Internet-Based lesson plan

Jessica Brown
Internet Based Lesson Plan
Lesson Objective: Students will learn basic key information about the Spanish Civil War.
Standards Objectives:
- Communities: Students will discuss how these events affected Spain and how they think they
would have handled it.
- Comparisons: Students will compare this war to wars or conflicts that are going on today e.g.
Iraq, Israel, Ireland
- Communications: Students will need to use simple past and imperfect to complete tasks.
Students will learn some new vocabulary related to the war.
- Connections: Students will see how the subject of Spanish is related to the subject of History.
Vocabulary: la Guerra (the war), pelear (to fight), el líder (the leader), obra de arte (work of art), el/la
sucesor(a) (the successor), restaurar (to restore), afectar (to affect), pensar (to think), creer (to believe),
heridas (wounds), el odio (the hatred), la esperanza (the hope), los sentimientos (the feelings), los
hechos (the facts)
Cultural Topics: The war’s influence on culture e.g. paintings and the current socialist government.
Resources: Internet search engines, websites
Pre-Activity (15 mins)
- Review how to form the simple past and the imperfect.
o Have paper with infinitive on it
o Call on random people to change it into either simple past or imperfect
- Put new vocabulary (listed above) on overhead.
- Tell students to write down vocab because they will need it for the activity and it will be on their
unit test.
- Have students discuss in groups of four about current wars. Answer questions (written on
board) using a mix of Spanish and English (if you use the new vocab say it in Spanish):
o Como te afectan las guerras?
o Que piensa son las causas de estas guerras? Sabes unos hechos de las historias?
Internet Activity (40 mins)
- Go to computer lab
- Hand out worksheet
- Give directions
The first part is mostly fill-in-the-blank, with one true or false. All of the answers can be
found on the internet.
o The second part is more open-ended and involves short answers. I expect you to put
some thought into it.
 The first task asks you to identify two ways in which the war is still affecting
Spain. Remember this goes back to our unit question: What are the lasting
affects of internal division?
 The second task asks you to identify two more things that you learned about the
Spanish Civil War through your internet sesearch.
o I will collect these and give you a homework grade for them.
Let students work
Walk around answering questions.
Collect worksheets
(10 mins to be done at the end of class or the beginning of class the next day depending on time)
- Class discussion in Spanish
o Que aprendieron?
o Que piensan sobre la Guerra?
o En que maneras afectaron la Guerra a Espana?
- Class discussion in English
o What did you learn?
o What do you think about the war?
o In what ways did the Spanish Civil War affect Spain?
1.) La Guerra Civil Española comenzó el ___de ______ de _______ y terminó el ___de _____
2.) La Guerra tenía dos grupos distintos quien estaban peleando durante la Guerra. Ellos eran los
__________ y los ___________.
3.) El líder de los nacionalistas era ___________.
4.) Una obra de arte muy famosa por Pablo Picasso sobre la Guerra se llama ________.
5.) Franco designó __________ , el príncipe, como su sucesor.
6.) Juan Carlos restauró __________ despues de Franco murió.
7.) Francisco Franco murió el ____ de ________ de ______.
8.) (C o F) España entró en La Segunda Guerra Mundial (que comenzó el 1 de septiembre de 1939).
Escriba en español o inglés dos maneras en que La Guerra Civil Española todavía está afectando a la
gente de España. Usa oraciones completas.
Escriba en español dos cosas más que aprendiste sobre La Guerra Civil Española. Usa oraciones