The Development of Sociology Leading Sociologists and Their Contributions Origins of Sociology Sociology first developed in Europe Auguste Comte (France) Herbert Spencer (England) Karl Marx (Germany) Emile Durkheim (France) Max Weber (Germany) Origins of Sociology Auguste Comte (1798-1857) He developed Sociology as the study of society Based on positivism, or certain (first-hand) knowledge He studied social stability and social change ‘Religion of Humanity’ ‘Altruism’ - the moral value of an action is based solely on how it impacts others Origins of Sociology Herbert Spencer and Karl Marx Used sociology to explain the existence of poverty, capitalism, and class struggle Spencer (1820-1903) is known for developing the Theory of Evolution ‘Social Darwinism’ aka “survival of the fittest” Marx ( 1818-1883) wrote The Communist Manifesto (1848) Bourgeoisie’ - control means of production Origins of Sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Known as the ‘Father of Sociology’ Applied scientific research methods, such as statistical techniques, to the study of sociology Basically, he made Sociology a legitimate science Origins of Sociology Max Weber (1864-1922) Identified rationalization (the emphasis on knowledge, reason, and planning) as the key influence in causing industrialization Antipositivism - using data, not just personal experience, in developing social theory Origins of Sociology Online Textbook Chapter 1, Lesson 2: Who Coined the Term? Sociology in America W.E.B. DuBois Booker T. Washington Robert E. Park Harriet Martineau Jane Addams Robert Nisbet Julian Samora Sociology in America Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) African-American leader Tuskeegee Institute and the Atlanta Compromise W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) First African-American to earn a Doctorate Co-Founder of the NAACP Applied Sociology to race relations in the U.S. First editor of The Crisis Sociology in America Booker T. vs. W.E.B. Disagreed on strategies for black social progress Washington believed in self-help, racial solidarity, and accomodation He urgred blacks to accept discrimination for the time being and focus on elevating themselves DuBois felt that would only perpetuate white oppression He believed in developing a small group of college- Sociology in America Robert E. Park (1864-1944) Worked with Booker T. Washington on race relations Founded the Chicago School of Sociology Coined the term ‘human ecology’ Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) First female sociologist Translated Comte’s works into English Sociology in America Jane Addams (1860-1935) Leader in Women’s Suffrage Movement Poll Co-Founded Hull House and the ACLU Nobel Peace Prize Founded the Social Work profession in the U.S. Member of the American pragmatist school of sociology Sociology in America Robert Nisbet (1913-1996) Wrote The Quest for Community ‘Contended that modern sociology neglected the human drive toward community’ He was concerned with the concept of ‘drift’ and the ‘Idea of Progress’ Julian Samora (1920-1996) Prominent Mexian-American sociologist Pioneered the field of Latino Studies Fakebook Assignment Create a Fakebook page for one of the sociologists we’ve learned about Must have at least 6 pieces of information Including a description of their sociological work Example: Albert Einstein Due: Thursday, September 3rd