Chapter 13A Jacksonian Democracy Partner Outline *Please do not write on this document Partner outline: *(1-15) ONLY PICK 12 of the 15……Pick a partner and discuss (DO NOT SPLIT UP THE OUTLINE). If you split it and copy, I cannot provide credit. Use the information obtained through the construction of your globe project (you should have pictures) and sources throughout the American Pageant textbook. Your work should be placed on 1 sheet of paper and novels are not needed, but complete thoughts and sentences are required…at IB level. Make sure you put your name and your partner’s name on the outline. Spectrum / Ranking assignment: Done individually on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure you put your name on your individual paper End product: 3 sheets of paper….1 for the partner outline (any 12) and 2 separate ones for the individual spectrum assignment. Staple them with the Partner outline on top, followed by your separate ranking assignment. 1. What angle of the “Corrupt Bargain” suggests a “pre-Spoils” twist? 2. Regarding John Quincy Adams’ presidency from 1824-1828, name 3 institutions he supports and (for each) how did the South view his support? a. b. c. 3. Describe what John Quincy Adams did with “voting requirements” that actually provided strength for Jackson to embrace the “commoner” from 1824-1828. 4. Defend Jackson’s Spoils System by providing 2 examples. a. b. 5. What did John C. Calhoun argue in his South Carolina Exposition? How did this cause more sectionalism? 6. How did the Henry Clay affect rising tariffs in antebellum America? 7. What legislation provided strength between the President and Congress concerning tariffs? Describe, detail, what power was given to the president. 8. How did the Worcester V. Georgia case create tension between state and federal government? 9. How did the Worcester V. Georgia case create tension between Jackson and Marshall? 10. Defend Indian Removal 11. Why did Clay introduce the Bank of the United States re-charter 1832 when the original was set to naturally dissolve in 1836? How was this seen as a political strategy of Clay toward Jackson? 12. After Jackson’s final decision in the Bank War with Nicholas Biddle, how did he “bury” the Bank for good? 13. Why did Nicholas Biddle quickly remove his remaining funds from the BOUS as Jackson tried to “bury” the Bank? 14. What 1819 court case did Jackson completely disregard in his killing of the bank? (*Hint: involves the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States.) 15. Why were the Whigs formed as a result of the Bank War? Ranking Assignment: Place the following characters on a spectrum (your decision – no right answers) measuring / considering controversial (causing tension) issues to cooperative (promoting unity) issues. Once you place them, DEFEND your argument with intellectual connection to what was discovered in class. While connecting everything, your grade will apply to your defense and connection to material. Again, IB level. If you aren’t at least close to a page, you may need to rethink what you are doing. Characters: Clay, Jackson, Adams, Calhoun, Biddle Controversial Cooperative