South Littleton Parish Council Minutes of the Council meeting held at 7-30pm on Thursday 19th February 2015 Present ` Councillors:Sean Witheford Chairman Richard Herborn vice Chairman (8-00pm) Tracey Hirons Matthew Shaw Roger Jones Debbie Jones In Attendance Clerk - Chris Size Apologies Cllr. Jan Sherriff Apologies 02/15/01 Cllr. Sherriff had submitted her apologies which were accepted Declaration of Interest 02/15/02 No new declarations Clerk Clerk 02/15/03 Schedule of declarations available on request from Clerk Clerk 02/15/04 There were no applications for dispensation Minutes of Previous Meeting 02/15/05 Acceptance of the minutes of the meetings held on the 15th January 2015 were proposed by Cllr. S Witheford and seconded by Cllr M Shaw. They were approved Clerk Clerk District Councillor Report 02/15/06 Cllr Lasota did not attend the meeting or submit a report County Councillor Report 02/15/07 County Councillor Adams did not attend the meeting. His report was submitted after the meeting as it did not form part of the meeting it is attached at the end of these Clerk minutes 811 Finance 02/15/08 02/15/09 Cllr Witheford proposed and Cllr Shaw seconded that payments for February 2015 of £1,521.20 and the receipt of £375.97 (£362.52 from Worcester County Council and Allotment rent £13.45) schedule submitted, be accepted. This proposal was agreed. Clerk Clerk’s Update 02/15/10 All items brought to the attention including correspondence from:- . 02/15/11 02/15/12 02/15/13 02/15/14 02/15/15 02/15/16 02/15/17 02/15/18 02/15/19 02/15/20 02/15/21 812 Lion Court Homes – Copy of the completed agreement for the Section 38/278 and Bond (£208k) for the site on Shinehill Lane, South Littleton Lion Court Homes – request for the Council to consider whether they would take on the responsibility for the Public Open Space and the Balancing Pond at the site off Shinehill Lane Clerk to obtain more information and given the authority to reply to the question subject to certain constraints. Worcester C. C. copy of consultation re SWDP and call for sites for travellers Wychavon Sport – Parish Games Newsletter Littleton Village Hall thanks for donation Wychavon D C information re meeting on the 25th March re a Strong Communities event Information that Barclays Bank Plc will match any funds raised for a Local Charity that helps young people Littleton Bowling Club request for the Council to write to Wychavon Planning Department expressing support for the improvement to their club. Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk This was agreed. Urgent Decisions Clerk reported that he was required to make an urgent decision re instructing a recommended Chartered Surveyor to survey the Officers club. See later in the minutes Clerk Social Events 02/15/22 As Cllr Sherriff was absent the details of the dates for the Parish Fun Day, Scarecrow competition and the Christmas event would be carried forward to the next meeting. 02/15/23 Cllr Witheford, on behalf of St Michaels Church, requested the use of the Recreation ground on the 16th June 2015 (date to be confirmed) This was agreed. Littleton Bowls Club 02/15/24 Clerk reported that he had informed the Bowling club of their decision where to place a shed for the junior football club. 02/15/25 The club reported that they were happy to comply with the Parish’s wishes. South Meadow report Ministry of Justice 02/15/26 Clerk reported that there had been no response from The Ministry of defence solicitors 02/15/27 Agreed that the Parish should now commence looking at alternative solutions Cllr Witheford to contact local land owners to explore the 02/15/28 possibility of obtaining land in order for the Parish to use and provide extra facilities for the area. . This item to be carried forward The comprehensive report from Kirkham Pryer 02/15/29 Chartered Surveyors on the Officers Club on South Meadow was discussed. It was agreed that there was work to be completed on the building and that until the Parish knew the cost of these repairs they would be unable to make a decision. 02/15/30 Cllr Hirons to forward a copy of the report to a builder from Blackminster to ascertain some idea of costs. 2/15/31 Working Group Cllr Sherriff reported that the working group were awaiting the acquisition of any land Cllr Herborn arrived at 8-00pm 813 Cllr Sherriff Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Cllr Witheford Cllr Hirons Progress reports Open Spaces Report 02/12/32 Clerk reported that having contacted the management committee of the Scout Hut they indicated that they were willing to consider offering the toilet facilities to players and spectators of junior football. 02/15/33 Cllr Hirons reported that at least one planter had been purchased 02/15/34 02/15/35 02/15/36 02/15/37 02/15/38 02/15/39 02/15/40 02/15/41 Health and Safety Cllr Herborn reported that he had inspected the play equipment and all were in good order except for one piece that needed a very small repair. The equipment was not a danger to users Clerk to continue to supply the documents at each meeting Traffic Group Cllr Witheford reported that he was to contact the supplier (Westcotec Ltd) of the VAS equipment.. Cllr Herborn Clerk Cllr Witheford Defibrillator Clerk reported that contact had been made with the supplier asking for help as to how we could obtain a power supply to a machine on South Meadow. Salesman wishes to visit the site Clerk reported that the Parish’s street light contractor couldn’t offer a solution Clerk Street Light energy & capital Costs Clerk reported that he had made contact with suppliers and was awaiting replies Clerk PACT Cllrs D and R Jones submitted the following minutes:Evesham Rural North Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19th January, 2015 Venue: The Fleece Inn Bretforton Present: Alastair Adams, Alan Anderson, Julie de Paris, Debbie Jones, Roger Jones, Phil Stayte, Tony Ward, Simon Wilkins, Fred Young Apologies: Julie Bayliss, Keith Wright 1. Introductions Simon Wilkins from North & Middle Littleton introduced himself as a new member and the other attendees reciprocated. 814 Cllr Witheford Clerk 2. Apologies See above 3. Any Other Issues / Updates from last meeting Dog fouling along footpath from Three Cocks Lane to Gibbs Lane, Offenham – Alastair Adams reported that Wychavon DC is intending to add dog fouling and fly tipping to it list of council ‘promises’ in its next term, and is intending to trial electronic penalty notice machines (similar to those used by parking enforcement officers) to streamline the process of issuing enforcement notices. The meeting requested an update on progress at the next meeting from Alastair Adams. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING Quad bikes on the bridleway near to Cleeve Prior Traveller Site – it was agreed that this situation is now greatly improved and the meeting agreed to close the item. CLOSED Complaints of parking issues around Honeybourne School – it was agreed that this situation is now greatly improved and the meeting agreed to close the item. CLOSED Speeding along Buckle Street, Bickmarsh and Station Road, Honeybourne – Julie de Paris reported that a speed survey had been conducted on Shinehill Lane and 7 drivers had been stopped and offered advice. Alan Anderson reported an apparent reduction in speeding in this location, but with occasional notable exceptions! Julie de Paris went on to report that due to the ‘Increase in rural crime (2)’ item (see below) other actions have been delayed. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING Increase in rural crime (1) – in Keith Wright’s absence and without any written input the meeting agreed to hold this item over for a report from Keith Wright at the next meeting. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING Neighbourhood Watch reports – Julie de Paris had included on the meeting pack an internet link for any interested persons to follow to sig up for Neighbourhood Watch reports. No further update was available and the meeting agreed for Julie de Paris to provide an update at the next meeting. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING 4. Issues identified at the last meeting Incident reports – Julie de Paris reported that progress has been made with moving towards the Hub in Evesham being able to issue these reports but that this 815 is not yet complete. The meeting agreed that Julie de Paris should update the next meeting. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING Enquiry to Trading Standards regarding sale of chain saws – Julie de Paris reported to the meeting that no update had been received from Trading Standards and also that the vendor has not been seen locally recently. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING 5. New issues identified Increase in rural crime (2) – the meeting discussed the recent, significant rise in crimes occurring in the villages and the level of resident concern that now exists regarding this. It was also discussed that there are many other crimes of a similar nature that are currently going unreported and all PACT members should urge members of their communities to report all crimes and / or suspicious activity to the Police; let the Police be the judge of the significance of it. - Debbie and Roger Jones reported that a number of CCTV systems have been installed on the South Meadow estate and it was agreed that Debbie Jones will provide Julie de Paris with the contact details for the system owners. - Phil Stayte commented that the Police are reviewing their communications with the community to ensure that appropriate reassurance is being offered. Among the key points that he made were that there are extra Police patrols now in the key areas and that analysis of the crimes committed (mainly theft of / from vehicles and non-dwelling burglary) indicates that these are crimes against property rather than the person. - The meeting requested an update on progress from Julie de Paris / Phil Stayte at the next meeting. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING Warning signage approaching road works on Offenham to Evesham road – the meeting expressed concern about the apparently inadequate warning of the road works and traffic lights close to the ‘blind’ bridge on this road and the risk of cars approaching at speed unaware of the increased risk of stationary traffic. Alastair Adams agreed to follow up with Worcestershire CC Highways. FOLLOW UP AT NEXT MEETING 6. Any other business:-None 7.Date of next meeting:-The meeting proposed a date of Monday 16th March, 2015 at 7.00 pm, at the Royal British Legion Club, Offenham 816 Planning and Urgent planning matters since production of agenda 02/15/42 Approved: - Mr Watson, Sunnyside, Shinehill Lane Clerk Single Storey rear extension 02/15/43 Application: - W/15/00216/PP Mr M Allcock, The Old Nic, Main Street Side extension to form single garage. New dry stone boundary wall 02/15/44 W/15/00237/CU and W/15/00238/PN Wyre Quality Cars G Bennetts Hill Business Park, Long Hyde Road, Change of use from B1/B8 to Sui Generis Motor Trade use (retrospective) and Auto Enginuity Change of use from B1/B8 to B2 motor trade 02/15/45 W/14/02579/LB Mr Yapp, 8 Manor Farm, Farm Lane, Replacement and refurbishment of windows 02/15/46 Development of land off Station Road Clerk had received an update proposal for the above. Clerk to send full details to all Councillors to obtain their reaction Recreation Ground security 02/15/47 Clerk reported that he had received 3 quotations for the additional trip wire on the recreation ground. Agreed that the quote from Le Brun contractors be approved. Their quote was the cheapest and the only one with a time frame. Cllr Witheford abstained from voting Littleton School 02/15/48 Cllr Witheford reported that the general opinion was that they should say ‘no’ to the proposal that local primary schools had been asked to consider taking year 6 children for the extra year and then transferring them to a Middle school. Councillor’s reports and items for future agenda 02/15/49 Nil Urgent Matters at discretion of Chairman 02/15/50 Nothing under this item 817 Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Date and Venue of Future meetings 02/15/52 Agreed that the next meeting be Thursday 19th March 2015, 7-30pm, at the Scout Hut on the Recreation Ground, Long Hyde Road, South Littleton. Clerk Meeting Closed at 8-20pm Signed ................................... Chairman Date ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, End of February 2015 minutes Notes of Public Open Forum No members of the public attended County Councillor Report- South Littleton Month: February 2015 Prepared by Alastair Adams Littletons Division, Worcestershire County Council County Council News: From April 2015, the Care act 2014 introduces a series of reforms that affect existing and new service users, their families, and carers. There are 60,000 carers in Worcestershire. For more information, see First Schools – there is a county wide move by academy schools to hold public consultation on whether to add a year 6. This is causing widespread concern in middle schools as it will affect their funding. I met with the Head of Blackminister to discuss. Everyone is asking all schools, high, middle and first schools, to work together to find a solution. The County Council recognises that a move over to a 2 –tier school structure in Worcestershire over time is the most likely outcome as only 5% of pupils in UK schools now use the 3-tier system. However, the schools need to work together on this to achieve the best outcome for our children. 818 Planning –Strattford District Council Long Marston Airfield – Cala Homes have put in planning application into Stratford District Council for 400 new homes on the Long Marston Airfield. If this goes ahead, then this site will ultimately merge with the old Engineers Site (Now called Meon View) which is already being developed by St Modwen. This has the potential to grow into a town as nearly 2000 houses are already approved or pending approval! – so if you don’t want a new town on your borders, make sure your objections are heard – for more details go to the Stratford District Council web site and enter the reference 14/03579/OUT Highways 1. HGV’s using Blacksmiths Lane – I have had another complaint, and asked the resident to obtain the registration number of any HGV’s and to report them back to Unipart. 2. 2 x disabled parking spaces to be marked in Hathaway Close County Council News: Broadband Superfast Broadband was supposed to be installed in South Littleton by the end of December 2014, however BT Openreach hit a problem with the cabinet but it is planned to be upgraded by end of March 2015. If you want to find out more, contact the Project Manager of Superfast Broadband, Steve Ashton, Steve Ashton – project manager of Superfast Broadband – his email = Also, keep an eye on the web pages as follows, and look at Cabinet 8 Badsey see Councillor’s Divisional Fund In addition to the good causes already authorised, the following actions have happened this month : 1. The old Long Lartin Staff sports ground & club building – a grant has been requested to help turn it into a community asset – paid 2. Roundabout charity that supplies furniture to low income families – a grant to help fund an apprentice – grant form submitted 3. Pebworth Church – help requested to repair a wall - paid 4. Blackminster School – help requested with brochure to promote school - grant form submitted 5. Honeybourne Cycle Fest has requested help with marketing – pending Finally I visited various businesses in the area last month, and was very impressed with how many people they employ, their successful growth, and their commitment to this area and community. I visited the following: 1. Unipart 2. Kanes 3. Planet Products 4. Organics 5. All Things Rural 6. Roundabout 819 820