Date of Revision Date of Previous Revision Programme Specification A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University’s Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual. Programme Title Programme Code Final Award Physics with Astrophysics PHY-BSCS, PHY-SAPH BSc Honours (exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes) UCAS Code F3F5 JACS Code Criteria for Admissions A-level or equivalent grade AA (Physics and Mathematics) B or A*A (Physics and Mathematics) C (Please see General Regulations) Mode of Study (Full-time, Part-time, other) Full-time Type of Programme BSc Honours – Physics with Astrophysics Length of Programme Total Credits for Programme 3 Years Awarding Institution/Body Queen's University Belfast Teaching Institution QUB, School of Mathematics and Physics School/Department School of Mathematics and Physics Framework for Higher Education Qualification Level FHEQ Level 6 dguidance QAA Benchmark Group uality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subjectbenchmark-statements.aspx Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Collaborative Organisation and form of Collaboration (if applicable) Accreditations (PSRB) ATAS Clearance The Institute of Physics Date of next scheduled accreditation visit 2018 360 External Examiner Name: External Examiner Institution/Organisation Professor G O’Sullivan University College Dublin Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations Yesâ–ˇ No x (If yes, please state here any exemptions to regulations which have been approved for this programme) (Please see General Regulations) Programme Specific Regulations Examinations Candidates who have completed an Honours BSc Programme to the satisfaction of the examiners shall be placed in one of three honours classes, first, second and third, the second class being in two divisions. When calculating the honours classification the following module weightings are used – Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 10% 30% 60% Candidates who do not achieve marks sufficient to be awarded third class honours may be eligible for an Ordinary BSc degree. Transfers to other Programmes At the end of Stage 2, students maintaining a weighted average of at least 55% may transfer to the MSci Programme in Physics with Astrophysics. Students may transfer to the Programme of Physics, or Physics with Medical Applications (BSc, or if they have achieved a weighted average of at least 55%, MSci), provided they have passed all the compulsory modules on the Programme to which they are transferring up to that time of transfer. Progression Stage 1 Students will normally take six modules (or their equivalent) at Level 1 or above. Students must have passed at least five Stage 1 modules in order to progress to Stage 2. Stage 2 Students will normally take six modules (or their equivalent) at Level 2 or above. Students must have passed at least five Stage 2 modules, and all six Stage 1 modules, in order to progress to Stage 3. Students with protected characteristics . Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations Please indicate Yes/No (Please see General Regulations) Length of Programme Fitness to Practise programmes are those which permit students to enter a profession which is itself subject to Fitness to Practise rules 3 YEARS Educational Aims of Programme: To provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the principal facts and theories of physics, and to give experience of experimental and computational methods in physics. . To provide students with knowledge and understanding of those areas of applied mathematics most fundamental to physics and finance, and the ability to apply this knowledge and to give experience of computational work in this area. To develop a wide range of intellectual, practical and transferable skills, making the students employable in a range of careers both technical and non-technical. Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills On the completion of this course successful students will have Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment developed their ability to: 1. think logically; By their nature, physics and astrophysics have to The assessment of these skills is implicit be presented logically. The lectures provide in all forms of assessment, but is not exemplars of this process, as do the model explicitly measured. The overall degree 2. analyse problems and situations; answers for the assignments. Applications of of success achieved by each student theory are discussed in lectures and in problems reflects the extent to which these skills 3. choose the appropriate physics and mathematics needed for the classes or tutorials, in a manner which brings out have been acquired. The laboratory solution of those problems; the need to call upon a range of mathematics investigations and project work, growing and physics skills in order to solve a problem. in complexity as the student progresses, 4. carry out structured organisation of their work; The use of targeted assignments requires are assessed to explicitly measure the students to organise their work, sometimes acquisition of the ability to handle 5. learn independently, under guidance; collaboratively but mostly independently. experimental equipment, plan measurements in a logical fashion, 6. combine their physical and mathematical understanding to develop analyse the results produced and insights into physical and astrophysical phenomena. communicate them through printed and verbal media. 7. perform and report upon laboratory investigations aimed to solve a range of practical problems. Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills On the completion of this course successful students will have developed: 1. skills of analytic thinking and critical analysis; 2. organisational skills and time management; 3. presentational skills, in both written and oral form, of mathematical, graphical and tabular material; 4. the ability to work independently; 5. the ability to meet deadlines. Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment A Analytic thinking and critical analysis permeate any study of physics. Therefore they also permeate all forms of assessment. Students will only be successful if they plan their own timetables of work, outside formal classes, to maintain a balance between their different modules and between study and other pursuits. Much of their work is done individually, though in the laboratory and project-based work, team working is encouraged and implicitly assessed. Most of the assessment, in examinations, assignments, laboratory reports and project dissertations, is based on students’ written presentation. Feedback on assignment submission is designed partly to enhance the students’ skills in this area. Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding On the completion of this course successful students will have developed knowledge and understanding of: 1. the application of basic mathematical and computational methods to physics problems, including those relating to astrophysics; 2. the use of these basic techniques in astronomy and areas of physics, such as classical mechanics, relativity, optics, electricity and magnetism, quantum and statistical mechanics and medical physics; 3. basic principles of experimental physics, including the handling of experimental equipment, the planning of experiments and their analysis, with the emphasis on investigations of an astrophysical nature; 4. the application of physics to various astrophysical environments, radiation and matter in various forms including crystals, semiconductors, atoms, nuclei; 5. a selection of more specialist optional topics in physics and in particular astrophysics Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific Skills On the completion of this course successful students will have developed 1. a broad range of skills applicable to physics; 2. a high level of numeracy; 3. their ability to construct derivations of key physics laws, particularly those of relevance to astrophysics; 4. an ability to construct computer programs to aid in the solution of physics problems; 5. their ability to formulate physics situations in mathematical terms, and to express mathematical solutions in the context in which problems were originally posed; an awareness of ways in which physics and its applications are of importance in the world of work. 6. Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment Lectures constitute the foundation for the presentation of the knowledge and understanding required of successful students. These are augmented by a range of measures – tutorials, problems classes, practical classes – as appropriate. Model answers to all assignments are made available to students. These assignments typically count towards 10% of the final module mark. Assignments, comprising sets of questions relevant to the material recently covered in lectures, form the major vehicle for a student’s learning of the various areas of physics. Assignments, four per module, are marked typically within one week and returned to the students to provide individual feedback on progress. Assessment is mainly through formal examinations at the end of each module. Additionally practical work is assessed through laboratory reports one per experiment. In the context of project work, knowledge and understanding are assessed through the write-up or dissertation, and poster or verbal presentation of the project work Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment Lectures provide a basis for learning the cornerstone theories and approaches to solving problems, supported by the assignments aimed at developing a breadth and depth of physics ability. Practical skills are acquired through doing a series of laboratory experiments/projects of increasing difficulty across the broad range of the subject. Confidence is thereby engendered, and this is enhanced through discussion in tutorials and problems classes. n in tutorials and problems classes. We link closely with the University Careers Service who provide talks relating to careers options for physicists; we are proud to produce some of the most employable physics graduates in the UK. Assessment is primarily through formal examinations, augmented by assessments set throughout lecture courses (typically four per module), practical assignments and project dissertations. Programme Requirements Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits Availability S1 Duration Pre-requisite S2 Assessment Core Option Coursework % Examination % 30 70 30 70 At Stage 1 PHY1011, PHY1022, PHY1013 and PHY1026 are compulsory and PHY1012 and PHY1024 are highly recommended. Mathematics for Physics 1 PHY1013 I 20 12 Weeks A-level Maths (C) Foundation Physics 1 PHY1011 I 20 12 Weeks Computational Methods PHY1012 I 20 12 Weeks Numbers, Sets and Sequences PMA1012 I 20 12 Weeks A-Level Physics (C) and A-Level Maths (C) A-level Mathematics or equivalent A-level Maths (B) Mathematics for Physics 2 PHY1026 I 20 12 Weeks PHY1013 (corequisite) Foundation Physics 2 PHY1022 I 20 12 Weeks PHY1011 (corequisite) Computational Modelling in Physics PHY1024 I 20 12 Weeks PHY1012 (corequisite) Analysis and Linear Algebra PMA1014 I 20 12 Weeks A-level Maths (B) 100 100 30 70 30 70 100 100 At Stage 2 All modules are compulsory Modern Physics PHY2081 II 20 12 Weeks PHY1011 and PHY1022 Physics of the Solid State PHY2082 II 20 12 Weeks PHY1011 and PHY1022 Astronomy PHY2083 II 20 12 Weeks PHY1011 and PHY1022 Optics, Electricity and Magnetism PHY2084 II 20 12 Weeks PHY1011 and PHY1022 Atoms, Nuclei and Radiation PHY2085 II 20 12 Weeks PHY1011 and PHY1022 Physics Projects PHY2030 II 20 24 Weeks PHY1011 and PHY1022 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 100 Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Availability S1 Duration Pre-requisite S2 Assessment Core Option Coursework % Examination % 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 At Stage 3 PHY3030 and PHY3023 are compulsory Quantum Mechanics and Relativity PHY3011 III 20 12 Weeks PHY2081 Solid State Physics PHY3012 III 20 12 Weeks PHY2082 Atomic and Molecular Physics PHY3013 III 20 12 Weeks PHY2085 Physics in Medicine PHY3016 III 20 12 Weeks None Nuclear and Fundamental Particle Physics PHY3021 III 20 12 Weeks PHY2081 Electromagnetic Radiation and Modern Optics PHY3022 III 20 12 Weeks PHY2084 Astrophysics PHY3023 III 20 12 Weeks None Photonics PHY3031 III 20 12 Weeks PHY2084 Physics Projects PHY3030 III 20 24 Weeks None 100 Approved by Director of Education: Print Name: …………………………………………………….. Signature: ………………………………………… Date: ……………………………..