Unit Sheet Due: __________________ Name: ____________________ Nutrition Unit Sheet C-Layer Vocabulary – Choose ONE nutrients, nutrition, appetite, hunger, carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, Points Moodle Possible Score calorie, sodium, food bourne illness, empty calorie foods, nutrient & density Initials Write all of the definitions in your own words 20 points Draw a picture of each of the terms 20 points Create a crossword puzzle using each of the terms 20 points Create a matching quiz using all of the vocabulary terms 20 points Create flash cards of all of the vocabulary terms 20 points Write a logical story using 10 of the vocabulary terms 20 points Draw a cartoon using 10 of the terms. (The cartoon MUST tell a story) 20 points Objective 1: Analyze the factors that influence food choices and their impact on nutrition and health. C-Layer: Notes: “Influences” B-Layer: Write down all of the foods you eat for 2 days and 5 points _______ 10 points _______ next to each food write which of the six influences were used in each of the foods you chose to eat. (ORAL DEFENSE) Unit Sheet Due: __________________ Name: ____________________ Objective 2: Analyze the nutrient contribution of a product compared to the energy contribution. C-Layer: Notes: “Nutrient vs. Energy Contribution” 5 points _______ B-Layer Participate in Nutrient Group Activity 10 points _______ Objective 3: Analyze food labeling information to determine calories, nutrients, serving size, types of ingredients, and nutritional value of a product. C-Layer: Notes: “Food Labels” 5 points ______ B-Layer: Fast Food Activity OR Food Label Evaluation 10 points ______ (ORAL DEFENSE) Objective 4: Recognize the symptoms of various eating disorders and proper referral services. C-Layer: Notes: “Eating Disorders” 5 points ______ B-Layer: Brochure OR Poster 10 points ______ (ORAL DEFENSE) Objective 5: Create a healthy menu plan that you can apply to your life. B-Layer: Create healthy menu plan on Choosemyplate.gov website 20 points ______ ***** EXTRA CREDIT ***** Bring in a HEALTHY snack to share with everyone that can be easily made by a teen with a copy of the recipe for everyone. 10 points ______