Measuring Mass - Noblesville Schools

Measuring Mass
 Definition: The amount of matter in an object
 Tool/Instrument: Balance (Triple beam balance)
 MAIN unit: gram
 Grams are for small/light objects
 Examples of objects labeled in grams: paperclip,
thumbtack, pencils
What Unit Should I Use?
 Even though the main unit for mass is the gram, you
need to know the others like kilogram and milligram.
 The stem kilo means 1000.
 It takes 1000 g = 1 kg.
 _______________is a great measure to use for objects
that _____________ be lifted by people (heavy).
 Examples of objects labeled in kilograms: dictionary,
people, ____________
1 kg
4 kg
40 kg
The opposite would be milligram.
One piece
Of Sand …..
Milligrams are for very small
The stem milli means .001 (one
Examples of objects labeled in
milligrams: one piece of hair one
piece of dust, ______________
 On your IPAD Look up the measure used for objects LARGER
than 1000 kg.
 Type in unit and examples of objects.
 Unit: ___________________
 3 Examples: (you can use pics or words)
“Zero” out balance
 Check to make sure the balance is clean.
Wipe and clean if necessary.
 Move all the weights to the left of the
balance (next to the weigh pan) so they are
all at zero.
 Look to see if the pointer line is perfectly in
line with the mark and zero on the pan. This
indicates whether the balance is zeroed out.
If the lines do not meet, adjust the
tare knob, which is located
underneath the weigh pan. You
should be able to zero the balance by
repeating this procedure as many
times as needed.
To Weight Objects
 Make sure the balance is zeroed and the
weigh pan is clean.
 Place the object on the weigh pan.
 Move the riders on the beams until they
balance the object and the pointer hits
zero. The riders MUST fall down and click
into the groove.
Weighing objects….
 Move the 100 weight (middle beam) over until it clicks into
place. If the beam goes down, you added too much weight
so move the middle back one spot to the groove. If the
beam goes up, you need to add more weight.
 Next, move the 10’s weight (top beam) over until it clicks into
the groove. Observe what happens and adjust weight just
like you did on the middle beam.
 Next, move the 1’s weight (bottom beam) until the pointer is
perfectly in line with the ____________on the post.
Helpful Hints to know……
 Hint #1: Move the weights in order of largest
amount to smallest amount until the pointer line
is perfectly in line with the zero on the post.
 Hint #2: If the bar falls down (below the zero)
you have too much weight and you need to
remove some.
 Hint#3: If the bar goes up (higher than the zero)
you need to add more weight because you don’t
have enough.
To Find the Total Mass
+add all 3 beams measurements’ together
starting with the 100’s ( middle beam), then
10’s (top beam), and then the 1’s (bottom
 Label in grams
 Youtube video: