Stars & Their Characteristics

 A group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the
 Only appear together from Earth, actually at dif.
 Far distance of stars make any movement not apparent
in a constellation for thousands of years.
 Asterism- small grouping of stars. Ex. Big Dipper part
of constellation Ursa Major (Big Bear). Can find
Polaris (North Star) using Big Dipper.
Star Movement/Sky Appearance
 Movement of stars in sky
caused by Earth’s
rotation & revolution.
 Earth turns West to East
so sky appears to move
from East to West to us
on Earth, that’s why the
sun, moon, & stars rise
in the East & set in the
 Sky directly above poles
seems stationary as
Earth turns on it’s axis,
so Polaris appears fixed
in the sky while all other
stars seem to move
around it. These stars are
Circumpolar Stars.
Earth’s Movement & Constellations
 Constellation positions in the sky change with the
seasons. Ex. Big Dipper: Fall-near North horizon,
Spring- overhead.
 Some constellations can only be seen during certain
seasons. Ex. Lyra in Summer & Orion in Winter.
 These changes are due to Earth’s position as it orbits
the Sun.
Apparent Magnitude
 A measure of how bright a star appears to be to an
observer on Earth.
 Magnitude is measured on a scale from 1 (brightest)- 6
 The lower a stars magnitude #, the brighter the star.
3 units of measurements
1. AU (Astronomical Unit)
 Distance from the Sun to the Earth.
 Equal to 1.5 x 108 Km or 150 million Km.
2. Light-Year
 Measures the distance that a ray of light travels in one
 In one year, light travels 9.5 x 1012 Km or 9.5 trillion Km.
 Ex: Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years from Earth.
3. Parsec (Parallax Second)
 Measures distances between celestial objects (nearest
 One parsec = 3.258 light-years or 3.086 x 1013 Km.
 Parallax- change in objects direction due to change in
observers position. Occurs because Earth orbits the sun.
 Using parsec measurement accounts for the shift by
knowing the angel between the 2 points.
• Each star is different, but they are mostly
composed of H, He & some heavier elements.
•A stars spectrum is used to determine it’s
•Each star has a unique spectrum.
Mass, Size & Temp. of Stars
 Vary more in size than in mass.
 Mass= total amount of material in a body. Determined
by gravitational influence on other bodies.
 Stellar (star) masses are expressed as multiples of the
sun or One Solar Mass.
Temperature & Color of Stars
 Range of color a star emits depends on it’s surface
To us on earth, stars look mostly white with a bit of
Cooler stars= reddish, Hotter stars= Bluish-white.
Ex: Iron when heated, 1st turns red, changes to orange,
to yellow to white. Very Hot objects glow Bluish.
The color/temp. of a star helps astronomers determine
the elements present.
Luminosity & Absolute Magnitude
Absolute Magnitude
 Actual brightness of a star.
 True measure of how bright a
 Depends on size & temp.
 If 2 stars had the same
surface temp, but 1 was
bigger, the bigger is more
 If 2 stars were same size, but
dif. temps, the hotter is more
star is.
What’s the difference between
apparent & absolute
Stars are born from great clouds of gas & dust. They mature,
grow old, & die. When they die, they produce new clouds of dust,
from which new stars may arise, along w/planets to orbit them.
The more massive a star, the shorter its life will be.
What is the H-R diagram?
 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram – a diagram that plots
the stars surface temperature against their absolute
Groups of the H-R
Groups represent stages in the
life cycles of the stars.
90% of stars fall in the Main
Sequence band & range in
size & temp. these are the stars
that are fusing H to He.
Giant Stars are above main
sequence & are more luminous
& larger.
Supergiants are even more
luminous & large.
White Dwarfs are near the
end of their lives, were once
red giants but lost atmosphere
& now only glowing stellar
•Where in the graph are
the bright, cool stars?
•Which axis represents
•What area would blue
stars be located?
Birth of a Star
 A star begins its life in a cloud of gas & dust called a
A nebula condenses when an outside force
(shockwave) acts upon it.
Parts of the nebula then condense due to gravity & the
temp. increases.
Large enough nebulas will begin to glow (Protostars)
Protostars get hotter & brighter eventually fusion
occurs & a star is born.
How would
the amounts
of H & He in
the cores of 2
identical stars
compare if
one star was
older than the
Death of a star like the Sun
(main sequence star)
 Balance of fusion & gravity occurs until H is used up & the
core shrinks & releases new heat that expands the star into
a Giant.
 The star begins to die when temps rise & He (helium) fuses
to heavier elements (C-O core)
 Gas layers are blown away leaving C-O core (white dwarf)
w/halo glow= Planetary Nebula.
 Eventually gases dissipate into space & white dwarf is left.
Death of a Massive Star
 Same start as before, but fusion occurs until Fe (iron)
nuclei form & star swells more than 100 times the
diameter of our sun, becoming a Supergiant.
 Fe cores absorb energy & suddenly collapse sending
shockwaves & outer layers out in a huge burst of light=
Supernova and produces new elements.
 Left behind is either a Black Hole (if original star was
15 x or more massive than our sun) or a Neutron Star.
Remnants of Massive Stars
 After a massive star “goes supernova,” it leaves behind
its core.
 Neutron Star: super dense, all e- are pushed into the
nuclei they orbit, result is a dense mass of neutrons
that are trillions times more dense than the sun. At
first, it spins & emits pulsing beams of radio waves out
If star was at least 15 x more massive than the sun:
 Black Hole: Intense gravitational field that not even
light can escape. Detected by strong sources of x-ray
(given off by atoms being ripped apart by gravity)
Life Stages of Stars: From Birth to Death
What determines which life-cycle course a star
How does cloud-like nebula form protostars?
What process marks the transition from protostar to
What remains balanced during the long period when
a star’s H is fusing into He?
At what point is this balance lost?
What Are Galaxies?
 Systems that contain millions or billions of stars.
 Look like hazy patches of light in the sky.
 Estimated to be 50-100 billion galaxies in observable
 Most are millions of light years apart.
To what galaxy do we belong?
 Milky Way Galaxy
 It’s a spiral galaxy (pinwheel-shaped)
 Diameter of about 100,000 light-years
 Our sun is about 26,000 light-years from it’s center
Types of galaxies
 Spiral: pinwheel-shaped; nuclei of stars bulging at
center & wound spiral arms.
 Elliptical: nearly spherical to oval-shaped; stars
concentrated at their centers, little interstellar gas &
dust for new stars to form so few to no young stars.
 Irregular: irregular in shape; much smaller & fainter
than other 2 galaxy types, stars spread unevenly.
Spiral Galaxy
Elliptical Galaxy
Irregular Galaxy
Spiral, Elliptical, & Irregular
Active Galaxies
 Emit more energy than their stars can give off.
 Some emit radiation, or change largely in brightness in
short periods of time.
 Possible powered by a supermassive black hole centers
that jet out hot gas in opposite directions.
 Quasars: very distant, extremely luminous celestial
object believed to be a type nuclei in an active galaxy.