Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers Michael S. Costa Eversource Energy Jerome V. Josken UC Synergetic IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference Ashville, North Carolina April 19-21, 2015 Dennis A. Walder Eaton Eversource Energy • Formerly Northeast Utilities • New England’s largest energy delivery company • Safely and reliably delivering energy to more than 3.6 million electric and natural gas customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire • Operates more than: • • • • 4,270 miles of transmission lines 72,000 pole miles of distribution lines 578 substations 449,000 distribution transformers • 6459 miles of gas distribution pipelines Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Eversource Energy History: Reliability Improvements – Distribution Automation • Recloser Loop Schemes: driven by impact of Hurricanes Gloria (1985) & Bob (1991) • 1985-1998: ~ 1500 reclosers installed in CT & MA • 1999-date: added D-SCADA ~ 1500 more reclosers added retrofit existing reclosers adding D-SCADA capability. • Need for Sub-Zone sectionalizing: driven by rash of recent storms - Hurricanes Irene (2011) & Sandy (2011), Winter Storms Halloween (2011), & NEMO (2013) • Unable to expand existing recloser loop schemes. Need a new sub-sectionalizing device that can work within existing system design Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Eversource Energy • Recloser Loop Schemes: • Sectionalizing Recloser (SR) – opens to isolate downstream load from a bad supply • Tie Reclosers (TR) 1-way & 2-way – closes to resupply isolated customers from alternate, good sources. • Mid-point Reclosers (MR) – remains closed throughout - adjusts overcurrent settings based upon direction of supply. • Technology upgrades • D-SCADA on 90% of reclosers for remote switching. • Achieved Benefits Typical Eversource Energy one-line diagram Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers • Minimize customers affected by outage (average <500 customer/zone) • SAIDI (CT: 2013 storms excluded) • 86.3 minutes (TOTAL) • 54.7 additional SAIDI minutes avoided by loop operations (39% reduction) • Minimizes momentary outages • Reduce fault location time IEEE REPC 2015 Eversource Energy Problem: Large customer zones in locations where additional recloser installations are not possible. (Coordination not possible, lack of alternate supplies) Existing Loop between 2 Supplies Supply 1 with Multiple upstream protective devices Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 2b Zone 2a SR S1 Zone 2c Zone 2d S3 S2 N.C. CIRCUIT 1/ CIRCUIT 2 LOOP Supply 2 with Multiple upstream protective devices N.O. TR Zone 1 SR N.C. Zone 2a S1 Zone 2b S2 Zone 2c S3 Zone 2d Zone 2 Objective: Develop a new sectionalizing device, compatible with existing schemes which can operate without any communications to other devices. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 New Sub-Sectionalizing Device Considerations for Design of Smart Switch • • • • • • • • • • Must be compatible with the existing loop & radial distribution system. Minimize impact on existing overcurrent protection & coordination. Minimize impact on settings/operation of existing equipment. D-SCADA capable for switching. Communications not required for loop operation. Compare favorably with the capabilities, cost, and complexities of a peer-to-peer or communications-based sectionalizer/switch. Simple & flexible design to facilitate future system changes. Emphasis on Reliability (service restoration)… … which can take precedence over Power Quality (fault clearing & automatic reclosing). Overcurrent Protection element which can be activated momentarily during loop restoration phase. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Application – Key Points Normally NO OVERCURRENT PROTECTION • Fault Clearing & Automatic Reclosing performed by upstream devices. Both SECTIONALIZING & RESTORATION capabilities. • Smart Switch operates only to SECTIONALIZE after a permanent fault occurs on the circuit, and then CLOSES when power is RESTORED. MOMENTARILY active OVERCURRENT PROTECTION • Following a restoration close, it may close into a faulted zone. • At that time, it must have fault interrupting capability (coordinated with upstream protective devices). • Achieved with momentarily activated Fast/Instantaneous OverCurrent Protection used only following a loop restoration attempt. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Control (Form 6/LS Platform) Original Recloser Control New Smart Switch Control Overcurrent Protection Momentary Overcurrent Protection Automatic Reclosing No Reclosing Loop Scheme Logic: Sectionalization & Restoration Add necessary behavior & timing to Loop Scheme Logic Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Settings • Requires only a few settings • • • • • Loss of Voltage OPEN timer (range: 5-90 seconds) Return of Voltage CLOSE timer (range: 0-60 sec) Maximum Time to Close (range: 1-300 seconds) Protection Active Timer (range: 0-30 seconds) Maintain Protection beyond Protection active Time • Close Conditions: Live-Dead, Dead-Live, Live-Live • Temporary Phase & Ground Overcurrent Settings • Provide Flexibility for use in: • • • • Looped or Radial Systems Can accommodate fuse-saving schemes Can be used on backbone or side-taps/laterals Overcurrent Settings can be adjusted to remain above expected inrush Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Demonstration of Smart Switch Operating Sequence: B1 Zone 1 SR Zone 2 Good 3 Phase Voltage S1 Zone 3 S2 Zone 4 TR B2 S1 1) Normal Condition: Switch is closed, no active protection (will not trip on any fault). Manual and DSCADA operation possible. No HLT possible. Loss of 3 Phase Voltage S1 LOV Timer ~ 40 sec 2) Sectionalize: Switch will ONLY respond to a 3 Phase Loss of Voltage. If a sustained loss of 3-phase voltage occurs, the switch will TRIP on Loop Logic. Max Time to Close ~ 65 sec Switch Open & Waiting S1 3) Restoration: For a period of time the switch looks for a return of 3 Phase Voltage on either SOURCE or LOAD. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Demonstration of Smart Switch Operating Sequence: (cont.) B1 Zone 1 SR Zone 2 Return of 3 Phase Voltage S1 S1 Zone 3 S2 Zone 4 TR B2 Max Time to Close ~ 65 sec Ret of Volt Timer ~ 3 sec 4) Return of Voltage: If a sustained 3 Phase Voltage returns on either source or load side, the switch will prepare to CLOSE. FAST TRIP Good 3 Phase PROTECTION ACTIVE Voltage 2 sec S1 5a) Close (succeed): Upon closing, O/C protection momentarily active (2 seconds). If successful, device resets to Normal Condition, remains closed, with loop enabled Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers Good 3 Phase Voltage FAST TRIP PROTECTION ACTIVE 2 sec S1 5b) Close (fail): If device closed into a Fault, It will TRIP and LOCKOUT, loop disabled. Manual reset required. IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Operation - Summary • Sequence allows “Fault Hunting” to resupply power • Applicable for either radial or loop sectionalizing systems • Multiple Smart Switches may be applied in series • All Smart Switches open on loss of voltage for isolation • Resupply power to zones by sequentially closing upon return of voltage (ROV) • ROV closing interval is LIMITED by a separate “Max Time to Close” timer, which will disable all automatic operation if voltage has not returned within the user specified time. • Inrush/Fault concerns can be addressed by fully configurable overcurrent settings. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Loop Sectionalizing Application Permanent Fault Reclosing: 1st = 30 sec, 2nd = 47 sec B1 Zone 1 SR Zone 2a S1 Zone 2b LOV Timer = 40 sec S2 Zone 2c LOV Timer = 40 sec S3 Loop Close Timer = 60 sec Zone 2d TR B2 LOV Timer = 40 sec • SR – Trips on fault, 1st reclose interval (30 sec) begins • SR – Recloses (@ 30 sec); trips on fault, 2nd reclose interval (an additional 47 sec) begins. Likely permanent mainline fault. • S1, S2, and S3 - All Open due to sustained (40 sec into the 47 second SR’s 2nd Reclose interval) loss of 3ph source & load voltage Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Loop Sectionalizing Application Permanent Fault Reclosing: 1st = 30 sec, 2nd = 47 sec B1 Zone 1 SR Zone 2a S1 Zone 2b ROV Timer = 3 sec S2 Zone 2c ROV Timer = 3 sec S3 Loop Close Timer = 60 sec Zone 2d TR B2 ROV Timer = 3 sec • SR – Recloses at 47 seconds energizing up to S1. • S1 – After SR recloses, S1 senses return of 3ph source voltage and 3 seconds later (2nd SR reclose + 3 sec) closes up to open S2. • S2 – After S1 closes, S2 senses return of 3ph source voltage and 3 seconds later (2nd SR reclose + 6 sec) closes into fault – trips and locks out. • TR – Following sustained (60 sec) loss of 3ph voltage, TR closes and back feeds up to S3. • S3 – After TR closes, S3 senses return of 3ph load voltage and 3 seconds later (TR close + 3 sec) closes into fault – trips and locks out. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Radial System Application Reclosing: 1st = 2 sec, 2nd = 5 sec, 3rd = 15 sec ROV Timer = 3 sec Permanent Fault O/C Active Timer = 2 sec B R Zone 1 S1 Zone 2 LOV Timer = 10 sec Zone 3 • B – Substation Breaker does not trip, coordinated with line Recloser R. • R – Initial trip on fault, 1st trip (fast curve – fuse saving scheme), 1st reclose interval (2 sec) begins. • R - 1st reclose: trips on fault, 2nd trip (slow curve), 2nd reclose interval (5 sec) begins, (fault is on the mainline, not on a lateral). • R - 2nd reclose: trips on fault, 3rd trip (slow curve), 3rd reclose interval (15 sec) begins. (Likely permanent mainline fault – need to sectionalize). • S1 – Opens due to sustained loss of three-phase voltage (10 seconds). • R - 3rd reclose at 15 seconds energizing up to S1. • S1 – After R recloses, senses return of 3ph source voltage and 3 seconds later closes into fault – trips and locks out. In a radial application, the smart switch will only be a benefit for load side faults. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Conclusions • New option to sectionalize a circuit where a recloser is not feasible. • Stand-alone autonomous operation does not require communications to work. • Easily engineered into existing systems. • Easily accommodates future circuit design changes. • Future application: Introduces the concept of using a fast/instantaneous overcurrent element, momentarily activated, for automatic-reclosing & loop restoration closing. Potential means of managing let-thru fault energy to circuit segments that are likely faulted. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Thank You! Fault Hunting Using ThreePhase Reclosers Michael S. Costa Eversource Energy Jerome V. Josken UC Synergetic IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference Ashville, North Carolina April 19-21, 2015 Dennis A. Walder Eaton Feeder Sectionalizing StagesDELETE SLIDE #7 Stages of Distribution Feeder Sectionalizing by Equipment Type Loop Scheme Peer to Peer Remote Traditional Loop Scheme Traditional Sectionalizing Sectionalizer/ Operated Recloser Tie Recloser Sectionalizer Recloser Switch Switch Isolation X X X Verification X X X Sectionalization X Restoration Optimization X X * * * * Smart Switch X X X X * * * * With addition of communications via DSCADA or DMS system Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Smart Switch Application OLD SLIDE #8 Replaced with current slide #7 • Fault Isolation and Verification remains with existing reclosers. • New Smart Switch design focuses on Sectionalization and Restoration of circuit. • Eliminates the impact on overcurrent coordination • Operating sequence occurs only for a permanent fault - working after fault isolation & verification (reclosing sequence) phases are complete. • Fast/Instantaneous Protection used only momentarily during restoration. Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015 Selected Smart Switch DesignDELETE SLIDE #9 • New Smart Switch Mode for Recloser/Control • Using Form 6/LS Recloser Control as the base platform. • Modified Firmware, and Programing Logic for recloser control. • Sectionalization: • Sub-sectionalize zone for permanent fault, • Switch opens on configurable loss of voltage timing • Restoration: • Switch closes upon return of 3-phase voltage (either source or load side) • Resupplies power to isolated, unfaulted zones • Isolates outage in faulted zones (Momentary fault overcurrent trip/lockout) • Minimal control panel modifications to support existing operating procedures Fault Hunting Using Three-Phase Reclosers IEEE REPC 2015