BUS 493D - BUSINESS IN EUROPE Thomas G. Drape, Ph.D. Associate Professor tdrape@pugetsound.edu (253) 879-3157 (Office) (253) 858-2125 (Home) CLASS MEETING TIMES T TH 2:00–3:20 pm (Ho203) OFFICE HOURS T TH 8:30-9:30 am (Mc111A) and always by appointment REQUIRED MATERIALS Doing Business in Europe, 2nd Edition, by Gabriele Suder, ISBN: 9780857020857 Additional readings as assigned during class. COURSE DESCRIPTION From Greece to Spain and around the European Union (EU), we are witnessing fast-paced changes of historic proportions. This is an important time to analyze the current events in the EU and the subsequent challenges and opportunities for doing business within the EU. We will discuss European identity, history and politics of the European business environment, euro crisis and other business-related topics. In addition, we will analyze international and European companies and their business operations across Europe. COURSE OBJECTIVES Appreciate the role of history and politics in shaping the EU business environment Understand the complex nature of the EU and Europeanization of business management Establish a framework for how the EU rules/agendas are set including lobbying efforts Analyze and learn from international and European companies doing business in Europe Apply knowledge from the course to business news in the popular European press Strengthen written and verbal communication skills ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION This course is highly interactive and participatory, so the expectation is that each student takes an active role in providing relevant contributions to discussions every class meeting. You are expected to arrive to class on time and to remain in class until the end of the class session. Habitual tardiness and multiple absences (without an approved excuse) will result in a reduction to your participation grade. Do not schedule trips or activities during scheduled exams. ACADEMIC HONESTY Academic honesty is highly valued at the University of Puget Sound and you are expected to behave ethically and honestly throughout this course. Academic dishonesty can take many forms including misrepresentation of another person’s work as your own, taking credit for someone else’s words or ideas, and soliciting or accepting help on a test or assignment when you are expected to work independently. Any case of academic dishonestly will be taken seriously and pursued in accordance with University policies and procedures. HUMAN RELATIONS CLIMATE POLICY As a member of this class, you are expected to show and receive respect for all people regardless of their race, religion, gender, national origin, color, or status. Such respect specifically precludes any type of harassment, inappropriate comments, or hostile environment. We expect the climate to be professional at all times, and we encourage you to do your part in making this happen. DISABILITY STATEMENT If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Peggy Perno, Director of Disability Services at 879-3395 (105 Howarth). She will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. EMERGENCY STATEMENT Please review university emergency preparedness and response procedures posted at www.pugetsound.edu/emergency/. There is a link on the university home page. Familiarize yourself with hall exit doors and the designated gathering area for your class and buildings. If building evacuation becomes necessary (e.g. earthquake), meet your instructor at the designated gathering area so she/he can account for your presence. Then wait for further instructions. Do not return to the building or classroom until advised by a university emergency response representative. If confronted by an act of violence, be prepared to make quick decisions to protect your safety. Flee the area by running away from the source of danger if you can safely do so. If this is not possible, shelter in place by securing classroom or lab doors and windows, closing blinds, and turning off room lights. Lie on the floor out of sight and away from windows and doors. Place cell phones or pagers on vibrate so that you can receive messages quietly. 2 GRADE DISTRIBUTION You will be evaluated on the basis of written case studies and papers, critical notes, oral presentations and class participation. You may earn up to 1000 points in this class as follows: Case Study #1 Paper #1 Case Study #2 Paper #2 Current Event Presentation Critical Notes Final Project Class Participation Total for Course Case Studies 10% 10% 15% 10% 5% 15% 20% 15% 100 points 100 points 150 points 100 points 50 points 150 points 200 points 150 points 100% 1,000 points 25% Students will develop two individual-effort case studies during the semester. Specific goals and instructions for each case study will be provided separately. Paper #1/ #2 20% Students will sign up for a European country to analyze during the semester. As part of this analysis, students will write two individual-effort papers examining specific aspects of the business environment for their chosen country. Final Project 20% The final project is a summary paper and presentation to the class on their European country of analysis. Specific instructions for the two papers and final project will be provided separately. Critical Notes 15% Students will write critical notes on each course chapter before the class discussion on that particular chapter. The dates and specific objectives for the critical notes will be provided at the beginning of the course. Current Event Presentation 5% Students will present a current event on their European country of analysis. A sign-up sheet and more specifics will be provided at the beginning of the course. Class Participation 15% Participation is expected in this course. Please come to class well prepared to discuss the day’s topic and be ready for any pop-quizzes to reward attentive reading. 3 COURSE SCHEDULE This course will use Moodle to post articles and other short readings and assignments. The course schedule may change depending upon our pace. Any changes to the reading assignments will be announced in class. You will also be responsible for all material covered during class time that does not appear on this syllabus (e.g., handouts, videos, etc.) including in-class assignments. WEEK 1 1/22 (T) 1/24 (TH) WEEK 2 1/29 (T) 1/31 (TH) Class introduction Article: What, Where and Why is Europe? The New European Business Environment (Ch. 1) Article: The Continental Divide Mini-Case: The EU Teaches MTV Local Lessons PART I: THE EUROPEAN BUSINESS GAME: THE IMPACT OF SIX DECADES WEEK 3 2/5 (T) 2/7 (TH) Landmarks of European Integration: How History and Politics Shape the Business Environment (Ch. 2) WEEK 4 2/12 (T) 2/14 (TH) Case: Airbus - A Catalyst of European Integration Part I Case: Airbus - A Catalyst of European Integration Part II WEEK 5 2/19 (T) 2/21 (TH) Enlargement and the Theories of Integration (Ch. 3) Article: Turkey and the European Union / Paper #1 Due WEEK 6 2/26 (T) 2/28 (TH) Institutional Players – How the Rules and Agendas of the European Business Environment are Set (Ch. 4) Mini-Case: EU vs. the World and Themselves: The Beef Hormone Debate PART II: BUSINESS EUROPEANIZATION WEEK 7 3/5 (T) 3/7 (TH) The Europeanization of a Business Environment (Ch. 5) Article: The Debate over EU free movement Case #1: The European Market for Schunk: Audit of Europeanization WEEK 8 3/12 (T) 3/14 (TH) The Europeanization of Business Management (Ch. 6) Mini-Case: Arla Food - Can the dairy and food industry Europeanize? WEEK 9 Spring Recess 4 PART III: BUSINESS ACTIVITY FUNCTIONS IN THE EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT WEEK 10 3/26 (T) 3/28 (TH) WEEK 11 4/2 (T) 4/4 (TH) WEEK 12 4/9 (T) 4/11 (TH) European Economics, Finance and Funding (Ch. 7) Article: Why the Euro will Survive Mini-Case: The Trade War That Went Bananas Case #2: The Europeanization of Marimekko: International Growth and Single Market Effects Article: Strengthening of the EU Single Market / Paper #2 Due Marketing in Europe (Ch. 8) Article: How do major EU companies communicate a corporate identity Mini-Case: Budweiser - The 100 Year Old Trademark Dispute WEEK 13 4/16 (T) 4/18 (TH) Case: Haier - A Global Chinese Corporation Feels at Home in Germany http://euobserver.com/china WEEK 14 4/23 (T) 4/25 (TH) Lobbying the Playing Field (Ch. 9) Article: Lobbying the European Parliament: A necessary evil WEEK 15 4/30 (T) 5/2 (TH) Final Project Presentations Final Project Presentations WEEK 16 5/7 (T) Final Project Presentations 5