Creative Writing 8/16/12

Creative Writing 8/16/12
You have been selected
for a small group of
researchers from the
planet Zorg. Your job is to
travel to earth and study
the culture of the species
“human” that populate
planet earth. You are to
learn about where they
find energy, what they
like to do, what their
family structure is like. In
short, what makes them
the diverse culture that
they are. Write a
“research paper”
reporting your findings.
Creative Writing
Fairy Tales usually have
happy endings. The prince
gets the girl, they kiss, and
live happily ever after. But
what’s the fun in that??
What would happen if it
didn’t end so happy? The 7
dwarfs were attacked by
zombies and now they are
after Snow White. Sleeping
Beauty isn’t in a coma, she
just sleeps during the day
because she is a vampire.
Rewrite your favorite fairy
tale and add a spooky
Creative Writing
There are many adults who
think that teens have little
impact on the world around
them. Some say it’s because
they are so consumed with
technology, and they have
little desire to step away and
change something. You know
this is not true. Write a letter
discussing something you
would change if you could.
Discuss what you would
change and why and how. This
can be anything you feel you
want to change.
Creative Writing
Imagine your alarm clock
buzzing obnoxiously for
you to get up and start
your day. You stumble
around until you find the
door and make it to the
bathroom. You glance
into the mirror and have
to do a double take. The
face that is staring back
at you is not your own.
Write a story beginning at
this moment.
Is Santa Real?
Write a letter to a
child either
persuading them to
believe in Santa Claus
or convincing them
why they should not
believe. You must
include three reasons
with support plus an
intro and conclusion.
Socratic Circle Prep.
Explain the conflict in the story
Describe which rights are being
violated in the story.
Explain two things you agree with
about the author's perspective
(use your knowledge of
the Constitution)
Explain two things you disagree
with about the author's
perspective (use your knowledge
of the Constitution)
Create three level 3 or level 4
questions to ask in
the Socratic circle. Use your
background knowledge of
previous discussion in Language
Arts and Social Studies).
Creative Writing
This week we have
discussed point of view.
The fairy tales you read as
a child were always told
from the perspective of
the “good guy.” Today
you will write a story from
the perspective of the
“villain.” Are they really all
that bad??
Creative Writing
Kitty Malone if considered
one of the best lawyers in
the country. There maybe
a reason for this. She has
the ability to read minds.
Now she is taking on the
case of a lifetime. Create
a story with this character
and this outline to the
Creative Writing
You’re a reporter for the
Henry County Times, and
you’ve been asked to be
the exclusive reporter to
cover Superman. You get
a call saying that
Superman is on his way to
the High School because
the kitchen has caught
on fire and the fire is
spreading throughout the
building. Your job is to
write an article
chronicling this event. Be
sure to include a STRONG
Creative Writing
Trent is the most popular
kid in school. He is star of
the football team,
president of his class, and
has a winning smile. Gary
mostly keeps to himself.
He is brilliant and enjoys
the fact that many see
him as invisible. Trent and
Gary are paired up for
science lab. While
working on a particularly
complicated experiment,
Trent makes a mistake.
This mistake leads to
creating a powerful
substance. Finish the
Creative Writing
It’s Friday afternoon and
mean Ms. Crenshaw
made you stay after
school to work on your
project. You finish up and
go to your locker to put
your stuff away. You hear
a loud noise and then the
lights go out. Finish the
Creative Writing
You are walking to the bus
stop when you see a Henry
County water bottle in the
middle of the street. You run
over to pick it up and a
Genie appears right before
of your eyes! There’s a
dance number and he
claims he can grant you
three wishes. He can’t grant
you any additional wishes.
Discuss what you would ask
for and why. Remember he
can make just about
anything come true!
Creative Writing
Yesterday, reality hit. You
realized that life cost
money and the things
you need and the things
you want are two
different things.
That was yesterday.
Today we can still dream.
Describe your dream
house. Give LOTS of
Creative Writing
You have just had the
best day of your life.
Write a story or poem
about your day … BUT
you have to write TWO
One version is all literal
and denotative. The
second version is
figurative and
Creative Writing
It’s a new year and
you’ve had plenty of time
to come up with a new
year’s resolution. First,
describe your actual
resolution (something you
are going to try and
change, fix, work on over
the year). That’s not
always fun though, right?
Now come up with a
super crazy resolution! It
could be world
domination or learning to
read minds! What would
happen to the world if it
were to come true?
Creative Writing
It’s Valentine's Day, the
most romantic time of
year (yuck!). With all this
lovey-dovey stuff in the
air, it’s enough to make a
person sick! Because
many stories end with a
happily ever after, we
want you to write a
different kind of story.
Create a story of an
unlikely love or one that
ends not so happily ever
Creative Writing
Life is all about transitions.
Clark Kent transitions into
Superman. A caterpillar
makes the transitions into
a butterfly. You will make
the transition to high
school. Justin Timberlake
left his “boy band” ways
and transitioned into a
triple threat. Choose one
of the sentences from
your worksheet to
incorporate into a story
about transitions. It can
be as realistic or as far
fetched as you want it to