I have to

Lección Cinco
Lesson 5
• Synergy Verbs
• 25. The Spanish for I have to is tengo que
Spanish Speaking hints
Accuracy pointer #4
• I have to = I must
• I have to is similar to I need. I have to is a little stronger.
Certainly in Spanish you can use tengo que for I have to or I
• For example;
• I need to eat.
Necesito comer.
• But if you are starving,
• I must eat/ I have to eat.
Tengo que comer.
• 26. The Spanish word for I can is puedo
Spanish Speaking Hints
Communication Multiplied #4
How to use puedo (I can)
Spanish Brick Verbs all end with the letter R, the English equivalents are the verbs that start with to, for example
to work
to study
The Synergy Verb / Brick Verb structure is the same in both languages.
Necesito trabajar.
Quiero estudiar.
However in English you can’t say,
I can to work. ×
I can to study. ×
But in Spanish puedo uses the same Synergy Verb / Brick Verb structure.
Puedo trabajar. √
Puedo estudiar. √
So the good news for you is that you can continue to use the same structure. You just stack the Synergy Verb onto
the Brick Verb and make hundreds more Spanish sentences.
I need to work.
I want to study.
Brick Verbs
• 27. The Spanish word for to study is estudiar
• 28. The Spanish word for to return is regresar
Spanish Speaking Hints
Communication Multiplied #5
• Multipurpose word
When it comes to synonyms for to return, Spanish cuts to the chase with one single word, Regresar
which you can almost always use for all these English words.
To return
To go back
To give back
To come back
To bring back
To take back
Six Spanish words for the price of one. You have to be happy with that.
29. The Spanish word for to be is estar
30. The Spanish for to work is trabajar
Spanish Speaking Hints
Communication Multiplied #6
• How to ask questions in Spanish
Questions and statements are the same in Spanish
I can help her.
= Puedo ayudarla.
Can I help her?
= ¿Puedo ayudarla?
The structure is the same.
I have to work.
Do I have to work?
= Tengo que trabajar.
= ¿Tengo que trabajar?
How to ask questions in Spanish
So how do they tell the difference between a question and a statement?
It’s all in the tone of voice. The tone rises for a question.
Sometimes we use tone of voice in English
Imagine someone gives a gift and you ask,
I can keep this?
Notice how your voice rises.
But, generally, in English to ask a question we change the word order.
Can I keep this?
In Spanish, it’s the tone of voice that makes the questions.
• Spanish question mark ¿?
Also notice the (¿) upside down question mark at the beginning of the question in Spanish.
¿Puedo invitar a mi amigo?
In Spanish the words order is the same for a question or a statement. So to make a clear distinction
between statements and questions Spanish uses an upside down question mark.
E.g. ¿Necesito una reservación? Do I need a reservation?
¿Puedo llamarla? Can I call her?
Ejercicio 5A
See how well you remembered your new Spanish Synergy Verbs and Brick Verbs.
Write the English words on the line
• 1. The English words for trabajar are _________________
• 2. The English words for estar are ____________________
• 3. The English words for regresar are _________________
• 4. The English words for estudiar are _________________
• 5. The English words for tengo que are _______________
• 6. The English words for puedo are __________________
Ejercicio 5B Translate into English
1. ¿Puedo hablar con usted por un momento?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
2. Tengo que estudiar español esta noche para el examen de mañana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
3. Puedo ir a España en octubre.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
4. Quiero regresar otra vez en mayo.
5. Puedo ayudarla con las maletas.
6. Tengo que estudiar ahora para hablar español en mis vacaciones.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
7. Esta noche no puedo ir al cine, tengo que estudiar español.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
Ejercicio 5B Translate into English
8. Puedo hablar un poco de español.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____
9. ¿Tengo que trabajar mañana?
10. Tengo que estar en México la próxima semana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
11. ¿Puedo trabajar con usted en esta idea?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
12. Tengo que hablar con el doctor.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____
13. No puedo estar en Bolivia hasta octubre.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
14. No tengo que trabajar en junio, voy a estar de vacaciones.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
15. Tengo que regresar el video mañana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______
Ejercicio 5B Translate into English cont.
16. No puedo llamarlo hasta mañana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
17. Voy a regresar a mi casa esta semana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
18. Puedo ver los Juegos Olímpicos por televisión esta semana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
19. Quiero regresar al restaurante otra vez para comer más tacos.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
20. Puedo visitar más partes de México en las próximas vacaciones.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
21. Necesito regresar su cassette.
22. Quiero trabajar en las Naciones Unidas.
23. Voy a trabajar en Bolivia la próxima semana.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
Ejercicio 5B Translate into English cont.
24. ¿Puedo ver los pasaportes otra vez por favor?
25. Tengo que ver su visa.
26. ¿Puedo ver el menú por favor?
27. Tengo que ir al hotel pronto.
28. Quiero trabajar en un hotel en Acapulco.
29. No puedo invitar a muchas personas a la fiesta.
30. Para ver la isla necesito usar binoculares.
31. ¿Puedo ver al doctor por favor?
Ejercicio 5C
Translate these words into Spanish.
• 1. The Spanish words for I have to are
• 2. The Spanish word for I can is
• 3. The Spanish word for to return is
• 4. The Spanish word for to study is
• 5. The Spanish word for to be is
• 6. The Spanish word for to work is
Ejercicio 5D Translate into Spanish
1. Can I invite my friends to the party (the) next week?
2. I am going to study Spanish with Luisa.
3. I can call him.
4. I have to return now.
5. I am going to return tonight.
6. I want to study Spanish with you.
7. I am going to study more Spanish in Mexico.
8. I have to work again tomorrow.
9. I am going to be with you in Mexico (the) next week.
10. I am not going to work with Luis.
11. I have to study this week.
12. I can help him.
13. I have to be in Mexico tonight.
14. I can.t work with you.
15. I have to go back soon.
16. I can.t work (the) next week.
17. I want to study Spanish again.
Ejercicio 5D Translate into Spanish cont.
18. I need to study more Spanish.
19. I need to be in my house tonight.
20. Can I study Spanish with you again?
21. I want to be with you.
22. I can come back (return) tomorrow.
23. I am going to be with you soon.
24. I want to visit Mexico soon.
25. I want to return soon.
26. I need to return to my house.
27. I need to work.
28. I can.t work, I have to go to my house in order to be with my family.
29. I want to work with you.
30. I don’t want to work now.
31. I need to study in order to speak more Spanish.
32. Do I have to work tomorrow?
Listen & Repeat