exit path/route for your students.
If your room does not have an evacuation map, please notify our security officer, Dan Evers, immediately by e-mail with a CC: to your administrator: Burnette(6), Boynton (7) and Kidwell (8).
Faculty Meetings – Parkside Faculty Professional Developments
Faculty Professional Developments are mandatory and attendance is required. Any absence from a faculty professional development must be preapproved by Dr. Boynton. Dates can be found on the School
Field Trips
Each Grade/content area is authorized to take curriculum/SOL related field trips.
Field trips should be planned as a grade level or by grade level department.
The School Calendar must be checked prior to creating a field trip request. If a field trip is requested for a day that another school activity is planned then the field trip request will be denied.
Department Heads and/or Grade Level Representatives are responsible for submitting initial field trip requests to Dr. Boynton for approval.
An email should be sent to Dr. Boynton, grade level administrator, and Amber Montgomery for initial approval before any planning is made.
Once approved, complete the Parkside Activity Wu Foo form (can be found on the Staff Resources page).
When all of this information is provided, Amy Rupert will submit the field trip request to the county to reserve busses. This takes a minimum of two weeks, so please allow plenty of time.
All field trip dates must be on the calendar by September 30 th .
Things to keep in mind when planning a field trip:
Invite corresponding students from SPED self-contained classes.
Inform transportation, SPED, ESOL, Specialists, the Nurse, the Cafeteria, other departments etc.
Pre-arrange for medication and lunches.
Secure adequate number of chaperones (1 adult per 10 students)
Obtain permission slips for all students. If students do not return their permission slips, a telephone authorization is acceptable. However, do not wait until the morning of the field trip to try and obtain permission for a student to attend a field trip.
Leave the Main Office staff with the number to your cell phone so that emergencies, bus/traffic delays and other extenuating circumstances can be promptly communicated.
Depart by 8:30 A.M. and return by 1:30 P.M. No field trips on Thursdays or Fridays before a holiday.
Trips that require an extended time frame or admission will need prior administrative approval.
All students should participate in field trips. Individual students may require administrative assistance due to behavior or medical needs. Please make arrangements for special accommodation as early as possible.
Final plans should not be made until the Area Associate, Mr. Bixby, approves the trip. We will notify you when the trip has been approved.
Due to insurance regulations, siblings or children other than the students for which the field trip has been approved may not ride the school bus to participate in the field trip. Make sure that this is clearly indicated in your initial request for chaperones.
Confirm buses with the secretary one (1) week prior to approved field trip.
Take a first aid kit (band-aids, gloves, and “ice pack”)with you.
Make sure that all medications required for students attending the field trip are taken with you.
While on the field trip, all students must be accounted for at all times.
The Parkside Activity Form must be completed for every field trip.
Refer to Field Trip Regulations 642-1
Fund Raisers
The Principal has submitted a school wide fundraiser plan, which has been approved by the Area Associate
Superintendent. Absolutely no fundraisers should be held without prior approval.
Fundraisers are governed by regulation and the plan for Healthy Schools/Healthy communities. Fundraisers that are held by sports teams must go through the Athletic Director. Money must be turned in on a daily basis with the completed appropriate from to the bookkeeper. Teachers/sponsors must keep a clear accounting, inclusive of a receipt, of who, when, how much and in what form (cash or check) funds were collected.
Should there be a discrepancy these records will be turned into administration.
See Fundraising Regulation 341-1/See PWCS Health and Wellness Guidelines/See selling fundraisers on school grounds – include that information in this portion
Gradebooks will be reviewed along with the lesson plans. Teachers are asked to use SMS Power Teacher
Gradebook. In addition, it is recommended that you keep some type of hard copy of the grade books.
See Regulation 661-2
PWCS offers several grant writing sessions per year. There are many needs for grants in our building.
Interested personnel may attend one of the scheduled grant writing sessions. Registration is required. You must notify the Parkside Bookkeeper if you are submitting a grant.
Clifton Gorham – Guidance Director & 7 th Grade Guidance Counselor
Caroline Young – 6 th Grade Guidance Counselor
Shannon Dimisa – 8 th Grade Guidance Counselor
Please refer to “Guidance Procedures” located under the Procedures tab of the faculty handbook
Hallway Procedures
Prior to leaving the classroom and upon returning, students must complete the Student Pass Log. All students must have the proper color coded hall pass with them to be present in the halls at any time other than class change. Teachers are required to be out in the halls during class change in order to actively monitor and facilitate the safe and orderly movement of students to their next class. If a student has been out of your classroom for an excessive amount of time, please notify the front office via phone so the student can be located.
Please question and report persons who are NOT wearing a visitor’s badge. These persons should be immediately directed to the Main Office. Please monitor the “visitor’s” return to the office or notify the office that an un-badged visitor is in the halls.
The purpose of homework is to provide out of class activities or projects, which enrich, enhance, and/or extend the instructional program. Please honor the time allotments as indicated in Regulation 663-1 and the
Parkside Homework Policy. All homework should be posted weekly on classroom webpages.
See the Homework Regulation 663-1
Honor Roll and other Awards
Students will receive certificates for Honor Roll at the end of each quarter. Students are recognized with
Principal’s Honor Roll, A-B Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance.
Staff and students need to assume responsibility for the tidiness of their classroom. Please ensure that students pick up all sizeable paper, pencils and pens, put away textbooks and supplies, and stack their chairs in sets of six each afternoon before they leave. Teachers should ensure that the workroom/lounge is neat and tidy.
Intervention Team Meetings (previously known as Child Study)
The Intervention team meeting is part of a process in which education professionals meet to assist peers in meeting student needs. Teachers who have students that demonstrate weaknesses or problems with academic, social or emotional progress may want to consider initiating the Intervention process. Differentiated instruction and some accommodations should be attempted and documented prior to requesting an
Intervention team meeting. After these attempts, if you still feel that you and the student need support, please obtain, fill out, and return the provided referral form to Caroline Young for a meeting to be scheduled.
Teachers will need to fill out the required documentation, in hard copy or in Ed Plan, prior to the meeting.
An Intervention team meeting consists of an administrator, special education teacher, regular education teacher (minimum of 1) and/or a school psychologist/social worker, and/or ESOL teacher (if student is
ESOL Levels 1-5). Once the classroom teacher has completed the Intervention Referral, an Intervention meeting will be scheduled within ten (10) school days. We meet all day on Mondays.
Classroom keys are signed out through Mr. Evers. No School Board issued key is to be duplicated for any reason. Do not give your key to someone else. If a key is lost, the person to whom the key was issued will bear the cost of re-keying the building. Your key must remain with you at all times. Never, under any circumstances, give your key to a student.
See Key Control Regulation 407-1
All leave must be submitted in paper copy, on the correct form, to Amber Montgomery.
Leave- Personal
Please submit this leave to Amber Montgomery at least five days prior to the requested leave date. Leave will not be granted the day before or the day after a holiday without specific permission from Dr. Boynton.
See Personal Leave Regulation 542.05 – 1
Professional leave is requested when teachers are attending a professional development conference/inservice. Please submit professional leave form and appropriate documentation to Amber Montgomery five (5) days prior to the requested leave date. Leave will not be approved without appropriate documentation. Please plan on sharing what you have learned at an up-coming meeting!
See Professional Leave Regulation 542.06 – 1
If you know ahead of time that you will be out for doctor’s appointment, submit the sick leave form to
Amber Montgomery as soon as you are aware of it. If you are unexpectedly in need of sick leave, please call
Dr. Boynton at 571-383-7575 as soon as possible so that Dr. Boynton can secure a substitute for your students. Sick leave is to be used for personal illness or family illness. It may NOT be used for “vacation” leave. Abuse of leave will be handled administratively.
See Sick Leave Regulation 542.02 – 1
Lesson Plans/Unit Plans
Weekly lesson plans are required. You may use a plan book of your choice. Administration will systematically view your lesson plans throughout the year.
Teachers will work collaboratively with Grade Level Department Team PLCs in this planning process. The
PLC will design unit/lesson plans, update pacing guides, monitor curriculum, disaggregate student assessment date, plan for enrichment and remediation, include Cambridge components, and meet grading expectations.
Lesson plan formats are available upon request from Dr. Boynton. Lesson and/or Unit Plans will be collected at the end of the school year from all teachers.
Unit plans are to be created collaboratively with Grade Level Department PLC. A copy of each unit plan is to be turned in to the head of department, supervising administrator, and to Dr. Boynton and posted on the shared drive prior to the start of the unit.
Lunch Prices
Lunch Prices are as follows;
Lunch - $ 2.55
Reduced Lunch - $.40
Adult Lunch - $3.35
Students may charge a minimal amount of lunches. The cafeteria manager will inform the parents of the student’s account through letters/reminders sent home. Please refer students to our cafeteria manager, Linda
Reynolds, if they have any additional questions.
Lunchroom Procedures
Please ensure that your students are dismissed and escorted on time for lunch. If you hold your students for as little as two minutes it can seriously delay the lunch schedule. This impacts the required amount of time students have to eat.
Students may have assigned tables for lunch. Students must go through the line in orderly fashion. They are expected to courteously ask for their choice, pay for their lunch and then go immediately to their assigned table. They should remain seated until they are dismissed table by table. They should raise a hand if help is needed. Students need to report if they are sick or if they have spilled milk, food etc. Trash on the table and under the table will be picked up. Students must have permission and a pass to leave the cafeteria.
Maintenance Repairs
When repairs are needed for classroom furniture, equipment, heating, air conditioning, etc.…inform Mrs.
Montgomery and a work order will be placed. In addition, inform Mrs. Montgomery if there are any signs of insects or rodents. Problems or malfunctions with audio-visual equipment should be reported to Mrs. Heath,
ITC. Computer problems should be addresses to Charles Hunter, TSSPEC.
See request for Maintenance/Repair Request Form
Mass Communication to the Parkside Community
General Information and Letters:
Any and all information that is going home to parents to include: Newsletters, field trip notifications, grade level communications, class-wide communication, class initiatives, etc. must be edited for errors and approved by Administration.
Parents must receive a monthly newsletter from their student’s teachers. You may do this as an entire grade level or by department. Your newsletter should be informative, positive, and focus on instructional objectives and student learning. Information regarding upcoming events should also be included. Please ask a colleague to proof your written correspondences. Your grade level administrator should read all newsletters before they go home! Please give all communications to the Main Office for final administrative approval PRIOR to any information leaving the building. A final corrected copy should be given to the Main Office for placement in the school’s correspondence notebooks.
Students who take medication during school hours MUST store medication in the nurse’s office and parents need to complete a medication authorization form. The nurse will inform the teachers about the child’s medication authorization form and the child’s medication schedule. Please be mindful of medication when students are away on field trips. This will need to be coordinated with the secretaries/nurse prior to the field trip. In extreme circumstances and with written permission, student may carry their inhalers with them.
Over the counter medications (Aleve, Tylenol, etc.…) MUST be stored in the nurses’ office and parents have to send in a note to authorize distribution of the medication. Each teacher will be given band-aids and a pair of latex free gloves. Please be cautious of blood and bodily fluids. Please check SMS and make a note of indicated medical/allergy concerns.
If teachers bring medications to school, ensure that it is out of site and locked in a closet, desk or cabinet that will prevent students from getting it.
See Administering Medication Regulation 757-4
Multicultural Education
Multicultural Education embraces diversity. We have students, families and faculty members from many different countries and cultures, who speak different languages, and embrace/practice, various religions. Our goal is to infuse and integrate Multicultural Education into the curriculum and SOL’s. Literature, parents, guest speakers, the Internet, and the ESOL teachers are all great resources. Feel free to call the Multicultural
Office for additional information and resources.
See Holiday Activities Regulation 602-11-1
Other Equipment
If you are in need of other equipment, like a digital camera, please see Amy Rupert.
Parent Communication
Positive and productive communication with parents is a must! As a matter of fact, it’s wise to “over communicate”. A great way to start the year is to try and connect to families before the first day of school.
An initial “welcome” is an AWESOME way to “connect” with the students and with their families. In addition, it is our first “deposit” (positive communication, contact, etc.). Our goal is to make as many
“deposits” with the students and parents as we can. In the future, we may have to make some “withdrawals”
(not so positive communications, contacts, etc.) regarding behavior and/or achievement. Research and experience support the positive reception of “withdrawals” when they have been preceded and intermingled by “deposits”.
Classroom webpages are an important part when communicating with parents. Many parents regularly check these pages for updated grades and homework information as well as using it as a way to communicate with teachers through e-mail etc… Teachers need to keep a communication log in order to accurately reflect their communication with parents and members of the community.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
If you should need a parent/teacher conference you can hold individual meetings or team meetings. Please request for team conferences to be scheduled by guidance. Ensure that ESOL, SPED, and all personnel who work with the student are informed about the scheduled conference. Please do not hold impromptu or phone conferences during instructional time. However, you may meet with parents during your individual planning time if you should desire. Encourage your parents to schedule conferences in advance when you meet with them on “Back to School Night”. Your administrator can be available for specific parent conferences. Please pre-arrange with them several days in advance. If a parent requests a conference, please respond positively.
Please do not say, “We do not need to meet, your child’s grades are fine”. Often we can avoid academic difficulties that result from failing grades if we are proactive rather than reactive.
See Parent Conferences (non-IEP) Regulation 661-02-1
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our PTO Board will meet monthly. The PTO eagerly supports the school with volunteers, fundraisers, and instruction. Everyone is encouraged to join. The PTO sponsors the “Teacher Appreciation” lunch in May for the staff. They also support the school by purchasing materials and beautifying our grounds. Please support the PTO!
Personal Injury
All employees will report all injuries and illnesses that are job related to an administrator and to Amber
Montgomery. Necessary forms must be completed within two (2) days of the incident.
See Personal Injury Regulation 531-1-M
Photo Identification
ALL staff members must wear their PWCS photo ID while at work. If your ID should get damaged, lost, or stolen please inform Amber Montgomery. Risk Management will have to be notified for resolution/replacement.
Positive Parent Contacts
A positive parent contact’s section need to be added to your record keeping, so that you can keep a record of a minimum of two or three positive parent contacts per week. These can be done by writing notes, Happy
Games, E-mailing, Friday reports, or making telephone calls. The record keeping can be as simple as writing a date and an abbreviation for the form of contact next to a student’s name on your class roster.
Please refer to the PBISV Handbook for further information
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Collectively we provide the most effective and efficient education program for our students and families. PLC meeting schedules are included in the handbook. Attendance is required.
Refer to the School Calendar for the scheduled dates of these meetings
Professional Performance Process Guide (PPP)
The PPP guide will be given to new staff in September. Please read through it carefully and thoroughly.
Formal evaluations will be conducted for the following teachers.
All teachers new to Prince William County Public Schools
All probationary teachers
All Teachers on Action Plans
Administrators will conference with you about the evaluations process and schedule. Refer to the Manual for
Specific timelines. Informal observations will be done on all staff members.
See the PPP Teacher Handbook for the 2014 – 2015 school year.
No reimbursement for purchases will be made from school funds without prior approval from Dr. Boynton.
Approved purchases must have a vendor’s sales slip or a cash register receipt noting items purchased. We cannot reimburse sales tax.
Prior to recommendation for retention, please read Regulation 665-1 and Student Grade Retention. There are specific timelines for written parent notification; first semester (18 weeks), and again at the end of the third nine-week grading period (27 weeks) and fourth grading periods. Students who may be considered for retention should be referred to guidance for intervention if the difficulties are related to the following: absences, chronic tardiness, and incomplete or missing assignments. Otherwise, they should be scheduled for an Intervention team meeting prior to retention notices being sent home.
See Promotion/Retention Regulation 665-1
See Student Grade Retention
See Retention Notification Forms (3)
School Communication-Mailboxes
Faculty mailboxes will be labeled with your name. Please check your mailbox in the morning, at lunch, and at the end of the day.
School Communication – Dr. Boynton’s Mailbox
Items that require Dr. Boynton’s immediate attention (approvals, signatures, dated material, etc.…) and other correspondence should be given directly to Amber Montgomery. DO NOT leave important notes for Dr.
Boynton in her mailbox.
School Communication – E-mail
Check your e-mail several times per day, as important daily and weekly correspondences will be sent to you.
Emergency information is also communicated via e-mail. If you would like to send an e-mail to the whole staff please send your e-mail to Mrs. Montgomery first in order to obtain approval from Dr. Boynton.
Remember to be careful how you phrase things in an e-mail. It is easy to have your message misinterpreted.
Unprofessional e-mails to colleagues or parents will not be tolerated. If you would not want the message printed on the front of a newspaper, do not send it.
School Communications – Professional Face to Face
All interactions between colleagues are expected to be professional at all times. Yelling, screaming, the use of name-calling, curse words, or behavior deemed to be unprofessional will not be tolerated. We all deserve professional courtesy and respect in the work place.
All Prince William County School Buildings are smoke-free environments, so there is absolutely no smoking on Parkside Middle School property. We are role models for healthy behaviors and smoking is never permitted in front of children.
Special Education
We have several special education programs: Students with Emotional Disturbance, Students with Learning
Disabilities, Students with Autism and Students with Moderate Cognitive Impairments. We also provide
Speech and Language Services.
The special education process may be initiated via the Intervention Team Process. However, it should be noted that an Intervention is NOT a special education program. After careful monitoring of the implementation of the Intervention Plan, the Intervention Committee may recommend signing-off for evaluation/testing. This leads to a series of education and psychological tests, classroom observations, hearing and vision evaluations, possible speech, OT or PT evaluations, and a social history. The evaluation process must be completed within 55 calendar days of signing off for testing. During the eligibility meeting, test data, operational criteria, work samples, current grades and observations determine whether or not a student is eligible for special education services. Eligible students have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) developed to meet their needs. The IEP must be written and presented at the IEP meeting within 30 school days of the eligibility date. Ineligible students are revisited through the Intervention Team Process, and an
Intervention Plan is written and implemented.
All teachers will receive copies of their student’s IEP’s from the case managers. There are accommodations for students that must be made in all settings. Therefore, it is important that all teachers know and understand what supports each child’s needs to be successful. Accommodations not on the IEP should not be given without discussion with the SPED administrator.
See Special Education Packet
Staff Development/In-Service Education
Staff development opportunities are listed in the online Staff Development Catalog. In addition, certain staff development will be offered in our building. Teachers should maintain their own staff development record.
Points earned from Staff Development can be used as part of your recertification process in the state of
During our monthly Faculty Professional Development sessions, Dr. Boynton will invite you to share your ideas, articles, and strategies with your colleagues. Make sure that you always have your Faculty Professional
Development Binder with you for all sessions. We are lifelong learners.
See Staff Development Plan, and Staff Development Catalog
Student Injury Reports
If a student sustains an injury, an injury report must be filled out and turned in IMMEDIATELY to Amber
Montgomery. The office will notify the parents. The form needs to be signed by an administrator and mailed home to the student. The parent must always be notified on the date of the injury. You can obtain the form from Mrs. Lisa Martin, our school nurse. All faculty must be trained on the handling of concussions and concussions should be treated according to PWCS procedure.
See Chancery Student Management Solutions (SMS) Student Injury Form.
Student Progress
Please keep students and parents aware of the student’s progress. Grades must be entered into the gradebook weekly. Interim and Report Card grades should never be a surprise to the student or the parent. Additionally, students will have a data folder for each class that will need to be updated and monitored weekly.
See School Division Calendar Data Processing Schedule
See Classroom Management – Grading, Middle School Regulation 661-2
See Reporting Regulation 661.04-2
Substitute Plans
Please leave detailed plans for your substitute. All materials should be readily available. Please prepare:
Location of teacher manuals and supplies
Procedure for attendance and class roster
Daily schedule to include bell times and duty locations
Fire drill procedures and location of Emergency Packet
Class management procedures
List of students with special concerns; describe concerns and how to handle them.
List of students who take medication and the times of their medications
Classroom cleanup
Dismissal procedures
Substitute Plans – Emergency
Please prepare two full days of detailed general plans that can be used in case if an emergency. Include all of the material (run off worksheets, books, construction paper etc.…) Place the completed days of plans in Erin
Durrant’s Mailbox by Friday, September 26, 2014.
Supervision of Students
Students must be supervised at all times. Do not leave students unsupervised in your classroom, in the hallway, or outside. Unsupervised children often make poor choices leading to an unsafe environment. You are held responsible for the students on your class roster during class time. A student should NEVER be placed in the hallway.
See Regulation 561.01-1 Line N
General supplies (staples, pencils, post-it notes, etc…) will be available through the Main Office. Please submit a request form to the Main Office and allow 12 hours for the request to be filled and placed in your mailbox. These supplies will be billed to your department. If you need any additional supplies during the year please see your Department Head. Department Heads will submit their supply requests to department administrators, which will be submitted to Dr. Boynton for final approval.
Tardy to School
Students are officially tardy after 8:10 a.m. Students tardy to school will be required to stop by the help desk to get a tardy slip before they report to the classroom. If a student is tardy due to the bus it will be indicated on the pass and on the announcements. Excessive tardiness will require administrative attention.
See tardy policy in the PBISV Handbook
Teacher’s Lounge
Each of us is responsible for the cleanliness of the lounges. Please do your part to ensure that the person who follows you receives a clean table and chair space. The refrigerator will be cleaned (removal of old food and containers) on Friday at 4:00 pm.
Teacher Workday
The workday for teachers is from 7:40 a.m. – 3:10 p.m. unless additional time is needed for staff meetings or staff development. Leave should be submitted and approved as needed. If you should need to leave the building for a short period of time during the day see an administrator for approval. You must sign out and sign in accordingly.
Telephone Use by Staff
Cell phones are not to be used during instructional time, hallway supervision, or duties. This means no personal phone calls or texting. We understand that emergencies/exceptions occur every now and then. If you need to call a parent with a long distance phone number please use one the phones located in the conference rooms. Because of privacy concerns, the main office is not the ideal location to place phone calls home. If all conference rooms are unavailable, your grade level administrator or counselor may share their office/phone with you.
See PWCS Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy - Regulation 295-1
Telephone Use by Students
Teachers are requested to carefully screen all requests for use of the office phone by students. Please do not permit students to come to the office requesting to use the telephone unless there is a TRUE
EMERGENCY. If you should support a phone call home, students must bring a note from you along with their pass. If your student does not possess a color coded hall pass they will be sent back to your classroom.
When appropriate, allow students to call from your classroom phone. The procedure places responsibility on teachers to determine the importance of the call. Calls pertaining to homework, forgotten textbooks, instruments, lunches and lunch money would not normally be classified as an emergency. Again, a pass must accompany the student.
Textbook and Equipment
Textbooks should already be in your classrooms. If you are in need of textbooks please see the department chairperson as soon as possible. An Inventory Form will be placed in your mailbox. Please fill this out and return it to the office by the end of the day on September 26 th . You should keep a copy of inventory form and each nine weeks take a quick accounting of all equipment and textbooks to ensure that you have all of them. Textbooks are very expensive to replace.
Translators and Interpreters
Often translators and interpreters can be provided “in-house”, within the school. If you are in need of using the calling service for interpretation, please see Amber Montgomery.
Use of Facilities after School Hours
Parkside Middle School has priority in use of school facilities during non-school hours. The Master School
Calendar MUST ALWAYS be checked when planning on using the building. Building use must be approved by Dr. Boynton. After approval has been obtained, please contact Activities Coordinator for input into
SchoolDude. No events can be held without being placed into SchoolDude.
All visitors MUST report to the help desk upon entering the building. Visitors must sign-in, leave a photo ID, and display visitor’s badge. Visitors will not be allowed to enter the building without first going through the
Help Desk for a badge. If you see a visitor without a visible badge please ask to see the visitor’s badge. If they do not have a badge please notify the Main Office immediately, inform them that you are sending an unbadged visitor to the Main Office. Due to the set-up of the Help Desk (in the main foyer) and the Main
Office there is no reason for an un-badged visitor to be within our building walls.
Parkside Middle School is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects student’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical education. We will provide nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity. Our Wellness Committee will make recommendations to improve wellness. Wellness is also one of the PWCS Strategic Plan.
Welcome to Parkside Middle School! You have joined a “work in progress” as the campus continues to undergo changes with new classrooms, teacher workrooms, and programs. As you familiarize yourself with the campus and staff, please use this as a quick reference guide.
Principal – Dr. Mary Jane Boynton
Assistant Principal – Tara Kidwell
Assistant Principal – Ashleigh Burnette
Specialty Program Coordinator – Michelle Knowlton
Language Arts- Meghan Morse
Social Studies – Michelle Praul
Math – Ann Robertson
Science – Susan Farmer
ESOL – Bernadett Pierce
Special Education – Katrice Howerton
ENCORE – Ashley Harigan
Athletic and Clubs Director – Ashley Harigan
Director – Clifton Gorham (7 th Grade)
Counselor – Caroline Young (6 th Grade)
Counselor – Shannon DiMisa (8 th Grade)
Registrar – Betty Cox
Executive Secretary – Amber Montgomery
Secretary – Sheila Naylor
Office Assistant – Paige Knowlton
Substitute Coordinator – Erin Durrant
Help Desk – Tammy Lauper
School Nurse – Lisa Martin
Security – Dan Evers
Police Officer on Duty – Rob Berkibile
School Psychologist – Monica Ng
School Social Worker – Yung Hae Kim
For applicable questions you will find the following information that can provide you with more details:
Point of Contact
Online Resource
Charles Hunter Staff Resources
Submitting a Help Ticket can be done through the Parkside Website. Provide your name, room number, and a description of the issue. This link can be found on the Staff Resources page. There is also a How To under the
“How Tos” link.
Admin Team
You are expected to be on campus by 7:40 A.M. You may sign out and go home for the day at 3:15 P.M. unless otherwise notified by administration.
Students are dismissed by car riders, bus lanes C, B, A, and athletics/after school activities. Students are to remain seated and quiet during dismissal so they do not miss their bus or other important announcements.
Students are not allowed to leave their classroom during dismissal to get a drink of water, or visit with friends.
The purpose of the dismissal schedule is to ensure students leave the building in a safe and efficient manner. It is important to keep the hallways as clear as possible.
Carol Pierce
When students arrive to school in the morning, they are not permitted to go to the lockers (exception: Flag
Detail). They are to walk with their grade level around the school. Music will be playing over the loud speaker as they walk. Once the music stops, students will be told to go to their lockers and prepare for class. During the morning walk, students can track how many laps they have completed for their P.E. fitness records. They should not be eating or drinking anything other than water during this time, but they can go to the cafeteria for breakfast upon entering the school building. They are allowed to visit with their friends while they walk. Absolutely NO
RUNNING! Teachers should be in the hallway monitoring the morning walk.
Admin Team Microsoft Folder
Each grade level is responsible for different areas of the school.
6 th grade – morning hallway duty, afternoon bus duty
7 th grade – morning hallway duty
8 th grade – morning hallway duty
SPED teachers – breakfast duty
ENCORE – morning hallway/bus duty, lunch duty
If you decide to opt out of the Parkside Learning Time program you will also have lunch duty. Additionally, students are walked in a single-file line to lunch. When lunch is dismissed, teachers are required to monitor the hallways.
Ashley Harigan ext: 338
Additionally teachers need to sign up for after school events to chaperone. These events include athletic events, concerts, dances, and other after school activities. You will sign up for these events during the teacher work week.
If you are unable to attend your event it is your responsibility to find a replacement and inform Ashley Harigan at least one day prior to the event.
Sheila Naylor ext:221 Staff Resources
Attendance is to be submitted at 8:10 and during the first 10 minutes of every class. You will use SMS to do so.
The SMS link can be found on the Staff Resources page of the website.
Amber Montgomery ext:245
To dial out, you must dial 9-4, area code + phone number. If you want to call the office or another classroom, just dial the 3-digit extension on the contact list that is provided by the office. Students may use your classroom phone to call their parents. The office will use the phone as a means to reach you. Your phone WILL ring during class; it may be the office so please answer it. The Main Office will do their best to respect your instructional time.
Dan Evers ext:234
You must keep your classroom door closed and the door’s window uncovered for safety reasons. Your door should remain locked at all times.
Dan Evers ext:234
Mr. Dan Evers was a police officer for 11 years and is now in charge of security at our school. This includes emergency procedures for the building. All safety and security drills will be conducted by Mr. Evers. Mr. Evers will NOT tell you when a drill will occur, so don’t ask!
You will find him outside while the buses are coming and going, in the cafeteria during lunches, and monitoring the hallways. In the event you have an emergency in your classroom, chances are you will see Mr. Evers or he will be involved in some way. He is NOT a police officer, although we do have one on campus.
Amber Montgomery ext:245
Submit a leave request with appropriate documentation to Amber Montgomery. See “Leave” in the Survival
Guide for additional information. If leave is needed without prior approval (sick leave, emergencies, etc…) you will need to contact Dr. Boynton directly (571-383-7575).
Department Head/Main Office
If you need basic office supplies, please complete the request form found in the Main Office. These supplies will be deducted from your department budget. For all other supplies, see your Department Head.
Staff bathrooms are located inside the main office and throughout the building (near classrooms 404 and 610).
You can also refer to the school map.
The “white button” on the wall of your classroom connects you via intercom to the main office. It is also referred to as the “emergency” button and is to ONLY be used when you need immediate assistance. Phones are used for all other contact throughout the building.
The advisory period is the first ten minutes of everyday. You will use this time to distribute important information/papers to students. The pledge and morning announcements will also be done during this time. This time will also be used for Rachel’s First Five.
Melodie Heath Staff Resources
Use Microsoft Outlook Calendar Please refer to the “How To” on the Staff Resources page for additional help.
Melodie Heath Staff Resources
Use Microsoft Outlook Calendar Please refer to the “How To” on the Staff Resources page for additional help.
Amy Rupert/Sandy Colgan ext:300 Calendar/Library Parkside Page
Teachers can sign up for the library using the library calendar on Microsoft Outlook. The library is open to two classes at a time. Students may check out two books at a time for a circulation of two weeks. Teachers have an unlimited number of check outs. The librarians are also available to come into your classroom to teach lessons.
Staff Resources
When planning a field trip or other event for the Parkside community, you will need to first obtain permission from Dr. Boynton. Please sent an email to your grade level administrator, Dr. Boynton, and Amber Montgomer with the dates and a brief descrition of the event. After receiving initial approval for your field trip, complete the
Parkside Event Form (found on the Staff Resources section of the website). The Main Office Staff and school nurse will need detailed information regarding your event, attendance, food allergies, etc. You assume all responsibilities for the event including the attendance plan and location of students when planning an event. If your classes will be affected by a field trip, you will be notified about potential class changes at least one week in advance. Once the WuFoo form is completed, Amy Rupert will enter the field trip into the county system. All events need to be on the calendar by September 30 th and paperwork needs to be completed in a timely fashion, or the event will not be approved.
Admin Team Activity Bus Schedule
You must give the parent ample notice of the student staying after school. You are responsible for staying with that student until the activity buses arrive to take the students home. On Monday and Wednesday the Activity
Bus will depart at 5:30pm. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday it will depart at 4:30pm. If your student must leave early, the parent will go to the front office and have the student paged. When you walk your student(s) to the bus, you must stay until your student(s) is/are gone. If a student has not been picked up by the departure time of the Activity Bus, the student will be placed on the bus and taken home.
Staff who speak other languages o …for a meeting? o SPED teachers or guidance counselors indicate this on their meeting request form. o …for an official document to be sent home? o This document will need to be submitted to the main office to be sent to Central Office to be officially translated. o …for a phone call home? o Politely ask a staff member who speaks the language to come to your classroom during planning. A list of staff members who speak other languages can be found HERE. o For interpretation/translation services for a language that is not spoken by a member of the Parkside staff, please see Amber Montgomery.
Amber Montgomery ext:245 Staff Resources
You must fill out a permission form that is found on the Staff Resources page of the website. It can also be found in the main office. Please allow 2 weeks for the approval to get back to you. Keep it on file in case anyone asks why you are showing a movie.
Important information can be accessed in a variety of ways. You’ll find a lot of important information under Staff
Resources on the school website. The Weekly Focus provides up to date information on current happenings at
Parkside. Forms and other important information can be located on the OneDrive through Micrsoft Office 365.
Paige Knowlton ext: 221 Staff Resources
Copies are the job of one person – Ms. Paige Knowlton. You must fill out a copy request form (located in the teacher mail room) attach it to the assignment to be copied, and place in the “TO BE COPIED” mailbox. Ms.
Knowlton has up to 72 hours to get the copies done so make sure you plan ahead. If you need a few quick copies due to an emergency or such, see an administrator for permission.
Mary Jane Boynton ext:227 Staff Resources
Prince William County Schools give only letter grades (A, B, C, etc) through 7 th grade. Grades are weighted as such – Tests/Projects x3 , Quizzes x2, Homework/Daily work x1. You must have at least TWO GRADES for every six classes for each student. If a student doesn’t complete the work, you may give them a “PIP” for incomplete. If a student doesn’t turn the work in at all, you may enter a “NHI” for not handed in. You may notice when you look at the student’s grade and see the percentage next to it, they don’t come close to matching.
For example, you may notice that your student has a C in your class but the percentage says 47%. You didn’t make a mistake! It is the way the grading system calculates it. Consider it “magic math.”
If you teach 8 th grade or a class for high school credit, you will be working solely with percentages. Please refer to the How To on the website for information on setting up and entering grades.
Staff Resources
…request an intervention plan
…request a computer lab/library/multi-purpose room
…submit an EdPlan report
…locate passwords and submit a Help Ticket
…troubleshoot technology
…request technology (iPads/additional laptops)
…plan a field trip
…enter grades into the gradebook
…setting up and utilizing School Fusion
…use ActivInspire on your Promethean Board
The Student/Parent Handbook contains much of the same information as our Faculty
Handbook. If you would like to view the Student/Parent Handbook it can be found on the school website under “Parents/Student Resources.”
Faculty PD Meetings (Mondays)
September 2, 2014 - Afterschool Debrief
September 5, 2014 - Afterschool Debrief
September 15, 2014
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Introduction to Faculty PD Format & Back To School Night Info Session
October 14, 2014
(3:10-4:30 p.m. – Department Presentation by Science
November 17, 2014
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Department Presentation by Social Studies
December 15, 2014
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Mid-year celebration
January 12, 2015
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Department Presentation by Language Arts
February 9, 2015
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Department Presentation by Mathematics
March 9, 2015
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Department Presentation by ENCORE (P.E., Fine Arts & CTE)
April 13, 2015
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Department Presentation by ESOL & World Language
May 15, 2015
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – Department Presentation by Special Education
June 12, 2015
(3:10-4:30 p.m.) – End of Year Celebration & Pre-Checkout
Data & Progress Monitoring Meetings (Fridays)
(During Grade Level Planning – Time to be confirmed)
September 26, 2014
October 24, 2014
December 5, 2014
January 23, 2015
February 20, 2015
March 20, 2015
April 24, 2015
May 22, 2015
DATA Leadership Team Meetings
September 22, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 20, 2014 (8:00-11:00 a.m.)
December 1, 2014 (10:00-1:00 p.m.)
January 6, 2015 (8:00-11:00 a.m.)
February 17, 2015 (10:00-1:00 p.m.)
March 16, 2015 (12:00-3:00 p.m.)
April 21, 2015 (12:00-3:00 p.m.)
May 18, 2015 (8:00-11:00 a.m.)
A final meeting will be scheduled the first week after students have been released for summer break.
Cambridge Update & PD Meetings (Tuesdays)
(During Grade Level Planning – Time to be confirmed)
September 30, 2014
October 28, 2014
November 25, 2014
January 27, 2015
February 24, 2015
March 24, 2015
April 28, 2015
Parkside Shared Leadership Team Meetings (Tuesdays)
Responsibilities include: School Improvement Plan (SIP)
November 4, 2014 (TBD) – Teacher Workday
October 7, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 6, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
February 3, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 3, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
April 7, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
May 5, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
School Advisory Committee Meetings (Mondays)
September 15, 2014 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
November 17, 2014 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
January 12, 2015 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
February 9, 2015 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
March 9, 2015 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
April 13, 2015 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
May 11, 2015 (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
Technology Committee Meetings (every other Friday from 8:00-9:00 a.m.)
August 29, 2014
September 5, 2014
September 19, 2014
October 3, 2014
October 17, 2014
November 7, 2014
November 21, 2014
December 12, 2014
January 9, 2015
January 30, 2015
February 13, 2015
February 27, 2015
March 13, 2015
March 27, 2015
April 10, 2015
April 24, 2015
May 1, 2015
May 15, 2015
May 29, 2015
June 12, 2015
First 9 Weeks
September 2 – November 3
Second 9 Weeks
November 5 – January 23
Third 9 Weeks
January 27 – March 27
Fourth 9 Weeks
April 7 – June 18
End of Interim Period: Oct 1
Grades Due: Oct 6
Sent Home to Students: Oct 10
End of Grading Period: Nov 3
Grades Due: Nov 6
Sent Home to Students: Nov
End of Grading Period: Jan 23
Grades Due: Jan 28
Sent Home to Students: Feb 3
End of Interim Period: Dec 9
Grades Due: Dec 12
Sent Home to Students: Dec 18
End of Interim Period: Feb 25
Grades Due: Mar 2
Sent Home to Students: Mar 6
End of Interim Period: May 12
Grades Due: May 15
Sent Home to Students: May 21
End of Grading Period: Mar 27
Grades Due: Apr 8
Sent Home to Students: Apr 14
End of Grading Period: June
Grades Due: Jun23
Mailed by June 25
August 2014
August 25
August 25-August 29
All Teachers Report
Teacher Professional Development/Workday
September 2014
September 1
September 2
October 2014
October 13
November 2014
November 3
November 4
November 11
November 26
November 27-28
December 2014
December 22-31
December 24-25
January 2015
January 1-2
January 1
January 5
January 19
January 23
January 26
Labor Day Holiday
School Begin
Divisionwide Professional Learning Day
End of 1 st Grading Period
Teacher Professional Development/Workday
Veterans Day Holiday
Thanksgiving Break Begins (1/2 Day)
Thanksgiving Break
Winter Break for Students/Teachers
Winter Break for All Employees
Winter Break for Students/Teachers
Winter Break for All Employees
School Reopens
Martin Luther King Holiday
End of 2 nd Grading Period
Teacher Professional Development/Workday
February 2015
February 16
March 2015
March 27
March 30-31
April 2015
April 1-3
April 2-3
April 6
May 2015
May 25
June 2015
June 18
June 18
June 19
Presidents’ Day Holiday
Potential Make-up Day #1
End of 3 rd Grading Period
Spring Break for Students/Teachers
Spring Break for Students/Teachers
Spring Break for All Employees
Teacher Professional Development/Workday
Potential Make-up Day #2
Memorial Day Holiday
End of 4 th Grading Period
Last Day of School
Teacher Professional Development/Workday
Potential Make-up Day #3
Grade Level & ENCORE Team Meetings (Tuesdays)
(During Grade Level Planning – Time to be confirmed)
September 9, 2014
October 7, 2014
November 4, 2014 (Time to be scheduled during teacher workday)
December 9, 2014
January 6, 2015
February 3, 2015
March 3, 2015
April 7, 2015
May 5, 2015
June 9, 2015
Grade Level and ENCORE Department Meetings (Thursdays)
(These meetings will be held weekly – Time to be confirmed for each department)
Language Arts Department Meetings (Thursdays)
September 25, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 23, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
November 20, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 22, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
February 19, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 19, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
April 23, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
May 21, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
Mathematics Department Meetings (Thursdays)
September 11, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 9, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
November 6, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 8, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
February 5, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 5, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
April 9, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
May 7, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
Social Studies Department Meetings (Thursdays)
September 18, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 16, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
November 13, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 15, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
February 12, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 12, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
April 16, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
May 14, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
Science Department Meetings (Mondays)
September 29, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 27, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
December 1, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 26, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
February 23, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 23, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
April 27, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
June 1, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
World Language Department Meetings (Thursdays)
September 11, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 9, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
November 6, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 8, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
February 5, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 5, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
April 9, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
May 7, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
ESOL Department TEAM Meetings (Tuesdays)
September 9, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
September 23, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 21, 2014 - 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on ESOL Case Manager paperwork.
November 18, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
January 20, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on ESOL Case Manager paperwork.
February 17, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
March 17, 2015 - 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on ESOL Case Manager paperwork.
April 21, 2015 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
May 19, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on ESOL Case Manager paperwork.
Special Education Department TEAM Meetings (Thursdays)
September 4, 2014 (3:10-4:10 p.m.)
October 2, 2014 - 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
November 6, 2014 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
December 4, 2014 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
January 29, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
February 26, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
March 26, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
April 30, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
May 28, 2015 8:30-10:00 a.m. Team Meeting;
10:00-2:30 p.m. Work Sessions to work on IEP progress reports and upkeep of IEP
The expectation is that all special education teachers will attend the grade-level department meetings during the day as well as the department meetings after school that meet the needs of the students they serve.
Testing Schedule 2014-2015
(SOL, Pre-Test, Benchmark, Mid-Year, ACCESS & End-Of-Year World Language/Math)
TEST Testing Window
September 8-19, 2014
Benchmark 1
Midterm Exams
Benchmark II
Benchmark III
SOL Testing
SOL Testing
SOL Testing
End-Of-Year Exams
Benchmark IV
November 3-21, 2014
January 5-16, 2015
January 26-February 13, 2015
Jan 12-March 13, 2015
DUE March 19, 2014
April 6-24, 2015
DUE April 23, 2014
March 2-20, 2015
April 30-May 27, 2014
May 18-June 5, 2015
June 8-12, 2015
June 1-12, 2015
Online or Paper/Pencil
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8 th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science online
6 th -7 th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8 th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science online
6 th -7 th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
French I & II, Spanish I & II, Algebra &
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8 th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science online
6 th -7 th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8 th Grade Social Studies, & Science online
6 th -7 th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
8 th Grade Writing (MC & Short Paper)
Algebra & Geometry
6 th -8 th Grade LA
6 th -8 th Grade Math
8 th Grade Science
th Grade Civics & Economics
Spanish 1A, 1B, I & II
French 1A, 1B, I & II
Algebra & Geometry (if necessary)
6 th -7 th Grade Social Studies & Science
All athletic events are scheduled to begin at 4:45 pm.
Mandatory parent meetings begin at 5:30 pm.
Tryouts: Sept. 4, 5, & 8
Mandatory Parent Meeting: Sept. 10
WE 24-Sep Away Reagan
2-Oct Away Benton
9-Oct Away Marsteller
TH 16-Oct Away Gainesville
TH 23-Oct Away Bull Run
TH 30-Oct Home Stonewall
23-Sep Away Metz
MO 29-Sep Home Marsteller
1-Oct Away Reagan
MO 6-Oct Home Bull Run
8-Oct Home
WE 15-Oct Away Benton
MO 20-Oct Home Beville
WE 22-Oct Home Gainesville
MO 27-Oct Away Stonewall
WE 29-Oct Away TBD
TU 23-Sep Home Stonewall
TU 30-Sep Away Benton
FR 3-Oct Home Metz
TU 7-Oct Away Park
FR 10-Oct Home Reagan
TU 21-Oct Away Gainesville
TU 28-Oct Away
Tryouts: Nov. 12, 13, & 14 (Girls)
Mandatory Parent Meeting: Nov. 19
Tryouts: Jan. 22, 23, & 27 (Boys)
Mandatory Parent Meeting: Jan. 28
TH 4-Dec Home Metz
MO 8-Dec Away
TH 11-Dec Home
MO 15-Dec Away Bull Run
TH 18-Dec Away Park
WE 7-Jan Home Benton
9-Jan Away
13-Jan Away
TH 15-Jan Home Stonewall
TU 20-Jan Home TBD
FR 6-Feb Away Metz
TU 10-Feb Home Marsteller
TH 12-Feb Away Reagan
18-Feb Home Bull Run
20-Feb Home
24-Feb Away Benton
26-Feb Home Beville
TU 3-Mar Home Gainesville
TH 5-Mar Away Stonewall
TU 10-Mar Away TBD
Admission to all events: $3 for Adults, $1 for K-12 Students, FREE for PWCS Employees, Active Military and Senior Citizens
Regionals admission: $5 for Adults and Students, FREE for PWCS Employees, Active Military and Senior
Tryouts: March 23, 24, & 25
Mandatory Parent Meeting: Apr. 8
MO 20-Apr Home Metz
TH 23-Apr Away Marsteller
MO 27-Apr Home Reagan
TH 30-Apr Away Bull Run
4-May Away Manassas Park
7-May Home Benton
MO 11-May Home Beville
TH 14-May Away Gainesville
MO 18-May Home Stonewall
WE 27-May Away TBD
MO 20-Apr Home Metz
TH 23-Apr Away Marsteller
MO 27-Apr Home Reagan
TH 30-Apr Away Bull Run
MO 4-May Away Manassas Park
TH 7-May Home Benton
MO 11-May Away Beville
TH 14-May Away Gainesville
MO 18-May Home Stonewall
WE 27-May Home TBD
MO 20-Apr Home Metz
TH 23-Apr Away Marsteller
MO 27-Apr Home Reagan
WE 24-Sep Away Stonewall
MO 29-Sep Home Metz
WE 1-Oct Away Reagan
MO 6-Oct Home Bull Run
WE 8-Oct Home Marsteller
WE 15-Oct Away Metz
MO 20-Oct Home Benton
WE 22-Oct Home Gainesville
MO 27-Oct Away Stonewall
WE 29-Oct Home TBD
FR 6-Feb Home Metz
TU 10-Feb Away Marsteller
TH 12-Feb Home Reagan
WE 18-Feb Away Bull Run
FR 20-Feb Away Park
TU 24-Feb Home Benton
TH 26-Feb Away Beville
TU 3-Mar Away Gainesville
TH 5-Mar Home Stonewall
SA 14-Mar Away Regionals
TH 30-Apr Away Bull Run
4-May Away Manassas Park
7-May Home Benton
11-May Away Beville
TH 14-May Away Gainesville
MO 18-May Home Stonewall
WE 27-May Home TBD
TH 16-Apr Away Stonewall
WE 22-Apr Home Benton
28-Apr Away Metz
1-May Home Manassas Park
5-May Away Reagan
12-May Home Gainesville
WE 20-May Away
6 th Grade
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10 a.m. Announcements/Pledge –
8:15 a.m.
Block 1
8:15 – 9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 2
9:11 – 10:07 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3
10:07-11:03 a.m.
56 minutes
11:03-11:28 a.m.
25 minutes
11:03-11:59 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 4B
11:28-12:24 p.m.
56 minutes
11:59-12:24 p.m.
25 minutes
Block 5
12:24-1:20 p.m.
56 minutes
7 th Grade
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10 a.m. Announcements/Pledge –
8:15 a.m.
Block 1
8:15-9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3A
11:06 – 12:02 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 2 (ENCORE)
9:11 – 10:41 a.m.
90 minutes
10:41 – 11:06 a.m.
25 minutes
Block 3C
10:41 – 11:37 a.m.
56 minutes
11:37 – 12:02 p.m.
25 minutes
Block 4
12:02 – 12:58 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 5
12:58 – 1:54 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 6 (ENCORE)
1:20 – 2:50 p.m.
90 minutes
Block 6
1:54 – 2:50 p.m.
56 minutes
8 th Grade
8:00- 8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10 a.m. Announcements/Pledge -
8:15 a.m.
Block 1
8:15-9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 2
9:011– 10:07 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3
10:07-11:03 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 4 (ENCORE)
11:03 – 12:33 p.m.
90 minutes
12:33 – 12:58 p.m.
25 minutes
Block 5E
12:58 – 1:54 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 5F
12:33 – 1:29 p.m.
56 minutes
1:29 – 1:54 p.m.
25 minutes
Block 6
1:54 – 2:50 p.m.
56 minutes
When making a Copy Center request, please fill out the form in its entirety. This form must be submitted with all relevant materials in order for the request to be filled. An electronic version of this form is available on the I: drive or the PKMS School Fusion Page. Hard copies are available in the main office.
When making a request, be sure to attach all pages to be copied, scanned, or laminated to the request form with a paperclip or binder clip. Please do not staple papers together.
Please allow 72 hours for copier center requests to be completed.
Turn in Request Form, originals, and any other materials to the Copy Center during Copy Center hours or in the drop box outside the Copy Center.
Be sure to fill out all of the relevant sections of the request form.
If the document to be copied is stapled, please remove staples before submittal.
If making copies from a book, be sure to clearly identify the pages needed with sticky notes. In addition, clearly indicate page numbers for the pages required in the “Special Instructions/Notes” section of the request form. a.
Please be vigilant of copyright laws and non-reproducible items. Items with any notations of copyright laws or being non-reproducible will not be copied.
You must request for copies to be stapled or hole-punched by checking the appropriate box on the request form.
Paper is stored in the Copy Center. If you are requesting a paper color other than white, be sure to clearly identify the desired paper color in the appropriate location on the request form. Available paper colors are: Blue, Green, Goldenrod, Pink, and Yellow
Upon completion, your copies will be placed in your mailbox. Please be sure to empty your mailbox on a daily basis in order to ensure this delivery process is possible. In the instance that a delivery request is too large to fit in a mailbox, the completed request will be delivered during the teacher’s planning time or a note will placed in your mailbox to pick-up your copies from the Copy Center during Copy Center hours.
Be sure to fill out all of the relevant sections of the request form.
When possible, be sure to write your last name on the back of the items to be laminated.
Upon completion, your laminated objects will be placed in your mailbox. Please be sure to empty your mailbox on a daily basis in order to ensure this delivery process is possible. In the instance that a laminated object is too large to fit in a mailbox, the completed request will be delivered during the teacher’s planning time or a notice will placed in your mailbox to pick-up your laminated materials from the Copy Center during Copy Center hours.
Be sure to fill out all of the relevant sections of the request form.
Prior to submitting the request form, be sure to create a folder titled “SCANNING” for all items to be scanned in your I: drive SCANNING folder. The title of the item (as indicated on the request form) must be identical to the folder name in the I: drive.
All originals will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox upon completion.
Grade Level:
Daily Work Homework
Room #:
Number of pages: Paper Configuration: One-sided ☐ Two-sided ☐
Check all that apply: Stapled ☐ Hole-punched ☐
Paper: White ☐ Color (Blue, Goldenrod, Green, Pink, Yellow):
Number of Copies Requested:
Special Instructions/Notes:
Number of items submitted:
*item title should match teacher-created folder name in I: drive
Title of item to be scanned:
Number of pages:
Title of item to be scanned:
Number of pages:
Title of item to be scanned:
Number of pages:
Title of item to be scanned:
Number of pages:
Students who wish to see a guidance counselor for a non-emergency reason will need to fill out a Counseling Request Form (see example at the bottom of the page) and place it in the appropriate grade level container located outside of the guidance lobby.
Students should NOT be sent out of class to fill out a request form; this should be done during the morning walk or after school.
Counselors will check the request containers each day and then will schedule a time to meet with the students per their request.
Students should not be sent from class to guidance. If a student is having a true emergency/melt down please contact the main office and request for a member of the guidance staff, administration, or school security to come and escort the student to the office.
Students who present to the front office in a crisis situation and require the services of a guidance counselor should be taken to Mrs. Cox’s office where they will be signed in and the appropriate counselor contacted.
Parkside Middle School
Counseling Request
Please mark your counseling needs or concerns: o Academics/Grades o Just Need to Talk o Peers/Friends o Personal Issues o Scheduling o Other
Remember, you are responsible for any
missed classwork or assignments!
It must be understood that the dress code guidelines exist to ensure that there are not disruptions to the learning environment and to ensure that all students are safe. The wearing of a garment or accessory by any Parkside student or staff member that distracts from the good order, safety and discipline in the school and or classroom is prohibited.
The following guidelines for apparel/appearance are to be adhered to:
No shirts with oversized armholes may be worn.
Boxer shorts may not be worn as outerwear.
The wearing of hats, scarves, bandannas or other headgear is prohibited unless relating to one’s religion.
Spandex clothing/stretch leggings or other tight fitting garments, both long and short, may not be worn alone as an outside garment.
Any clothing or accessory that may be interpreted as gang attire may not be worn.
Students are prohibited from wearing sunglasses inside the building.
Students are prohibited from wearing inappropriate or gang related graphic displays on visible parts of the body or clothing.
Bare feet, stocking feet, socks, or bedroom slippers with soft bottoms are not allowed.
No flip flops.
Beachwear clothing is not permitted.
No clothing or jewelry with profanity, suggestive symbols, or language is permitted.
No clothing or jewelry promoting drugs, alcohol, sexual relations, death or violence is permitted.
No sleeping apparel may be worn.
Sheer, see-through garments may not be worn unless an appropriate shirt is worn underneath the sheer.
No gloves may be worn inside the building.
No cleats may be worn inside the building.
Students are prohibited from wearing or having chains attached to their clothing.
The following guidelines for how all clothing should fit are to be adhered to:
Garments for both boys and girls will fit in a manner to allow appropriate ease of movement and comfort of wear.
Shorts, skirts and dress lengths should be appropriate in length, non-revealing, and longer than the fingertips when arms are extended downward or touch the ground when kneeling.
Pants, skirts and shorts must be worn with the waistband at the student’s waist and will
No exposure of undergarments is permitted.
Undergarments may not be worn as outerwear.
No baggy, saggy or extremely oversized shorts, pants, or slacks will be permitted.
Tank tops, one-shoulder strap shirts, halter-tops, tube tops or spaghetti straps are not permitted.
Low-cut tops are prohibited. Shirts may not be lower than the armpits extend.
***If a student is not in compliance with the dress code, the Parent/Guardian will be called to bring appropriate attire for the student. Otherwise the student will be asked to wear a loner PE shirt or shorts.
*****If a member of the staff is not in compliance with the dress code, the staff member may be asked to change into appropriate clothing.
The dress code is to be adhered to for all school functions. Uniforms for participation in afterschool activities are exempt from this rule except during regular school day and will be selected based on professional judgment of the school sponsor.
Repeated violations of the Dress Code may result in further disciplinary action.
Please sign form below and return to Parkside Middle School.
In accordance with Prince William County Public Schools policy 661-2, the grade a Parkside Middle School student receives in grades 6 -8 should be based upon the same criteria. The following are the criteria for determining achievement grades. Achievement is based on actual academic performance on assignments directly related to the Curriculum.
The middle school grading scale is as follows:
A 90-100
B+ 87-89
B 80-86
C+ 77-79
C 70-76
D+ 67-69
D 60-66
F 59 and below 0.0
In grades 6-7, teachers may record either letter grades or numerical grades in the grade book, but regardless of the method of recording grades in the grade book, each grade must be converted to its letter equivalent before averaging except in Carnegie unit classes. For grade 8, the high school numerical grading scale will be used for all students.
Parkside Middle School has initiated a program to support its students who have not mastered required standards. This program, the A-B-C-PIP program, allows students time to receive remediation and an opportunity to retake tests and quizzes. The intention of this program is to eliminate the opportunity for students to accept any grade lower than a 70. We have high expectations for all of our students and our goal is to prepare and encourage students to strive for mastery in middle school, high school, and beyond.
Any student who does not earn a minimum score of 70% on a quiz or test will be given a grade of PIP
(Panther in Progress) as reflected in the teacher grade book and on Parent Portal. This is a grade of incomplete which will be weighted as a “0” in the grade book. The student will complete a PIP Form with their teacher to make a request to receive additional help and instruction on the content matter they have not mastered, and be given the opportunity to retake the quiz or test on the non-mastered content.
REMEMBER: It is important for our students and parents to understand that the student who receives a grade of PIP (Panther In Progress) for the quiz or test is responsible for initiating the retake process by signing up and completing the PIP Form with the classroom teacher. The student will be required to receive additional support to master the content, prior to retaking the quiz or test. These additional opportunities for re-teaching may be provided in class by the teacher, outside the normal school day by the teacher, or through additional education programs at Parkside. All students will be allowed two weeks to complete the retake process after receiving a grade of PIP. Students may work through the PIP process multiple times during the two week period in order to obtain mastery.
Students may request an extension of the time limit. It is the responsibility of the student to file the request on the PIP Form signed by the student and the parent/guardian with the classroom teacher. The extension cannot exceed the posting dates of grades for the next interim or marking period.
If students do not take advantage of the A-B-C-PIP program and the extra time provided, the PIP grade will default to the original grade earned, which was below the 70% minimum goal for mastery, at the posted
grading dates.
Students will continuously be informed of their grades and progress through the utilization of student data and progress monitoring folders. This will remind students they have the opportunity for retakes if they fail to meet the minimum 70% mastery goal and have received a grade of PIP. Parents may make the request to review their student’s data at any time and an electronic copy will be sent home by the teacher.
PWCS Regulation 724-1 states students receiving excused absences shall be responsible for contacting their teachers to make arrangements for make-up work within a time specified by the teacher. At Parkside, students are given a minimum of 24 hours to complete the work for each day absent.
Class work (directly tied to standards)
Homework (directly tied to standards and not to exceed 10% of the marking period)
Quizzes (directly tied to standards)
Tests (directly tied to standards)
Projects (directly tied to standards)
All grades are to be based out of 100% o Example: 18/20= 90% = A
ALL assessments (formative and summative) must be directly tied to standards.
ALL parts of assessments must be focused and show mastery of standards.
Formative Assessments should focus on no more than 1-3 strands at a time.
Summative Assessments will cover all strands taught over the course of the unit.
As per Prince William County Public Schools Regulation 661-2, teachers will record a minimum of two grades per student for every six class meetings. The principal will ensure compliance of this policy.
The standards identified in each assessment should be included in the name of the assignment when being entered into the grade book.
All standards must be included on all assessments, clearly visible at the top of the page with each question.
All grades that are included in a final reported grade should be tied to a standard.
Grades that teachers may want to put into the grade book, but not count toward the final grade, for example, a
completion grade, will need to be unweighted/unchecked so that it will not count toward the final grade but will show up on Parent Portal.
Parent Steps to Student Success
• Access your child’s grades using parent portal found under the parent portal tab on Parkside’s website www.parkside/pwcs.edu. Call the school at 703-361-3106 for more specific directions on how to access this program.
• Set aside a specific place and time for your child to work on schoolwork. Even if he or she does not have homework assignments for that evening, your child can read, study, review previous work/class notes, or take the time to research and explore topics of interest that will support inquiry based learning while also enriching/enhancing their overall education.
• Look into signing up your child for our “Panthers on the Prowl” after-school program that provides academic and social support to students.
• Look on school fusion at your child’s teacher’s individual web pages or check their individual agenda each day. Ask specific questions such as, “What country or time period are you studying in your Social Studies class?” Ask your child what was learned that can be applied to everyday life.
• Ask your child what went well that day, or what did not go well.
• Read to your child, or have your child read to you or to siblings.
• Limit the amount of time that children watch TV or play video games alone, especially during weekdays.
Whenever possible make both of these activities family based in order to build conversations around possible learning experiences.
• Always encourage your child to do his or her best; that is what we are doing here at school!
• Call or email your child’s teachers for clarification on issues, or with any questions/concerns that you may have.
• Set up a parent conference through guidance if you continue to have questions. 703-361-3106
• Any questions, feedback, or concerns are welcomed by the Parkside Administrative Team. Please feel free to schedule a time to meet with the grade level administrator, or the principal, or simply send us an e-mail or call.
Dr. Mary Jane Boynton – Principal/ 7 th Grade Administrator boyntomj@pwcs.edu
Mrs. Tara Kidwell – Assistant Principal/ 8 th Grade Administrator kidwelte@pwcs.edu
Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette – Assistant Principal/ 6 th Grade Administrator burnetae@pwcs.edu
• Additionally, provide support to our endeavors at Parkside, and allow us access to your child before and after school, as well as on Saturdays, if necessary, to provide them with opportunities to complete their incomplete work, or receive the assistance or instruction to be successful.
The Parkside Homework Policy is a direct reflection of the PWC Homework Policy (663) and PWC Regulation on
Homework (663-1).
The Parkside administration team supports the appropriate use of homework to enrich, enhance, and extend the instructional program. When assigning homework, teachers should follow all guidelines listed below.
Pre-learning opportunity to organize, or be exposed to, new information
To build interest in an upcoming topic, or unit of study
Practice for applying new knowledge and skill
Revisit knowledge and concept for review
Prepare for upcoming assignments
Homework assignments should be understood by the student and should involve only work for which the student is ready.
All assigned homework will be reviewed by the teacher and returned to the student with growth producing feedback. Types of feedback may be in the form of verbal or written comments in direct relationship to the assignment outcome. Feedback should not simply be the verification of completed assignments or a praise phrase like “Good job!” or “Well done!” as neither are examples of growth producing feedback. Homework may be graded and must be based on a standard or strand.
Homework shall be weighted to equal no more than 10% of a student’s grade for the nine weeks and in no case fail the student for the marking period.
There shall be no more than one homework grade recorded per interim to equal two homework grades recorded per marking period.
Teachers are strongly encouraged to avoid assigning homework over weekends, holidays, and religious observances. Therefore, it is advised that homework should only be given Monday through
The total daily amount of homework should not exceed 60 – 80 minutes. This total time should be divided out amongst all students’ classes. Students have five (5) core classes and three (3) encore classes. Therefore, homework, if issued daily by each teacher, can total no more than 10 minutes per subject.
Major homework assignments, such as projects and preparation for Unit and Benchmark tests, should be coordinated between teachers and departments to avoid undue time requirements on students. Major projects, Unit tests, and Benchmark tests will be posted on each grade level and encore Fusion calendars.
This is a sample form. This form can also be located on the shared OneDrive.
Reflection: What are the reasons for your original score?
Original Grade: Goal
To improve my score, I will:
Stay after school for help
Attend Breakfast Club
Become a member of Panthers on the Prowl
Independently Study (with teacher approval and initials )
Student Signature: Date: __________________
In response to staff requests, non-instructional duties (morning walk and lunch duty) as well as meetings during the school day have been cut down to afford you time to engage in activities related to professional growth, particularly in the area of integrating technology into all classrooms, as well as our ongoing EL and Cambridge PD. We will now refer to this additional time as our Professional Learning Time (PLT).
PLT time is to be dedicated to your becoming a better educator and learner. Depending on the semester and the week, all teachers will have two or three planning periods unencumbered per week to engage in professional learning opportunities. Follow your passion and work to define your purpose. This time is to be spent learning, innovating, and pursuing ways to become a master educator. Think of it as a differentiated learning opportunity that caters to each of your specific needs and interests. Sample activities include:
Becoming a connected educator by developing and engaging in a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
Researching best practices
Developing innovative learning activities
Creating interdisciplinary lessons
Engaging in face-to-face professional development
Learning to use new technologies
Collaborating on projects with colleagues
EL and Cambridge strategies and implementation
Peer coaching and observation
This is your time to improve your craft, build on those innovative thoughts and ideas you always wanted to pursue, and acquire new knowledge. This time is not to be used to make copies, leave the building to get coffee/food, or socialize in the teacher lounges.
In order to give you the autonomy that you deserve, we will not require logs at the end-of-year conference. However, the expectation is that each staff member submits a learning portfolio at the end-of-year evaluation conference that demonstrates how PLT time was used to improve your professional practice, for example,
Improve instruction
Effectively integrate technology
Engage students
Address Virginia and Cambridge Standards
Increase student achievement
Please include artifacts (Lesson plans, project descriptions, websites, etc). It is entirely up to you which format you use to create your learning portfolio (e.g., binder, Google Site, etc).
Available resources include Teacher Learning Community, Classroom 2.0 ( www.classroom20.com
), Educators PLN
(edupln.com), social media tools, and various books/journals that the administrative team have in their offices and in our new Professional Library section in our School Library. Special attention has been made to assure that there are current and relevant resources to include EL, Sp. Ed. and Cambridge.
(You can use this format to help organize your portfolio. This is optional.)
Activity: (i.e., Teacher Learning Community, research, webinar, innovative activity, interdisciplinary lesson, etc.):
Integration Into Practice:
Whether during your PLT, during scheduled PD sessions/meetings, or after school, the Administration, members of Technology Committee, EL and Cambridge PD Committee is available by appointment to work with you on the following areas:
Integrating Technology o Blogging o Social bookmarking (Delicious, Diigo) o Twitter o RSS Readers o Google+ o Web 2.0 (Voicethread, Animoto, Padlet, Glogster, Wordle, Prezi, Poll Everywhere, Pinterest) o Skype o Productivity (Dropbox and Evernote) o Establishing a PLN
Classroom management
Cooperative learning
Authentic learning
Lesson design
RESOURCES http://pinterest.com
The overarching goal of the Administrative team at Parkside Middle is to assure that the distribution of teacher duties is as fair and equitable as physically possible. Every effort has been made to 1) listen and act on the recommendations and suggestions of Parkside staff regarding duties, and 2) continually strive to assure the safety welfare of our students.
Therefore, the duties for Parkside Middle have been revised for the 2014-2015 school year. ENCORE teachers will be assigned to one lunch duty assignment, as all ENCORE teachers currently have fifteen (15) more minutes of planning per day than all other teachers (including thirty (30) minutes for unencumbered lunch). ENCORE teachers will have 108 minutes of PLANNING/LUNCH time every day (not including the time spent during lunch duty). Regulation requires teachers to receive 50 minutes of planning plus 30 minutes for lunch or 250 minutes per week of planning. Currently, under this schedule, teachers at Parkside will still be getting more than the required amount of planning time laid out by this regulation.
6 th Grade teachers will have one day a week bus duty all year, however, they will only be asked to sign up for two after school duties, whereas the rest of the staff will be required to sign up for four. The sign-up for after school duties will
take place during our Teacher Professional Development week. Events such as Back-to-School Night, Panther
Pride Night, Promotion Celebration, New Student Orientation and other such evenings are not considered to be duties. It is our expectation that since we will be placing these events on the master calendar well in advance that all staff members will make every effort to be available for these events in order to be visible and present for their students and parents.
Since all staff is expected to report to school between 7:40 and 7:50 a.m., we expect all staff members to be present at their classroom doors during morning walk. Therefore, this is not a designated duty for any of our staff members, simply an expectation of Parkside Pride and professionalism.
Personnel who are not assigned an Advisory Period will monitor morning Bus Duty and specific locations of the morning walk route. Core Special Education teachers will be assigned breakfast duty.
OPT OUT: If any member of staff would like to Opt-Out from participating in Parkside’s Professional Learning
Time, please let a member of the Administrative Team know immediately. We will be assigning all staff member who decide not to participate lunch duty in order to assist with the supervision of our students. We felt that it was extremely important to offer our staff the opportunity to be able to have increased time to collaborate, communicate, plan, develop ideas, and professionally grow with their peers whenever possible, and that is where the idea and vision behind
Parkside’s Professional Learning Time came from.
Morning Bus Duty and Morning Walk Designated Positions for Teachers without an
Advisory Class:
Joey Burgess, James Bricker, John Pino – Outside, front sidewalk
Carol Pierce – Morning DJ
Ashley Harigan – Intersection of the breezeway and the ramp near the cafeteria
Linda Hayes – Outside cafeteria- 7 th /8 th grade side – Corner of encore hallway
Myriam Lawrence – Breezeway inside door 1
Paulette Garner – Opening to gym hallway
Leslie Brotsch – Hallway outside of 7 th grade teacher’s lounge
JoEllen Livingston, Anna Henke, Debbie Schlechte, Lorraine Morales – Individual classroom doorways
Afternoon Bus Duty:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ms. Kubler
Ms. Caple
Ms. Powell
Ms. Polak
Breakfast Duty:
Ms. Hamilton
Mr. LaRochelle
Ms. Butler
Ms. Howerton
Mr. Lindner
Ms. Eicher
Ms. Dronet
Ms. Robertson
Ms. Bergman
Ms. Praul
Ms. Young
Mr. Knudson
Ms. Lopez
Ms. Mattson
Ms. Mattia
Ms. Curry
Ms. Shain
Ms. B. Pierce
Ms. Labenow
Ms. Porter
Ms. Bruce
7 th Grade
10:41-11:06 a.m.
Mr. Evers
Mr. Nicholas
Mrs. Lorraine Corbin-Morales (Leaves at 11:00am)
Ms. Leslie Brotsch
Mrs. Ashley Harigan
Mrs. Wendy Labenow (Tuesday)
Plus any 7 th grade teacher free at this time that opt out of PLT.
7 th Grade
11:37-12:02 p.m.
6 th Grade
Mrs. Burnette
Ms. Young
TA for 6 th Grade
Mrs. Knowlton
Mrs. Durrant
Mrs. Wendy Labenow (Monday, Tuesday)
Plus any 6 th grade teacher free at this time that opt out of PLT.
6 th Grade
11:59-12:24 p.m.
Dr. MJ Boynton
Mr. Gorham
TA for 7 th Grade
Ms. Colgan
Mrs. Cox
Mrs. Wendy Labenow (Monday, Tuesday,
Plus any 7 th grade teacher free at this time that opt out of PLT.
8 th Grade
12:33-12:58 p.m.
Plus any 6 th
Mr. Evers
Mrs. Knowlton
TA for ED Program
Mrs. Hamilton
Mrs. B. Pierce
Mrs. Wendy Labenow (Monday, Friday)
grade teacher free at this time that opt out of PLT.
8 th Grade
1:29-1:54 p.m.
Mr. Burgess/Mr. Bricker
Mrs. Pierce/Ms. Hayes
Mr. Pino
Mrs. Lawrence
Mrs. Garner
Mrs. Wendy Labenow (Friday)
Plus any 8 th grade teacher free at this time that opt out of PLT.
Mrs. Kidwell
Ms. Dimisa
TA for 8 th Grade
Ms. P. Knowlton
Mrs. Rupert
Mrs. Wendy Labenow (Wednesday, Thursday,
Plus any 8 th grade teacher free at this time that opt out of PLT.
Mrs. Polak, and Ms. Howerton are also available for lunch duty on a rotational schedule. This schedule will be published once it has been finalized.
Our faculty and staff will respect the floor and the speaker; be silent when others are speaking and take sidebar conversations outside.
As a faculty we agree to limit the time on individual items.
Our faculty and staff are committed to attend every meeting, be on time, be prepared, and be fully present.
Our faculty and staff will encourage and foster open and honest conversation, invite participation from teammates, and participate ourselves.
Our faculty and staff will be open to explore new ideas.
As a staff we agree to set phones on silence, as well as follow parliamentary procedure; raise your hand to be recognized to speak.
Our faculty and staff will offer, accept and provide feedback directly, positively, and professionally.
Our faculty and staff will be open and honest with each other when we have concerns. We will be tactful but share our concerns honestly.
When questions or examining suggestions or ideas we will use positive processes that maintain the dignity of the person suggesting them.
As a faculty we agree that we need to respect diverse opinions in decision-making situations.
We will not try to recruit others or develop coalitions to force opinions or ideas on others.
Our decision-making process will use consensus rather than voting or other power techniques.
As a staff we will focus on dealing productively with our problems rather then whining or complaining about them. Additionally, we agree to keep discussions in the room.
As a faculty and staff we agree to keep gossip and inaccurate information that is not backed by fact out of our meetings and our daily practices.
What if?
School is delayed due to inclement weather or other reasons:
Hold off taking attendance until you hear the announcement giving the okay to begin. The schedule needs to be updated in SMS before anyone can enter information. This may take a few hours.
Handy Telephone Numbers
Attendance Secy Ext. 248
School was closed? Following a snow day or closure for other reasons: Before any attendance can be entered, the guidance director needs to change the schedule in SMS and then wait for approval from the SMS Help Desk. Wait for the announcement before entering attendance.
Help Desk
Guidance Director
Front Desk
Front Desk
Absent = Absent
If a student is not in your class, they are ABSENT from your class. If you think that the student might be testing or on a field trip, but they are not in your class—they are still
EXA Absent Excused
Attendance Codes
UAB Absent Unexcused
Important: If the student already has an attendance code, such as FT (Field Trip) or AA (Admin
Action) do not change it to Absent or Present, just leave that code there. UNV Unverified
Ext. 226
Ext. 289
Ext. 221
Ext. 222
AA Admin Action
Field Trip: If you are hosting a field trip, please provide the following information at least two days in advance of the trip, to the attendance secretary:
BTY Bus Tardy Excused
CLI Clinic
FT Field Trip
Student names in alphabetical order by last name & grade .
HB Home Bound
Date of field trip and estimated time of the departure and return.
ISS In School Suspension
The location of the field trip and emergency contact number.
LVE Leave Early
Important: Take attendance in the cafeteria prior to departure and provide a list of any student who is absent or who did not provide the permission slip to the attendance secretary before you depart.
OSS Out of School Suspension
P Present
REL Religious Holiday
Note: The attendance secretary will enter the attendance codes for the field trip.
Testing: The code used for testing is AA (Admin Action).
School Activity
ETY Tardy Excused
Teachers who are testing need to provide the list of
UTY Tardy Unexcused students to the attendance secretary a few days in advance.
On test day, be sure to provide a list of any students who did not show up for testing. Teachers, you’ll notice the AA code is already there for your students. Please do not change that. If you think they are supposed to be testing, but you do not see the code, it just means that it hasn’t been entered yet and you should mark them absent if they’re not
in your class.
Tardy: An unexcused tardy (UTY) should be used any time a student is late and they do not have a pass—unless an announcement was made reporting that a bus was late and to please allow the students in class. If you have a student who is tardy three or more times, a referral may be sent to the assistant principal (AP) for that grade, which may result in detention. An excused tardy (ETY) can only be entered when a pass is issued. Important: If you marked a student absent and they report to class tardy, please go back and make the change.
Leave Early: (LVE) Most often when a student is leaving early, the help desk will contact the teacher to let them know when a parent has arrived to collect the student. The parent will sign the student out at the help desk after providing the appropriate identification and the help desk will enter LVE for the attendance code with the time and reason for departure. Sometimes students are called from class for other reasons, such as; to guidance, the office, to the nurses office or for an activity. When this happens, the teacher needs to change the attendance status from present (P) to leave early (LVE) noting the reason and time in the comments.
In School Suspension (ISS) or Out of School Suspension (OSS): Students can be in this status for a day or for several days depending on the situation, but may not exceed ten days OSS. In situations where the student needs to wait for the hearing with the Office of Student
Management and Alternative Programs (OSMAP), their attendance may be entered as admin action (AA) when they exceed the ten days of OSS. Teachers will be alerted when their students obtain this status and a folder will be kept in the office to collect homework for these students. The Assistant Principal will provide the status to the attendance secretary to be sure that the students are not marked absent.
Pre-approved Absences: Parents who wish to take students out of school for more than five days need to request permission from the principal. Attendance will be entered by the attendance secretary and sometimes homework will be requested depending on the length of the absence. Students who miss fifteen consecutive days will be withdrawn from school and their parents will have to re-enroll the student upon return.
After School Activities: Take attendance by 3:15 PM and report it to the front office. After school attendance is not tracked in guidance.
Troubleshooting: At any time, feel free to call the attendance secretary with questions. SMS is very finicky and sometimes just logging off and back on again will solve the problem. If you get locked out, you’ll need to submit a help request ticket. To do this, open your Zenworks application window (see the little computer with the Z on your toolbar) and click on the
help requester icon (person sitting at a desk). A little window will pop up asking if you want to run the file—choose run. The little icon will move down to your tool bar. Click on it to open. Click on Mail. Click on the drop down arrow for subject and choose Z-SMS. Explain your question or problem in the message box and click on send. A person from the IT office will contact you personally. Provide your email and extension number in the message.
It’s also a good idea to alert the front office that you’re expecting a call.
When a student misses:
Five or more days from school: The attendance secretary will send a letter to the student’s parents and request that the guidance counselor meet with the student to determine the reason for being absent. The student is reminded that a note is required explaining the reason. A referral may be sent to the truancy officer.
Attendance Contract: If the secretary refers the student to the truancy officer, a meeting will be arranged and the student will be asked to sign an attendance contract. The truancy officer continues to check attendance on these students, follows up with parents and takes further action as needed.
Ten or more days from school: A medical note is required for students who miss more than ten days of school, whether or not they are consecutive.
Automated Message from School to Parents: Every time a student is marked absent from class, an automated message and in some cases an email will be sent to the parents. We get phone calls on a daily basis from parents who are wondering why their children missed a class. It is very important to enter your attendance, every day and within 15 minutes of each class.
Note: This is a sample. The actual Pass Log is in landscape format. See the shared OneDrive for a copy of the form.
*If “Other” is indicated, a location must be provided in the box. For example: Room 422
First Name Last Name Date Time Time Bath-room Water Nurse Guid. Office Other
Out In
Know who your ESOL students are by referring to Know Your English Learner document. (see instructions 2 nd page) a.
Know level b.
First language c.
Print “Know English Language Learner” (ESOL students are not always visually apparent) i.
Weekly in September ii.
Monthly, thereafter d.
Know Case Manager
Make sure you have Participation and Accommodation (P & A) forms for every ESOL student, Level 1-5. a.
Know accommodations required b.
Use in the classroom and on assessment. c.
Give feedback to keep P & A current - beginning September 30 th , it is ongoing, as
Incorporate WIDA Can Do Descriptors document in order to plan for scaffolding of instruction (see handout or http://www.wida.us/standards/CAN_DOs/ )
**Teach/instruct toward the next level, so kids move up. Teaching towards the current level only assures remaining at that level.
As a grade level, meet quarterly with ESOL Specialists to discuss progress/concerns by student.
Optional tip: keep file on ESOL student to be able to accurately recall anecdotal information.
Regularly communicate with Case Manager by email for: a.
Benchmark results b.
Pattern of grades C and below c.
Other significant assessments
If Co-teaching, keep log of weekly planning meetings with ESOL Specialist.
Know Your English Language Learner Report
From the Home Page in SMS, click on Reports in the blue column on the left.
Under Reports, scroll down to ELL Reports.
Click on KnowEngLearners_PWCS.
On the bottom, right of screen, click Run.
The report will take a minute or two to load. This report will be multi-paged.
“Hover” over the bottom, center of the first page and a tool bar should appear.
Using the arrows in the tool bar, find your page(s) of the report and print just your page(s).
From the Student’s Home Page in SMS, click on LEP Services in the blue column on the left.
About ¾ of the way down on the page, there is a field, LEP Level.
From the Student’s Home Page in SMS, click on LEP Services in the blue column on the left.
Scroll down towards the bottom to the most recent date, in blue.
Click on the date, the ELL Case Manager Section is the second section
Know who you Special Education students are by reviewing the student’s IEP At a Glance as provided by the case manager prior to the start of school. a.
Know student’s name b.
Review modifications and accommodations c.
Know who to contact if you have a question regarding the student (Case Manager)
Make sure you know the Modifications and Accommodation for every SPED student you teach a.
Know accommodations required b.
Use in the classroom daily and on assessment.
Include grade level Special Education teacher as part of the content PLC a.
Ensure accurate and effective delivery of instruction b.
Engage in conversations to meet the needs of students with IEPs c.
Foster planning of instruction to include data collection for IEP goal(s)
Regularly communicate with Case Manager by email in reference to: a.
Assessment results b.
Pattern of grades C and below c.
Other significant upcoming assessments d.
Behaviors of concern
ALL General Education teachers, including Encore teachers, have a professional
obligation to… a.
Complete Teacher Education Reports i.
Request will be given at least 3 days prior to needing the report ii.
Must be completed in EdPlan (See instructions on page 2) b.
Participate in Sign-Off, Eligibility and IEP meetings c.
Offer observations, ideas, and input at all meetings
Definitions for Events
Lockdown: Think “bad guys on site”. A “Lockdown” event occurs when there is an immediate hostile threat to the school. This may be an intruder, a firearms event, or an enraged Visitor. A “lockdown” announcement is made. All school activities cease, all students and staff take cover, and 911 called. All staff and students remain in “lockdown” until released by the police or an administrator opening your locked door. LOCKDOWN IS NEVER RELEASED BY PA ANNOUNCMENT!
Note: Do not evacuate for a fire alarm unless there is fire or smoke or you are in imminent danger.
Call 911 and advise of the situation.
Secure the Building: A “Secure the building” event occurs when there is a general threat in the vicinity of the school. The source of the threat may be known or unknown. The school is secured from outside entry. All outside activities are cancelled and students are brought inside. All classrooms are secured; school activities inside the classroom continue. There is to be NO movement in the hallways by
students or staff. All staff and students remain in “Secure the building” until an “all clear” announcement is made by school personnel.
Note: Do not evacuate for a fire alarm unless there is fire or smoke or you are in imminent danger.
Call 911 and advise of the situation.
Shelter-in-Place: Think “bad air” or a weather event. A “Shelter-in-Place” event occurs when there is a threat in the vicinity of the school. This may be a hazardous material spill, weather event or police action in the area. In order to ensure the safety and health of students, the school campus is secured and visitors are closely scrutinized or not allowed in the school at all depending on the event. Activities inside the school continue. Depending upon the specific event, students may be required to remain in school for an extended period; for example, in the event of a biological threat. It is the school division’s goal to return children to their parents/guardians as soon as it is determined to be safe to do so. The
school division follows the directions provided by health and public safety officials.
Shelter-In-Place is a temporary measure (i.e. minutes or hours, not days) designed to utilize a school/facility and its indoor atmosphere to separate students and staff from a hazardous outdoor environment or acts of violence that have occurred in the vicinity of the school.
Neutral pressure is created in the school/facility by closing all windows and doors, and shutting down the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system so that contaminated air will not be drawn into the building. Note: Do not evacuate for a fire alarm unless there is fire or smoke or you are in imminent danger. Call 911 and advise of the situation.
Tornado Watch: A “tornado” watch is implemented when weather conditions are conducive to the formation of funnel clouds.
Tornado Warning: A “tornado warning” is implemented when a funnel cloud(s) have been sighted or indicated on radar. The approximate location and direction is usually broadcast during the warning.
Student Access to News Broadcasts
School staff will limit the use of television and radio broadcasts in classrooms to avoid overexposure to media reports. The principal will use discretion in determining the appropriateness of the use of media broadcasts.
A lockdown emergency exists when there is an immediate threat to or inside Parkside Middle.
Should it be determined that an intruder has entered the building and poses a threat to the safety of the school, the following announcement will be made: “Your attention please, execute lockdown procedures at this time”. In this situation all school activities cease until an administrator or police open your door and advise of all clear. A true lockdown or drill will NEVER be released by PA.
NOTE: DO NOT EVACUATE for a fire alarm unless there is fire/smoke and you are in imminent danger. Office personnel will call 911 and advise of the situation. Administration will conduct a search of the building for the source of the alarm.
Office Staff:
At the moment that the office becomes aware that a potentially dangerous individual is in the building, the office doors are to be locked immediately and windows are to be closed. Direct any students, parents, or visitors in the front office to the conference room. During a lockdown do not let any unauthorized persons into the office.
Upon learning that a potentially dangerous individual is in the building, Security will attempt to monitor the individual’s movement through visual surveillance and keep the office advised. Security will use discretion in deciding if it is safe to approach the individual.
All teachers on planning should report to the nearest room that they can seek cover in.
P.E. Teachers: If P.E. classes are outside during an emergency, do not bring the students into the building. Seek shelter in a tree line, backyard, etc.
Upon hearing the “lockdown” announcement teachers should immediately:
Remain calm and reassure students.
Clear all students from all hallways and outdoors immediately.
Close and lock all windows and doors and turn off lights.
Do not place cardboard or other coverings over the vision glass in the classroom door.
Report important information via the emergency intercom if safe to do so.
Have all students take cover away from the windows and doors and stay silent.
Account for students using current class roster and report any additions.
Do not allow students out of the classroom.
Follow instructions of police and principal. (Police are in charge; principal and other staff support their efforts)
Be prepared for police to suddenly appear
Be ready to move; follow special instructions.
In the event an intruder enters the classroom and begins shooting, the teacher should instruct students to flee to another location.
Upon hearing the “lockdown” announcement, students in the classroom are to remain silent and follow all instructions from the teacher. Any student who is out of the classroom at the time the announcement is made will go immediately to the nearest classroom to take cover.
Hostage Situation:
Should an intruder decide to take a person or group of people hostage, the most important thing to do is remain calm and do as you are told.
Upon learning of a hostage situation, the Crisis Team will immediately notify the Police.
There is a general threat in the vicinity of the school. The source of the threat may be known or unknown such as:
A police suspect on the run.
A regional event such as the “sniper shooting” and “9/11”.
A dangerous person in the vicinity of the school, and
Any violent crime in the area.
The school is secured from outside entry. Students in modular classrooms will remain there and the modular buildings will also be secured from outside entry. All outside activities are canceled and students brought inside. School activities inside the school and in modular classrooms continue.
NOTE: DO NOT EVACUATE for a fire alarm unless there is fire or smoke or you are in imminent danger. Call 911 and advise of the situation. Conduct a search of the building for the source of the alarm.
The Administration will
Make a PA announcement: “Attention all staff, we are going into Secure the Building at this time, we will be informing you of the situation shortly. Please continue the education process.”
The Administration, Teachers and Staff will
Notify your Crisis Response Team and secure the school from outside entry.
Closely scrutinize all visitors, if visitors are allowed.
Monitor the building and grounds and report unusual activity or objects to the police.
Brief staff and students, as necessary, about the heightened security measures.
Display “Building Secure” signs on the main entrance doors and modular classroom doors, and
Monitor media outlets for information.
Note: Police dispatchers may call and request the building to lockdown. The 911 dispatcher may not differentiate between lockdown and secure the building when making the request. Make sure you get enough event information to make an informed
decision of which procedure to initiate.
There is a general threat. The source of the threat may be known or unknown. The school is secured from
outside entry. All outside activities are canceled and students brought inside. School activities inside the school continue.
NOTE: DO NOT EVACUATE for a fire alarm unless there is fire/smoke and you are in imminent danger. Call 911 and advise of the situation. Conduct a search of the building for the source of the alarm.
Administration, Teachers and Staff:
Notify your Crisis Response Team and secure the school from outside entry.
Closely scrutinize all visitors, if visitors are allowed.
Monitor the building and grounds and report unusual activity or objects to the police.
Brief staff and students, as necessary, about the heightened security measures.
Display “Shelter in Place” signs on the main entrance doors.
Monitor media outlets for information.
Orderly fire drills are necessary if we are to ensure a quick and safe evacuation. All drills are to be conducted as if it were a real emergency. When the alarm sounds, follow the guidelines below:
Remain calm and reassure students.
Take your class roster and tell students to exit the building following the evacuation route posted in assigned room.
Remind students to remain silent and walk towards the exit in an orderly manner; single file with no pushing and shoving and stay together throughout route to designated assembly area.
Once in assigned assembly area location, take attendance and account for all assigned students.
Utilize green or red cards to report status to the administration ASAP. Subsequently, report “all present” or names of missing students in writing to the administration.
Re-enter the building in the same manner as you exited when given the “all clear” signal.
Teachers having planning period during an alarm are to exit the building. After all students have exited the building, teachers are required to exit the building.
Physical Security
Physical Security involves the use of doors, locks, and barriers in maintaining a secure building. One person cannot take on this task; it requires the cooperation of all staff members.
Teachers will be required to secure their own classrooms and teach behind closed and locked doors.
If at any time during the day, should your classroom be left vacant make sure you lock the door behind you.
You will also want to close and lock all windows. Upon leaving school at the end of the day, you are responsible for closing and locking all windows in your room. The custodial staff will double-check your room when cleaning; however, the primary responsibility is yours.
When exiting the building, make absolutely certain that the door you exit through locks behind you. No one is to remain in the building after 10:00 p.m.
This is a “living document” and will frequently be updated. Please refer to the OneDrive for the most up to date information.
Addressing the needs of all!
What have you done today to impact the lives of students at Parkside?
The hard-working staff at Parkside Middle Cambridge International School contributes in many ways to the success of our school. One important contribution behind the scenes is the administrative and staff committees. Every teacher belongs to at least one of the following groups as part of their personal commitment to the PPP process and Parkside:
African American Heritage Month Committee (February 2015)
The mission of this committee is to assure that the students, parents, faculty, staff, and community of Parkside experience a wealth of positive and informational experiences while also celebrating
African American Heritage Month.
Cambridge International Professional Development Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Michelle Knowlton & Mrs. Sarah Lampkin
The mission of this committee is to provide all teachers, staff, parents, and community members with professional development and information to fully understand the pedagogy and philosophy behind the Cambridge International Program.
Communication Committee
Chairperson: Ms. Cyndy Mattia
The mission of the Communication Committee is to develop and oversee a Public Relations
Program as well as participate on the Community Outreach Committee.
Community Outreach Committee (COC)
The mission of the Community Outreach & Family/Community Outreach Committee is to officially connect Parkside Middle with all levels of our dedicated school partners, including but not limited to small businesses, corporations, in-school programs, parents, coordinators, and volunteers.
DATA Leadership Team Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Ashleigh Burnette
Members: Teri Caple, Leanne Dronet, Michelle Praul, Michelle Knowlton, Jill Cheng,
Trinette Drake, Susan Farmer, Sarah Lampkin, Ashley Harigan, and Anna Henke
Meets monthly during the school day on Monday’s – See the Master Calendar for exact dates
The mission of the DATA Leadership Team is to work in tandem with the School Improvement
Plan. The DATA Leadership Team Committee are responsible for developing, planning, and facilitating all DATA & Progress Monitoring Meetings with the Parkside Staff to discuss, problemsolve, and implement strategies to improve student achievement across the school.
Invite only (due to scheduling needs and coverage)
Dress for Success Committee (Dress Code)
The primary purpose of the Dress for Success Committee is to review and revise Parkside’s current dress code for students and staff. The committee ideally should consist of students, parents, and faculty members in order to have a well rounded view point of what is best for all members of the school community.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Chairperson: Mrs. Jamie Turnquist
The primary purpose of ELAC is to advise the school principal and school staff regarding the instructional programs and support services for English Language Learners. ELAC is also responsible for advising the School Advisory Council and reviewing the School Improvement Plan.
Fund Raising Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Ashley Harigan
The mission of the Fund Raising Committee is to investigate the short-term and long-range needs of
Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, and plan fund raising initiatives with the purpose of fully or partially funding each initiative in order to provide our students with the best possible educational experience possible.
Grant Writing Committee
The Grant Writing Committee’s primary purpose is to assist any staff member in successfully writing a grant application they may be applying for, while also, in collaboration with Pam Bricks, and
SPARKS, research for Grants that Parkside may be eligible to apply for, and then take the lead in writing and submitting the application.
Hispanic Heritage Month Committee (Sept 15-Oct 15, 2014)
History Day Committee
Hospitality Committee
Chairperson(s): Ms. Cyndy Mattia & Mrs. Erica Maibeth
The mission of the Hospitality Committee is to…
International Night/Panthers Pride Committee (Date TBD)
Leadership Team (to include the School Improvement Plan)
Chairperson: Mrs. Sarah Lampkin
Meets monthly on Tuesday’s from 3-4 p.m. – See the Master Calendar for exact dates
The mission of the Parkside Leadership is to…
Literacy Committee
Mathematics Night Committee (2 Night Proposed)
Chairperson(s): Ms. Leanne Dronet & Mrs. Ann Robertson
Middle School Model UN Committee
The mission of the Middle School Model UN Committee is to provide the students of Parkside
Middle the opportunity…
School Advisory Council
Chairperson: Mrs. Joellen Livingston
Meets monthly on Monday’s from 5:30-6:30 p.m. – See the Master Calendar for exact dates
The School Advisory Council’s primary purpose is to…
School Climate Committee (SCC)
The Climate Committee works towards establishing a positive whole school community by developing systems and strategies that promote the social and academic growth of our students.
Schools To Watch Committee
Science Fair Committee (Date TBD)
Student Recognition Committee
Sunshine Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Patty Good
The mission of the Sunshine Committee is to…
School-Wide Student Service Initiative Committee
Chairperson: Ms. Emily Kubler
The School-Wide Student Service Initiative Committee works to combine the goal of providing our students with service opportunities while also addressing the need to beautify the school.
Special Olympics Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Carol Pierce
Our mission with the Special Olympics Committee is to provide our students with the opportunity to experience…
Technology Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Tara Kidwell
Members: Michelle Knowlton, Ashley Harigan, Amy Rupert, Sandy Colgan, Melodie Heath,
Michelle Praul, Bernadett Pierce, TSPECC, Katrice Howerton, and Susan Farmer
Meets every two weeks on Friday’s from 8-9 a.m. – See the Master Calendar for exact dates
Our mission is to enhance the Parkside’s community’s exposure and access to technology to support academic endeavors through ongoing integration of technology into the curriculum, provision of resources and support, and community partnerships. Technology will be used to foster more effective communication between our school, our parents, and the greater community.
Invite only (due to scheduling needs and coverage)
Wellness Committee
Chairperson: Mrs. Carol Pierce
The mission of the Wellness Committee is to…
Women Heritage Month Committee (March 2015)
Art Club
Battle of the Books
Chess/Checkers Club
Computer Club
Cooking Club
Creative Writing Club
Dance Team
Ecology Club
Evening Book Club
Fitness Club
Girls on Track
Latin Club
Lego Club
Newspaper Club
Running Club
School Musical/Drama Club
Step Team
Do you have other ideas? Want to be the sponsor? Let us know!
An additional copy of this template can be located on the shared OneDrive.
Subject: Click here to enter text.
Unit Title: Click here to enter text.
Unit Duration: Click here to enter text.
SOL Strands Assessed: Click here to enter text.
Grade Level:
Cambridge Standards Assessed: Click here to enter text.
Language Objective(s): Click here to enter text.
Essential Knowledge: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Essential Questions: Click here to enter text.
Formative Assessments: Click here to enter text.
Summative Assessments: Click here to enter text.
Writing Element(s): Click here to enter text.
ESOL Accommodations/Differentiation: Click here to enter text.
SPED Accommodations/Differentiation: Click here to enter text.
Each of the following Baldrige/Cambridge items should be completed by Friday, September 5 th .
*Each grade level department will be responsible for completing one of the items with their students.
*The following scaffolding is offered to support you as you complete these items. Please contact Mrs.
Burnette if you would like additional help/suggestions on strategies to use to involve student in the understanding of these activities, or if you need clarification.
Please discuss the Cambridge Pledge with each of your classes.
What do the words responsive and equiped mean?
Tease out the words Responsible and Respons-able- have the students define responsible/respons-able behaviors This is a great way to have the students set the class policies for the year; i.e. We will be on time(responsible), We will come to class prepared
(responsible), We will respect others learning by refraining from being a disruption to class
(response-able), etc…
Each student will write an individual vision and mission statement.
Vision statement: This uses ADJECTIVES to describe how the student sees themselves as a learner. For example: I am a dependable, hardworking and dedicated student.
Mission statement: This uses VERBS to describe the ACTIONS that students will take in striving to meet the vision and goals that they have set for themselves. For Example: I will complete all assignments, bring all materials to class and actively participate in my own learning every day.
There is a document on the I-drive that you can use to walk you through this process. (Idrive/teacher folder/Cambridge-Baldrige) Please feel free to “tweak” this document to make it more suitable to your class and students.
Students will write their personal Vision and Mission statement on the pockets of their
Student Data Folder.
In order for students to document their personal Vision and Mission statements on all of the student data folders, the creation of their personal Vision and Mission must be completed by
Thursday, September 4 th . Students should have a copy of their personal Vision and
Mission statement to take to each of their classes on Friday in order to set up their student data folders. It is important for our students to have their personal vision and mission before them at all times as they strive to meet the goals that they have set for themselves.
The following groups will work collaboratively to complete the Quality Teacher
Music/Tech Ed/ Drama will work together as an encore department on this activity and share their final results with the Art/PE/FACS teachers.
Spanish will work together and share their final results with the French teachers.
SS teachers will work together within their grade level departments and then share their final results with their grade level colleagues.
Ask students in each of your classes to offer suggestions as to what they think a quality teacher is.
Gather their responses on a piece of chart paper.
You will do this in every class.
Please keep a separate list for each class.
Meet with your grade level department and identify 15 common words from each of the lists.
Show the students the new list of 15 words (compiled from original lists).
Have the students vote for their top 6 words.
Tally up the results with your classes.
Take this information back to your grade level department team and then from these lists find the 6 words that received the most votes.
This is your final list of 6 words that represent a Quality Teacher.
Fill in your Quality Teacher Chart (gingerbread man).
Please share the results with the rest of your grade level so each teacher can complete his/her Quality
Teacher Chart (gingerbread man). Encore teachers please share your results with each other!
Take a few minutes and go over the final chart with the students.
All Quality Teacher posters should be completed and hanging in each classroom by Monday,
September 8 th .
*Please note that even though this activity is spread out over three days, it will NOT take up your entire class period. There will still be ample time to discuss other classroom procedures, etc…on each of these days.
* You will need to coordinate which three days you will be doing this activity with the other teachers in your grade level department.
Please follow the same procedures as listed above in order to determine the traits of a Quality
Student. Quality Student posters should be completed and posted in classrooms by Monday,
September 8 th .
Art/FACS/PE – You will be working as an encore department on this.
French – You will be working together and then be sure to share your information with the Spanish teachers!
Science teachers will work together within their grade level departments and then share their final results with their grade level colleagues.
All teachers should take time to help students understand the expectations of quality work. Students should collaborate on their understanding of quality work and define what quality will look like for each class. For example, placing your name on your paper, utilizing appropriate punctuation and capitalization, showing all work, writing in complete sentences; these are all examples of quality work expectations. You may be surprised at what the students come up with when you ask them
what they perceive to be quality work. Once you and the students have defined what quality work will look like in your class; post the expectations and assist your students in staying accountable to the norms that they have agreed on.
Folders and Data Collection Forms will be provided for each student.
Set up of all Student Data Folders, to include vision and mission statements documented on folder pockets, should be completed on Friday, September 5 th .
The left hand pocket will house the assignment tracker form.
The right hand pocket will house the common assessment data form.
Students will write their personal Vision statement on the left pocket and their personal
Mission statement on the right pocket.
Students will update their data folders weekly.
Individual student data folders will be required at all meetings concerning the students such as intervention meetings, SPED meetings, parent-teacher conferences, etc…
Certain student data folders will be required at Student Progress Monitoring Meetings.
Students will use these data folders and their understanding of their individual data when participating in student led conferences.
As a student in the World Language Specialty Program at Parkside Middle school you have the option of taking Spanish or French. In the 6th and 7th grades you will complete Level I of your chosen course. It is not essential that a student have had any previous language or cultural experiences in order to be successful as a student in this program. Work/study habits, an interest in the language chosen, whether French or Spanish, and previous academic achievement in Language Arts are the most important predictors of success.
Successful program participants continue to French or Spanish II in 8th grade and earn two high school credits in foreign language during their middle school years.
What have we done or decided today to make the lives of Parkside students better?
Common Assessment Results from ____________________
Quiz Test Project Other
SOL Objectives/Strands Covered on this assessment___________________________________
70% - 65%
64% - 50%
Urgent Intervention
Below 50%
What standards/targets were the most difficult for students?
What do you feel is the cause for the difficulty the students had with the above listed standards?
(Root Causes)
What actions/strategies will the PLC take to remediate students falling in the intervention and urgent intervention categories?
Action Person Responsible Due Date
What actions/strategies will the PLC take to remediate/support students falling in the on-watch category?
Action Person Responsible Due Date
What actions/strategies will the PLC take to enrich the students who have mastered the standards?
Action Person Responsible Due Date