NATIONAL POPULATION AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT BOARD, MALAYSIA MALAYSIA’S WAY FORWARD ON EMPOWERING THE FAMILY AND THE COMMUNITY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND SOCIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES World Family Summit 2015, Cairo, Egypt 10-12 December 2015 SCOPE OF PRESENTATION 1. MALAYSIA - INTRODUCTION Population At A Glance Improving Wellbeing For All 2. INSIGHT FROM MALAYSIA’S 5TH POPULATION AND FAMILY SURVEY 2014 ON ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Adolescent Sexual Behaviours Risks and Protective Factors Affecting Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health 3. POLICY AND PROGRAMMES ON ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Policy On Adolescent Reproductive Health And Social Education (PEKERTI) PEKERTI Programmes 4. WAY FORWARD: EMPOWERING FAMILY AND COMMUNITY THROUGH FAMILY WELLBEING INDICATOR PARAMETERS IN COMMUNITIES 7 Domains of Family Wellbeing Indicators Formation of Family Champions For Family and Community Empowerment Family Impact Assessment Population (2010) : 28.3 million Population estimated (2015) : 31.3 million Age Distribution (2010) 0-14 years : 27.6% (7.8 million) 15-24 years : 20.2% (5.7 million) 25-59 years : 44.5% (12.6 million) 60-74 years : 6.0% 75+ : 1.7% (0.48 million) (1.7 million) Sex Distribution Male : 51.4% Female : 48.6% Population growth rate (2000-2010) : 2.0% Source: Median age (2010) : 26.2 years Population Projection Malaysia 2010-2040 , Department of Statistic Malaysia Note: Statistics Department, Malaysia Median age **(2012) : 27.1 years Urban population (2010) : 71% Rural population (2010) : 29% Population Density : 86 persons/sq km Life Expectancy (2010)e Male : 71.9years Female : 77 years Under Five Mortality (2011)p : 8.1/1000 live births Maternal Mortality Rate (2010)p : 26.1/100,000 live births *Female labor force participation rate (2010) : 46.1% *Unemployment rate (2010) : 3.4% Population Distribution and Basic Demographic Characteristic Report 2010 p Preliminary Figures : Vital Statistics 2010 e Estimated : Statistics Department, Malaysia * Labor Force Survey 2010 (Department of Statistics, Malaysia) Vital statistics 2011, Department of Statis Source: Mean age at first marriage 2000 Source: Population Distribution and Basic Demographic Characteristic Report 2010 e Estimated : Statistics Department, Malaysia Preliminary Count Report, Population and Housing Census, Malaysia, 2010 * Malaysia Population and Family Survey 2004 28.6 (Male) 25.1 (Female) 2010 28.0 (Male) 25.7 (Female) Total Fertility Rate (2010) 2.2 Total Fertility Rate (2011) 2.1 Nuclear family (2004)* 69.3% (Pen. Malaysia) 65.8% (Sabah) 61.6% (Sarawak) Average household size 4.62 (2000) 4.31 (2010) MALAYSIA ELEVENTH MALAYSIA PLAN2016-2020 ANCHORING GROWTH ON PEOPLE MALAYSIA’S 5TH POPULATION AND FAMILY SURVEY 2014 44.8 percent of them know about any method of family planning. 35.3 percent of adolescents been exposed to pornographic material. The age group 18 to 24 years higher percentage exposure to pornographic materials (42.8%) than age group 13 to 17 years (29.9%). The main source of the pornographic material was obtained from the Internet (60.8%), telephone (35.0%), VCD / DVD (20.0%) and printed materials (10.7%). There about 4.8 per cent had ever do premarital intercourse. Only 35.1 per cent among them had used any contraceptive method . Among adolescent who have had sex, it was found that 11.3 percent of girls have been pregnant. The majority of pregnancies ending with live births (60.8%), miscarriage (31.1%), abortion (24.1%), pregnancy (9.0%) and still birth (8.5%). RISKS AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS AFFECTING ADOLESCENT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN MALAYSIA BOYS OLDER AGE OUT OF EDUCATION NOT LIVING WITH PARENT HAVE HAD DIVORCE PARENT RISKS AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS AFFECTING ADOLESCENT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN MALAYSIA NEGATIVE ATTITUDE TOWARDS SRH INVOLVED IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE RISKY LIFESTYLE RISKS AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS AFFECTING ADOLESCENT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN MALAYSIA INVOLVED IN SEXUAL CRIME NO SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS HIGH ACCESSIBILITY TO ELECTRONIC MEDIA RISKS AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS AFFECTING ADOLESCENT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN MALAYSIA FAMILY RULES FAMILY COMMUNICATION AND CONNECTEDNESS POSITIVE SUPPORT FROM NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION FROM PRINTED MATERIAL HIGH KNOWLEDGE ON SRH NATIONAL POLICY ON REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND SOCIAL EDUCATION (PEKERTI) Thesetting/issues Policy response • Problems of youth • National Reproductive sexuality and RH Health and Social Education Policy in • Drug addiction 2009, aims to • HIV/AIDS empower adolescents • Erosionof with knowledge and parental guidance positive attitudes • Negative towards social and influence of social reproductive health. media Impact • 2011-Implement of Reproductive Health and Social Education (RHSE) in the National Service Training Curriculum (PLKN) PEKERTI@PLKN • 2012- PEKERTI@SEKOLAH • The Government of Malaysia has established thirteen youth-friendly adolescent centres known askafe@TEEN ADOLESCENT CENTRE Objective To serve as adolescent centre which operated by peer educators offering programmes on managing adolescent health in physical, mental and social aspect with focus on reproductive health. Services • Adolescent Reproductive Health Clinic • Counseling • Adolescent Psychosexual Programmes : - Teen Chat - Teen Talk - Seminar/ Forum kafe@TEEN in -Pulau Pinang - Kuala Lumpur - N. Sembilan - Kelantan - Johor states -UTC Pudu Sentral - Mini UTC Keramat - UTC Kuantan - UTC Melaka - UTC Sabah - UTC Kedah - UTC Johor PEKERTI PROGRAMMES PEKERTI@SCHOOLS • Students at Standard 6 (12 years old) and Form 3 (15 years old) PEKERTI@NATIONAL SERVICES • Adolescent age 18 years old PEKERTI@TEACHING INSTITUTIONS • Lecturers and trainee teachers PEKERTI@COMMUNITIES • Teenagers in communities, teenagers living in institutions, parents and communities leaders PEKERTI EDUCATIONAL MODULES “I’M IN CONTROLL” I’M IN CONTROL MODULE FOR TEENAGERS • OBJECTIVE : To educate teenagers on knowledge and skills on reproductive health and living a healthy lifestyle. I’M IN CONTROL MODULES FOR PARENTS • OBJECTIVE : To educate the parents on communication skills with their teenagers on reproductive health and social education. I’M IN CONTROLL MODULE FOR BOY • OBJECTIVE: To educate the boys with knowledge and awareness on gender and reproductive health education. VIDEO ANIMATION ON REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND SOCIAL EDUCATION “LOVING SARAH” • OBJECTIVE : To educate teenagers on awareness on reproductive health and skills on assertive communication to negative influences. STRENGTHENING FAMILY INSTITUTION • Promoting parenting courses in the workplaces. • Introduce family education in formal education. • Flexible working arrangement. 26 STRATEGIES STRENGTHEN EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEM • Reproductive health education to be expanded in school curriculum. • Nurse educators giving consultation services in school. • Reproductive health education as a live long education. 45 ACTIVITIES EMPOWERING FAMILY AND COMMUNITY • Local Authority and community role to be enhanced. • Community to act as protector to adolescent in order to prevent them to be involved in social ills and crime.. 16 FAMILY WELLBEING INDEX 2011 Family relations 23 100.0 Housing & environment Family economy 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Family & religion Family & community Family Wellbeing Index Domain score Family health Family & safety FAMILY AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT MECHANISM NPFDB/ LPPKN AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES LOCAL AUTHORITIE S NATIONA L SOCIAL COUNCIL RESIDENCE ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHER EXISTING LOCAL COMMUNITY COMMITTEES Reporting MINISTRIES Monitoring Case Management Reporting Reporting Training of Trainers Family Champions Training of Trainers Care Training Families Training Funding/ CSR/ Social Innovation CORPORATE S, PRIVATES SECTOR NGOs VOLUNTEER S ENGAGING LOCAL COMMUNITY LEADERS AS FAMILY CHAMPIONS Developed Responsibilities according to 7 Domains of Family Wellbeing Indicators (IKK) FAMILY ASSOCIATES (Existing Local Community Committees) FAMILY CHAMPION QUICKS WIN PROGRAMMES, TOT, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND INNOVATION RESSIDENCE ASSOCIATION FAMILY ENVIRONMENT CHAMPION MY BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOOD NGOs AND VOLUNTEERS FAMILY AND COMMUNITY CHAMPION SOCIAL CLINIC, KAFE@TEEN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS FAMILY ECONOMY CHAMPION MAMACARE, SMARTBELANJA TEACHERS AND PARENTS ASSOCIATIONS HEALTHY COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS COMMUNITY SAFETY AND SURVEILANNCE TEAM FAMILY RELATION CHAMPION PEKERTI@KOMUNITI & PARENTING@WORK FAMILY HEALTH CHAMPION HEALTHY COMMUNITY CLUB FAMILY SAFETY CHAMPION FAMILY ON ALERT PROGRAMME RELIGIOUS BODIES FAMILY SPIRITUALITY CHAMPION RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRES BENCHMARK ESTABLISHMENT OF “FAMILY FOCAL POINT” AT MINISTERIES AND STATE’S GOVERNMENT OFFICES FAMILY FRIENDLY POLICIES NATIONAL FAMILY MONTH (NOVEMBER) FAMILY WELLBEING INDICATORS FAMILY IMPACT ASSESSMENT FLEXIBLE WORKING ARRANGEMENT FAMILY AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT FAMILY FOCALPOINT EMPOWERMENT AREAS TRAINING PROGRAMMES