Title: Starter.
What do all of
these images
have in
Sudan 1992
Iraq 2003
Mexico 2006
• Migration – the temporary or permanent
movement of people from one place to
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqI2s4oUlBI 3.21 mins
• Money sent by migrants back to their countries of origin is an increasingly
important source of outside funding for many developing countries.
Remittance flows are the second-largest source, behind foreign investment
by private companies, of external funding for developing countries.
• In 2001, remittance receipts of developing countries stood at $72.3bn.
Migration animations
• http://www.geographyteachingtoday.org.uk
• http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/g
Types of Migration
• Forced:
• Push factor migration either international
(external) or internal (within the country).
• Some factors causing this type of migration
include war and other conflicts, natural disasters,
overpopulation, enslavement and religious and
political persecution.
• Eg Kosovo and Rwanda.
• http://www.forcedmigration.org/whatisfm.htm
• http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/21/somalia
Types of Migration.
• Labour:
• A voluntary form of migration. Eg skilled
international migration to global cities like
London or Dubai.
Types of Migration.
• Rural –Urban:
• Both forced and voluntary migration
predominantly in developing nations. But
also in developed nations with drought in
• http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/02/080221-nomadvideo-vin.html
Nomads forced to the cities
Types of Migration
• Voluntary:
• Historically occurred as territorial
expansion (colonisers). Now occurs for
economic (employment)/social (to join
family or communities)/better climate.
Types of Migration
• Involuntary:
• All forms of push factors resulting in refugees.
Asylum Seeker:
A person who has a right to work and live in a country for
a short time.
A person who has left their home in a country where they
feel unsafe because of persecution or war, and has
applied to stay in another country where they feel safe. If
they are allowed to stay they become a refugee.
Types of Migration
• Internal:
• Simply refers to rural urban migration/
push and pull factors at work within a
Types of Migration
• External:
• Refers to international migration such as
refugees and labour migration.
TASK 3: These three
people have migrated to
the UK to live and work.
What type of migrants are
There are two key migration terms
that you need to learn:
• Emigration is when someone leaves a
• Immigration is when someone enters a
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/35271
23.stm Excellent BBC Migration Glossary
? Reasons For Migration?
Reasons For Migration
• People migrate for many different reasons.
These reasons can be classified as either
economic, social, political or
• http://www.ancestry.com/learn/library/articl
e.aspx?article=1436 13 reasons our
ancestors migrated
• Economic migration may involve moving to
find work or follow a particular career path.
• Social migration may involve moving
somewhere for a better quality of life or to
be closer to family or friends.
• If someone is a political migrant they may
be moving to escape political persecution
or war.
• Environmental causes of migration include
natural disasters such as flooding.
Why do people move?
TASK 5: Write a sub-heading ‘Why do People Move?’ Make a list of all of the
reasons that might make people migrate.
TASK 6: Now label your reasons PUSH FACTORS (things that push people away from
a place) and PULL FACTORS (things that pull people towards a place).
Environmental Strain in Chad
Internal Migration – Rural-Urban Migration
• Movement of people away from the rural region
(countryside, farms) to an urban (town, city) area.
• A UN forecast released last week reports that half of all
humans will live in urban areas by the end of the year—
and 70 percent by 2050—even though cities occupy only
about 3 percent of Earth's land surface.
• Which age group is most prone to move?
• Which group of country experiences large
volumes of rural-urban migrants?
• Why?
Internal Migration – Rural-Urban Migration
• Which age group is most prone to move?
Age 20s – 30s
Internal Migration – Rural-Urban Migration
• Which age group is most prone to move?
– Male
– Age group – 20s and 30s
– Able bodied – economically-active
• Which group of country experiences large
volumes of rural-urban migrants?
– Developing countries, eg. India, Brazil
Internal Migration – Rural-Urban Migration
• Main and most important reason for this
movement – rural area cannot support the
large and rapid population increase
• Symptoms of rural overpopulation –
reduced food supply, decreased job
opportunities, shortage of land
• Worsened by farm mechanisation. Why?
– Machines replaced labour, jobs are lost, rising
Internal Migration – Rural-Urban Migration
•Rise of squatter
unhygienic living
•Strain on urban
•Rising crime rates
•Women take on
greater share of
farm work
•Declining farm
•Social problems,
single-parent family
A UN forecast released in 2008 reports that half of all humans will live in urban areas by
the end of the year—and 70 percent
by 2050—even though cities occupy only about 3 percent of Earth's land surface.
Internal Migration – Rural-Urban Migration
In India
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/6343421.stm Rural urban migration in India
Show wmv on Rural urban migration (500 miles Proclaimers)
Brazil: Rural-urban migration
North East Brazil is the poorest
region lacking good farm land.
Amazonia is the most sparsely
populated area of Brazil.
• Rural-urban migration to the
cities on the coast has been
important to the growth of
Brazil (Sao Paulo and Rio
de Janeiro).
• The south east coastal area
is far more prosperous and
life in a favela (informal
settlement) can seem more
attractive than life in a rural
The Australian Experience
• http://smallbusiness.smh.com.au/managin
• http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/
• Video 3.27 mins
Internal Migration – Seasonal Migration
• Seasonal migration.
• It refers to the movement of people away
from their homes to find a livelihood,
usually on a temporary basis
• Farmers moving their herds from the
snow-covered uplands to lowland pastures
• Apartheid System (African slavery system)
Internal Migration – Planned Migration
• Planned migration refers to large-scale
migration of people within the country
• Usually carried out by the government
• The most famous example – Transmigration
Programme in Indonesia
• Aims of the Transmigration Programme
– Relieve population pressure in Java, Madura,
Bali and Lombok
– Increase job opportunities and raise standard of
living in Java, Madura, Bali and Lombok
– Increase production of food and tree crops
Planned Migration (Transmigration)
• uneven population
• plans to develop
undeveloped areas
• overcome landless
problem & food shortage
• raise std of living eg
introduce cash cropping
• cultural clash between
migrants and locals
• disrupt local way of life
• widespread deforestation
and soil erosion
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USLDoIiFzzg
9 mins Darfur explained
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxyD7__ChU&feature=related Hard hitting 3 mins
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqI2s4oUlBI 3
• http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/blipplayer.swf?autoStart
=false&file=http://blip.tv/file/get/GatmDarfur602.flv?source=3 Flash video
• http://www.freedocumentaries.org/film.php?id=1
14 55 min film Invisible Children
Sudan (Darfur)
• The UN estimates five years of conflict in
Darfur have left 300,000 people dead and
more than two million homeless.
• Aid agency Oxfam says about 1,000
people are being displaced every day in
the region.
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/5316306.stm
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3496731.stm
July 2008 Q & A
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7237326.stm
Feb 2008 Click on video for refugee camp in
Chad, 1.15 mins
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7535297.stm
Aug 2008
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6213202.stm
• Dec 2006
• http://www.darfurisdying.com/index.html Game
of empathy
International Migration – Involuntary Migration
• Involuntary Migration = Forced Migration
• Movement of people caused by events which
force people to move against their will
• People involved in this movement = Refugees
Refugees are persons who owing to well-founded fear of
persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality or
political opinions, are outside of their country of origin and
cannot or owing to such fear, do not wish to avail themselves
of the protection of that country.
malia Somalia 2008
Refugees trying to move to move to safer places
with whatever belongings they have.
Rwanda Forced Migration
• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi
• BBC Rwanda archive
• http://www.freedocument
Rwanda film Do Scars
ever fade? 50 mins
• http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/b
• Flash video
During the latter half of July 1994, nearly 1.5 million
Rwandans fled to Zaire, giving rise to some of the largest
refugee camps in the world. Kibumba camp, Goma
region, Zaire.
Living conditions in refugee camps are at best subsistence
and nothing more. They can become permanent features.
• http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/
Involuntary Migration
• unfavourable social / political conditions
• South Vietnamese fled communist Vietnam to
Canada, USA, etc
• Rwanda civil war in mid-1990s led to the fleeing
of 2 million refugees
• Migration of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs to Britain
in 1950s when Pakistan and India became
separate countries
Involuntary Migration
• unfavourable
eg droughts
• Ethiopians fled Sahel
to go to surrounding
Involuntary Migration
• unfavourable social
• eg persecution, civil
• unfavourable
• eg droughts, floods
• refugees cause economic
strain in host countries
• poorly equipped refugee
• unrest … refugees refuse to
go home
• racial conflicts in host country
• Many refugees depend on aid
from developed countries
• Locked up in barricaded
detention camps
• Refugees who return face
integration problems
International Migration – Voluntary Migration
• Voluntary migration – movement of people by
choice or one’s own free will
• Reasons given for such movement is quite
similar to reasons for rural-urban migration
International Migration – Voluntary Migration
• Lower living cost
• More relaxed and less stressful lifestyle
• Higher income and better lifestyle
• Better recognition of their talents and skills
International Migration – Voluntary Migration
• Ethnic congregation, eg. Little Chinatowns
and Little Indias in foreign land
• Poor quality housing
• Language difficulty
• Racial tensions
• Brain Drain
Migration Difficulties
physical barriers
immigration policies
Lack of capital
Travel costs
Military service
Family pressures
Migration is a common phenomenon.
The world is shrinking.
The world is becoming a global village.
Country boundaries and barriers no longer
restrict people movement.
Sit On It!
It's not known whether Enrique Aquilar
Canchola, 42, thought his disguise would work,
but it definitely didn't. The Mexican national tried
to cross the Mexico-U.S. border into San
Ysidro, California, disguised as a car seat. A
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
Inspector discovered the unusual camouflage
when he checked the back of a van when it
tried to sneak Canchola over the border.
(London Times) ...He agreed to it after learning
immigrants are often treated like furniture.
http://www.cazalis.org/border/guardian/ Border video
Impact of International
On the SOURCE country
Click on Mexican Tourism advert
Country of departure (source)
Population & jobs
Social impact
Brain drain
Return migration
Transnational communities
Good examples
• Mexico
Exam style questions
(i) Name a place that people have migrated away from
(ii) State whether this place is urban (town or city) or
rural (village or countryside)
(iii) Describe the facts that caused people to migrate.
Refer to push and pull factors
(iv) Explain how the area they migrated away from was
A place from where people have migrated (June 2002)
(i) Name a place from where people have migrated
(ii) Describe the place they migrated away from
(iii) Explain why they moved away (refer to push and pull
Exam style questions
• When groups of people move huge
distances from one country to another
there are usually several PUSH and PULL
factors involved.
• Using countries you have studied give
details of TWO PUSH and TWO PULL
factors. (4 marks)
• Answer 1: Over the past 50 years there has been a
steady flow of migrants from Mexico to the United States
of America. For many people in rural south west Mexico
there are very few jobs. Most are low paid and,
sometimes, the farming jobs are seasonal and only
available at harvest time. In some of the villages the
medical centres are very basic and some villages have
difficulty getting teachers because of the low pay.
• In the US, if someone has a skill or trade, like an
electrician or a carpenter, they can expect to get wages
at least five times what they are earning in Mexico. A
primary teacher moved from Mexico to San Diego and
earned more working as a nanny. There are a wider
variety of jobs in the cities, in places like San Diego, and
after a few years, if they can get citizenship, they have
access to a lot more support systems as far as medical
This is acare
good and
because it sticks
to PUSH and PULL migration factors from ONE
is concerned.
donor and ONE receiving country. It gives more detail on low standards of living, like poor
care and poor education facilities. The pull factors, like the difference in
Exam style questions
• Many people in the last 50 years have
migrated from Less Economically
Developed Countries to More
Economically Developed Countries.
• For one country you have studied
describe the social and economic factors
which led to a migrant moving to the rich
country. (4 marks)
• In Mexico there is a very high unemployment rate and it
is difficult to find a well-paid job. Because there is no
shortage of labour wages are kept at a low level making
it difficult to look after a family and maintain a high
standard of living. You can earn up to ten times the
salary doing the same job in the US. One primary
teacher moved to San Diego in the US because her
school was destroyed in an earthquake. She had no
problem getting reasonably well paid casual work as a
cleaner in San Diego. She eventually earned more ($45
per day) working as a nanny. She now has a much better
standard of accommodation with access to a much
higher standard of living. On her evenings off she can go
to the cinema or the theatre or go to clubs or restaurants
This answer gets full marks because it has stuck to the social and economic factors for
a migrant moving from a less developed country to a more developed country. The answer
contains specific economic differences between the two named countries including
the figure for the salary and the comparison between similar jobs. There are social
reasons mentioned in the form of losing her job with the destruction of her school
and the better quality housing and services she has access to.