Immigration Portfolio (Furmanek) – Approx 90 points

Immigration Portfolio (Furmanek) – Approx 90 points
‘Lost in Detention’ PBS Frontline Video:
a. Have we gone too far with Immigration policy?
i. ICE (U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement).
b. The Arceo Family ...... 5 U.S. born kids (making them citizens)
with 2 illegal immigrant parents that have lived in U.S. for 15
- 4.5 million kids living in U.S. with at least one parent that is
i. What are your feelings on this?
ii. How do balance this reality with the reality of
Immigration enforcement?
c. What is 'due process' in immigration matters?
i. Do illegal immigrants have a right to it?
d. Supplement a piece of research that you feels connects to the
premise of this video.
2. Economic Impact Research:
a. ‘Ag. Industry Fears Disaster …’:
b. ‘Low Paid Illegal Workforce … little impact …’:
c. How do we balance the previous two views … and
seemingly well supported statements / arguments?
i. Supplement your thinking with 2 pieces of research in
which you annotate.
3. ’30 Days’ Immigration Reflection:
a. Initial viewpoint of ‘Frank’
b. Initial viewpoint of his host family.
c. Does this episode solidify your thoughts of the issue of
immigration (your opinion) in the U.S. or does it lessen / loosen
your thoughts?
d. Supplement your thinking or your thought process with 1 piece
of annotated research
4. Choices Program / Immigration (10pts/10pts)
a. Browse / Read pages 1-16.
i. Define 3 ‘Enduring Understandings’ for this information
& annotate them in terms of your rationale.
1. What 3 larger concepts should a reader take away
from this reading and why?
b. Which of the 4 ‘Choices’ do you align with and why?
c. Offer 1 pieces of supplemental research within the realm of
your opinion
d. We will be having a mini-forum (1 day discussion) on the
‘Choices’ and the research you have found
5. Immigration documentary ‘The Other Side of Immigration’:
a. $13 vs. $70-80 a day:
i. Does this comparative earnings per day influence the
way you may think about immigration?
b. Impact of NAFTA (market competition … cost vs. benefit):
i. How does ‘capitalism’ bring affluence and poverty in
regards to this agreement?
c. What feeling does this documentary attempt to generate in the
viewer? Is it effective with you personally?
d. What is your reaction to the film’s following statement:
i. ‘The Problem is that the developing world is forgotten’
e. Offer 1 piece of research that supplements your thinking in one
of these realms or that speaks to helping you answer these
6. NYT ‘Room for Debate’:
a. Could Farms Survive Without Illegal Labor?
ii. Create an account & ‘Write a Comment’ to the author of the essay
that you either most AGREE with OR most DISAGREE with.
1. Support your statement with a piece of supplemental
research to strengthen your response.
b. Should Schools Help Catch Illegal Immigrants?
ii. Create an account & ‘Write a Comment’ to the author of the essay
that you either most AGREE with OR most DISAGREE with.
1. Support your statement with a piece of supplemental
research to strengthen your response.
7. Discussion Forum Topics: (and Deliberation Worksheet)
a. Amnesty Legislation (Past & Present)
i. In contrast to deportation
b. DREAM Act
c. Statue of Liberty ….
i. The New Colossus (‘Give me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses …’)
d. English as the official language
i. ESL in schools
ii. Bilingual education
e. Mexico/U.S. border control (‘Wall’)
i. Arizona legislation attempts