Semantic Geospatial Data Exchange & Access Control Latifur Khan Ashraful Alam Ganesh Subbiah Bhavani Thuraisingham Outline Traditional Web Services Semantic Web Services Semantic Web Services for Geospatial Data Semantic Access Control Geospatial Data Integration GRDF for Distributed Geospatial Data Semantic Web Services Vision • • Static WWW URI, HTML, HTTP 500 million users more than 3 billion pages Semantic Web Services Vision Serious Problems in • • • • • Static information finding, information extracting, information representing, information interpreting and and information maintaining. WWW Semantic Web URI, HTML, HTTP RDF, RDF(S), OWL Semantic Web Services Vision Dynamic Static Web Services UDDI, WSDL, SOAP Bringing the computer back as a device for computation WWW Semantic Web URI, HTML, HTTP RDF, RDF(S), OWL Semantic Web Services Vision Bringing the web to its full potential Dynamic Static UDDI, WSDL, SOAP Semantic Web Services WWW Semantic Web URI, HTML, HTTP RDF, RDF(S), OWL Web Services DAGIS Vision Bringing the web to its full potential for Geospatial Domain Dynamic Geo-Web Services UDDI, WSDL, SOAP,OGC -WS Static WWW URI, HTML, HTTP Geospatial Semantic Web Services DAGIS Geospatial Semantic Web GRDF Geospatial Interoperability Challenges Syntactic Naming Heterogeneity Distance – Float or Distance Type Structural Naming Heterogeneity Location expressed by two separate coordinates or by a point data type Semantic Heterogeneity Distance computed on the sphere or in a plane Service Discovery and Evaluation Hydrologist in charge of Flood Warnings has 3 Water-level Service Providers. Service Composition Service to Compute the outline of a Toxic cloud after a Chemical Spill. Motivating Scenario Query: “Find movie theaters within 30 miles of 75080” within, near, overlap – Geospatial Operators Theaters, Restaurants – Businesses (Non-Geospatial data) Miles – Distance Unit 75080 , Richardson – Geo References Cinemark Movies 10 Radisson Hotel Dallas NorthRichardson What is a Web Service ? The human-centric Web The Application-centric Web The automated Web OWL-S Upper Ontology •Capability specification •General features of the Service • Quality of Service • Classification in Service taxonomies • Mapping to WSDL • communication protocol (RPC, HTTP, …) • marshalling/serialization • transformation to and from XSD to OWL • Control flow of the service •Black/Grey/Glass Box view • Protocol Specification • Abstract Messages Query Grammar Define, Geospatial Objects as GB, Geospatial Operator as GO, Polygon Type as PT and Extension as E. Then, <Query> :: <GB> [<GO>] [<PT>] [<E>] <GB> <GB> :: Non-geometric Concept <GO> :: <Operator Terminal> <PT> :: <Polygon Terminal> <E> :: Distance <Operator Terminal> :: Within | Touches On | Intersect | Between <Polygon Terminal> :: Straight line | Circle Generation of Semantic enabled profile for Geospatial Query Theaters Query Profile ZipCode Miles Generated OWL-S Semantic Profile Domain Ontology (Snapshot) Geospatial Service Selection and Discovery DAGIS Agent OWL-S MX Matchmaker Best Service Match : Functionality,QoS Degrees of Match: EXACT < PLUG-IN < SUBSUMES< SUBSUMED-BY<LOGIC BASED FAIL < NEAREST-NEIGHBOUR < FAIL Geospatial Service Invocation Theaters -OWL-S grounding -WSDL Grounding -Service Invocation through AXIS GetTheater Process ZipCode Miles GetTheater Atomic Process DAGIS System Architecture Service Provider - 1 … … 1. Register/ Advertise DAGIS Matchmaker Service Provider - n 3. Service Discovery, Service Enactment DAGIS Interface DAGIS Query Interface OWL-S MatchMaker OWL-DL Reasoner for Matchmaker Service Providers Reasoner/ Matching Engine DAGIS Agent 2. Query DAGIS for Complex Queries Find Movie Theaters within 30 Miles from Richardson, TX Client DAGIS Agent 1. Query Profile MatchMaker 2. Service Discovery 5.Return Dynamic Service URI DAGIS Composer 3. Compose Selection Composer Sequencer 4. Construct Sequence Richardson Zipcode Finder TX 30 Miles Theater Finder Theaters DAGIS Composer Algorithm Recursive Back Chaining Inference Mechanism (Regression Planning) Richardson TX 30 Miles Zipcodefinde r GetTheater Movie Theaters Inputs:= City, State , Distance Output := Movie Theaters NO Service Provider Inputs:= City, State Output := ZipCode Inputs:= ZipCode , Distance Output := MovieTheaters ZipCodeFinder Theater Finder DAGIS Query Interface DAGIS Integration Scenarios Query Availability Service Type Service Invoked Find Movie Theaters within 30 Miles of 75080 YES Atomic (Single) Service Provider GetTheatersAndMoviesS ervice Find Movie Theaters within 30 Miles of Richardson,TX NO DAGIS Composes two Atomic Services: ZipCodeFinder , GetTheatersAndMovies Find Movie Theaters within 30 Miles of 75080 QoS: Response Time 30 Sec YES Two services with QoS 40 Sec and 50 Sec Available Find Movie Theaters within 30 Miles of 75080 NO Atomic Service Atomic Service GetTheatersAndMoviesS ervice QoS Response Time 40 Sec GetTheatersService Online Ontology Repository Geospatial Operators Between, Near, Within etc. Precision required for geospatial tasks How to define the operator semantics? (‘Between’ A and B ‘Between’ B and A) Context required for better precision (e.g., near 20 miles) Geospatial Operator (Google Maps) Geospatial Operator (Google Maps) Geospatial Operator (DAGIS) Geospatial Data Integration Intra-domain Integration Problem • All participating domains are of geographic • nature. Controlled environment, controlled data. Inter-domain Integration Problem • Integration of geospatial and non-geospatial • data Controlled data, but chaotic environment Inter-domain Integration Issues Disparate Sources: Disparate Types: • Sensors, Web pages, Satellites, Excel sheets • Vector data, Tabular, Temporal data Disparate Formats: • GML, Shapefile, Gedcom, HTML Geospatial Data Integration Emerging trends in geospatial applications • Google Earth, Emergency Response System, • • Location-based Services Requires free mixing of geospatial with nongeospatial data Hard to do with XML-based approaches Semantic Web (RDF Model) Logic-aware languages Ontology sharing and reuse RDF Data Model: Subject Object Predicate GRDF GRDF (Geospatial Resource Description Framework) • Adds semantics to data • Loosely-structured (easy to freely mix with other • non-geospatial data) Semantically extensible ComputerScience Building hasExtent (33.98111, -96.4011) (33.989999, -96.4022) GRDF Example (Topology) <owl:Class rdf:ID=“Edge"></owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:ID=“Node"></owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:ID=“Face"> <rdfs:subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="" >1</owl:minCardinality> <owl:onProperty> <owl:DataTypeProperty rdf:ID=“hasEdge"/> </owl:onProperty> </owl:Restriction> … </owl:Class> Seamless Data Manipulation DAGIS Subject Predicate Object Provider A Provider B Datastore Geospatial Data Integration (cont.) Upper-level ontologies Abstract Definitions of Main Geospatial Concepts Mid-level ontology (GRDF) Concrete Definitions of All Relevant Geospatial Concepts Domain ontologies Hydrology ontology Cartography ontology Image ontology Semantic Access Control (SAC) Traditional Access Control Semantic Web Semantic Access Control Motivation Shortcomings of Traditional Access Control • • • • • • Proprietary systems Lack of modularity Changes in access control schemas break the system Changes in data schemas break the system Path to resources (e.g., XPATH) is clumsy //school/department/professor/personal/ssn – LONG! Non-optimal for distributed/federation environment Modularity Problem People this policy applies to Resources this policy applies to Target Box Actions allowed for this policy SAC Ontology Written in OWL (Web Ontology Language) User-centric Modular Easily extensible Available at : Geo-WS Security Data providers (e.g., geospatial clearinghouses, research centers) need access control on serviceable resources. Access policies have geospatial dimension • • • Bob has access on Building A Bob does NOT have access on Building B Building A and B have overlapping area Current access control mechanisms are static and nonmodular. Geo-WS Security: Policy Components Policy Set Subjects Resources Subjects: Resources: Actions: Conditions: Actions Condition Software Agents or Human clients Assets exposed through WS Read, Write, Execute Additional constraints (e.g., geospatial parameters) on policy enforcement Geo-WS Security: Architecture Geospatial Semantic WS Provider Client D A G I S Enforcement Module Decision Module Authorization Module Semantic-enabled Policy DB Web Service Client Side Web Service Provider Side Geo-WS Security: Semantics Policy rules are based on description logic (DL). DL allows machine-processed deductions on policy base. Example 1: • • DL Rule: ‘Stores’ Inv. Prop. ‘Is Stored In’ Fact: Airplane_Hanger(X) ‘stores’ Airplane(Y) Example 2: • • DL Rule: ‘Is Located In’ is Symmetric Fact: Polygon(S) ‘Is Located In’ Polygon(V) Polygon(V) ‘Is Located In’ Polygon(T) Geo-WS Security: Inferencing Semantic-enabled Policy DB Obvious facts Deduced facts Inferencing Module Geospatial Data Store SAC in Action Environment: University Campus Campus Ontology Main Resources • Computer Science Building • Pharmacy Building • Electric Generator in each Building SAC in Action User Access: • Bob has ‘execute’ access to all Building • • Resources Bob doesn’t have any access to CS Building Bob has ‘modify’ access to Building resources within a certain geographic extent Policy File located at Future Directions QoS based Selection for Complex Queries Automatic Trust Negotiation for DAGIS Define a specification for access control semantics Geospatial dataset development Thank You!