
PSY 1010—Introduction to Psychology
Course Syllabus
--Sky View High School/Utah State University-Instructor: Gordon Geddes
Class Overview
Psychology is a social science elective that examines human behavior and mental processes.
Included in the content will be an examination of the history of psychology as a science, and a look
at the main theoretical perspectives and research in the field. Most of our time in class will be spent
discussing learning, memory, personality, social behavior, psychological disorders, and the
brain/nervous system.
Text and Resources
Required Text:
Psychology in Modules 10th ed. By David Myers.
ISBN 10: 1464102619 / ISBN 13: 9781464102615
Video clips from a variety of news and educational programs will be shown to illustrate key topics.
Various articles from scientific journals and periodicals will also be used as supplemental reading.
Remember that your grade is an indication of how much you have learned during the course. Your
final grade should be a reflection of your knowledge of basic psychology at the end of the course.
Extra credit will not be given in this class. However, multiple opportunities will be provided for
student learning. Extra opportunities for student learning will exist within class time as well as
before and after school, or during RoCK hour. Roughly 60% of your grade will be based on unit
tests, reading quizzes, and the course final. The other 40% will be based on your class journal, class
activities, and homework.
Grades will be assigned as follows:
A 93-100%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76 %
C- 70-72%
D+ 68-69%
D 65-67%
F below 65%
Tests & Quizzes
We will take two tests over the course of the trimester (midterm and final). The format will be
multiple choice and free-response questions. Tests may be cumulative, with an emphasis on the
most recent units covered. Students may complete test corrections on the midterm to earn back a
portion of points missed. Test corrections will not be available on class final.
There will be short reading quizzes during each unit that will focus on key vocabulary terms and
concepts. The reading quizzes will cover modules from the book that we are unable to cover in class
due to time constraints. Students are responsible for completing the readings and being prepared
on the day of the reading quiz.
If you are absent on the day of a test, the absence must be excused and you have 5 school days to
make up the test before or after school. Please do everything you can to be in class on test days.
Attendance and Citizenship
You need to be in class, on time, and prepared with materials every day. Class time is very
important—poor attendance will make it very difficult to pass this class. Many activities and
experiments will be difficult or impossible to make up outside of class time. Classroom participation
is also a must—non-participation is not an option in most cases. It is my goal to create a class
environment in which students can share thoughts and ideas without fear of criticism or ridicule. If
we are covering sensitive issues in class, please see me for an alternate assignment.
Electronic Devices
Basically, I expect to be able to treat you like adults in this class in regards to technology and I hope
that this never becomes an issue. Don’t have them out when we are engaged in discussion or group
activities. There may be times when electronic devices will be used, but I will tell you beforehand, if
that’s the case. If I find that your learning (or your classmates’ learning) is disrupted by your phone,
ipod, or whatever, it will be confiscated.
USU Information
Psychology 1010 is a concurrent enrollment course through Utah State University. Students
successfully completing this course will earn 3 credits at USU. Because this is a USU class, it is
important that students are aware of the university’s expectations of student behavior.
***Anyone caught plagiarizing or cheating will be dismissed from the course, receive a failing grade
in the class and be remanded to the Vice-President for Student Services for disciplinary
“Cheating” is defined as: using or attempting to use or providing others with any unauthorized
assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or any other academic exercise or activity.
“Plagiarism” is defined as: representing by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or
unpublished work of another person as one’s own in any academic exercise or activity without full
and clear acknowledgement.
All fees for concurrent classes nee to be paid before credit will be awarded by USU. This includes:
One-time admissions fee
USU tuition for class
$15 ($5/credit hour)
Sky View concurrent fee
If your student has a disability that may require accommodations, i.e. modifications in testing,
assignment, grading, etc., please contact your teacher immediately (first week of class, if possible).
Accommodations will be made for all students with documented disabilities. Please contact your
school counselor or administrator for other related information concerning accommodation or
assistance, including procedures which may apply according to the procedural safeguards under
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 or the Rehabilitation Act.
It is the policy of the Cache County School District and Sky View High School that there will be no
discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, gender, marital status, religion, ethnic
background, national origin, age, creed, citizenship, or disability in any educational program or
activity. If such discrimination occurs, please contact your teacher, your counselor, and/or your
Tentative Course Schedule
These dates are likely to change, but it should give a rough idea of how long we’ll be
spending on each unit.
*Themes/Big Ideas
*History of Psychology
*Human Memory
*Research Methods
*Theoretical Perspectives
*Biological Psychology (Brain)
Midterm Exam—Friday Apr. 15
*Learning and Behaviorism
*Personality Theories
*Social Behavior
*Abnormal Psychology (Disorders)
Final Exam—Tue. May 31
Outside Reading Paper Due
Monday, May 23
Finally …
As your teacher, I am at your disposal. This class will be very fast-paced, and we will cover
a lot of material in the space of a trimester. You’ll get out of this class what you put into it,
and I predict that this will be the best class you have here at SV. If you are having problems
or do not understand something from class, or have questions about anything, PLEASE let
me know. Call (school number is 563-6273), email, or come see me in person--I’m here for
at least 30 minutes before and after school every day. Don’t let yourself get lost and buried
by material when things get tough! Stick with it, keep giving it your best, and the results
you want will follow.
**I have read and understood the information provided in this syllabus.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Print name