Room 1338
: http://www1.aasd.k12.wi.us/sites/Staff/hermansenjoel/SitePages/Home.aspx
1 st Hour: AP World History
2 nd Hour: AP World History
3 rd Hour: AP World History
4 th Hour: Military History
6 th Hour: AP World History
All rules listed in Appleton North Student Handbook apply
o Leckie, Robert. Wars of America. Castle, 1998. ISBN: #1-78-580914-7 o Notebook and folder specifically for this class
Foundations of the American Military
Tradition a.
Basic intro b.
“The Citizen Soldier” c.
European/Colonial encounters with
Native Americans i.
Powhatan War ii.
King Phillips War iii.
Pequot War
The Colonial Wars a.
“The 9 World Wars”
Civil War
***EXAM 3
Expansion & World Power a.
The West (Indian Wars) b.
Spanish-American War (The Splendid
Little War) c.
The Great War (WWI)
***EXAM 4
World War II
***EXAM 5
Cold War b.
French & Indian c.
Revolutionary War
*** EXAM 1 (units 1 and 2)
Early American Wars a.
War of 1812 (2 nd war of
Independence) b.
War with Mexico (Mexican/American
***EXAM 2 a.
Cuban Missile Crisis/Bay of Pigs b.
Korea c.
***EXAM 6-
(Cumulative District Assessment)
Modern War a.
Iraq b.
Afghanistan c.
Somalia d.
Libya e.
War on Terror
Analyze how changes in technology have influenced changes in military methods, tactics, and strategic thinking
Show influence that military history has had on social life
Learn about the people and the personalities who are associated with military history
Discuss how political, social, and economic forces impact the history of war
Study will include military terms, principles, military propaganda, strategies, campaigns, as well as various theories concerning causes of war and peacemaking.
: will be based on total points. You will be assessed and earn points on quizzes, exams, writings, and daily work. Total points earned divided by total points possible.
Appleton North High School issues quarterly report cards that use a grading system consisting of the following differentiated grading scale:
97-100 A+ 4.0 73-76 C 2.0
93-96 A 4.0 70-72 C- 1.67
90-92 A- 3.67 67-69 D+ 1.33
87-89 B+ 3.33 63-66 D 1.0
83-86 B 3.0 60-62 D- 0.67
80-82 B- 2.67 0-59 F 0.0
77-79 C+ 2.33
Grades are indicators of student initiative, attitude, and cooperation. The key to better grades is directly related to student effort.
Part of the educational mission of North High School is to develop student responsibility and a good work ethic. All assignments are due at the time designated by the teacher. Unless granted an extension by the teacher due to an excused absence or special circumstance, all assignments must be submitted at the time at which they are due. TEACHERS WILL NOT
ACCEPT ANY ASSIGNMENT AFTER THE DEADLINE (except for pre-arranged extensions).