Business Decision Making Course Outcome Summary Mid


Business Decision Making

Course Outcome Summary

Mid-State Technical College

About this Course

Course Number


Contact Hours

Revised By




Diane Wolf

Course description

This course develops skill to enable students to make individual decisions and participate in and facilitate group decisions in pursuit of the goals and objectives of an organization.

Students will analyze decision making environments; employ a systematic decision making process; use creative and analytic thinking tools for information gathering and analysis; employ ethical and social standards; contribute in group decision making; and facilitate the group decision making process.

Required preparation for this course


12 credits within the Business Management program



1 Capsim . Manufacturer: Management Simulations Inc.

. Price: 53.99

. Source: online .



Core abilities addressed in this course

1 Act with integrity.

2 Communicate effectively

3 Demonstrate effective critical and creative thinking.

4 Demonstrate global and social awareness.

Competencies developed in this course


Analyze the decision-making role in the job of managers.

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through an analysis of a manager's job and decision making responsibilities o using an interview and information from the course

Your performance will be successful when: o you identify the manager interviewed by name, title, and company o you identify five decisions made routinely by the position

o you classify decisions as strategic, operational, or tactical

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Acquaint self with levels of decision making b.

Discuss differences in decision making between management positions


Analyze the effect of environmental factors on managerial decision-making.

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through an analysis of a managerial environment

Your performance will be successful when: o you interview a manager o you analyze the environment for decision making for that position o you list and explain five environmental forces on decision making for that person

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Define environment for decision making b.

Review examples of environment's affect on decision making


Analyze personal dominant decision making styles.

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through the written analysis of your personal decision making style

Your performance will be successful when: o you describe how decision are made o you classify method of making decisions according to a style guide o you describe positives and negatives of your decision making style o you outline steps to develop other decision making styles

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Recognize different styles of decision making b.

Describe positive and negative outcomes of different styles c.

Outline steps to develop other styles


Employ the decision making process.

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through the application of a structure problem solving process on a business situation that is provided using all resources

Your performance will be successful when: o you define a problem o you suggest at least three alternatives o you analyze each alternative

o you pick a solution o you structure a follow up analysis o your problem definition is clearly defined o your alternatives fit within defined constraints o your alternatives relate to the problem statement o your analysis includes positives, negatives, and consequences for stakeholders o your analysis shows evidence of research o your analysis shows understanding of environmental factors o your solution is legal, ethical, and within constraints o your solution solves problem o your follow up tests the solution for effectiveness

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Acquaint self with structured problem solving process b.

Practice using problem solving process on business situation


Develop basic decision making skill.

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through the completion of written assignments given powerpoints, web sites for assistance, and multiple practice attempts

Your performance will be successful when: o learner identifies options for improving reading skill o learner evaluates a web page for accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage o learner solves two logic problems o learner generates problem solutions with creativity techniques

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Practice critical reasoning and reading skill b.

Evaluate sources of information c.

Use logic to solve problems d.

Apply creativity techniques to problem solving


Use decision making tools.

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through the application of tools and written critique of each one

Your performance will be successful when: o you assemble a group and brainstorm solutions for a business problem

o you analyze possible solution using the pro/con/fix technique o you select a solution using multivoting o you apply three other decision making tools of your choice to a business problem

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Review handouts on brainstorming, pro/con/fix technique, and multivoting b.

Practice each technique c.

Acquire decision making tools through web exploration and practice


Facilitate group decision making.


Participate in group decision making

How mastery of this competency is assessed

You will demonstrate your competence: o through the completion of a simulation in groups

Your performance will be successful when: o you receive positive peer evaluation scores during group work

Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency a.

Accept responsibility for portion of simulation work b.

Communicate with team members c.

Coordinate team meetings d.

Collaborate with others for team decisions


Apply ethics and social responsibility in decision making.
