Unit 2 Ethics & Responsibility-Lesson 2.04 Documenting Sources

Ethics &
Unit 2
Lesson 2.04 Documenting Sources
• Documenting sources within research papers, essays, and
other works of writing is not just a polite gesture to give
another author credit for his/her work—it’s the law.
• Failure to correctly document any and all outside sources is
called plagiarism, which is the presentation of another’s
words or ideas as one’s own.
• You know that you must include that documentation when
you quote something word for word, but is it also required
when your wording is “substantially similar” to your source?
• Does that have to be cited as well?
• Learn how and when to document Web sources now — don’t
wait until the night before your Senior English paper is due!
• At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
– Demonstrate various manuscript formatting
styles in documents (ACOS 5)
– Cite sources of digital content using a style
manual (ACOS 13.B3)
Examples: (MLA), (APA)
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
• Why Cite Sources?
– Provides evidence for your arguments
– Adds credibility to your work
– Provides a trail for your reader to follow
– Allow readers to locate & further explore your
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
• Are There Different Citation Styles?
• Modern Language Association
• the most common style
• American Psychological Association
• Used in social sciences, anthropology,
– Ask your instructor which style to use
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
• How Do You Cite Sources?
– In-text parenthetic notes
– Footnotes
– Endnotes
– Bibliography/Works Cited at the end of your
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
• Parenthetical Citation in MLA Style (in parenthesis in
– Placing relevant source information in
parentheses after a quote or a paraphrase.
– The source information required in a
parenthetical citation depends upon the source’s
• medium (e.g. Print, Web, DVD) and
• entry on the Works Cited (bibliography) page.
– Any source information that you provide in-text
must correspond to the source information on
the Works Cited page.
– Whatever signal word or phrase you provide to
your readers in the text, must be the first thing
that appears on the left-hand margin of the
corresponding entry in the Works Cited List.
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
Documenting Sources from the World Wide Web in MLA Style
– Works Cited must contain as many items from this list as are
relevant and available
• Author’s name
• Title
• Name of editor
• Publication information
• Version, volume number, or other identifying number
• Date of electronic posting or latest update
• Name of any institution or organization sponsoring the
• Date you accessed the source
• URL (in angle brackets)
– Example:
Author’s name (last name first). Document title. Date of
Internet publication. Date of access <URL>
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
The Works Cited Page in MLA
– Must have a Works Cited page at the end of your research paper.
– Basic Rules
• Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of
your research paper.
• Use same one-inch margins and last name, page number header
as the rest of your paper.
• Label the page Works Cited
• do not italicize the words Works Cited, no quotation marks, no
• center the words Works Cited at the top of the page.
• Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces between
• Indent the second and subsequent lines of citations five spaces so
that you create a hanging indent.
• List page numbers of sources efficiently
– If you refer to a journal article that appeared on pages 225
through 250, list the page numbers as 225-50.
Lesson: Avoiding Plagiarism
• Purdue OWL was used as a source of information in
this presentation
• Entire Website
• The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2008. Web.
27 Dec. 2008.
• Individual Resources
• Purdue OWL. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The
Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 10 May 2008.
Web. 15 Nov. 2008.
• In this lesson, you learned about parenthetical
citations within the text of a paper and about the
Works Cited page at the end of an MLA report.
• MLA is the style most often used in high school and
college, particularly for English papers.
• Improper documentation of sources — or failure to
do so at all — may not be intentional, but it is a
breach of the Honor Codes at many colleges and
universities and may result in being dismissed from
that school.
• Open the 2.04 Works Cited assignment file, you will
find a list of books, Internet sites, and other sources.
– Prepare a Works Cited page in proper MLA format
– Save to your F Drive in your Unit 2 Folder as:
• 2.04 Works Cited Dropbox.
– properly set up the margins and header
– to format the title
– to create a hanging indent
– sort the reference paragraphs in
alphabetical order by the first character
in each work.
Are you finished?
You should have 13 things saved to your F Drive in your Unit 2 folder.
– 2.01 How Fast Can You Read
– 2.01 Practice
– 2.01 Netiquette Scenarios Worksheet
– 2.01 E-mail
– 2.02 What is Bullying
– 2.02 Webisode 5
– 2.02 OHSA Computer Workstations
– 2.03 Copyright Exposed
– 2.03 Copyright Challenge Test
– 2.03 ASCAP Payment System
– 2.03 Copyright Dropbox
– 2.03 Discussion Copyright
– 2.04 Works Cited Dropbox
And, you should completed and turned in the Real-Life Stories Worksheet.
So, are you finished?