1 Ricardian Model • INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, ECO 486 • JDE notes to supplement the text. David Ricardo April 18, 1772 — September 11, 1823 2 Learning Objectives • Understand five more assumptions • Determine and understand comparative and absolute advantage • Find international trade equilibrium • Explain gains from trade • Derive range of wages that will permit trade 4 Assumptions • #8 -- Factors of production cannot move between countries • #9 -- There are no barriers to trade in goods. 5 Assumptions #10 • #10 -- Exports must pay for imports • Assumptions 8-10 apply to both the Classical and HO Models • Assumptions 11 & 12 apply only to Classical Model 6 Assumptions • #11 -- Labor is the only relevant factor of production in terms of productivity analysis or costs of production. • #12 -- Production exhibits constant returns to scale, CRS, between labor and output. – If both inputs, K & L, are doubled, output doubles – Implies Linear PPF and complete specialization 7 Ricardian Theorem • A country exports that good which has higher comparative factor productivity and imports the commodity which has lower comparative factor productivity than the other country. – Page 48, Ravendra N. Batra, Studies in the Pure Theory of International Trade 8 Differing technologies and resource endowments Labor productivity Country A Country B Soybeans 4 (kg./hr.) 1 (kg./hr.) Textiles 2 (m./hr.) 1.5 (m./hr.) 1000 (hr./yr.) 800 (hr./yr.) Labor endowment 9 Differing Opportunity Costs Opportunity Costs Soybeans (m./kg.) Textiles (kg./m.) Country A Country B Production possibility frontiers: (a) 11 country A; (b) country B. 12 Autarky • Given perfect competition, 1. P = MC 2. Autarky price of S (on x-axis) equals slope of PPF 3. Resource payments correspond to their productivity Pretrade equilibriums: (a) country A; (b) country B. 13 15 Absolute Advantage • Compare one good across countries. • Country with greater output per labor hour has an absolute advantage in that good. 16 Comparative Advantage • Calculate opportunity costs. • Compare one good across countries. • Country with lower opportunity cost has a comparative advantage in that good. 17 Which Advantage? • Absolute advantage is a special case. • Comparative advantage is the general case. 19 Terms of Trade • Once trade begins, an international equilibrium results • Results in one world price for a good 21 International Trade Equilibrium • Complete specialization in Comparative Advantage good • CIC & ToT tangent at consumption point • Congruent trade triangles imply balanced trade Posttrade equilibriums: (a) country A; (b) country B. 22 24 Gains From Trade • More of both goods attainable • GDP increases at pre-trade prices • Higher CIC is attainable The gains from trade (country A). 26 Country A’s trading equilibrium. 27 29 Exchange Rates • State exchange rate, E, in US dollars per UK pound – say $2/£ • A good will be imported if its foreign pretrade price (x E) is less than the domestic price PS < E x PS* 30 Buy Low . . . • Trade requires PS < E x PS* PT > E x PT* autarky prices Home (A) has comparative advantage in S Foreign (B) has comparative advantage in T Perfect Competition Review 31 (Product & Resource Markets) • PX = MC for a good, X • MC = w/MPPL (Labor, L, is only var. input) • w=MRPL =(MR) MPPL=(P) MPPL=VMPL 33 Prices & Wages • PX = MC = w/MPPL • MPPL is measured as units of X per hour, OLX • Productivity may be stated as hours per unit of X, aLX, or units of X per hour worked, OLX. aLX = 1/OLX • PX = w /OLX 35 Trade & Wages (Cont.) W O LS E W * O*LS W O LT * * E W O LT 38 Competitive Advantage • The ability to sell a good at the lowest price. • Usually results from comparative advantage • Alternatively, it may be the result of . . . – Government subsidies for inefficient industries – An undervalued exchange rate 39 Losing Competitive Advantage • If Home’s relative wage ratio (W/W*) exceeds its relative productivity (OLS/OLS*), its S will cost _______ than Foreign’s. • If a country’s currency is overvalued (say $1/£ instead of $2/£), comparative advantage may be lost -- both goods may be cheaper in ___________. Country A’s price-consumption curve. 41 Derivation of country A’s offer curve. 42 International trade equilibrium. 43 44 Cambodian Textiles Update • US offered to expand Cambodia’s export quota by 14% if “working conditions is the Cambodia textile and apparel sector substantially comply with” local and internationally recognized core standards. • Dec ’99 – US officials decide that Cambodia has fallen short, but offered 5% – Cambodia to establish independent monitoring with the International Labor Organization, ILO 45 Cambodian Textiles Update • ILO leery, fearing weakening of local monitoring capability • ILO agrees after US pledges $500,000 in technical assistance to Cambodian labor ministry • US also paying $1 million (of $1.4 mil.) for a 3-year monitoring effort – USTR press release 18 May 2000 46 Cambodian Textiles Update • Sep ’00 – US officials grant Cambodia another 4% increase – 9% increase continued for ’01 • Other news: – Nov ’00 -- ILO rules Burma’s progress on forced labor inadequate. Section 33 action authorized. As of March ’01, no member country has taken action. US & EU considering sanctions – Bush proposed reducing US contributions to the ILO budget. TEXTILES, T (millions of yards per year) Quantity of Soybeans Demanded 10 47 PS/PT = 2.5 yd.T/bu.S H Autarky General Equilibrium |slope PPF| = PS/PT = 2 yd.T/bu.S 8 G 6 L PS/PT = 1 yd.T/bu.S 4 CIC2 CIC1 CIC0 2 PPF 0 1.8 2 4 4.7 6 8 10 SOYBEANS, S (millions of bushels per year) 49 Tony Auth, NY Times editorial cartoon, December 2, 1999