File - Rochelle Schmidt's E-Portfolio

San Bernardino High School Library
 The
OPAC is our online catalog that lists all the
materials we have in the library
 You
access it through our computers
 Type in the URL address box
 In the search box type the subject you are
 Click the Subject box (The paint palette)
 A list of available materials will appear
 On
the OPAC, take note of the number listed
with the book are seeking
 This number is the Dewey Decimal
Classification System
 These numbers are where you will find the
 Follow the numerical and alphabetical
listings until you find your book
 What
is the title of the first book on the list?
 What
is the DDC number?
 What
are the three letters under the
 Why
do your teachers and I ask you to use
the database when conducting your research?
 What do you think a database might offer a
researcher that Google does not?
 At
your computer, please type in the following
website address:
It will bring you to this screen:
Type in the user name and password:
User: sbcsremote
Password: remote001
 Choose
eLibrary Curriculum Edition
 What
is the purpose of these icons below the
search box?
 Type
the phrase animal rights into the
search box.
 How many results are there?
 What
type of information
are you looking for? How do
you need to “sort” the results?
 Click
on the first article, “Undercover
 Database
formats your citation for your
Works Cited page…
 Why is citing important? Why is it important
for it to be properly formatted?
You MUST cite your sources to avoid plagiarism
 In-text citations (author and page numbers to
show where you found your information)
Page numbers are not required with electronic
information (from a database, for example) –
author and title will suffice
Create a Works Cited or
References page