Nicolette Green
May 1, 2009
1st period
SSWH # 1
The student will analyze the origins,
structures, and interactions of complex
societies in the ancient Eastern
Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500
a.) Describe the development of Mesopotamian societies.
A desert climate that dominates the landscape between the Persian Gulf and the
Mediterranean Sea in Southwest Asia. A plain that became known as Mesopotamia.
B.) Explain the development of monotheism.
Monotheism is the belief in a single god, comes from the Greek words mono,
meaning “one” and ism meaning “ god-worship”. The Hebrews proclaimed Yahweh as
the one and only God.
C.) Discuss the early trading networks and writing systems.
Trading in ancient times also connected the Mediterranean sea with other centers of
world commerce, such as, south and East Asia. Several land routes crossed central
Asia and Connected India.
D.) Define and discuss the importance of cuneiform
Cuneiform is a system of writing with wedged shaped symbols, invented by the
Sumerians around 3000 BC. Hieroglyphics is an ancient Egyptian writing system was
phonetic-that is, one sign was used for one sound.
SSWH # 2
The student will identify the major
achievements of Chinese and Indian
societies from 110 BCE to 500 CE.
A.) Discuss the rise and fall of the Maurya Empire. Discuss the Golden Age
Chaundragupta gathered an army, killed the unpopular Nanda King, and in 321
BC claimed the throne. This began the Mauryan Empire. In 301 BC, Chaundragupta’s
son assumed the throne. He ruled for 32 years. Then Asoka, Chaundragupta’s
grandson, brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatest heights. Later Chandra Gupta
II, no relation to Chaundragupta Maurya. After he died, new invaders threatened
northern India. The empire ended about 535 AD.
B.) Explain the development and the impact of the Hinduism and Buddhism on India
and subsequent diffusion of Buddhism.
Hinduism is a complex polytheistic religion that blended Aryan beliefs with the
many gods and cults. Buddhism teaches that desire causes suffering and that human
should overcome desire by following the eightfold path.
Buddhism has influenced Indian art. Artist carved huge statues of the Buddha for
people to worship. Hinduism had 3 gods; brahma ,vishu, and shiva.
C.) Describe the development of Chinese civilization under the Zhou and Qin.
Around 1027 BC people called the Zhou overthrew the Shang dynasty. The
Zhou had adopted much of the Shang culture. The Zhou ruled from around 1027 to
2256 BC. The Zhou empire was a generally peaceful and stable.
SSWH # 2
.In the third century BC, the Qin dynasty
replaced the Zhou dynasty. By 202 BC, the
Qin dynasty gave way to the Han Dynasty.
D.) Discuss Confucianism. What impact did
it have? Discuss the Mandate of Heaven.
Confucianism is a way of life based on
the teachings of a Chinese scholar
Confucius. Confucianism has greatly
influenced peoples spiritual belief as well
The Mandate of Heaven is the belief
that the permission to rule was given from
God. A wicked or foolish king could lose the
Mandate of Heaven and lose the right to
rule. The Mandate of Heaven became
central to Chinese view of government
SSWH # 3
The student will examine the political,
philosophical, and cultural interaction of
classical Mediterranean societies from 700
BCE to 400 CE.
A.) Compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman
The Roman Republic: around 600 B.C., and Etruscan became the king of Rome. A republic is
a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their
The Greek Polis: by 750 B.C., the city-state, or polis was the fundamental political unit in ancient
Greece. A polis was made up of a city and its surrounding countryside.
B.) Identify the ideas and impact of important individuals to include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the
diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle’s pupil Alexander the Great.
Socrates was one critic of the Sophists, he believed that absolute standards did exist for truth
and justice. Plato was a student of Socrates and was in his late 20’s when his teacher died. Plato
was most famous for “The Republic”. Aristotle was the philosopher that came close to
summarizing all the knowledge up to his time. One of Aristotle’s greatest pupil was Alexander The
Great, the song of King Philip II o Macedonia. Julius Caesar took control in 60 B.C, and joined
forces with Crassius and Pompey. On January 10, 49 B.C., Ceaser’s army defeated Pompey.
C.) Analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture .
As a result of Alexander’s policies, a vibrant new culture emerged. Greek culture blended
with Egyptian. This blending became known as the Hellenistic culture. In their work, Eratosthenes
and Antiochus used a geometry text complied by Euclid. Euclid was a highly regarded
mathematician who taught in Alexandria.
D.) Describe polytheism in the Greek and
Greek Roman world and the origins and
diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world.
Polytheism was the belief in many
gods, it was very popular in Greek and
Roman world. Strengthened by their
conviction that he had triumphed over death,
the followers of Jesus continued to spread
his ideas.
Christianity spread slowly but steadily
throughout the Roman Empire.
E.) Analyze the factors that led to the
collapse of the western Roman Empire
The decline of the western roman
empire took place over many years. Its final
collapse was the result of worsening internal
problems, the separation of the western
Empire from the wealthier eastern part and
outside invasions. The last emperor, a 14year old boy named Romulus Augustulus,
was ousted by German forces in 476. Even
though Rome’s political power in the west
ended, its cultural influence did not.
The student will analyze the importance of
the Byzantine and Mongol empires
between 450 CE and 1500 CE.
A.) Explain the relationship of the Byzantine Empire to the Roman Empire.
The Byzantine Empire took over the western Roman Empire when it fell in the
fifth century, after being overrun by invading Germanic tribes. It had been divided into
western and eastern empires, and its capital had moved east from Rome to the
Greek city of Byzantium. The city would become known as Constantinople after the
emperor Constantine, who mad it the capital in A.D. 350.
B.) Describe the significance of Justinian’s law code, Theodora and the role of
women, and the Byzantine art and architecture.
Having unified the two empires, Justinian setup a panel of legal experts to
regulate Byzantium's increasingly complex society. The panel created a single,
uniform code known as the Justinian code. The Justinian code decided legal
questions that regulated whole areas of Byzantine life. Marriage, slavery, property,
inheritance, women’s rights and criminal justice were just some of those areas.
C.) Analyze the establishment of Christianity as the official religion of the Byzantine
Eastern Christianity built its heritage on the works of early Church fathers. On
was Saint Basil , who, around 357, wrote rules for the life of the monks and Christians
should behave. Because of political conflicts and differences in belief, the western
and eastern parts of the Christian church split apart in 1054.
D.) Analyze the role of Constantinople as a
trading and religious center.
The main street running through
Constantinople was the Middle Way.
Merchant stalls lined the main street.
Products from the most distant corners of
Asia, Africa, and Europe passed through
E.) Explain the influence of the Byzantine
Empire on Russia, with Particular attention
to its impact on Tsar Ivan III and Kiev.
Roman leaders had divided the
empire in 395, largely due to difficulties in
communications between the eastern and
the troubled western parts of the empire.
From Kiev, the Vikings could sail by river
and sea to Constantinople. There they could
trade for products from distant lands. The
Russian state would become a genuine
empire during the long 43-year reign of Ivan
III. In 1480, Ivan made a final break with the
The student will trace the origins and
expansion of Islamic World between 600
CE and 1300 CE.
A.) Explain the origins of Islam and the growth of the Islamic Empire.
The cultures of the Arabian Peninsula were in constant contact with one
another for centuries , southwest Asia was abridge between Africa, Asia, and Europe,
where goods were traded and new ideas were shared. In the city Ka’aba, the Arabs
associated this house of worship with Abraham, a Hebrew prophet and a believer in
on God.
B.) Identify the Muslim trade routes to India, China, Europe, and Africa and assess
the economic impact of this trade.
At this time, two major sea-trading networks existed- the Mediterranean sea
and the Indian ocean. Through these networks, the Muslim Empire could engage in
the sea trade with the rest of the world. The land network connected the silk roads of
China and India with Europe and Africa.
C.) Explain the reasons for split between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims.
The Sufi, rejected the luxurious life of poverty and devotion to a spiritual path.
Vigorous religious and political opposition to the Umayyad Caliphate led to its
downfall. Rebels groups overthrew the Umayyad in the year 750. The most powerful
of those groups, the Abbasids, took control of the empire.
D.) identify the contributions of Islamic scholars in medicine and geography.
Ibn Battuta, 1325 he traveled to Mecca for a pilgrimage and while there he decided to devote
his life to travel. Among other places, he visited Africa, Russia, India, and China. Ibn Sina was
born in 980 C.E, in the village of Afshana near Bukan which today, is located in the far south of
Russia. His father , Abdullah, an adherent of the Islamic Sect, was from Balkh.
E.) Describe the impact of the crusades in both the Islamic world and Europe.
The crusades were a series of religion driven military campaigns waged by much of the
Christian Europe against external and internal opponents. Crusades were fought mainly against
Muslims, though campaigns were also directed against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russians, and Greek
F.) Analyze the impact of the expansion of the Mongol empire.
The Mongol Empire was the largest continuous empire and the second overall after the
British empire. It emerged from the unification of Mongol and Turkic tribes in modern day
Mongolia, and grew through invasions.
G.) Analyze the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Judaism is a set of beliefs and practices originating from the saga of the ancient Israelites,
as embodied and codified in the Hebrew Bible. Christianity centered on the life and teachings.
Islam is a monotheistic, Abrahimic religion originating with the teachings of the Islamic prophet,
The student will describe the diverse
characteristics of early African societies
before 1800.
A.) Identify the Bantu migration patterns and contribution to settled agriculture.
Bantu speakers were not one people, but rather a group of peoples who
shared certain cultural characteristics. When they moved, the Bantu speakers
shared their skills with the people they met, adapted their methods to suit each new
environments and learned new customs.
B.) Describe the development and decline of the Sudanic kingdoms.
The trade routes crossed the savanna through the region farmed by the
Soninke people. The Soninke people called their ruler Ghana, or war chief. Muslim
traders began to use the word to refer to the Soninke region. By the 700’s Ghana was
a kingdom, and its rulers were growing rich by taking the goods that traders carried
through their territory.
C.) Describe the trading networks by examining trans –Sahara trade in gold, salt and
Villages along the east coast began to develop into important trade cities. By
1100, waves of Bantu-speaking people had migrated across central Africa to the east
coast. There, they established family and fishing villages. Slowly, the existing coastal
villages grew into bustling seaports, build on trade between East African merchants
and traders from Arabia, Persia, and India.
D.) Analyze the process of religious syncretism as a blending of traditional African
beliefs with new ideas from Islam and Christianity.
The societies south of the Sahara like all human cultures shared common
elements. One of these elements was the importance of the basic social unit, the
family. Besides parents and children, this primary group often included grandparents,
aunts, uncles, and cousins, in an extended family. Families that shared common
ancestors sometimes formed groups known as clans. African peoples organized
themselves into family groups.
The student will analyze European
medieval society with regard to culture,
politics, society, and economics.
A.) Explain the manorial system and feudalism: include the status of peasants and
feudal monarchies and the importance of Charlemagne.
The manor system rested on a set of rights and obligations between a lord
and his serfs. The lord provided the serfs with housing, farmland and protection from
bandits. A manor usually only covered a square miles of land. Charlemagne ruled the
Frankish Kingdom.
B.) Describe the political impact of Christianity.
Weddings could take place only wit the lord’s consent. After all these
payments to the lord, peasant families owed the village priest a tithe, or church tax. A
tithe represented one tenth of the income. Serfs lived in crowded cottages, close to
their neighbors. In 590, Gregory I, also Gregory the great became Pope.
C.) Explain the role of the church in medieval society.
The church played a major part in the medieval society. It was the site of both
religious services and public meetings. Power was based on status. Church structure
consisted of different ranks of clergy, or religious officials.
D.) Describe how increasing trade led to the growth of towns and cities.
As Roman centers of trade and government collapsed, nobles retreated to
the rural areas. Roman cities were left without strong leadership. Other city dwellers
also fled to the countryside, where they grew their own food. The breakdown of trade
destroyed Europe’s cities as economic centers.
The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the development of
societies in Central and South America.
A.) Explain the rise and fall of the Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and the Inca empires.
The homeland of the Maya stretched from southern Mexico into northern
central America. The remarkable history of the Mayan suddenly abandoned many of
their cities. The Aztecs arrived in the valley of Mexico around A.D. 1200. The Inca
built their empire on cultural foundations thousands of years old.
B.) Compare the culture of the Americas.
In some ways the early North American culture were less developed than
those of South America and Mesopotamia. The North American groups created no
great empires. They left few ruins as spectacular as those of ancient Mexico or Peru
The student will analyze change and
continuity in the Renaissance and
A.) Explain the social, economic, and political changes that contributed to rise of
Florence and the ideas of Machiavelli.
States like Florence and Milan were relatively small, a high percentage of
citizens could be intensely involved in political life. Merchants dominated politics. The
Price, by Niccolo Machiavelli also examines the imperfect conduct of human beings.
B.) Identify artistic achievements of Leonardo de Vinci and Michelangelo.
Leonardo de Vinci was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist. A true “
Renaissance Man” he was interested in how things worked. He was the author of the
famous painting Mona Lisa. Like Leonardo, Michelangelo was a renaissance man. H
excelled as a painter, sculptor, architect, and poet.
C.) Explain the main characteristics of humanism.
Some followed the true example of Dante. He wrote in the vernacular, his,
native language instead of Latin. Petrarch was one of the earliest and most influential
humanists. Some have called him the father of humanism. Humanism is a intellectual
movement that focused on human potential and achievements.
D.) Analyze the impact of the Protestant Reformation.
Martin Luther’s parents wanted him to be a Lawyer. Instead, he became a monk and a
teacher. All he wanted was to be a good Christian, not to lead a religious revolution. In 1517,
Luther decided to a Public stand against the actions of a friar named Johann Tetzel.
Protestantism is a branch of Christianity It developed of out of the Reformation, the 16-century
protest in Europe against beliefs and practices of the Catholic church
E.) Describe the Counter reformation at the Council of Trent and the role of the Jesuits.
While protestant Churches won many followers, millions remained true to Catholicism .
This movement is now know as the Catholic reformation. In 1540, the pope created a religious
order for his followers called the society of Jesus. Members were called Jesuits. The Jesuits
focused on three activities.
F.) Describe the English reformation and the role of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.
When Henry VIII became King of England in 1509, he was a debut Catholic. He needed a
male heir. Henry’s father had become king long after a civil war. Henry feared that a similar war
could start, if he died without a son as his heir. He and his wife Catherine of Aragon had one living
daughter Mary- but no woman could successfully rule the English throne.
SSWH # 10
The student will analyze the impact of the
age of discovery and expansion into the
Americas, Africa, and Asia.
# 10
A.) Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors: include Zheng He, Vasco da
Gama, Christopher, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
Zheng He was a Chinese Muslim admiral who led all of the 7 voyages. Vasco
de Gama, a Portuguese explorer began exploring the coast of Africa. Christopher
Columbus, convinced Spain to finance a bold plan. Ferdinand Magellan led the
boldest exploration yet.
B.) Define the Colombian Exchange and its global economic and cultural impact.
The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of
the Americas is known as the Colombian exchange. These foods helped people live
longer. This played a significant role in boosting the world’s population.
C.) Explain the role of improved technology in European exploration.
The desire for new sources of wealth was the main reason for European
exploration. Though overseas exploration merchants and traders hoped ultimately to
benefit from what had become a profitable business.
SSWH# 11
Students will investigate political and
social changes in Japan and in China from
the seventeenth century CE to midnineteenth century CE.
# 11
A.) Describe the policies of the Tokugawa and Qing rulers: include Oda Nobunaga
and Kangxi. ‘
In 1644, the Manchus, the people of that region invaded China and the
Ming Dynasty collapsed. The first Kangxi, became the emperor in 1661 and ruled for
some 60 years. One of the brutal and ambitious leaders, Oda Nobunaga, defeated
his rivals and seized the imperial capital Kyoto in 1566.
B.) Analyze the impact of population growth and its impact on the social structure.
Suleyman had broad interest which contributed to the cultural achievements
of the empire. He found time to study poetry, history, geography, astronomy,
mathematics, and architecture.
SSWH #12
The student will examine the origins and
contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and
Mughal empires.
# 12
A.) Describe the geographical extent of the Ottoman Empire during the rule of
Suleyman the Magnificent, the Safavid Empire during the reigns of Babur and Akbar.
The most successful ghazi was Osman. People in the West called him
Othman and named his followers Ottomans. Suleyman came to throne in 1520 and
ruled for 46 years. His own people called him Suleyman the Lawgiver. He was known
in the west as Suleyman the Magnificent. Despite his social and cultural
achievements , the ottoman Empire was losing ground.
B.) Explain the ways in which these Muslim empires influenced religion, law, and the
arts in their parts of the world.
Cultural change is most often prompted by one or more of the following
activities: migration, pursuit of religious freedom, conversion, and trade. These
changes often reflected unique aspects of several cultures for example, religious and
ethnic systems.
SSWH # 13
The student will examine the intellectual,
political, social, and economic factors that
changed the world view.
# 13
A.) Explain the scientific contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton and
how these ideas changed the European world view.
Copernicus was the first astronomer to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric
cosmology, which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe. Galileo was an
Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major
role in the Scientific revolution. Kepler was a German mathematician, astronomer and
astrologer, and key figure in the 17th century revolution.
B.) Identify the major ideas of the Enlightenment from the writings of Locke, Voltaire,
and Rousseau and their relationship to politics and society.
The philosopher John Locke, held a different more positive view of human nature.
Using the pen name, Voltaire, he published more than 70 books of political essays,
philosophy, and drama. A third great philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau was
passionately committed to individual freedom.
SSWH # 14
The student will analyze the Age of
revolutions and Rebellions.
# 14
A.) Examine absolutism through a comparison of the rules of Louis XIV, Tsar Peter
The Great, and Tokugwaga Leyasu.
Louis the XIV became king in 1643, after his father, Louis XIII died. He
reportedly boasted” I am the State”. Peter the Great , in 1696 became solo ruler of
Russia. He was one of the Russia’s greatest reformers. Tokugawa Leyasu completed
the unification of Japan.
B.) Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England, United States,
France, Haiti, and Latin America.
The early French explorers sailed west with dreams of reaching the East
Indies. Ten years later, the Frenchmen Jacques Cartier reached a gulf off the eastern
coast of Canada. He named it St. Lawrence. The explorations of the Spanish and
French inspired the English. In 1606, a company of London investors received from
King James a charter to found a colony in North America.
C.) Explain Napoleon's rise to power, and his defeat.
He was born in 1769 on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. When he was 9
years old, his parents sent him to a military school. In 1785, at the age 16, he finished
school and became a lieutenant in the artillery. When the Revolution broke out,
Napoleon joined the army of the new government.
# 14
D.) Examine the interaction of China and Japan with westerners.
The Japanese first turned their sights to their neighbor, Korea. In 1876, Japan
forced Korea to open three ports to Japanese trade. But China also considered Korea
to be important both as a trading partner and a military outpost. Recognizing their
similar interests in Korea , Japan, and China signed a hands-off agreement.
SSWH # 15
The student will be able to describe the
impact of industrialization, the rise of
nationalism, and the major characteristics
of worldwide imperialism.
# 15
A.) Analyze the process and impact of industrialization in England, Germany, and
The economic developments that gave Japan courage to take on the United
States in World War II began as early as 1858. From there, Japan had established an
infrastructure that would take them on a quest of world domination. The Meiji regime
gave rise to the fact that Japan was serious, and nobody was going to stop them.
But, eventually this dream of world domination would come to an end, as they were
finally tested in the battle of World War II.
B.) Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto
von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.
The Japanese were angry that the shogun had given in to the
foreigners’ demands. They turned to Japans’ young emperor. Mutshuhito, who
seemed to symbolize the county’s sense of pride,
C.) Describe the reaction to foreign domination.
When colonial rule ended in Latin America in the early 1800s, new nations
were no longer restricted to trading with colonial powers.
# 15
D.) Describe imperialism in Africa and Asia by comparing British policies in South
Africa, French Policies in Indochina, and Japanese policies in Asia.
Imperialism is found in the ancient histories of the Assyrian Empire, Chinese
Empire, Roman Empire, Greece, the Persian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire (see
Ottoman wars in Europe), ancient Egypt, India, the Aztec empire, and a basic
component to the conquests of Genghis Khan and other warlords. Although
imperialist practices have existed for thousands of years, the term "Age of
Imperialism" generally refers to the activities of nations such as Britain, Japan, and
Germany in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, e.g. the "Scramble for
Africa" and the "Open Door Policy" in China.
SSWH #16
The student will demonstrate an
understanding of long-term causes of
World War I and its global impact.
# 16
A.) Identify the causes of the war.
War arises because of the changing relations of numerous variables-technological, psychic, social, and intellectual. There is no single cause of war. Peace
is an equilibrium among many forces. Change in any particular force, trend,
movement, or policy may at one time make for war, but under other conditions a
similar change may make for peace. A state may at one time promote peace by
armament, at another time by disarmament, at one time by insistence on its rights, at
another time by a spirit conciliation.
B.) Describe conditions on the war front for soldiers.
The war front for soldiers is really painful .They have to stand their not knowing if they will get
shot or not. Fearing getting bombed. The nurses have to be available at all times.
C.) Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles.
By 1918 Germany was being defeated in most areas of the war. German people
were hungry, war weary and demanded peace. The German government eventually
asked for an armistice, and at the eleventh day of the eleventh month, 1918, ceasefire began.
The problem of peace remained. Many people hoped that a peace settlement would
prevent war from happening again, President Woodrow Wilson thought that he had
the answer to all Europe’s problems. He stated his views in ‘Fourteen Points’
# 16
D.) Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires.
On November 5, 1937, Hitler announced to his advisers his plans to absorb
Austria and Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich or German Empire. The Treaty of
Versailles prohibited Anschluss, or a union between Austria and Germany. However,
many Austrians supported unity with Germany. In March 1938, Hitler sent his army
into Austria and annexed it. France and Britain ignored their pledge to protect
Austrian independence.
SSWH #17
The student will be able to identify the
major political and economic factors that
shaped world societies between World
War I and World War II.
# 17
A.) Examine the impact of the war on science, art , and social thinking by identifying
the cultural significance of Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Picasso.
No scientific idea of modern times aroused more controversy than the work
English naturalist Charles Darwin. In earlier periods, art, music, and theater were
enjoyed by the wealthy. This group had the money, leisure time, and education to
appreciate high culture. It was not until about 1900 that people could speak of mass
culture, the appeal of art, writing, music, and other forms of entertainment to a larger
B.) Determine the causes and results of the Russian Revolution from the rise of the
Bolsheviks under Lenin to Stalin's first five year Plan.
Lenin and the Bolsheviks soon gained control of the Petrograd soviet, as well
as the soviets in other major Russian cities. By the fall of 1917, people in the cities
were rallying to the call, “ All power to the soviets.” Lenin’s slogan-” Peace, Land, and
Bread”-gained widespread appeal. Lenin decided to take action.
C.) Describe the rise of fascism in Europe and Asia by comparing the policies of
Benito Mussolini in Italy, Adolf Hitler in Germany, and Hirohito in Japan.
To growing numbers of Italians, their democratic government seemed helpless
to deal with the country’s problems. They wanted a leader who would take action. A
newspaper editor and politician named Benito Mussolini boldly promised to rescue
Italy by reviving its economy and rebuilding its armed forces.
# 17
D.) Analyze the rise of nationalism as seen in the ideas of Sun Yat Sen, Mustafa
Kemal Attaturk, and Mohandas Ghandi.
At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was forced to give up all its
territories except Turkey. Turkish lands included the old Turkish homeland of Anatolia
and a small strip of land around Istanbul. In 1919, Greek soldiers invaded Turkey and
threatened to conquer it. The Turkish sultan was powerless to stop the Greeks.
However, in 1922, a brilliant commander , Mustafa Kemal, successfully led Turkish
nationalists in fighting back the Greeks and their British backers.
E.) Describe the nature of tolitarianism.
The term totalitarianism describes a government that takes total, centralized,
state control over every aspect of public and private life. Totalitarian leaders appear to
provide a sense of security and to give a direction for the future. In the 20th century,
the widespread use of mass communication made it possible to reach into all aspects
of citizens’ lives.
F.) Explain the aggression and conflict leading to World war II in Europe and Asia.
Instead of taking a stand against Fascist aggression in the late 1930s Britain
and France repeatedly made concessions, hoping to keep peace. Both nations were
dealing with serious economic problems as a result of the Great Depression. In
addition, the horrors of World War I had created a deep desire to avoid war.
SSWH # 18
The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the global political,
economic, and social impact of World War
# 18
A.) Describe the major conflicts and outcomes.
After signing this nonaggression pact, Hitler quickly moved ahead with plans to
conquer Poland. His surprise attack took place at dawn on September 1, 1939. On
September 17, Stalin sent Soviet troops to occupy the eastern half of Poland. Stalin
then moved to annex countries to the north of Poland.
B.) Identify Nazi ideology, policies, and consequences that led to the Holocaust.
Early in November 1938, 17-year-old Herschel Grynszpan, a Jewish youth
from Germany, was visiting his Uncle in Paris. While there, he received a postcard. It
said that after living in Germany for 27 years, his father had been deported to Poland
. On November 7, wishing to avenge his father’s deportation, he shot a German
diplomat living in Paris. When Nazi leaders heard the news, they launched a violent
attack on the Jewish community. On November 9, Nazi storm troopers attacked
Jewish homes, killing over 100 Jews.
C.) Explain the military and diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Great
Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States.
Churchill wanted Britain and the United States to strike first at North Africa
and southern Europe. The strategy angered Stalin. He wanted the Allies to open the
second front in France.. The Soviet Union, therefore, had to hold out on its own
against the Germans. All Britain and the United States could offer in the way of help
was supplies.
# 18
D.) Explain allied Post-World War II policies.
Wherever Allied forces fought, people on the home fronts rallied to support
them. In war-torn countries like the Soviet Union and Great Britain, civilians endured
extreme hardships. Many lost their lives. Except for a few of its territories, such as
Hawaii, the United States did not suffer invasion or bombing.
SSWH # 19
The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the global, social,
economic, and political impact of the Cold
War and decolonization from 1945 to
# 19
A.) Analyze the revolutionary movements in India, China, and Ghana.
This war was not yet over in February 1945. But the leaders of the United
states, Britain, and the Soviet Union met at the Soviet Black Sea resort of Yalta.
There, they agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation controlled by the
Allied military forces. Germany also would have to pay the Soviet Union to
compensate for its loss of life and property. Stalin agreed to join the war against
B.) Describe the formation of the state of Israel.
The land called Palestine now consists of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza
Strip. To Jews, their claim to the land dates back 3,000 years, when Jewish kings
ruled the region from Jerusalem. To Palestine's, the land has belonged to them since
the Jews were driven out around A.D. 135. To Arabs, the land has belonged to them
since their conquest of the area in the 7th century.
C.) Explain the arms race; include development of the hydrogen bomb and SALT.
Three months after visiting Beijing in February 1972, Nixon visited the soviet
Union. After a series of meetings called the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT),
Nixon and Brezhnev signed the SALT I Treaty. This five-year agreement, limited to
1972 levels the number of intercontinental missiles each county could have.
D.) Compare and contrast the reforms of Khrushchev and Gorbachev.
After Stalin died in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev became the dominant Soviet
leader. In 1956, the shrew, tough Khrushchev denounced Stalin for jailing and killing
loyal Soviet Citizens. His speech signaled the start of a policy called desalinization, or
purging the country of Stalin’s memory. Workers destroyed monuments of the former
E.) Analyze efforts in the pursuit of freedom.
In 1989, students sparked a popular uprising that stunned China’s leaders.
Beginning in April of that year, more than 100,000 students occupied Tiananmen
Square, a huge public space in the heart of Beijing. The students mounted a protest
for democracy.
SSWH #20
The student will examine change and
continuity in the world since the 1960s.
# 20
A.) Identify ethnic conflicts and new nationalisms” include pan-Africanism and pan
The African push for independence actually began in the decades before
World War II. French-speaking Africans and West Indians began to express their
growing sense of black consciousness and pride in traditional Africa. They formed the
Negritude movement, a movement to celebrate African culture, heritage, and values.
B.) Describe the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 that produced independent
countries; include Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States.
The Soviet Union collapsed, and the republics that it had conquered
emerged as 15 independent nations. Among them were those that had made up the
Soviet empires southern boarders.
C.) Analyze terrorism as a form of warfare in the 20th century.
Terrorism is not new. Throughout history, individuals, small groups, and
governments have used terror tactics to try to achieve political or social goals,
whether to bring down a government, eliminate options, or promote a cause.
# 20
D.) Examine the rise of women as major world leaders; include Golda Meir, Indira
Gandhi, and Margaret Thatcher.
Golda Meir launched a counterattack and regained most of the lost territory.
Both sided agreed to a truce after several weeks of fighting, and the Yom Kipper war
came to an end.
SSWH # 21
The student will analyze globalization in
the contemporary world.
# 21
A.) Describe the cultural and intellectual integration of countries into the world
economy through the development of television, satellites, and computers.
In both Asia and the western world, and explosion in scientific knowledge
prompted great progress that quickly led to new industries. A prime example was
plastics. Technological advances in manufacturing reduced the need for factory
B.) analyze global economic and political connections; include multinational
corporations, the United Nations, OPEC, and the World Trade operation.
For example in the 1970’s , the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
declared an oil embargo- a restriction of trade. This contributed to a significant
economic decline in many developed nations in that decade