P R I N C E T O N ’ S PBL Topic: Subject/Course: Other Subject Areas to Be Included: PBL Idea/Hook: Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: How is this problem/project relevant and authentic to student learning? P B L F R A M W O R K My Personal Trainer Aerobics, Personal Fitness, Adv. Strength and Conditioning Teacher(s): PE Staff page 1 Duration: 10 weeks Grade Level: All Math (data collection and interpretation, graphing), Science (anatomy, physiology), English (reading, vocabulary, writing), Technology Challenging students to understand the role and responsibilities of a personal fitness trainer and to show the importance of health and fitness and how this knowledge can help others. Driving Question: What is the question you are hoping to get students to answer? (Essential Question) **Can also be in the form of a Problem Statement -How can we help our friends achieve their goals through physical activity and physical fitness? -What are the best exercises for improving cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and body composition? -How can I get my friend to stick to their goals? -How will helping my friend to achieve their fitness goals help me to do the same? Content Standards to be taught and assessed: NPES standard 2 – Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. NPES standard 3 – Participates regularly in physical activity. NPES standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing-level of physical fitness. NPES standard 6 – Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and /or social interaction Content Objective: -Help students become better problem solvers and teach them to make informed choices about their lifestyle. -Students will learn and apply the principles of lifetime physical fitness, utilizing the 5 major components of cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. -Students will understand how adopting healthy lifestyle practices will lead to lifelong wellness. Language Objective: Incorporating Literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening) Students will improve their literacy skills as they research the project and write about it in their logs. Students will improve their communication skills as they interact with one another. P R I N C E T O N ’ S 21st Century Skills to be taught and assessed: P B L F R A M E W O R K Collaboration – Choosing exercise options for each health related fitness area Other: Communication – Working with others National recommendations for physical activity (60 minutes of MVPA each day is suggested) Creativity – Utilize different training methods and environments Components of health related fitness (CV, strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition Critical Thinking/Problem Solving – Implementation and analysis of fitness tests Safety implications for exercise testing and prescription Groups or Teams? How Students will work in pairs with each one alternately playing the role of personal trainer and trainee will you split up the students? Will they work in teams or groups? Teaming: If your students are working in teams, what roles will they take on? (ex. Project leader, etc) Major Products & Performances for… page 2 Group: (Novelty, Variety, Choice) Students will present their fitness plans and results in their choice of venue and mode of delivery. - a powerpoint presentation to the rest of the class at the end of the project - a video diary of their project that can be uploaded to the web. X Class X School Community Individual: Experts Students will turn in a portfolio of their project that will include all materials used to create and complete the project X Web Other: P R I N C E T O N ’ S P B L F R A M E W O R K page 3 Attention Grabber to Have a personal trainer be a guest speaker to the class. launch inquiry/kick-off the PBL, engage students: Literacy: How are you incorporating literacy into the Project? Reading: (ex. vocabulary strategies, KWL, one-minute writing) Using the web or other physical fitness journals to research the five components of physical fitness. Writing: (ex. Gallery walk, journal, graphic organizers) Know/need to know list, the five components of physical fitness worksheet, and create a problem statement. Daily log of their physical activities. Listening: (ex. Peer evaluations, exit questions, think-pair-share) Peer feedback given throughout the project. Teacher will have periodic progress checks as the project proceeds. Speaking: (ex. Debate, role play, skype, think-pair-share) Role playing, think pair share, final critique discussion Assessments Formative Assessments (During Project) Summative Assessments (End of Project) Quizzes/Tests Journal/Learning Log Practice Presentations X Notes Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes Checklists Rough Drafts Concept Maps Online Tests/Exams Other: Training Card Written Product(s), with rubric: X X X X X Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric:______________________________________________ X Peer Evaluation X Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation X Essay Test Other: (Portfolios) ____________________________________________________ Oral Presentation, with rubric P R I N C E T O N ’ S P B L F R A M E W O R K page 4 Additional Alternative Strategies/Differentiation: to meet the needs of struggling learners (ex. Leveled reading passages, pictorial representations) Exercises may need to be modified to include adaptive physical education students. Regular daily check points for progress. Feedback from other students. Checklist to track progress. Resources Needed On-site people, facilities: Running area, resistance training area Equipment: heart rate monitors, sit and reach box, resistance training equipment, CV training equipment, body fat analyzer, scale, height measuring tool, exercise mats Materials: BMI charts, training cards, video camera, computer Community resources: Presidential physical fitness standards Reflection Methods: Student evaluation of learning on PBL (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) Journal/Learning Log- science X Focus Group Whole-Class Discussion X Fishbowl Discussion Survey Other: written reflection X