San Bernardino High School Library The OPAC is our online catalog that lists all the materials we have in the library You access it through our computers Type in the URL address box In the search box type the subject you are searching Click the Subject box (The paint palette) A list of available materials will appear On the OPAC, take note of the number listed with the book are seeking This number is the Dewey Decimal Classification System These numbers are where you will find the book Follow the numerical and alphabetical listings until you find your book What is the title of the first book on the list? What is the DDC number? What are the three letters under the number? Why do your teachers and I ask you to use the database when conducting your research? What do you think a database might offer a researcher that Google does not? At your computer, please type in the following website address: It will bring you to this screen: Type in the user name and password: User: sbcsremote Password: remote001 Choose eLibrary Curriculum Edition What is the purpose of these icons below the search box? Type the phrase animal rights into the search box. How many results are there? What type of information are you looking for? How do you need to “sort” the results? Click on the first article, “Undercover Video…” Database formats your citation for your Works Cited page… Why is citing important? Why is it important for it to be properly formatted? tml You MUST cite your sources to avoid plagiarism In-text citations (author and page numbers to show where you found your information) Page numbers are not required with electronic information (from a database, for example) – author and title will suffice Create a Works Cited or References page OWL (