Update to Dehcho Land Use Planning Forum on Draft Changes to Interim Dehcho Land Use Plan Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee December 2, 2008 1 Presentation Outline Committee Approach Land Use Planning Chronology Zoning Maps Remaining Challenges Next Steps 2 COMMITTEE APPROACH • Interim Plan built by consensus • Strong commitment • Willingness to work together • Significant progress made on many challenging issues • Constructive and productive process • Significant accomplishment to date given an Interim Plan has never been approved before a final agreement • Flexibility of the working group approach serving the Committee well “A negotiated balanced interim land use plan” Canada DFN A negotiated compromise interim land use plan that meets all Parties’ interests GNWT Land Use Planning Chronology 2001-2007 May 2001 Interim Measures Agreement signed by DFN, Canada, and GNWT that establishes Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee (DLUPC) Feb 2002 DFN, Canada, GWNT appoint representatives to DLUPC. Office established in Fort Providence and staff recruitment begins. June 2005 DLUPC releases “Draft Land Use Plan.” DFN and Canada sign Pipeline Settlement agreement that commits Canada to implement plan as soon as possible after it is approved. June 2006 DLUPC releases “Final Draft Land Use Plan” based on over 140 meetings with communities and stakeholders, 2 regional forums, and 117 written submissions. DFN unanimously approves plan at Annual Assembly. Nov Canada and GNWT reject the June 2006 Land Use Plan. Canada states its 2006- intent to terminate the DLUPC and to consider the Land Use Plan only after March the completion of an “Agreement-in-Principle” (AiP). 2007 April 2007 DFN, Canada, and GNWT sign “Dehcho Land Use Plan Revisions – Terms of Reference and Workplan” and agree to prepare an “Interim Land Use Plan” based on negotiated revisions. Chronology of Revisions to Dehcho Land Use Plan 2007-2008 July – Aug 2007 Canada and GNWT appoint new representatives to DLUPC (Bob Overvold for Canada and Mark Warren for GNWT). DFN maintain original representatives Petr Cizek and Tim Lennie. Herb Norwegian steps down as Chair. Mike Nadli appointed as Chair/Chief Executive Officer. Oct 2007April 2008 DLUPC revises land use plan. Five three-day workshops/technical sessions and three “working group” meetings held. Progress reports presented to Dehcho Process Main Table in Nov 2007 and Dehcho Leadership Meeting in March 2008. Louie Azzolini, TerraFirma Consultants, retained as land use planning consultant in Jan 2008. April, 2008 Chiefs and Elders’ Forum review draft changes held in Fort Providence. They provide recommendations for changes on climate change, guides and monitors, and wildlife/habitat. MayAugust, 2008 3 Working Group Meetings, Presentation to Main Table Negotiators, Presentation to Dehcho Annual Assembly. All recommendations from Chiefs and Elders’ meeting incorporated in principle. Fall 2008 Winter 2009 Review of proposed revisions by DFN, Canada, and GNWT. Consult with Dehcho communities and other stakeholders. If changes approved by DFN, submit Interim Land Use Plan to GNWT and Canada for consideration and approval. Land Use Planning Chronology 2007-2008 12 Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee Meetings •April 15, 2008 - Conference call •May 20, 2008 - Conference call •June 10-11, 2008 - Fort Simpson Main Table meeting •June 19, 2008 - Conference call •June 24, 2008 - Fort Providence •July 18, 2008 - Conference call •August 6, 2008 - Teleconference •August 27, 2008 - Annual General Meeting •September 9, 2008 - Conference call •October 23-24, 2008 – Yellowknife •November 18, 2008 – Conference call •December 1, 2008 – Fort Providence 7 Chronology of Revisions to Dehcho Land Use Plan 2007-2008 In addition to Committee Meetings, a number of other meetings were held in the last year: 4 Dehcho Land Use Planning Working Group Meetings 2 Workshops 6 Main Table Coordination 8 Final Draft Land Use Plan Zones approved by Dehcho First Nation in June 2006 but rejected by Canada and GNWT Draft Revised Land Use Zones 2008 Changes from 2006 Final Draft: 1) New Federal Protected Area Initiative Zone for Edehzhie and Nahanni 2) Most Special Management Zones to become Special Development Zones allowing oil/gas and mining 3) Most Conservation Zones to remain the same; adjustments to Zone 3 (Poplar River) and Zone 11 (Great Slave Lake Shoreline) 4) Special Infrastructure Corridor for MGP widened from 1 to 3km in some places Draft Revised 2008 Land Use Zones Compared to Existing Land Withdrawals (Subject to final Edehzhie and Nahanni boundaries) Some modifications to existing land withdrawals but overall increase from about 50% to about 53% prohibition on Oil/Gas and Mining in Dehcho territory SUMMARY OF REMAINING CHALLENGES • • • • • • Pipeline Corridors Quarrying Interim Measures Agreement (IMA) Zoning (Edehzhie and Nahanni) Policy Direction to MVLWB Renewal/Termination 12 REMAINING CHALLENGES • Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Netlá-Arrowhead Special Infrastructure Corridor, and feeder pipelines . Can an interim land use plan regulate the location of pipelines? Authority of NEB? • Quarrying and possible removal of the land use from the Interim Plan. Relationship to Interim Measures Agreement. 13 REMAINING CHALLENGES • Regulatory context of the Plan. • Issuance of policy direction needing to be consistent with existing regulations. • Role of the Interim Measures Agreement vs. the Interim Dehcho Land Use Plan. 14 REMAINING CHALLENGES • Implementing the Plan. Seeking common ground on when implementation of the Plan should begin. (Main Table Issue) • Termination/Sunset clause issue. 15 NEXT STEPS • December 2-5, 2008 DFN Land Use Planning Forum • Continue meeting as a Committee (next meeting Jan 20/09) to address outstanding issues and complete revised Interim Plan. • Committee conducts community and stakeholder consultations subject to budget availability • Refer the revised Interim Plan and the unresolved issues to the Main Table. • Community and stakeholder consultations on the revised Interim Plan. • Main Table initials revised Interim Plan and recommends to Canada, DFN and GNWT for consideration/approval 16