Psychology Spring 2012 Mr. Totah Room 206 /Period 5 and 6

Psychology Spring 2012
Mr. Totah
Room 206 /Period 5 and 6
Textbook: Understanding Psychology, Glencoe/McGraw hill
Contact: I can be reached at 562-920-1734 ext. 268 or at
Course Description and Objective:
Welcome to Introduction to Psychology. This course focuses on the scientific study of human
development, psychological theory and human behavior. Major contributions to the field of psychology
are studied, and students will have the opportunity to apply psychological perspectives to their own
Class work will consist of group presentations, and participation. Homework will consist of
reading, defining key terms, outlines, and chapter questions. Tests and quizzes will be used to evaluate
your knowledge of the text book and the movies viewed in class. Tests and quizzes can be given at any
time without warning. (If a student is present on the day of a test or quiz, he is responsible for taking
the test and the quiz on that day, in other words being absent the day before the test in not an excuse
not to take the exam). All students will be responsible for completing a research project / presentation
at the end of the semester.
Class Material:
College-ruled writing paper
Pen & pencil
Scontron and Blue Book for test days
General Rules:
1. Bring all materials to class everyday
2. Do not talk while others are talking
3. In-class computer use will be allowed at the teacher’s discretion.
4. Act in a mature and Christian manner at all times.
Cheating Policy: There is no cheating/copying allowed on tests, homework, etc. The Social Studies
Department Policy is as follows:
If a student is caught cheating or copying homework or other assignments, he will receive a
zero on the assignment, and parents will be notified.
2. If a student is caught cheating on a test, he will receive a zero with parental notification. A
Dean/Counselor referral will be given for documentation.
3. If a student cheats on a quarter or semester exam, or is a repeat offender, he will be given a
zero, there will be parental notification, and the student will meet with the Vice Principal.
Grading will be based on quizzes, tests, class work, participation, essays and projects. The grading
scale is found in the SJB Student/Parent Handbook.
Homework will be posted on-line at on my profile page. As a result, being absent is
not an excuse not to be aware of homework responsibilities. If homework is not posted on-line
students are still responsible for homework given to students by the teacher in class.
I will not accept late homework. If you do not turn in an assignment the day it is due you will
receive a zero.
Good luck this semester. I look forward to working with all of you.
Mr. Totah
I have read these policies for Introduction to Psychology. During the course of the semester, my son
is allowed to watch movies with an R rating that pertain to the study of psychology.
Parent Name (print):
Parent Signature:
Phone #:
Student Name (print):
Student Signature: