LESSON PLAN Aim To understand the importance of food and nutrients for the body. This unit focuses on the study of the components of food necessary to create proper nutrition. Level Content - Subject Communication Language A2 Science Key words (nutrients, weight, healthy...) Food vocabulary ( bread, milk, fruit...) Adjectives ( thin, fat, liquid...) Verbs ( to grow, to regenerate, to protect, to eat, to drink...) Question structures (Which is...? How often...? How much...?) Simple present 4 lessons of 60/90 minutes Approx. time overall Plan Stage 1 Short Description Students watch a video to activate prior knowledge: brainstorming about food and nutrition habits in order to help students discover how many types of nutrients there are in food Links to Activities Activity 1 Stage 2 Help students to analyze the functions of water, fats and proteins Activity 2 Stage 3 Help students to analyze the functions of vitamins, carbohydrates and mineral salts Activity 3 Stage 4 Students sing a song, and watch a video and create a wall display showing the food pyramid Teacher evaluates students by observing how they work in pairs during an activity (interest and Activity 4 Stage 5/Evaluation participation) Activity 5/ Evaluation Activity 1 Procedure Students watch a video about food and nutrients: http://youtu.be/5YN3isYMnPg Teacher stops the video when needed and talks to the class about the content Brainstorming: ask students what they know about food and why it is important to eat well. Consideration of the meaning of nutrition. Give out worksheet1 and worksheet2 Help students to read the correct system of naming nutrients. Explain the function of each nutrient. Individual work: students colour worksheet1 and worksheet2 Approx. time 90 minutes Level A2 Learning outcome Students are able to: - Explain the importance of food and eating well - Understand the importance of food for their body Indicators Students: - Interact with their peers - Understand different opinions - Communicate using the correct language - try to guess meaning from context Materials Video http://youtu.be/5YN3isYMnPg worksheet1 worksheet2 Back to Top Activity 2 Procedure Revision of the nutritive functions of water , fats and proteins. Teacher asks students to complete flash cards for the game ”Guess The Nutrients” – Each students draw a single food on one card. Game ” GUESS THE NUTRIENTS ”: This game is similar to ”Capture the flag” and will teach students to match food and some nutrients water, fats and proteins. Rules : · Students are divided into groups · The teacher picks a flash card from a box with the picture of a specific food and shows it to the class · The teacher orders a particular novement (eg. Jumping on one foot, walking backwards, walking with closed eyes, turning around every three steps...) . One student from each group must reach the teacher’s desk performing the movement. The first one who touches the flash card tries to guess the name of the main nutrient (from water,fats and proteins) of that food . The winner is the team which guesses most nutrients Give out worksheet3, worksheet4 and worksheet5 Individual work: students colour worksheet3, worksheet4 and worksheet5 Approx. Time 60 minutes Learning outcome Students: - reinforce their knowledge of some nutrients (water,fats and proteins) - recognize foods that contain water fats and proteins Indicators Students: - Interact with peers - Ask question - Reach conclusions - Use vocabulary and structures accurately Materials Flash cards Worksheet3 Worksheet4 Worksheet5 Back to Top Activity 3 Procedure Revision of the nutritive functions of mineral salts, vitamins and carbohydrates Game ” GUESS THE NUTRIENTS ”: This game is a similar to ”Capture the flag” and will teach Learners to match food and some nutrients mineral salts, vitamins and carbohydrate. Give out worksheet6, worksheet7 and worksheet8 Individual work: students colour in worksheet6, worksheet7 and worksheet8 Approx. time 60 minutes Learning outcome Students: - reinforce their knowledge of some nutrients (water,fats and proteins) - recognize food that contains mineral salts, vitamins and carbohydrate Indicators Students: - Interact with peers - Ask question - Reach conclusions - Use vocabulary and structures accurately Materials Flash cards with names of different food Worksheet6 Worksheet7 Worksheet8 Back to Top Activity 4 Procedure Sudents watch a video and sing a song about food, perform the dance steps and follow the instructions http://youtu.be/tqs9XWy-FM8 Teacher shows worksheet11 and explains that a Food Pyramid is a pyramid-shaped diagram representing the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups Students create their own food pyramid wall display, drawing different types of food (or cutting them out from magazines) and sticking them on a big wall display Approx. time 60 minutes Learning outcome Students: - can explain what nutrients are - can classify nutrients - are aware of what nutrients there are in some of the foods they eat Indicators Students: - Interact with peers - Try to guess meaning from context - identify nutrients Materials Video ”Food Group Fun”: http://youtu.be/tqs9XWy-FM8 Worksheet11 Back to Top Activity 5/ Evaluation Procedure Students complete worksheet9 and worksheet10 Teacher evaluates students by observing how they work during the activity and their level of achievement of tasks Approx. time 30 minutes Materials Worksheet9 Worksheet10