
The Somali Civil War
Capital: Mogadishu
Coastline = 2,720 km
Horn of Africa
 hilly
Central & South
 flat
"Somalia Map - African Countries, Map of Somalia Facts Landforms - World Atlas." World Atlas including
Geography Facts, Maps, Flags - Web. 07 Jan. 2012.
Somalia Geography
Pay close attention here.
• Somalia is the easternmost
country in all of Africa.
• Together with Ethiopia,
Somalia occupies what is
called The Horn of Africa.
The Horn of Africa takes its name
from the fact that if you look at
this part of Africa (on a map), it
looks like the horn of a
On your maps, label (1) Somalia
(2) Mogadishu (3) The Horn of
Mogadishu, at 1.5 million people, is the largest and most important city in Somalia. It is a coastal
city (shown in the picture). Somalia has a predominantly desert climate—rain is irregular, and the
weather is hot year-round. One last thing is that Somalia is mostly flat. The only highlands in
Somalia are in the northern part of the country.
Annual Rainfall
NE: Less than 4 inches
Central: 8-12 inches
SW and NW: 20-24 inches
Gu (rainy)
Hagaa (dry) July-September
Day (rainy) October-November
Jiilaal (dry) December-March
Climate (cont.)
• Somalia mainly has a desert climate.
They experience irregular rainfall.
• The northeast experiences monsoons from December
through February. The southwest region experiences
monsoons from May to October.
Hot and humid periods exist between monsoons.
• Moderate temperatures exist in the north, and hot
temperatures in the south.
A recurring
disaster in
Dust Storms
Usually occur
over the eastern
plains during the
summer season
Only occur
during the rainy
Natural Disasters
Environmental Issues
• The UN declared a famine in 5 southern regions of
Somalia in 2011
• 3.2 Million people survive on food aid
• 2.8 million of those live in Southern Somalia
Use of Contaminated Water
Costal Contamination
Loss of Biodiversity
Land Degradation
Soil erosion
There are only 10 million people in Somalia. Somalia is sparsely populated due
to the desert-like climate and history of civil war. Almost all Somalis are
Muslim. They worship Allah. Pictured is an Islamic mosque in Mogadishu.
60% = nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralists (north)
25% = farmers who live mainly in the fertile agricultural
zone (south)
15% = urban
" Somalia Tips." Somalia Tips. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan.
2012. <
"Understanding Somalia." MercatorNet:
promoting human dignity. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan.
2012. <
Somalia Population
Population growth rate: 2.824%
(2008 est.)
Age structure:
0-14 years: 44.7%
(male 2,143,758/female 2,132,869)
15-64 years: 52.8%
(male 2,525,562/female 2,516,879)
65 years and over: 2.5%
(male 100,655/female 138,943) (2008
Percent Change Date of Information
4.82 %
July 2008 est.
urban population: 37% of total population (2008)
rate of urbanization: 4.2% annual rate of change
Birth rate: 44.12 per 1,000 persons in the population
Death rate: 15.89 per 1,000 persons in the population
Median age: total: 17.5 years
male: 17.4 years
female: 17.6 years (2008 est.)
Infant mortality rate: total:
110.97 deaths/1,000 live births
male: 120.17 deaths/1,000 live
female: 101.5 deaths/1,000 live
births (2008 est.)
Total fertility rate: 6.6 children born/woman (2008 est.)
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 49.25 years
male: 47.43 years
female: 51.12 years (2008 est.)
Sex ratio: at birth: 1.03 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.72 male(s)/female
total population: 1 male(s)/female (2008 est.)
Population of Somaliland
Estimated at 3.5 million
Average population growth
Estimated at 3.1%
Average life expectancy for:
males: 50
females: 55
Ethnic groups: Somali 85%, Bantu and other
non-Somali 15% (including Arabs 30,000)
Religions: Sunni Muslim
Languages: Somali (official), Arabic, Italian,
Somalis maintain Islamic traditional norms about
handshaking, limiting physical contact to persons of the
same sex.
Not all people from Somalia are
ethnic Somali.
The Bantus, in particular, may have
special needs because of their
historical marginalization in Somalia
and distinct language and culture.
Social Structure, Family, and Gender
The family is deeply valued in Somali culture
Approximately one-fifth of the population lives in
polygamous households
Marriages traditionally have been arranged, but
marriages based on love are increasingly permitted.
The previous socialist regime made some efforts to
improve opportunities for women so that Somali
women generally have more freedom to learn, work,
and travel than most other Muslim women.
Somali Clans can serve as a source of conflict or
They often form alliances for protection, access to
water, or political power
These alliances are very important to many Somalis
and can outweigh their allegiance to a unified
country of Somalia
Somalia is poor, yeah. . .Did you expect it to be rich? Per capita GDP is
around $600. Somalia is a very large livestock producer. Many Somalis
were nomads and pastoralists who work their livestock. Livestock
produces about 40% of GDP and 65% of export earnings. Somalia
currently has very little industry.
GDP (purchasing power parity): $5.387 billion (2007
GDP - real growth rate: 2.6% (2007 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$600 (2007 est.)
GDP - composition by
sector: agriculture: 65%
industry: 10%
services: 25% (2000 est.)
Currency: Somali shilling
Exchange rates: Somali shillings per US dollar - 1,438.3 (2006)
official rate; the unofficial black market rate was about 23,000
shillings per dollar as of February 2007
Labor force: 3.7 million (few skilled laborers)
Labor force - by occupation:
agriculture: 71% (reminder: arable land: 1.64%)
industry and services: 29%
(1975 estimate)
(1975 estimate)
Exports: $300 million f.o.b. (2006)
Exports - commodities: livestock, bananas,
hides, fish, charcoal, scrap metal
Exports - partners: UAE 50.7%, Yemen 21%,
Oman 6.1% (2007)
Imports: $798 million f.o.b. (2006)
Imports - commodities: manufactures,
petroleum products, foodstuffs, construction
materials, qat
Imports - partners: Djibouti 34.4%, India 9.1%,
Kenya 9%, Oman 6%, UAE 5.6%, Yemen 5.5%
Child labor
UNICEF estimates 41.9 % of
children (5 to 14 years)
Most worked in agriculture
and domestic service.
Children used for forced labor
or sexual exploitation.
Social Well-Being Indicators
Poverty Rate
Extreme Poverty: 43%
General Poverty: 73%
Income Inequality
Total: 37.8%
Male: 49.7%
Female: 25.8%
Primary Education Attendance
Male: 24%
Female: 22%
Secondary School Attendance
Male: 8%
Female: 4%
in the
No government operated
public school system or
required education since1991.
62 % of primary schools in
Somalia required students to
pay fees.
School in Somali Refugee Camp ↑
Access to Water and Sanitation
Access to improved drinking
source: 29%
Access to improved
sanitation: 25%
High prices: $7
Long walks: 20km
Children and IDPs
diarrheal diseases
Maternal Health
Communicable Diseases
Colonial Background
Britain and Italy colonized Somalia
After WWII Italy had to give its holding to England
In 1960, Somalia declared independence
Despite sharing the same language, ethnicity and
religion there are deep divisions
A system of rival clans and sub-clans made
establishing a stable government almost
Imperialism (late 1800s)
Independence (June 26th,1960)
United Republic of Somalia
Abdullahi Issa & Aden Abdullah Osman
Abdirashid Ali Shermarke
History (cont.)
Assassination of President Sharmarke
Army seizes power, 1969
General Siad Barre leads overthrow regime
Somalia was formed in
Military takeover in
Mohamed Siad Barre
became dictator.
Overthrown in 1991.
Civil War
Socialist dictator, Muhammad Siad Barre, is
president from 1969-1991, when he is deposed
in military coup
Essentially, the parties involved are:
1. the US supported Transitional Federal
2. the Union of Islamic Courts which has a
militant wing
3. various warlords
Republic of Somaliland
Declared its own local
government in 1991.
Remains unrecognized by any
international organization.
Rebelled against the Siad
Barre style dictatorship.
Rise of Siad Barre
Scientific Socialism
Marxism + Koranic interpretation
Expansionist Somali nationalism
Homogenous, centralized nation-state
Unstable because of clans
Attempted to reclaim territory from Ethiopia
Siad Barre's Dictatorship
Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC)
End "tribalism, nepotism, corruption,
and misrule"
Aligned with Soviet Union
National Security Services (NSS)
'Somali Gestapo'
Clan favoritism
M.O.D (the Mareehaan, Ogaden and
Ogaden War (1977-1978)
Ogaden region in Ethiopia
Somali National Army
3 years after fall of Ethiopia’s Emperor
Haile Sellasie
Soviet Union & Cuba alliance change
Supported new Marxist Ethiopia
Withdrew support from Barre
Ogaden War (1977-1978) cont.
Effects of the war
1983 → 1.3 million refugees in Somalia
Economy in the north
Clan favoritism & resentment
Issaq clan
Ogadeen clan
Brief History of Somalia
Post-World War II
Was a protectorate of Great Britain
Achieved independence
Military dictatorship
Under Mohamed Siad Barre
Somalia's strategic importance was diminished due to end of
the Cold War
Government became even more totalitarian
Uprising in the NW (1978-1982)
The Red Berets
Destroyed water reservoirs
2,000 Majeerteen died from thirst
Violence against women/children
Overthrow of Siad Barre
Somali National
Movement (SNM)
Isaaq exiles
1980s → Ogadeen
refugees in (north) Isaaq
clan territory
1988 SNM
raided refugee
Barre = civilian
United States
government provided
$163.5 million to
Lost Iranian ally
Horn of Africa to Gulf
oil shipping routes
Barre's army
=120,000 troops
Overthrow of Siad Barre (cont.)
United Somali Congress (USC)
Hawiye clan exiles
Red Berets
Violence against Hawiye and Isaaq clans
Bombing of Hargeisa, 2nd largest city,
70% destroyed, 400,000 fled to Ethiopia
January 27th,1991 → USC fought back
Drove Siad Barre out of Mogadishu
The Result
Republic of Somaliland
Somali National Movement (SNM)
Mohammad Ibrahim Egal → “president of
United Somali Congress (USC)
Seized Mogadishu
Siad Barre dies in exile 4 years later →
Civil War
The civil war disrupted agriculture and food
distribution in Somalia.
The tribes waged vicious wars against each other
to control water, and pasture, and cattle.
With the country embroiled in a civil war, famine
struck, and many Somalis began to die—an
estimated 300,000.
Famine and Starvation in Somalia
When Somalia’s
collapsed in 1991,
the resulting civil war
led to severe
disruptions in food
production and
An estimated
300,000 Somalis
starved to death.
Somali Civil War – 1991
Results of the Somali Civil War
Barre is ousted from leadership
Disrupted agriculture, food & water distribution
Based on clan allegiances and competition for resources
Somali Civil War – 1991
More Results
Famine – approx.
300,000 dead
UN Security Council
authorized the limited
peacekeeping operation
disregarded by the
warring factions
More Violence in Somalia
USC has no plans for permanent
No reconciliation between factions and
armed groups
USC splits
Muhammad Fara Aidid & Ali Mahdi
Mahdi → Somali Salvation Alliance
Declared himself “president of Somalia”
The country was ruled by a number
of warlords
A person with power who has military
and civil control over a an area
Armed forces loyal to the warlord and
not to a central government
Alliance of warlords was formed in
Operated under the authority of
Mohamed Farrah Aidid
Declared himself President of Somalia
More Violence in Somalia (cont.)
Somali National Front (SNF)
Siad Barre's supporters
1991 → 6 months open combat between
September 1991 → USC dominated, more
street fighting in Mogadishu
Effects of Turmoil
Government & civil society decayed
Food distribution collapsed
Drought exacerbated the effects
Famine in south
1992, international aid
80% food shipments looted by armed
groups & government
The United Nations decides to intervene
Role of United Nations
In 1992, the United Nations (UN) authorized a peacekeeping
force, whose objective was to provide food supplies to
Somalia and a safe, orderly way of distributing that food.
In a way, the UN’s actions in Somalia were similar to what see
saw in Rwanda. Remember that?
The difference in Somalia is that UN forces were there to
provide food during a famine.
The problem the UN encountered, though, was that the warring
tribes simply attacked the UN food supplies, stole the food,
and then sold it themselves, making lots of $.
The worst of these thieves was a ruthless warlord named
Mohammed Farah Aidid.
United States Response
In December of 1992,
President Bush ordered
Operation Restore Hope
Primary mission of
restoring order in Somalia
President Bill Clinton
took office in January
1993 and continued the
The United States in Somalia
“Operation Restore Hope”
August – October 1992
Mohammed Farah Aidid / Operation Restore Hope
• Mohammed Farah Aidid was a tribal warlord at the center of
Somalia’s civil war in 1991-1993.
• Aidid became notorious for attacking and plundering UN food and
medical supplies.
• While thousands of Somalis were starving to death, Aidid’s forces
were stealing relief supplies, then selling them make money.
• In December 1992, under President George HW Bush, the United
States organized a military coalition whose objective was to stop the
warlords (including Aidid) and to create a safe environment in
Somalia so that food and medicine could be distributed.
• This mission was called Operation Restore Hope.
• Initially, Operation Restore Hope was successful. The famine was
alleviated, and by May 1993, most of the US troops were withdrawn.
• Aidid did not give up, however, and after May 1993 he devised new
attacks on the UN peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in
• The US then made the fateful decision to either kill or capture Aidid.
• This set the stage for what became known as “Blackhawk Down.”
United Nations Operation in Somalia I (April
1992 - March 1993)
Monitor cease fire
Escort delivery of humanitarian supplies
Resolution 751 (1992)
Mission strengthens
Resolution 767 (1992)
Operational zones: Berbera, Bossasso, Mogadishu
and Kismayo
Military of 750 units, all ranks
Worked with United Task Force (UNITAF)
Resolution 794 (1992): “All means necessary”
24 countries led by the USA
US Involvement
UN and US begin to provide humanitarian
and nation building aid prior to 1993
In June of 1993 24 UN workers were
brutally murdered prompting the UN to
demand the arrest and trial of those
US led air raids resulted in the death of
respected clan leaders and resentment
UNOSOM I (cont.)
100-Day Action Plan
massive infusion of food aid
aggressive expansion of supplementary feeding
provision of basic health services and mass measles
urgent provision of clean water, sanitation and
provision of shelter materials, blankets and clothes
simultaneous delivery of seeds, tools and animal
vaccines with food rations
prevention of further refugee outflows
institution-building and rehabilitation of civil
Factions shelled and hijacked supply ships and vehicles
The Home-Front
Many Somalis resented the
international forces
Many took up arms and actively
resisted the UN and US
On June 5, 1993, one of the
deadliest attacks on UN forces in
Somalia occurred
24 UN soldiers were killed in
Mogadishu (controlled by Aidid)
The UN Responds
The next day, the UN issued
Resolution 837 calling for the
arrest and trial of those
responsible for the ambush
US and UN began an attack on
Aidid’s control
Aidid remained defiant, and the
violence between Somalis and
UN troops escalated
The Battle of Mogadishu
Fought on October 3 and 4,
1993, in Mogadishu,
Operation was to capture
top officials to Aidid
Blackhawk Down (1993)
Essentially, the US put together an
elite team of soldiers called Task
Force Ranger to hunt down and kill
or capture Mohammed Farah Aidid
and Aidid’s top lieutenants.
On October 3, 1993, the US knew
that Aidid was in a building in the
city of Mogadishu (the capital city
of Somalia).
Task Force Ranger attempted to
execute a complex “snatch and
grab” mission to capture Aidid.
As part of this mission, several
Blackhawk helicopters were used
to drop elite US forces off at
specific locations in Mogadishu.
Task Force Ranger was not
expecting to encounter hostile
resistance from Aidid’s men.
However, as the Blackhawk
helicopters began dropping
the US soldiers into
Mogadishu, the Americans ran
into one hell of a firefight.
Some of the Somalis were
using RPGs (Rocket-Propelled
Grenades), and they used
these weapons to shoot down
2 of the Blackhawks.
For the next 24 hours, US forces scrambled to save
the crews of the two downed Blackhawks.
This became a red-hot firefight between American
forces and Somali tribal soldiers.
19 Americans were killed.
One of slain Blackhawk pilots was dragged through
the streets of Mogadishu, footage that sickened
The Battle of Mogadishu
During the operation, two US
Black Hawk helicopters were shot
Some soldiers were trapped at
the crash sites
A combined task force was sent
to rescue the trapped soldiers
US Forces
19 Killed
84 Wounded
Somali Forces
Est. 700+ Killed
Est. 1,500 Wounded
Fallout from Mogadishu
Black Hawk Down
Somalis shot down a Black Hawk helicopter killing
the soldiers on board and the US withdrew-policy
during Clinton Administration
After 9/11 the US was very concerned about
terrorism and the strategic location of Somalia as
a breeding ground for terrorists
US began aiding warlords, training Ethiopian forces
and providing counter-terrorism training to other
nations in the region
Black Hawk Down
Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War
by Mark Bowden
"Black Hawk Down (2001) - IMDb." The Internet Movie
Database (IMDb). Web. 07 Jan. 2012.
Web. 07 Jan. 2012.
Fallout from Mogadishu
American Foreign Policy
Became a cautionary influence on US policy
When US considers sending soldiers into foreign crisis
zones – “remember Somalia”
Americans were repulsed at the images of soldiers'
corpses being dragged through the streets
January 1993, meeting convened by the Secretary-General
14 Somali political movements agreed on a ceasefire
pledged to hand over all weapons to UNITAF and
General Agreement of 8 January 1993
Agreement On Implementing The Cease-fire And On
Modalities Of Disarmament
Agreement On The Establishment Of An Ad Hoc
The Conference on National Reconciliation in Somalia (March
leaders of 15 political movements endorsed an
accord on disarmament, reconstruction and the
formation of a transitional government.
Transition to UNOSOM II
Supplanted UNITAF
To help ensure a secure environment
in Somalia
Rebuild and reestablish
Chapter VII, Resolution 814 (1993)
UNOSOM II (cont.)
Soldiers killed by factions → disregarded agreements
of ceasefire
Resolution 837 (1993)
Take all necessary measures to defend
armed attacks
Quick Reaction Force
Nairobi Declaration & Addis Ababa Agreement
Peace throughout Somalia & ceasefire
Factions/clans broke agreement
Secretary-General urged another conference to
appoint new government
UNOSOM II(March 1993 - March 1995)
Transition of operational control from UNITAF
Effective deployment and consolidation of
United Nations operational control
throughout Somalia and the border regions
Reduction of UNOSOM II military activity, and
assistance to civil authorities in exercising
greater responsibility
Reduction of UNOSOM II force
Secretary-General: only the Somalis
themselves could establish acceptable peace
International community could help
the process → can't be sustained
Withdraw of UNOSOM II force → March
United Nations agencies and organizations
The End of International Involvement
President Clinton called
for a full withdrawal by
March 1994.
Marines were
completely removed
from the area by 1995
The UN also withdrew
Ended the UN effort to
help a country in anarchy
and civil war
The End of International Involvement
Secretary of Defense Les
Aspin resigned
Blamed for denying the
US Army permission to
use tanks
US politicians didn’t want
tanks in Somalia
Thought it would look bad
for “peacekeeping”
Post UNOSOM Somalia
Central government
Law system
TNG and the ICU
International Conferences
Area of conflict
ICU dominance
Effect of ICU rule
Al-Shabaab declares black Islamic flag in Somalia
ICU and Ethiopia
ICU's power spread
Ethiopian outlook
African Union
ICU-TNG Conflict
African Union thwarted
Arms buildup
Puntland State of Somalia
Claimed autonomy in
Do not want to be fully
independent of
Have developed at a
greater rate than
mainland Somalia.
Population of Puntland
Estimated at 2.4 million
Population growth rate of
Puntland State is currently
very high due to the influx of
people from war-torn
southern Somalia and from
neighboring countries.
Puntland: Signs of Development
Ministry of Women Development and Family Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Education
Overall, the government has little control and is
Forbes magazine ranked Somalia as the most
dangerous destination in the world.
Somalis are worried they will wind up
being ruled by the Ethiopians-resentful
of the standing Ethiopian army
occupying their country
Ethiopia is concerned about Eritrea using
the situation (instability in Somalia) to
invade them and use Somalia to launch
attacks against them
Ethiopia Invades
Their civil war in the 1990’s destroyed
the country's government
In 2006 Ethiopia invaded Somalia (with
help from the United States) to
prevent it from becoming an Islamist
Ethiopian Invasion
ICU's Fate
Islamist Groups
Hizbul Islam
Islamic Courts Union
War Leads to Piracy
As a result of that, foreign fishing ships started
fishing in Somali waters for it’s tuna, which
caused economic problems in Somalia's
fishing industry.
The fishermen, with access to small arms and
portable rockets, went out to sea to attack
the foreign cargo, and cargo ships.
This eventually turned into organized piracy
Pirates ??
Due to the extreme limited
opportunities to make a living in
Somalia many have turned to Piracy
in the Gulf of Aiden.
Began when neighboring countries
began illegally fishing in Somali
Angry Somali fishermen boarded
and demanded “fees”
Called themselves ‘Coast guards’,
organized like a military
Today Somali pirates seize anything from freighters
to luxury cruise liners
Pirates in 2008 pulled in as much as $150 million,
placing it as Somalia’s biggest industry
Bosses can pull in $2 million/year
Why and how they do it
They captured merchant ships off the coast of
Yemen, Somalia, and Kenya and hold them for
The ship owners and the insurance companies pay
the ransom because it is cheaper to pay it than to
lose the ship and its cargo
Ships from the United states, United Kingdom, Russia,
and India patrol the Somalia coats and try to stop
the piracy
Ships are now arming themselves to protect against
attack from pirates
How to Handle the Piracy Issue
Some people have suggested to use amphibious or
air attacks on the pirates
Others think we should pay them off
The best solution is to get a functioning government
in Somalia to control it citizens
Coalition Government
Moderate Islamists and the TNG
Technocratic government
Recent Occurences
Drought and famine
Possible AU peacekeeper increase
Problems that the UN face in Somalia
• United Nations aid workers in the country are limited
as there is no established protection on site. Aid
workers face the constant threat of kidnapping for
• International aid has been routinely looted due to a
variety of factors including government corruption
and desperate food and health conditions.
• Islamist groups view the United Nations with distrust
and deny it access to their land, believing that the
United Nations has a political agenda.
UN Role In Somalia
• No large-scale United Nations peacekeeping operation in the
country since the UNOSOM II.
• Passed Resolution 1838, in which an anti-piracy fleet is
sanctioned to operate off of Somalia's lawless coastline.
• The World Food Programme (WFP), a United Nations program, also
has a presence in the country.
• A United Nations program designated towards establishing a
functioning government in Somalia called the United Nations
Political Office for Somalia is currently active in Kenya.
1. UN Peacekeepers
– Offensive action
– Protection of aid
– Protection of government institutions
2. United Nations Political Office for Somalia
– Development
Solutions (cont.)
3. International Help
Monetary goals
4. Political Unification
5. End to Piracy
6. Alleviate the Effects of the Famine
Long term and short term goals
The United Nations' database on the UNOSOM I & UNOSOM II
From United Nations Political Office for Somalia
Somalia – Infrastructure, Power, and Communications
GlobalSecurity on the Somalia Civil War
From AllAfrica, information pertaining to the Islamist's stance on the United Nations was
General history of the Somali Civil War
Information on the Somali Civil War was taken from Conciliation Resources.
GlobalSecurity on the far-reaching consequences of the Somalia Civil War