ق الوا عن ثورة 25يناير وزير الخارجية األلمانى [فستر فيله]: “أتطلع إلى زيارة مصر والحديث مع الذين ق اموا بالثورة”. سيلفيو برلسكوني رئيس وزاراء إيطاليا: “ال جديد في مصر فقد صنع المصريون التاريخ كالعادة” ستولتنبرج رئيس وزراء النرويج : “اليوم كلنا مصريين” ق الوا عن ثورة 25يناير هاينز فيشر رئيس النمسا : “شعب مصر أعظم شعوب األرض و يستحق جائزة نوبل للسالم” الرئيس األمريكي باراك أوباما : “ي جب أن نربي أب ناءنا ليصبحوا كشباب مصر” شبكة CNNاإلخبارية: “ألول مرة نرى شعبا يقوم بثورة ثم ينظف الشوارع بعده”. Course Name :- Lecture 1: Course organization and introduction to feedback control Feb. 2012 Instructor: Mohamed Sayed Bayoumi A. Professor Aerospace Engineering Cairo University Course Description • This course is concerned with both analysis and design of feedback linear control systems – Analysis: System Modeling, (mech.-Translational-Rotational), Elect., Fluid, Thermal system. Response (Partial function, Sensitivity, and Stability -Design: PID controller - Implementation: Op-Amp. & Pneumatic. Reading material • Text book: – Charles L. Phillips and Royce D. Harbor, Feedback Control Systems, – Van de vegte, Feedback Control Systems, – Nice, Feedback Control Systems, – Ogata, Feedback Control Systems, – Harison, Introduction to Control Systems, – Raven, Introduction to Control Systems – R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008, Course Evaluation • Homework: 5% (late homework will not be accepted) • Quiz I: 3% • Mid-Term: 20% • Class participation: 2% • Final exam: 70% Disturbance (Noise) Input R(t) Reference desired output uk + uact Controller (+) Actuator Control signal Process Actuating signal Feedback signal b(t) measurement Output c(t) (actual outpu) A modern Feedback Control System Figure 2.1: WATT’S SPEED GOVERNOR Figure 2.3: MISSILE LAUNCHING AND GUIDANCE SYSTEM A design example : Open loop A design example Closed loop What is a control system? • Generally speaking, a control system is a system that is used to realize a desired output or objective • Open-loop control systems Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.3 Fundamental structure of control systems 1) Open loop control systems Disturbance (Noise) Input r(t) Reference desired output uk Controller uact Actuator Control signal Process Output c(t) (actual output) Actuating signal Fig1.10 . Features: Only there is a forward action from the input to the output. Chapter 1 Introduction Notes: 1) Positive feedback; 2) Negative feedback—Feedback. 1.3 types of control systems 1) linear systems versus Nonlinear systems. 2) Time-invariant systems vs. Time-varying systems. 3) Continuous systems vs. Discrete (data) systems. 4) Constant input modulation vs. Servo control systems. 1.4 Basic performance requirements of control systems 1) Stability. 2) Accuracy (steady state performance). 3) Rapidness (instantaneous characteristic). – Closed-loop control systems (this is what we are most interested in for this course) • Definition of a closed-loop (or feedback) control system – Plant: part of the system to be controlled – Sensor: used for the measurement of a variable – Controller (or compensator): used to obtain satisfactory characteristics for the total system Chapter 1 Introduction 2) Closed loop (feedback) control systems Input r)t( Reference desired output uk + uact Controller (+) Disturbance )Noise( Actuator Control signal Process Output c)t( )actual output( Actuating signal Feedback signal b)t( measurement Fig1.11 . Features: not only there is a forward action , also a backward action between the output and the input (measuring the output and comparing it with the input). 1) measuring the output (controlled variable) . 2) Feedback. Advantages/Disadvantages Open-Loop Systems Simple Inexpensive Cannot correct for disturbances or plant variations Closed-Loop Systems Complex & expensive Less sensitive to noise, disturbances, plant variations Better control of transient steady-state response Better accuracy Self-sustained oscillations possible Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Establish control goals 6. Describe a controller and select key parameters to be adjusted 2. Identify the variables to control 3. Write the specifications for the variables 7. Optimize the parameters and analyze the performance Performance meet the specifications Performance does not 4. Establish the system configuration Meet the specifications Identify the actuator Finalize the design 5. Obtain a model of the process, the actuator and the sensor Fig.1.12 • Advantages of feedback – Feedback allows high performance in the presence of uncertainty – Feedback allows the dynamics of a system to be modified • One major disadvantage of feedback – It may create instability Lecture 2: Mathematical foundation and system modeling Outline of this lecture • Mathematical foundation – Complex variables – Differential equations – Laplace transform • System modeling – Definition of mathematical model – Definition of linear system – Transfer functions System modeling • Definition of mathematical model: – Mathematical relationships that relate the output of a system to its input – It should be understood that no mathematical model of a physical system is exact – We generally strive to develop a model that is adequate for the problem at hand without making the model overly complex • Definition of linear system: – A system is linear if superposition applies Definition • Transforms -- a mathematical conversion from one way of thinking to another to make a problem easier to solve problem in original way of thinking transform solution in transform way of thinking 2. Transforms solution in original way of thinking inverse transform problem in time domain Laplace transform solution in s domain • Other transforms • Fourier • z-transform • wavelets 2. Transforms inverse Laplace transform solution in time domain A correction • About the differential theorem of Laplace transform – An example: to calculate L[du(t)/dt] • The inverse Laplace transform is given by – Mechanical translational systems X(t) K kx (t ) m Mass Spring System X(t) m f(t) f(t) Free body diagram mx&&(t ) = -kx(t ) + f(t) mx&&(t ) +kx(t ) = 0 + f(t) ms2 X ( s ) + kX ( s ) = 0 + F(s) ( ms + k ) X ( s ) = 0 + F(s) 2 X ( s) F ( s) = m x& &( t ) 1 = Transfer function 2 ms +k Static balance K kd ky (t ) d m f(t) f (t) my&&(t ) m&y&(t ) = mg - k{d + y (t )} + f (t ) m&y&(t ) = -ky(t ) + f (t ) y(t) mg mg = kd One degree of freedom Forced Vibration K C m f(t) Cx& (t ) K X(t) m X(t) m&x&(t ) = -Cx& (t ) - kx(t ) + f (t ) X(t) f(t) Free body diagram Forced vibration m&x&(t ) + Cx& (t ) + kx(t ) = f (t ) ms X ( s) + CsX ( s) + kX ( s) = F ( s) 2 X ( s) 1 = = T .F . 2 F ( s ) ms + Cs = k Two degree of freedom c1 k1 m m11 f1 k2 C2 x1 m22 x1 x2 f2 x2 x1 C1 x&1 k1 x1 k1 x1 m1 m1 x1 f1 k2 ( x1 - x2 ) C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) f1 x1 C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) k2 ( x2 - x1 ) m2 f2 C1 x&1 m2 x2 f2 x2 x2 x1 x2 m1&x&1 = -k1 x1 - C1x&1 - k2 ( x1 - x2 ) - C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) + f1 m1&x&1 + (C1 + C2 ) x&1 + (k1 + k2 ) x1 = f1 + C2 x&2 + k2 x2 m2 &x&2 = k2 ( x1 - x2 ) + C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) + f 2 m2 &x&2 + C2 x&2 + k2 x2 = f 2 + C2 x&1 + k2 x1 k1 x1 C1 x&1 m1 x1 f1 k2 ( x1 - x2 ) C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) m2 f2 x2 x2 x1 m1&x&1 = -C1 x&1 - k1x1 + C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) + k2 ( x2 - x1 ) + f1 k1 x1 m1&x&1 + (C1 + C2 ) x&1 + (k1 + k2 ) x1 = f1 + C2 x&2 + k2 x2 C1 x&1 m1 f1 m2 &x&2 = -C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) - k2 ( x1 - x2 ) + f 2 k2 ( x2 - x1 ) m2 &x&2 + C2 x&2 + k2 x2 = f 2 + C2 x&1 + k2 x1 x1 C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) m2 f2 x2 x1 x2 k1 x1 x2 x1 C1 x&1 k1 x1 x1 f1 k2 ( x1 - x2 ) C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) f1 k2 ( x2 - x1 ) m1 x2 f2 x1 f1 x1 k2 ( x1 - x2 ) C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) k2 ( x2 - x1 ) C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) m2 m2 f2 C1 x&1 m1 m1 C1 x&1 k1 x1 x2 m2 f2 x2 k1 x1 m1&x&1 = -k1 x1 - C1x&1 - k2 ( x1 - x2 ) - C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) + f1 m1&x&1 + (C1 + C2 ) x&1 + (k1 + k2 ) x1 = f1 + C2 x&2 + k2 x2 m2 &x&2 = -C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) - k2 ( x2 - x1 ) + f 2 C1 x&1 m1 x1 f1 k2 ( x1 - x2 ) k2 ( x2 - x1 ) m2 &x&2 + C2 x&2 + k2 x2 = f 2 + C2 x&1 + k2 x1 C2 ( x&1 - x&2 ) C2 ( x&2 - x&1 ) m2 f2 x2 Ta( t) - Ts( t) Ta( t) ( t ) Ta( t) 0 Ts ( t ) s( t ) - a( t ) = through - variable angular rate difference = across-variable Gear Ratio = n = N1/N2 N2 L N1 m L n m L n m x r converts radial motion to linear motion System with Gears Power = constant T11 = T22 1 2 = n b x1 x1*a =x2*b x2 a e y x1 a x2 b Figure 2.27 A gear system Figure 2.31 Gear train Figure 2.30 a. Rotational mechanical system with gears; b. system after reflection of torques and impedances to the output shaft; c. block diagram Motor shaft Output shaft Table 2.3 Voltage-current, voltage-charge, and impedance relationships for capacitors, resistors, and inductors Mathematical models of electrical systems R RC network v1(t) dv2 i (t ) = C dt v1 (t ) - v2 (t ) i (t ) = R dv2 v1 (t ) - v2 (t ) C = dt R dv2 RC + v2 (t ) = v1 (t ) dt i(t) C v2(t) ei eo ei eo V2( s ) R2 R2 V1( s ) R R1 + R2 R2 R max V2( s ) ks 1( s ) - 2( s ) V2( s ) ks error( s ) ks Vbattery max Figure 2.9 Three-loop electrical network