2015-2016 Final Review

Anatomy and Physiology 2015-2016
Fall Final Review
Short Answer
1. List the correct order of structural organization(Chapter 1): ___________________________________________
2. Explain why odors and certain foods can alter our mood(Chapter 12): ___________________________________
3. If you poke your forearm with a needle list the epidermal layers the needle would travel through in the correct
order(Chapter 5): _____________________________________________________________________________
4. From superficial to deep the 3 main cell layers of the sensory retina are(Chapter 12): ______________________
5. What is the order in which vibrations travel through the auditory ossicles(Chapter 12): _____________________
6. Describe anatomical position(Chapter 1): __________________________________________________________
7. List the characteristics of Epithelial tissue(Chapter 4): ________________________________________________
8. List the 3 layers of the eye from the outer most layer to the inner most layer(Chapter 12): __________________
9. You need to cut an animal along 2 planes so that both kidneys are observable in both sections; which 2 planes
would meet this requirement(Chapter 1): _________________________________________________________
10. Under what conditions would Antidiuretic Hormone(ADH) be secreted[think in terms of pressure and blood
volume] and what is the primary action of Antidiuretic Hormone(ADH) (Chapter 13): _______________________
11. What are the functions of the endocrine system(Chapter 13): _________________________________________
12. The 4 main tissue types found in the body(Chapter 4): _______________________________________________
13. What happens when keratinocytes from the stratum basale are pushed upwards(Chapter 5): ________________
14. List the symptoms of hypothyroidism(Chapter 13): __________________________________________________
15. List the types of connective tissue(Chapter 4): ______________________________________________________
16. What is the purpose of stratified tissue(Chapter 4): __________________________________________________
17. List the parts of the middle ear(Chapter 12): _______________________________________________________
18. List the anterior pituitary hormones(Chapter 13):____________________________________________________
19. How is the epidermis nourished if it doesn’t have blood vessels(Chapter 5): ______________________________
20. List the parts of the external ear(Chapter 12): ______________________________________________________
21. List the layers of the skin(Chapter 5): _____________________________________________________________
22. Explain how positive feedback works(Chapter 1): ___________________________________________________
True or False: If false I would change whatever is making the statement false to make the statement true
1. The thumb is medial to the pinky(Chapter 1): ______________________________________________________
2. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids are known as inorganic compounds(Chapter 2): ________________
3. A sprain is described as the over-stretching or tearing of a ligament(Chapter 4): ___________________________
4. The dermis is characterized by being composed of stratified epithelial tissue(Chapter 5): ___________________
5. The inability to focus well on far objects is known as myopia(Chapter 12): _______________________________
6. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for lowering calcium levels in the blood(Chapter 13): ___________________
7. The epidermis is characterized by being composed of connective tissue(Chapter 5): _______________________
8. A frontal incision would cut the heart into anterior and posterior parts(Chapter 1):_________________________
9. Water, salts and acids are examples of inorganic compounds(Chapter 2): ________________________________
10. Secretions from the anterior pituitary are controlled by other hormones from the thyroid gland(Chapter 13):
11. Glucagon is responsible for lowering your blood glucose levels(Chapter 13): ______________________________
12. Air sacs in the lungs are composed of simple columnar cells(Chapter 4): _________________________________
13. As your blood sugar rises, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin to return the blood sugar back to
normal levels; this is an example of positive feedback(Chapter 1): ______________________________________
14. Light-skinned races and dark-skinned race both have the same number of melanocytes(Chapter 5): ___________
15. Organs of static equilibrium are located within the cochlea and cause the otolithic membrane to move a send
out a nerve impulse(Chapter 12): ________________________________, _______________________________
16. Growth hormone affects the greatest number of target cells(Chapter 13):________________________________
17. The stomach is inferior to the lungs(Chapter 1):________________________
18. Elastic cartilage is found at the end of long bones(Chapter 4): ________________________________________
19. Keratinocytes are the most common type of cells in the epidermis(Chapter 5):____________________________
20. The receptor cells for hearing are located in the vestibule(Chapter 12):__________________________________
21. T3 and T4 are examples of parathyroid hormone(Chapter 13): _________________________________________
22. Merkel cells protect the skin from damaging effects of the sunlight(Chapter 5): ___________________________
23. The wrist is proximal to the elbow(Chapter 1):______________________________________________________
24. Cartilage is the slowest healing connective tissue type(Chapter 4): _____________________________________
25. Gonadotropin releasing hormone causes the release of estrogen and progesterone(Chapter 13): _____________
26. Cells in the hypothalamus produce ADH but it’s actually secreted by the anterior pituitary(Chapter 13): _______
1. Transitional epithelium(Chapter 4): ______________________________________________________________
2. Goiter(Chapter 13): ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Differentiation(Chapter 1): ____________________________________________________________________
4. Keratinocytes(Chapter 5): ______________________________________________________________________
5. Accommodation(Chapter 12): ___________________________________________________________________
6. Extracellular matrix(Chapter 4): _________________________________________________________________
7. Differentiation(Chapter 1): ____________________________________________________________________
8. Cutaneous Receptors(Chapter 5): ________________________________________________________________
9. Optic nerve(Chapter 12): _______________________________________________________________________
10. Calcitonin(Chapter 13): ________________________________________________________________________
11. Stratum Granulosum(Chapter 5): ________________________________________________________________
12. Nucleic Acids(Chapter 1): _______________________________________________________________________
13. Gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH(Chapter 13): ________________________________________________
14. Vestibulocochlear nerve(Chapter 12): _____________________________________________________________
15. Posterior Pituitary(Chapter 13): _________________________________________________________________
a. Stratum basale
1. Causes the maturation of the immune system(Chapter 13):_______
b. Stratum lucidium
2. Tissue composed of squamous, cuboidal and columnar cells(Chapter 4): ______
c. UV light
3. Cells which divide to replace lost olfactory cells(Chapter 12): ______
d. Hypothalamus
4. Layer of the epidermis in which cell division occurs(Chapter 5): ______
e. Skeletal
5. Produces the releasing and inhibiting hormones(Chapter 13):________
f. Collagenous
6. Tissue which binds organs together, provides support, protection, insulates,
g. Epithelial
stores fat and produces blood cells(Chapter 4): _______
h. Connective
7. White of the eye(Chapter 12): ______
i. Eccrine glands
8. Stimulates milk ejection from the mammary glands(Chapter 13): _______
j. Hair cells
9. Provides support and levers on which the muscular system acts on(Chapter 1): _____
k. Basal cells
10. Layer of the epidermis which is only found in the palms of the hands and
l. Sclera
the soles of the feet(Chapter 5): _______
m. FSH
11. Responsible for raising blood glucose levels(Chapter 13): _______
n. Antidiuretic
12. Tissue fibers which are found in tendons and ligaments(Chapter 4): _______
o. Glucagon
13. Receptors for hearing and balance(Chapter 12): ______
p. Oxytocin
14. Respond primarily to emotional stress(Chapter 5): _______
q. Pituitary
15. Hormones from the hypothalamus directly influence this glands secretory
r. Thymosin
activity(Chapter 13): _______
16. Osmoreceptors are involved in the secretion of this hormone(Chapter 13): _______
17. Hormone required for ovulation(Chapter 13): ________
18. To produce vitamin D, the skin cells need to be exposed to (Chapter 5): _______
Labeling: 3 parts of the eye, 3 parts of the skin, 3 types of epithelial tissue, 3 directional terms